Always Darkest (6 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Warner

BOOK: Always Darkest
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Willa laughed in the background when she heard the seamstress talk about her grandson.

Tori lifted up her arms.
The seamstress continued to measure and ramble.

“That would never happen. He is young enough to be my son.
Just ‘
I’m old doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a handsome man though.
You are going to have so much fun tonight.
Oh I remember the first time I went to a ball at the castle.
Oh what fun! Give me a foot.”

Tori gave her foot to her and she measured it with same efficiency she had measured everything else on Tori.

“All done,” the seamstress announced as she wrote down the last measurement.
“I have one last question for you.
Do you favor silver or gold?”

“Silver,” Tori replied already
curious as to what her costume was going to look like.

And with that the little whirl wind of a woman was gone.
Thankful, Tori sat back down on the bed.
Then there was another knock at the door.

“Lady Tori,” said another female voice from the other side of the door.
She too, let herself in.
The young lady was holding a tray with two cups of coffee.
She looked to be about thirty and had blond hair.
She brought the tray over and sat it up around Tori.
Tori was
ever so thankful for the coffee.
There was also a red rose lying on the try.

“My name is Margie and I’m pleased to meet you.”

“I’m Tori and it is nice to meet you as well.”

“Howdy Willa, how are you doing?”
Margie asked and immediately hugged the old woman.

“Doing good, and you? How’s that husband of yours?”

“Ornery as ever,” Margie replied with a wink.
“Mason said you are going to be wearing last years costume, so I’ll get you ready when I’m done with Tori if that suits you.”

“Suits me fine, I’m going to take a little nap while you work on Tori.
I ain’t as young as I used to be and I plan on getting a little ornery myself tonight.”
With that Willa climbed under the covers and started snoring a few minutes later.

Margie looked at Tori.
“Okay strip,” she commanded.

Tori asked.

“We ain’t got
time to waste.
There will be no room for modestly with me today.” With that Margie set to work.

Margie wasn’t kidding when she said there would be no room for modesty with her.
Tori had been scrubbed, plucked, waxed, painted, made up, and curled within an inch of her life.
There was no part of her that the woman hadn’t seen today.
The end result was worth it though.
Tori’s dark locks were arranged beautifully on top of her head, making a perfect backdrop for the crystal tiara that was made to look like a halo reflecting hues of blue, pink, and pale green in turn.
Her makeup was artfully done in cool colors,
her green eyes accented with silver and black, the perfect shade of frosty pink blush accenting her cheekbones, her lips a frosty berry color.
ear rings with the same light reflecting properties as her tiara graced her ears, and a necklace of the same graced her neck and trailed down to just the top of her cleavage.

The sight of the dress simply took Tori’s breath away. The back laced up like a corset, accentuating her waist. The bodice of the gown was straight across in a Tudor era style, and ample cleavage could be seen thanks to Margie’s excellent lacing talents.
The gown came straight down from her hips with just the slightest flare, further accentuating her waist.
It was brilliant silver, shiny, also reflecting ice blue, greens, and pale pinks depending on the angle of view.
There were even two delicately made slippers made of the same material with soft leather soles. Tori caught
twisting back in forth in front of the mirror after she had put it on, and then was suddenly embarrassed as she remembered Margie and Willa were right there.
She stopped her little princess dance and turned to Margie who was all smiles.

“You look amazing!”
Margie said looking at her with the same regard an artist would give a painting they were particularly proud of creating.

“You are a beautiful sight child.”
Willa said appraising her.

“Thank you so much!
I feel amazing.”
She felt hot as hell.

“All in a days work dear.”
Margie said still smiling.

“Now for the finishing touch,” Margie said as she took the cloth covering a package the seamstress had delivered moments ago.
She revealed a pair of wings made from white feathers with beads of pearls and silver crystals interlaced throughout.
Margie held out the straps for Tori to put her arms through.
“Now you are a proper angel.”

Tori looked in the mirror once again and tears sprang to her eyes.
She had never felt so beautiful.
Margie saw the welling tears and pulled a hankie from her sleeve.
“There will be none of that.
Do you know how long it took me to get you face painted like that?
Don’t you ruin it by getting all

“Sorry, it’s just that…. Thank you!” Tori hugged the woman earnestly.

“You are most welcome,” Margie said with a wink. “I’ve got to get going and get my children ready for the festival.
Maybe I’ll see you there.”

“I hope so!
Thanks again you rock!”

Margie looked a little confused, “I what?”

Tori chuckled, “It means you are amazing.”

“Oh,” Margie said still looking a little bemused, “Thank you, you…rock too.”
The giving here a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, have fun princess.”

When Margie left Willa still stood looking in the mirror with Tori and smiling.
Willa woke up a couple of hours into the process of getting Tori ready.
Between having Tori soak this and cool that, Margie had worked her magic on Willa as well.
The old woman stood beside Margie in her witch costume.
She had a black dress with silver moons embroidered around the hemline and the bottom of the sleeves.
were sown all over the fabric making it sparkle from every angle.
There was a wide corset laced up with sparkly silver thread.
Her grey hair had been curled and hung down over her shoulders.
To top it of was a black witch’s hat also done up in silver sparkles.
The effect made her look beautiful.

“You look amazing, Willa.”
Margie said.

“Thank you child, it’s just an old witch costume.
Mason had it designed last year.”
Willa smiled at the picture of the two of them in the mirror.
“Well, are you ready to downstairs?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
Tori replied.

Chapter Nine

Tori and Willa descended the stairs arm in arm.
Mason and Justin were standing at the bottom of the stairs.
Justin was all decked out as a pirate.
He wore a red head scarf and an eye patch. He had a white shirt with billowy sleeves and embroidered red pirate coat.
His black pants were tucked into knee high leather boots and the look was finished off by a shiny cutlass that hung at his side.
Mason was dressed in a fine black suit with a black shirt and a dark red tie.
He had his dark hair pulled back against the nape of his neck once again. The look was completed by two red horns protruding from the top of his head.

When Tori and Willa reached the bottom of the stairs, Mason took Willa’s hand in his and kissed it. “Granny you look amazing as usual.”
He said smiling up at her.

“Of course I do.”
Willa said looking pleased with her grandson.

He turned his attention to Tori.
He stepped back and made a show of looking her up and down.
This made Tori feel ever so self-conscious, but wonderful at the same time.
“Tori, words cannot describe how gorgeous you look.”

“Thank you Mason, you look very handsome yourself.”
Tori said trying to sound as polite and nonchalant as possible.

Justin spoke up then.
“You all look great.”

“Thanks Justin,


“If you all will follow me into the study, I need to complete Tori’s tattoo.”

Tori was
shocked at the word tattoo.
What was he talking about?

They followed him into the study which was toward the back of the house.
Walking through the doors, the first thing Tori noticed were all the books, and magazines.
Shelving lines three of the four walls and they were filled with neatly organized books.
There was a desk in the center of the room as well as a brown leather sofa and two leather chairs.
Mason led Tori to the sofa and indicated that she should sit down beside him. She complied still a little confused.
Why would she need a tattoo?

“I see the look on you face Tori.
Don’t be frightened.”
He took off his jacket and raised his sleeve.
“See all the people who live in this kingdom are given tattoos shortly after they are born with their name, date of birth, and where they were born.”
She saw
Mason Rey Black Rock 11:23:75
tattooed on his arm.
It is a way of identification and if you are missing it, it would raise undue suspicions.
I already did Justin’s see.”

Justin had already raised his sleeve to reveal
Justin Bushwhacker Red Rock 02:12:83
Mason continued, “It’s not permanent, I am just going to place the ink on the top of the skin.
It will wash right off and it will not hurt.
I promise.
Do you trust me?”
Then he grinned, “May I?”

“Yes, of course.”
Tori said.

“Yes, you trust me or yes, I may apply ink to your skin?”

Tori wondered why he kept asking her if she trusted him.
She may as well.
Even if she didn’t, it’s not like she knew anyone else here.
He seemed to be really good to his granny and that was something.
“Yes to both.”
She finally replied.

“Good,” he said as he took her hand in his and gingerly laid her arm across his lap.
He already had the ink and the small brush he was using to apply the mark
out on the coffee table before them.
He went to work.
He looked down at her arm intently as he worked.
Being this close to Mason was driving
her a
little crazy.
He was handsome, yes.
But why was his slightest touch making her blush and be breathless?
It’s not like she was a virgin and this was as close as any man had ever come to her.
She blamed it on the scare she had last night and the impossibility of her situation.
It’s not everyday you get transported to another world.
It must just be left over adrenaline or something.
That had to be it.


“I’m finished.”

“Oh, thank you,” she said snapping herself from her own thoughts.
She looked down to see Victoria
Bushwhacker Red Rock
printed neatly on her arm.
“Mason, I don’t mean to be rude, but my last name is Clover.”

Mason laughed, “I know.
It is part of your disguise.
You and Justin are to pose as brother and sister.
You are both from the town of
Red Rock
, that is the town to the far west of the kingdom and Bushwhacker is the most common name there.
I met you while doing some business in Red Rock and I am courting you.
So your brother Justin has accompanied you as chaperone.
I’ve already explained it all to Justin.
If anyone asks you about Red Rock, just say it’s dusty.”

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