Always His (Crazed Devotion #1) (8 page)

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Authors: C.A. Harms

Tags: #Always His

BOOK: Always His (Crazed Devotion #1)
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he moment Nicole kissed me, I felt like the weight that had been pressing on my chest was lifted. I knew it would take time to heal from all the bad things that had happened between us, and I refused to allow myself to get my hopes up, but hell, it had to mean something.

We made our way back to the living room, and I said my good-byes, because I could tell from the looks Elle and Liz were giving me that they were dying for details. And I knew Nicole needed time to process everything I said.

Two days later, I was trying to come up with any excuse to see her. I still had a week before I started working at an engineering company in Huntsville. Due to my degree I was able to land a pretty decent position with the help of my uncle. With the drive between Huntsville and my parents’ place being so long, I had no choice but to stay in Arab my cousin’s place during the week. Which only meant I’d be seeing Nicole during the week, and that wasn’t gonna be easy.

“Where are you at?” I looked up from the TV as my father took a seat in the recliner next to me.

“Sorry, just trying to work some things out in my head about my job and an apartment. Trying to decide what the best route is.” I tapped the remote on my leg as I focused back on the screen.

“Son, there’s no need to find an apartment right now. You can stay here as long as you need to.” My ole man had it all figured out. I smiled, knowing that if my mom had her way I would live here permanently.

“I appreciate that, but an hour and a half drive to and from work each day doesn’t sound like much fun,” I told him. “Plus I was kinda hoping to find a place closer to Nicole.” I knew he was watching me, waiting or more, but I left it at that.

“I saw that one coming,” he said with humor. “How are things going with her?”

“The last time we were together, we talked. She’s still gun-shy, but she at least gave me hope. Now I just don’t know.” The last thing I wanted to do was push her, but the not knowing was killing me.

“Have you talked to her since?” he asked. I shook my head. “Well, then how in the hell is anything supposed to change?”

His question had merit.

“Do you want Nicole back?” he asked. “I mean truly want to be with her and her baby? Because she’s a package deal now, son.”

“More than anything,” I said without hesitation.

“Then what are you doing hanging out here on my couch?” I turned to my dad, and he was staring ahead at the television, completely ignoring my questioning look. Without another moment wasted I stood from the couch and patted his shoulder as I passed. I walked through the kitchen, where I paused long enough to grab a muffin form the cooling rack.

My mother looked up from the sink and smiled. “Where you running off to?”

“Thought I’d go visit Nicole,” I replied.

“Well here.” She dried her hands and reached up into the cabinet to grab a Rubbermaid container, which she filled with muffins, cookies, and half a loaf of banana bread. “Take these to her and that sweet little girl of hers.”

I nodded as I took the container from her. She had just given me an in. Whether or not it would work, at least I had something.

As I walked up the stairs to her apartment, a
For Rent
sign in the window of the apartment below it caught my attention. What would Nicole think of me living in her building?

I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of the sign, which had a number to call on it, before I continued up the stairs. As I knocked, a little girl squealed with laughter on the other side. Nicole said something I couldn’t quite make out just before the door opened. She had on a pair of baggie pajama pants and a tank top that hugged her body. Her feet were bare, and her hair was piled on top of her head. I could tell she was embarrassed by her appearance, but to me she had never looked more beautiful.

“Hey,” I said as I continued to look her over from head to toe.

“Hi.” She smoothed a hand through her hair. “Looking pretty hot, huh?” she said in that sarcastic tone of hers.

“You look gorgeous,” I said as I held out the container. “These are from my mom.”

She took it from me and lifted it enough to look through the transparent side. “So you drove all this way to bring me—” she paused as she narrowed her eyes, “—cookies and muffins.”

“And bread,” I added, and she laughed.

“And bread,” she repeated as she lowered the Tupperware.

“It’s not the reason I came, but I figured it could maybe help get me in the door.” When she smiled I knew the tension between us had finally begun to fade.

“You’ll have to excuse the mess. Tori is having one of her wild days.” She opened the door wide enough to let me enter. “I’ve been trying to clean, but it’s pointless.”

I stepped inside and looked around the room. Dolls and fake dishes were everywhere. On the couch and floor, across the edge of the TV stand, even down the hall. But what to some would look like a mess only brought a smile to my face.

In the center of the room stood Tori. Her light brown hair was piled on her head in almost an exact replica of her mother’s hairdo. She wore a pair of Disney princess pajamas that looked as if they were a size to big.

They were obviously enjoying a lounging day at home.

Before I could say anything, Tori took my hand and pulled me farther in to the living room. “Sit,” she directed as she pointed toward the recliner.

“Right here?” I asked, and she nodded. She then reached down to the floor, picked up a plate full of fake food, and placed it in my hands.

“Eat,” she said.

“Tori, Ryker doesn’t want—”

“No, we’re good.” I picked up the fake cheeseburger and pretended to take a bite. “Did you make this?” Tori nodded so fast she resembled a tin bobble head, beaming. “It’s the best burger I’ve ever had.”

Tori looked over her shoulder toward her mom and showed her that gleaming smile. She was so proud.

Nicole smiled at her in return. “Okay, Peanut, Mommy wants one of these special burgers,” Nicole told her as Tori sat down on the floor at my feet.

And just like that I felt like I was part of their little family.

yker had spent the entire morning and well into the afternoon with us, playing and laughing with Tori. It felt natural, like it should be that way all the time. Tori adored him, and I tried not to let that worry me. I did my best to remember what Liz had said: keeping her sheltered was only hurting her, and I couldn’t always protect her from the possibility of loss. I also had to learn to let go and forgive him for his desertion, because being bitter and angry would never solve anything.

I took a deep breath and closed Tori’s bedroom door, making as little noise as possible. She had been so wound up from playing helicopter with Ryker I didn’t know if she would ever lie down for her nap. When I turned around, he stood there with his shoulder leaning against the wall and his arms crossed over his chest. He looked completely comfortable and relaxed.

“She finally fall asleep?” he asked as he pushed off the wall and took a few steps in my direction.

“Yeah,” I whispered. Still after all this time Ryker made my heart beat faster with just one look.

“Sorry I got her so worked up,” he said as he let his arms fall to his sides, “but she loved that ride.” The look of pride on his face made me smile. Tori had been glued to Ryker from the moment he walked into our apartment. She watched him in awe, hugging on him, and even when she ate lunch, he had to sit right next to her.

“She did,” I agreed. “But you do know, I’m going to be forced to play helicopter daily now. I’m just not sure I can hold her up as long as you did. And the spinning-in-circles thing . . .” I widened my eyes just thinking about the effects it would have on my stomach.

“Nah, I can come back every night after work and give her rides until she passes out.” He offered his time like nothing else sounded more important to him. “That is, if you don’t mind.”

The way he was watching me made my stomach tighten. A mixture of nervous energy and lust battled inside me. “Ryker . . .”

He didn’t give me time to argue. Instead he took that last step that separated us and used his body to press mine against the wall. His mouth was only inches from mine, and my heart raced with the overpowering urge to kiss him. I looked up at him to take my focus off his lips. They were entirely too tempting.

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