Always Know What to Say - Easy Ways to Approach and Talk to Anyone

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Authors: Peter W. Murphy

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Self-Improvement, #Self Help, #Psychology, #Business

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Table of Contents



How to Use this Book
Free Conversation Skills Training
How to Approach Someone to Start a Conversation
9 Great Ways to Confidently Approach Anyone
How to Stop Feeling Nervous When Meeting New People
What to Say When Introducing Yourself to New People
6 Easy Ways to Avoid Getting Stuck for Words
10 Interesting Topics of Conversation for Every Occasion
The Best Questions to Keep a Conversation Going
How to Shine in Conversation with Listening Skills
How to Use Body Language to Read People Like a Book
Show People You Like Them and Make Friends with Ease
Closing Thoughts
Always Know What to Say



Easy Ways to Approach
and Talk to Anyone



By Peter W. Murphy

Copyright (C) 2012 by Peter W. Murphy


All rights reserved. You cannot give this ebook away free or sell it. You do not have resale rights to this ebook. This ebook may not be reproduced in any format without the expressed written permission of Peter W. Murphy. All violators will be prosecuted.


While attempts have been made to verify information contained in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, interpretation or usage of the subject matter herein.


This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author and is intended for informational purposes only. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages incurred from the usage of this publication.


Table of Contents


How to Use this Book


This book is a how to guide to making conversation with new people. I present ideas, strategies and approaches that can help you only if you apply the techniques.

Make sure to use these principles and ideas out there in the real world. It may take a little trial and error but if you practice you`ll see its much easier than most people think to start a conversation with someone you are meeting for the first time. You`ll have much more fun talking to people and you`ll enjoy letting your personality shine.

Do bear in mind, the strategies presented here are a starting point, you`ll need to adjust your application of the individual tips to the context and people you are dealing with. Some flexibility on your part is essential.

Take it a step at a time, aim to improve just a little each day, use these strategies often and make a commitment to ongoing learning with the free resources mentioned in the next section. Before long you`ll be one of those people others respect and admire. They`ll be wondering how you make conversation so easily!


Free Conversation Skills Training


I am a firm believer in ongoing education and for that reason I am including two free bonuses with this book that will help you to build great communication skills. You`ll also see a link to my author page with links to free resources.


1. 10 Simple Steps to Communication Confidence

I have a very popular audio that covers the 10 steps to building communication confidence - that magnetic quality that makes people want to talk to you and keen to get to know you better.

If you`d like to know how to win the approval, admiration and deep appreciation of anyone you talk to then you`ll enjoy listening to this special recording.

This special audio has been downloaded several thousand times over the last few years. Get your free copy at:


2. Communication Confidence Blog

My blog has hundreds of great articles with practical tips for anyone interested in developing better communication skills, overcoming shyness or building lasting self confidence. You can even add your own comments to let me know what you think of them.


3. Follow me on Twitter

For personal development tweets - new insights, discoveries you can use and interesting news.!/MurphyPeterW




What is the best way to approach someone and start a conversation? That is the big question I am asked again and again. Sometimes people ask me to provide a script that will always work in every situation.

I`m sorry I don`t have a magic wand that can grant you this wish. I can however share some fundamental principles that do work every single time. Once you have mastered these fundamentals you will be relaxed and creative enough to start a conversation with ease even with a wide range of different people.

I discovered these fundamentals after years of trial and error followed by fascinating times observing and learning from true masters - those people who can happily approach anyone with a big smile without a moments hesitation.


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