Always True to Her (Emerson Book 2) (21 page)

Read Always True to Her (Emerson Book 2) Online

Authors: Maureen Driscoll

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Adult Romance

BOOK: Always True to Her (Emerson Book 2)
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She fumbled with his trousers, even as they moved
toward the bed. Then he stepped away to rip his remaining clothing off, even
as she turned down the sheets, revealing her beautiful arse once again – this
time fully bared.

With a low growl he tackled her. She was face down
on the bed and he lay on her back, skin to skin. Her sigh proclaimed her as
happy with the position as he.

He began kissing her neck, then explored her back,
running his tongue along her spine, even as she writhed beneath him. When he
reached the halfway point, he palmed the globes of her glorious bottom and
lightly traced his tongue just above her crack.

“James!” she said from beneath him, bucking just a

“Are you saying you want me to come closer, love?”

“Certainly not,” she said on a sigh, even as he
kissed his way down first one leg, then the other.

He turned her over to drink in the bounty before
him. An attack of latent modesty made her try to cover herself. He took both
hands and held them gently down on either side of her. “You cannot cover up
what you already showed me.”

“But you weren’t lying on top of me then,” she said.

He stilled. “Do you wish me to stop? Because I

“No! You daft man. But I am still a maiden and
retain some modesty, though, admittedly not much.”

“Well, we’ll have to do something about that, won’t
we?” he said, as he began kissing her.

That seemed to calm her, though it was doing nothing
to slow him down. He would have stopped if she’d asked him to. But he was
ever so grateful she hadn’t. He’d been waiting for this night since they’d met.
Truth be told, he’d been waiting for this night his entire life, even if he
hadn’t known it. For he’d finally found the woman he would spend the rest of
his life with.

The one he’d love forever.

They kissed for a few moments, even as he tried to
will himself to retain control. He did not want to hurt her, yet knew it was
inevitable. He also did not want to disgrace himself by finishing too
quickly. He wanted to give her pleasure. To show her at least some of what
was in his heart.

He kissed his way down her body. He slowed when he
came to her beautiful breasts, gently rounded with strawberry-colored nipples.
But as much as he wanted to remain there, he did not tarry. He continued his
journey downward until he was once again at her feet.

“James,” she said, as he began nibbling at her
instep. “I do not know much about the physical act of love, but it is my
understanding that much of it takes place in a different part of the body than
where you are now.”

“Far be it from me to contradict you….”

“You find occasion enough to do that, despite your

“As I was saying, far be it from me to contradict
you, but the act of love is performed at any number of places on the body.
Take your lovely feet, for instance. I already know they have a tendency to be
cold, then you have a tendency to wrap them around my warmer feet while we are
in bed.”

“I would say it is scandalous for you to speak about
us in bed, except that is where we are right now. Did you mind that I warmed
my feet like that?”

“Not at all, love. I suspect I would be in for a
lifetime of that if I accept your proposal.”

She half sat up. “Are you going to accept my

“I am as yet undecided. Now let us speak about your
legs,” he said, as he began scattering kisses on them. “They carried you
downstairs that day at your home to give me my first look at you. They later carried
you to Layton’s house where you were most argumentative.”

“I was not argumentative,” she protested weakly.

“Hush,” he whispered, as he licked her inner thigh
all the way to the top, then barely skimmed over the heart of her before
beginning on the other leg. “I approve of your legs, especially the way they
became entwined with mine while we were sleeping. As for your….stomach,” here
he skipped over the part of her he most wanted to access. “I approve of your
stomach for many reasons. One is that it has provided an excellent resting
point for my hand while we are in bed.”

“You seem fond of talking about things that happen when
we are in bed.”

“Just think of how many more things I’ll be able to
discuss tomorrow,” he said with a grin. “As for your breasts, well, I am
afraid mere words cannot describe how I feel about them, so let me praise them
another way.” He began kissing every inch of them, nibbling lightly, circling
around the nipples until he finally drew one into his mouth and began suckling.

Irene was lost to pleasure, moaning with each
movement of his mouth. He was becoming more and more worried that he would not
last long, especially now that she was touching every part of him she could
reach. One particular part of him ached for her touch, though he knew it would
spell disaster for his self-control if she did put her hands on him there.

“Please,” she said. “Please stop teasing me. Make
love to me, James.”

He would have liked to have continued tormenting her
– tormenting both of them. But he didn’t want to make either of them wait any

He went up so his eyes were even with hers. “You
know this may hurt, correct? I promise….ahhhh.”

She had found him. One of her hands had grasped his
cock. She was squeezing lightly, with a gentle tug.

“I don’t know what to do,” she said.

“All evidence to the contrary,” he said as he
grasped her hand and pulled it away from him. “While I will always welcome
your touch, I am afraid we shall be at cross purposes if you continue touching
me much longer.”

“I do not understand,” she said.

“Trust me.” He kissed her slowly and passionately,
even as his hand reached down to the heart of her. She was wet and as ready
for him as she could be. He spread her legs with his knees, then found the
heart of her with his cock. She eagerly pressed against him and it took his
breath away. “Easy, love. I need to be as gentle as possible.”

He entered her slowly. Inching inward. Breaking
through the barrier, then stopping, catching his breath. Kissing her to try to
make her forget about the pain.


“Yes, love?”

“It gets better, doesn’t it?”

His heart was in his throat. Had he hurt her that
badly? Then he drew back and looked at her.

She was smiling.

Then she laughed. “Continue, my love.”

He took her at her word. She caught on to his
rhythm quickly and the two of them came together again and again. Moving
together physically, as they had emotionally since starting out on their
journey. Finally, just as he could restrain himself no longer, she tightened
around him – which certainly didn’t help him prolong things.

She climaxed and he quickly followed.

They were now as good as married. And he’d never
felt this satisfied in his life. This happy. This complete.

Once he was able to breathe and think again, he
tried to get off her.

“Don’t get up,” she said.

“I’m not getting up, sweetheart. Just off, so you
can breathe better.” With one move he rolled to his back, pulling her with
him. They remained like that for a moment, their hearts beating against each
other. Then he pulled a blanket around her so she wouldn’t get cold.

“Yes,” he said, as he kissed her. “If you truly
want to marry me, the answer is, of course, yes. But are you sure you can
withstand all the hardships ahead? Because they will be substantial.”

“I know. But I also know that nothing will be
insurmountable with you at my side. And Anna.” Then she looked at him.
“Before we make this official, we should ask Anna if she wants me as a
stepmother. I do not like that term since I would love her as if she’d been
born to me. But out of respect for Alawa, I would never presume to call myself
her mother.”

“Mothers come in all forms. Ava is much more of a
mother to Letty than our mother ever was. And you shall be a wonderful mother
to Anna, whatever term you use. I have no doubt she will approve the union,
especially since she has been throwing us together from the very beginning.”

“I cannot wait to see her again and give her the
good news,” said Irene, as she kissed him.

“I miss her, too. But since we were able to
conclude our business with Adams so quickly, perhaps we should move on to
London to get our affairs in order. That way when we tell my family, we will
be able to tell them everything.”

She looked at him solemnly and touched his cheek.
“How will you ever say good-bye to your family?”

“I do not know, love. And I am not looking forward
to it. But I know I can do anything with you by my side.”


After a night of lying in each other’s arms talking,
James awoke hard and aching. Irene’s arse was nestled against him. She’d
wanted to make love again the previous night, but he’d resisted. While he was
pleased – and more than a bit chuffed – that she was so enthusiastic about
lovemaking, he’d known she would be sore. And while she’d said she didn’t
care, he most certainly did.

But now, hours later, he gently probed to see if she
might be interested. From her sighs when she awakened, he could tell she was
as happy with the situation as he was. He slid into her warmth and they made
love slowly to mark their new life together.

They lay together afterward, with no need to speak.
But finally, prompted by the light streaming through the windows, he said, “I
know how much you yearn to stay in Portsmouth, love…”

“I do hope we can leave for America by another port,
but I will go wherever you wish.”

“It appears I have a biddable wife.”

“Do not become too accustomed to it, sir.”

“I would never make such a mistake. What I was
about to say is that if we leave within the hour, we should make London by
nightfall. I can drop you back home, with discretion, of course. Then after
meeting with Mr. Olson in the morning, I will call on you.”


“Excuse me? Are you changing your mind?” He knew
he’d tried to convince her not to marry him, but he couldn’t bear it if she
changed her mind now.

“Of course not! Sometimes you make no sense
whatsoever. I have occasionally wondered whether a giant bear might have pounded
on your head one or two times in the wilderness. I only meant that I am no
longer going to spend any nights away from you. We shall spend the night at
Layton’s, no doubt igniting a firestorm of scandal, go to Mr. Olson’s office
together the next morning and then on to my father’s house.”

James could not pretend that he wasn’t touched by
her words, for he had no desire to part from her, either. “Your father will
not take any of this well.”

“I daresay he will be much more upset about Cedric’s
shame than my leaving. Of the former, I cannot do anything to lessen his
distress. As for the latter, I am sorry to cause him any sadness, but I cannot
sacrifice my happiness to avoid it. Now, let us be underway.”

One choppy ferry ride later, they arrived at the inn
to find Layton’s carriage, but only one of the coachmen.

“Where’s Murphy?” James asked Creighton.

Creighton looked at Irene, then glanced back to
James, very uncomfortable.
, the man was at a bawdy house. James
supposed he couldn’t blame Murphy, especially after having spent such an
enjoyable night in bed himself. But he’d wanted to get an early start. “When
will he return?”

“Soon, I’m sure, my lord,” said Creighton, looking
relieved that he didn’t have to spell out just where Murphy was.

James was wondering if he might have time to take a
room for a couple hours when the errant coachman showed up.

“I’m sorry milord,” said Murphy. “I was, uh….”

“Occupied. I understand. But Miss Wallace and I
would like to be off for the Earl of Layton’s house in London as soon as

“Will we be dropping Miss Wallace off before we
return home?”

“No,” said James in a tone of voice most servants
recognized as one that would tolerate no gossip.

“Very good, milord.”

They were underway within the hour. And no sooner
had James and Irene sat back in the carriage than the effects of no sleep caught
up to them. It was, James realized later, the most restful sleep he’d had
since losing his land. And he knew much of his happiness was directly
attributable to the woman who’d fallen asleep in his arms.

His future wife. Irene.


They arrived at Layton’s in the late afternoon.
James looked forward to a hot bath, a good meal and the nice soft bed he would
share with Irene. But they’d no sooner entered the foyer than James realized
his plans would not go as smoothly as he hoped. For Simon Chilcott was in the
library drinking brandy with Lord Clayton.

“What are you two doing here?” James asked them,
with Irene by his side. “Is Layton in residence?”

“He is still hibernating in the country,” said
Chilcott, who’d been slow to stand upon Irene’s entrance. “Where have you two

Clayton, who’d been quicker to rise, had a smile on
his face that intimated he knew at least some of what they’d been up to. “It’s
always a pleasure to see you Miss Wallace, though I do not remember you looking
this….flushed before. You must share the secret of your glowing complexion.”

“Clayton,” said James, with steel in his voice. “It
has been many years since you and I have met. We were not friends back then.
And we are certainly not friends now. Ridgeway told me about your recent
actions. It would behoove you to remove yourself from my presence before I
forget there is a lady present and do something rash like knock your teeth from
your face. You might also wish to avoid my brother.”

“Which one?” asked Clayton, glibly. But he nodded
at Williams for his coat and hat.

“As you know, Clayton, the law decrees that I have
but one brother. However, you might steer clear of Layton, as well, if for no
other reason than it appears you and Chilcott have drunk a great deal of his
good brandy.”

“It is as much mine as his,” sneered Chilcott. “As
a matter of fact, I have more of a claim to it. To all of it.” He motioned to
the house in which they stood.

“You grow tiresome with your claims,” said James. “The
old earl never contested the succession. You would be better off going on to
live you own life instead of envying your cousin’s. Now, I would like both of
you to leave.”

“You cannot throw me out of my family’s home.”

“Shall we put that theory to a test?”

“I do not think that would be wise,” said Chilcott,
who nonetheless motioned to Williams to bring his coat. “After all, you
wouldn’t want it spread about town that you and Miss Wallace just returned from
a trip together. As a….”

The rest of what Chilcott was about to say was lost
as James shoved the man against the wall, with his hand at his throat.

“Miss Wallace has done me the great honor of
agreeing to marry me, Simon. Say one word against her – to anyone – and I’ll
see you at dawn. In case you don’t remember my marksmanship, it has only
improved with frontier life.” James backed away, leaving Chilcott gasping for

“You bastard! You’ll pay for that! You and your
whole family!”

“Come on Chilcott,” said Clayton as he helped him
up. “Leave the colonist and his bride alone. You and I have matters to attend

Chilcott was about to say something, but took one
look at James’s fierce glare and wisely refrained. When the two of them had
gone, James called in Williams. “You are not to give Simon Chilcott entrance
into this house again without the express permission of the Earl of Layton.”

“I assumed he would have no objection,” said the
butler, who was offended to have his actions questioned.

“I somehow doubt you did any such thing. So let me
be clear about this. I am going to tell Layton everything I have witnessed,
will let him know how my daughter and I and our guest Miss Wallace are being
treated. He will not tolerate being undermined in his own home. And this is
his home. If you cannot accept that, I suggest you seek employment elsewhere.
Perhaps with Chilcott, since the two of you seem to get along so well.”

Now Williams looked offended and scared. “I have no
desire to leave Lord Layton’s employ.”

“Then I suggest you stop giving him reasons to
discharge you. Now, do be so good as to send up a hot bath for Miss Wallace.
She will be staying in the adjoining room to mine. And you may want to wish us
happy, as the lady has done me the incalculable honor of agreeing to be my

Williams bowed to them a bit stiffly, even as he
snapped his fingers to have the gawking footmen carry out James’s orders.
“Please accept my best wishes for a felicitous union.”

“Thank you, Williams. That almost sounded sincere. Now,
Miss Wallace, may I show you to your suite?”


Irene could not quite believe that she was about to
spend the night at the Earl of Layton’s house with James. It wasn’t the first
night they’d spent together, of course. But it was the first that would be
under the scrutiny of others. His family hadn’t counted in that regard, since
they would never have said a word about it.

But this was different. Despite James’s threats,
Irene had no doubt that Chilcott and Clayton would spread news of their trip.
She hated to think what her father and grandmother would think when they
heard. It was a good thing she’d agreed to move to America for she did not
believe she could ever live within the

She’d been raised in society and always presumed she
would live out her days in its bosom. But she was not sad to think that would
no longer be the case. On the contrary, she looked forward to her new life
with James and Anna, wherever it took them.

And it appeared it would take her to the wilds of

Tonight, it was taking her to a chamber adjoining
James’s room in the Earl of Layton’s home.

James gave her a brief tour of the place, so by the time
they reached their chambers, a maid had already laid out Irene’s clothes – no
doubt scandalized by how wrinkled they were. And footmen were in the process
of filling the bath in Irene’s suite.

“That is a very large tub,” she said, once the
footmen had left.

“Nick had it specially ordered. He has often said
that a long soak at night does much to smooth over the trials of being the Earl
of Layton during the day. Not that he doesn’t appreciate the advantages of
being titled. He has used his wealth wisely and is the benefactor of several
charities. He has also helped our sisters and has tried to help Colin, though
Ridgeway is adamant about not wanting to take assistance of any kind to the
point of being most obstinate about it.”

“Hmm,” said Irene. “That may remind me of someone I
know and love.” She kissed him to take the sting out of her words.

“Well, I can see the similarities, but they are
completely different circumstances, I assure you.”

“Of course they are,” she said as she put her arms
around his neck.

“Nick feels a responsibility for our sisters and
does not know why Colin must bear all the expense. Yet, Colin sees Nick’s
assistance, though generously offered, as a sign of failure on his part. I am
glad that he found a publisher for his novel. It may not solve his money
problems, but it will go a long way toward making him feel more
self-sufficient. Now, Miss Wallace, I believe it is time we took our bath.”

“We, sir?”

“That tub is big enough for two. I suggest we make
good use of it.”

“You mean, at the same time?”

“I most certainly do. May I get you out of your

She did not need to be asked twice. They undressed
each other, pausing now and then to kiss and explore in the well-lighted
chamber. He learned she was slightly ticklish on her sides. She discovered he
shivered each time she kissed his neck.

“How will I ever learn everything you like?” she
asked as they were about to step into the bath.

“The same way I shall learn what you prefer – with
practice. With daily, prolonged practice.”

He helped her step into the tub, then they both sat
facing each other.

“I shall like being Mrs. Emerson. Very much so.”

“Not nearly as much as I shall enjoy being your
husband.” Then he took her hand. “There won’t be the comforts of a place like
this. There will be times when we are freezing cold, extremely hot, flooded
out and praying for rain. Are you certain you want to withstand that?”

“I can withstand anything as long as I am with you
and Anna. Now make love to me, James. I would like the lessons to begin in
how I can please you.”

“How we can please each other, love.”

He pulled her over him, helping her sink onto his
hard cock. He taught her to ride him that way, and she taught him that
everything was different when you were in love.

She climaxed just as he was about to lose control,
then he followed her into the abyss. She lay in his arms until the water
cooled, then they dried off and he led her into his bedchamber.

“What will Williams think tomorrow when he learns I
did not sleep in my own bed?”

“I do not care. And I would hope he has enough
self-preservation at this point to not spread that about. I am not sure why
Nick keeps him around, since it would appear Williams and others in the house
feel loyalty to Chilcott.”

“Perhaps it is the Emerson in him.”

“What does that mean?”

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