Always (Wesson Rebel M.C. Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Always (Wesson Rebel M.C. Series)
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I can hear their frantic yells, but I can’t speak or think over the murderous red haze and the buzz in my head. I continue to fire, hitting targets as they drive out of the complex. I take in the skull and cross bone insignia, Rolling Bones MC. They’ve wanted our territory for years, but had always been to pussy to do much about it. Now, they’ve gone and started a war.

“Cora, Jesus Christ you d
id this?”

Dallas’ voice pierces
the veil and I blink as he pulls me in his arms.  “You should’ve been here.”

“I know,
I know. I’m so fucking sorry.” The rest of his words bounce off the hardened shell that forms over me as I go blank.

We lost,
Crafty, Trigger and Gator that night, but my stubborn ass father clung to life. I was relieved to have him alive, but seeing him in a coma was torture. Every day he remained under, was another day he moved further away. I talked up a storm. I begged, pleaded and commanded. But he remained unmoved. Only the knowledge that I had a baby growing inside me depending on how well I took care of myself kept me from sinking into an endless black despair. While I knew this wasn’t Dallas’ fault, I resented him for not listening to me.

If we’d had more men here that night, the Rolling Bones would’ve been handled.
Ro and Danny acted as a buffer between us, and then Rufus Rule Wesson was born and things stopped being about us. For four months I was a zombie, and then Rowan and Danny went to college and Dallas put his foot down.

Dallas opened the door to the house that was now ours alone and I stepped inside. The drive home had be
en an almost somber event. I felt excited for Danny and Rowan leaving for college, but I missed them already. The silence and lack of interference would force us to look at things we buried, instead of dealing with. I could feel Dallas’ eyes on me.

Those penetrating jade green pieces could make a woman
orgasm or a man tremble in fear.

I wasn’t immune, but I could ignore with the best of them. I step a
way and walk into the kitchen. “Are you hungry? I’m starving, so I’ll just get something going.” I hurry into the cheery yellow room to open and close cabinets.

Baby Girl.”

“Yeah?” I refuse to turn around.

“Look at me.”

“Why? That’d be counterproducti
ve to me prepping a meal,” I answer with false vibrato.


I hear the anger in his voice. I know I’m pushing him to the edge, but I can’t stop. I reach up on the shelf and pull down a box of pasta.

Dallas walks up be
hind me and presses my body against the counter. “It’s been enough time.”

The words slice through me
and I bow my head. “Now? You want to do this shit now, after I just said good bye to Rowan and Danny?” I ask, grasping at straws. I’m not ready for this confrontation.

“Yes damm
it! It’s been left long enough.” His breath is hot on the back of my neck.

“For you, Dallas, for you.”
I clutch the pasta box while focusing on the white counter top. We’d been dodging this moment for so long, it’d become second nature.

“Fuck.” He slams
his fists against the kitchen counter beside me. “How long are you going to make me pay for it?”

“You should’ve been there, Dallas.”
My voice shakes. The sound of gunshots and the taste of fear in my mouth circle around in my mind.

Turn around and look at me.”

The plea
in his voice makes me rotate my body.

He snatches the box of pasta from my hands and flings it across the room. “If I could go back
, you know I would.”

“I know, but you can’t.” I run my fingers over the Vice President patch on his cut.

“Can we please get past this? I gave you time. I backed up, kept my mouth shut and supported you.”

“Isn’t that what a man does for his woman?” I challenge.

“Yes, problem is, you’re still raw and bleeding. I want to make this right, make us a real family for R.” Dallas places his head on my shoulder.

I fight back
the tears. He’s doing it again, ripping at the wall I erected to keep me safe.

My father had yet to wake from his coma
. He’d lapsed into a deep coma. Everything functioned just fine, but the lights were out.

Wesson Rebels paid for his care
and I visited him often, usually with his namesake. Rufus Rule Curtis who came into the world 9lbs 5 ounces with a set of lungs to wake the dead. Affectionately referred to as R squared, the caramel skinned baby with wicked hazel eyes has been the glue that holds this battered family together.

know that if we’re going to stay together we have to heal the rift and move forward. It’s a sick thing, wanting to be with someone and resenting them at the same time. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else, but opening myself back up and placing my trust in Dallas fully, is even harder than the college level Calculus course, I flunked twice. “I don’t know what to say it was a lot at once. Dad getting gunned down and falling into a coma, trying to stay sane enough to carry R to full term, and then watching you…” My voice wavers and I swallow, forcing the lump in my throat down. “…Take Daddy’s place.” It obliterated my already traumatized mind. All I could think of was putting one foot in front of the other and clinging to what sanity I could find. “I know I’ve been off these past few months. But I’m here and I’m trying.”

“I know that,
Baby Girl.” He smoothes my hair back away from my face. “But you still hold back from me. It was never like that between us. I don’t want it to be.” Dallas shook his head. “Scratch that. I refuse to let it be. The time of handling you with kid gloves has come and gone. Don’t you think R deserves united parents?”

My head snaps up and I glare
Fuck you, Dallas.
“We are. I’ve been with you every step of the way? What more do you want?”

“I want my
Baby Girl back,” he dead pans.

“You e
ver think she might not exist?” I shook my head. I was never a stranger to the hazards of club life, but nothing like this had ever hit so close to home. It’s shaken me, stolen the innocence I’d maintained as a woman inside Wesson.

, because I see her. All the damn time, with Rule, Rowan and Danny. Hell, everyone but me gets a piece of old Cora.” A vein pops out in his neck and his chest heaves.

“You want to do this shit, let’s do it. I know you don’t like what’s leftover
, so why don’t you just leave, Dallas!” I scream, clutching at flimsy defense tactics.

He cups my face with his hand, squeezing my cheeks.
“You’re mine. You don’t get to walk away and I’m sure as fuck not going anywhere.”

I jerk
away. “Don’t you touch me.”

“That’s right take out your anger, yell, scream, cuss. I don’t give a fuc
k as long as you feel with me.” He grins and presses his lips to mine. “I’m going to do more than touch,” he whispers. “I’m going to fuck you till that sassy ass mouth of yours is quiet.”

I lift
my hand and before I know it, I slap him across the face.

His eyes go
wide as he releases my face and grips my forearms giving me shake. “You’ve had your mind twisted as fuck since this shit went down and I haven’t been able to give it to you like you need with Danny, Rowan and R always around. With Aunt Sunshine on weekend duty it’s just us. Finally, I’m going to do what I should’ve months ago.”

I’m shaking, afraid of and anticipating his next actions. He moves fast. I blink and he lifts me up and tosses me over his shoulder
. Panic sets in and I thrash. I’d built up a wall to keep me out of the intense emotions I feel for him. Behind them, I’m safe. I never want to hurt again, the way I did that night.

He smacks my ass hard

cry out, going still.

“Keep it up. There’s plenty more where that came from.”

“Don’t don’t do this, Dallas,” I whisper while slumped over his shoulder.

“Do what? Bring Sleeping Beauty back to life? It’s time
, Baby Girl.”

“No no it’s not. There’s too much ugly inside.”

“I want all of you, Cora. Not just the pretty polished pretend pieces you’ve been wearing around.”

“No, no you don’t. It’l
l break us,” I plead my case. The walls keep the anger and the resentment inside.

“We’re built Wesson strong, we got this on lock.” He rubs my ass, relieving the st
ing from the sharp raps he placed moments earlier.

My nipples harden and my panties grow damp. No mat
ter what my mind says, my body is always ready and willing. Dallas knows me better than anyone else and directs my body’s responses like the conductor of an orchestra.

He stalks through the door to our bedroom and
throws me on the bed. I sit up and he’s there in an instant, pinning me down with the weight of his lean body. “I’m reclaiming everything, your heart, your soul and your pussy. ‘Cause they all belong to me, forever. You remember that?”

I know he’ll do
everything he said and in the process—I’ll break.

“You remember our first time? You were scar
ed then too, but you trusted me. That’s all I’m asking you to do now, Baby Girl.” His voice is low and gravelly and the expression in his eyes is gentle.

This look he wears is
a rarity not many ever see and it never fails to move me. My body trembles.

“Let go,
Baby Girl. I’ll take care of you. I know what you need, what we need.” He rubs the top of my thigh, massaging the flesh revealed by my tiny shorts.

It’d been the
sticky hot weather that made me don them and I didn’t want to melt on the way home.
Fuck, if I’m not regretting that decision now.
His heat sears my flesh, deepening my desire for him.

“I see it in your eyes
, baby, you want me.”

“I never said I didn’t
—Dallas.” My voice cracks.
What I don’t want was the world of hurt I’ve barricaded myself from to come crashing down.

He pops the button on the top of my jeans and eases hi
s fingers inside my panties.

thick, calloused digits have my pussy weeping. My clit swells and my nipples pucker. My walls tense and release in hopeful anticipation. He’s fined tuned my body to him. Times like this, I hate him for that.

“So wet.” He swipes my clit
and I buck against him. “I’m going to make you come so hard.”

His voice drops an octave
and goose bumps raise over my skin. I want the release he can give me. I crave the reprieve from the tangled mess going on inside my head. But I don’t want the aftermath.

“No holding back on me this time.” He thrust his fingers inside
. I let my head fall back as I lift my hips. “I want to see inside you.” His movements are rough and fast, just the way I need. “Open those eyes and look at me, Cora. I want those pretty browns glued to mine.” 

I clench
my lids shut as an act of defiance.

pauses with his finger deep inside me. “No.”

My walls contract around him involunta
rily. I open my eyes.

He grins.
“Keep them on me,” He growls, adjusting his angle and hitting the spot that has me seeing stars.

My witty come
backs die on my lips.
Bastard knows what he’s doing.
A few more pumps and I don’t care. Whimpers spill from my throat and I clamp my thighs around his hand to get more friction. The pressure begins to build and like a soda pop bottle shaken and unscrewed—I explode.

, you’re so pretty when you come for me, Cora.”

Breathing heavily
, I watch as he removes my shorts, shrugs out of his cut and tosses it onto the chair beside our bed.

Stripping down
, he reveals miles of sinewy muscle.

He is everything I love. Strong
and muscular without being over defined and slim, but broad. My mouth waters at the sight of him.

gaze catches mine and I see his eyes soften as he strokes his cock.

I’m mesmerized by the drop of
pre-come that leaks from the mushroom shaped head.

“Open those legs,
Baby Girl. You’re ready for me. I can smell how much you want it.”

Nervous, I spread my legs wide and he kneels on
the bed, crawling over to me. His thick head nudges my entrance. “You ready to be fucked?”

I release shaky breath and
nod my head. 

“No I want to hear it, Cora.”

“I want you to fuck me Dal—”

drives home and my words become garbled. “Hold your legs back.”

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