Always (Wesson Rebel M.C. Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Always (Wesson Rebel M.C. Series)
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“Yeah, it is my birthday, besides your good for it. I’m a poor college student.”

“Poor nothing, I see the stip
end you get monthly,” he mutters, digging into his pocket for his wallet.

We place our hands on the baseba

“On your march, get set…”

“It’s my birthday, screw you.” I let the first ball fly, laughing at the wide-eyed expression on his face.

You don’t c
atch Dallas by surprise often. The ping of metal and the sound of his deep laughter is music to my ears. We spend the rest of the day, playing games, eating food and visiting the tourist traps. It’s the perfect swan song to my lifelong obsession. I have no illusions that moving on would be easy, but I’ve become stagnant.

, for the drink I promised you,” he says, grabbing my hand and guiding me to his bike.

“You’re serious abou
t being my first, aren’t you?”

His nostrils flare and he squeezes my hand. “Cora, I can’t.”
His words are strangled.


He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls my body against his.

I’m stunned into silence.

“I can’t wait anymore.” His lips crash down on mine.

I am lost. I grip his cut to keep my body upright. He tastes sweet, like the cotton candy and ice-cream we devoured. The
smell of leather, spicy cologne and a musky scent that’s simply him surrounds me. His body is hard against mine and the warmth coming off him burns through my clothes.

There’s not
hing tentative or soft about this kiss. He claims me with his expert tongue, leaving no part of my mouth untouched. I give him all I have, twining my tongue with his, surrendering to the incredible sensations he evokes. My muscles turn to liquid. I lean against him heavily. His hand slides down my back and cups my ass. I moan arching into him. He’s thick and hard against my lower belly. My panties are soaked and my head is spinning. Happiness unlike any I’ve ever known unfurls inside of me like a long awaited blossom.

We break for air, but he keeps me pressed against him. “You see what you do to me, Cora? What you’ve always done to me. You know what kind of bastard I’ve felt like lusting after yo
u like a fucking dog in heat?”

“You have?” I whisper. The holes in my heart are instantly
patched as realization dawns.

“Fuck yes. Why do you think I always had some bitch with me? They were a distraction from
the one thing I truly wanted.”

“I wanted you too,
Dallas only you. Always you.”

He moans. “You weren’t ready
, baby, not for what I want. I don’t know if you are, but I can’t hold off.” He shakes his head. “I need you like this in my life. Do you understand what I’m asking you, Baby Girl?”

“Yes.” I don’t, but I won’t tell him that. I want it all with him. I only pray he wants a fra
ction of that.

“I don’t think you do. I
want you in my bed, on my bike and wearing my cut.”

My soul rejoices. Then
, reality bitch-slaps it back to earth. “My Daddy—?”

“You let me
worry about him. Is this what you want?”


“Always? Because I’m never taking it back, never letting you go. The thought of another man touching you all this time has driven me out of my mind. You’ve always been mine, Cora. I think we both know that.”

I.” Tongue tied, I can only nod. His words are everything I’ve dreamed of hearing. I’m excited, terrified and hopeful. My vision is wavy and my chest is aching. I can’t think of anything, except the man in front of me.

“Good.” He rubs his thumb across my bottom lip. “Now
, how about that drink before we do something we’d shouldn’t right here on my bike.”

Eyes wide I nod, knowing
I’m in for one hell of a ride.

He takes us
to a nice restaurant by the sea and we sit on the back patio. His handsome face is lit by the flickering candle on the table in a red glass candleholder and the tiny white lights winding around the posts. It’s not swanky, but it’s a step up from our usual.

Knowing he put a little extra effort into this melts my brain. I pinch my thigh under the table and re
lish the pain. I’m not dreaming—this is really happening. “Did you plan this out?” I ask.

“I hoped it out. Planni
ng is a bit of a girly thing.”

I roll my eyes. Yo
u can take the man out of the MC, but you can’t take the MC out of the man. “Smooth.”

“You know how I operate.” He winks.

A waitress appears. The brunette immediately begins to fawn.

I sit back in my chair, amused.

“Welcome to By the Sea
, what can I start you off with?” She leans over, baring her cleavage.

Dallas gives her an icy stare.

She straightens and takes a half a step back.

I cover my mouth with my hand to hi
de the giggles.

“It’s my girl’s
twenty-first birthday. I’d like to start her off with her first drink. What would you like, Baby Girl?”

flashes in her blue eyes.

“A beer, your
least hoppy offering on tap, please.”

“Sure.” I can see her
look at me and back to him.

p, that’s all mine. You don’t have to understand it. You just need to respect it.
I give her a saccharine sweet smile.

he hurries off, chased by Dallas’ unexpected laughter. “You can be mean when you want to. I like it.”

“Shut it, Wesson. I don’t want
you to get a big head…I mean bigger head.”

“There’s another th
ing I can’t wait to show you.”

I swallow nervously and make circles on the table in front of me. I can’t even begin to match him in experience.
I’m batting zero for zero.

“What’s wrong?”

I meet his gaze. “About that—I’ve never.”

His eyes darken to a jade color
and his lids go half-mast. “Are you telling me you’re still a virgin, Baby Girl?”

My nickname sounds different on his lips. It’s an intimate cares
s. Embarrassed, I nod my head.

“Fuck, wh
at am I going to do with you?” he says in a husky growl that raises the hairs on my neck. His hands grip the table, so tight his knuckles go white.

“I’m sorry.” I drop my head.

“Don’t you ever say that shit again!” he barks.

I jump in my seat.

“Give me those brown eyes, baby.”

I look up at him, more nervous than I
’ve ever been in his presence.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, hell I’m glad. I thought I was going to have to go kill a motherfucker. When I make you mine
, you’ll be ready and willing, I promise you that.”

“It’s going to hurt,” I whisper. My hands grow
clammy and my stomach cramps.

“Only for a minute and I promise you, by the time I’m done it’ll be
nothing but a flash in the pan.” He leans across the table and frames my face with his large hands.

The calluses feel good against my soft skin. I like the contrast of rough and soft.

“I like you just how you are, Cora. I know you, girl. I’ve seen into your soul from the minute you came into the world and focused those brown peepers…my heart belonged to you alone.” He shook his head. “I can’t explain, I tried to deny it, fight it, forget and yet it comes back to you, always. Every single time.”

The waitress returns with a beer and I take a long swig in attempt to soothe the fire raging inside me. We order shortly after, but I don’t taste a damn thing. This man has captivated all my attention and turned me inside out. This was more than I ever imagined. Content and full, I hold on tight as we take that first ride as something more.

The clubhouse is packed as we pull through the gate opened by prospects.
Small gathering my ass.
It’s no surprise. Wesson doesn’t do little. The bike comes to a stop and I remove my helmet. “Small get together.”

“I relayed your message, but come on
, you’re the baby. What did you think was going to happen?” Dallas asks.

“Someone needs to have a kid and
break this cycle,” I grumble.

His eyes lit up in the glow of th
e lights surrounding the club.

“Oh hell no, we just got together. Wash that thought out
of your mind, Dallas Wesson.”

“It’s been there a long time, Cora. No amount of soap or your sharp little tongue is going to remove it.”

My jaw drops open as he moves off the bike and offers me his hand. I take it and follow him inside, still reeling from the explosion caused by the truth grenade he just handed me. We walk inside and the roar of applause washes over me. My eyes adjust to the brightness. This room houses everyone I love most, including my mother. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen her on Wesson property. I rush forward and wrap my arms around her.

“Happy birthday,
Baby Girl.”

“Thank you for coming, mama.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” She smoothes my hair back from my face and we share a moment of mother-daughter bonding. She might not be in my life one-hundred percent, but she’s there as much as she’s able, which is way more than most club kids get.

“Get over here and hug your old man! I can’t be
lieve we made it here. Some days girl, I thought you were going to be the death of me.”

I hug my father tight and laugh. “
Awwh, Pop, I wasn’t that bad.”

u alone, no. You, Irish, Samson and Dallas…shit yes.” His gruff voice is tempered by the softness I recognize instantly.

“We kept you young,” I say.

If that’s what you want to call it.” He pulls away and glances over my
shoulder at Dallas, who’s just behind me. “I see we’re finally going to be having the talk I’ve been avoiding.” He looks at me. “You sure about this girl?”

, Daddy.”

“Step into my office,” Dad says, nodding his head in the opposite direction.

Dallas nods and they both drift off into the crowd.

“You little slut. What happened at the pier?” Rowan whispers in my ear, giving me a giant hug

I grin madly. “Ev
erything.” Her eyes go as round as wheels and I laugh. “Not that kind of everything, just—we’re together. The feelings are mutual, have been.”

, what the fuck was he waiting on?” Rowan whispers.

“For her to be old enough
, so Reaper and Dad wouldn’t kill him,” Danny said, giving me a hug.

Wait! You knew?” Rowan hisses.

“He is my brother.”

“And you didn’t tell me!”

“No, Ro. You do many things well, keeping a sec
ret like this isn’t one of them and that would’ve only led to unnecessary and un-tolerated drama.” Danny clucks his tongue.

I laugh.
“I’ll leave you two alone while I say hi.” I slip away before she gives him a taste of the fiery redheaded spirit Danny loves so much. The faces blur as I accept hugs and catch up with brothers and old ladies I haven’t seen in awhile. School keeps me pretty busy and the whole
avoid Dallas
thing took work. I’m talking to Rowdy when an arm snakes around my waist. I glance up at Dallas and grin. “You’re in one piece that has to mean something.”

as grunts. “Your old man is a hard ass. I have to go through a fucking trial period. You believe that shit?”

“Before he’ll let you make her your old lady?” Rowdy asks
, raising his black eyebrows.

Dallas nods.

Rowdy shakes his head. “See, that’s why no one bothered to go after your fine ass. Reaper is one scary mother.”

I giggle, and Dallas glares.

“You too man. I’m going to go scout some ladies.” With a wave of his hand, Rowdy disappears into the crowd.

“Probation?” I ask
, wrinkling my nose.

, he has doubts about me treating you right. DO you?”

I lean my body back against him and smile lazily. “No, I think you know
just how to treat me, Dallas.”

“Let’s go somewhere and test out that theory fully.”

Lightning Strike


Driving away from Cora was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but also the most necessary. My head was fucked. I couldn’t get up a
nd look at myself in the mirror and I was lashing out at the people who cared the most. I wouldn’t destroy her or our son like that. They deserve more. They need a whole man, not this broken down shell I’ve become. I let the road take me where it will, nothing in mind but putting distance between me and everything I’ve ever known. I’m lost and my anchor is standing in the club parking lot in another man’s arms. I turn my mind back to better times.

After I claimed Cora
, all hell broke loose. Reaper didn’t want his Baby Girl with me. Not after he’d seen me run through bitches like a crack head on a binge. So, his stubborn ass wouldn’t agree to let me make shit official. I had to tread real carefully with him being VP and a damn veteran. It became Rowan and Danny’s mission to win him over and that led to us growing much closer than any of us ever imagined.




Leaning back against the wall, I watch Cora move her body. She’s like water. Her fluid movements on the dance floor has my dick going hard. After all this time, she and Irish are two halves of the same coin, anticipating each other’s movements as they grind their bodies together in a sensual display that has me ready to take her to my room down the hall. It’s another party at the clubhouse to blow off steam while she and Irish are celebrating graduation. Rowan earned her Associates in business along with my little brother Danny and Cora got the whole shebang, a Bachelors in English. When I ask her what she’s going to do with it, she laughs and tells me freelance work and writing deep thoughts about our fucked up existence. Why anyone would want to read that gory shit, I can’t say.

“Is it me or are they hot as fuck?” I ask turning to look at Danny whose gaze is transfixed on the d
isplay happening between them.

“Hot as fuck. Jesus Christ,” he hisses.

I laugh. “Agreed. I didn’t know Irish had moves like that.”

“I didn’
t know Cora had balls like that,” Danny deadpans me. “She used to be on the shy side.

I snicker.
“Yeah, I rubbed off on her.” I feel proud of the way she’s embracing her sexuality. Once I tapped into the sensuality just below the surface, she turned into the woman of my dreams. Always wet, ready and down to try just about anything once. It’s been over a year and I still can’t get enough of her.

“It’s ev
ident.” Danny nods. “She’s happy, that’s all I care about.”

I nod
too, knowing he meant it. He’d given me a lot of shit over the years because I kept her at arm’s length. He couldn’t understand what I was trying to do. I wanted to give her time to live her life. She was too young to be saddled with a man like me. Physically, I’m only twenty-four, but the shit I’ve lived has my brain and my responsibility level in the mid-thirty age range. My role in the MC is a hell of a lot different from my baby brother’s. I do the heavy lifting he’s rarely privy to.

Besides, Cora is
beauty personified, light, love and everything right in this world. I don’t want to be responsible for dimming that. As a woman in Wesson and the youngest of the children, she’s been sheltered. I know that can’t last forever. So, I’m submerging her deeper into our world, one inch at a time.

Cora rubs her breasts up against Rowan’s. I see passion flare to life in Ro’s crystal blue orbs.
“Have those two ever experimented?” I ask. Images of them lip locking play in my mind.

“Not that I know of,” he answers

“I think we should
explore that.” I lick my lips.

He pauses. “You sure?”

I smile at my far less adventurous brother. “You don’t want to watch Rowan get her pussy eaten by my chocolate dime piece?”

He whistles. “Fu
ck, when you put it that way.”

I chuckle. “We’re keeping it in the family. I wouldn’t do this shit with anyone else, not with my Cora.
You understand?”

“Same.” An agreement passes between us. There’ll be no blowback for our girls. We rise in tandem and make our way to the dance floor. I press up against Cora, enjoying the warm weight of her firm ass against my crotch.
“You look so sexy out here with Irish.” I run my fingers over the side of her breast. “You enjoying yourself, Baby Girl?”

She tilts her head back. A riot of curls tumbles down.

The spirals
of her hair tickle my nose. I inhale her sweet floral scent. “Do you like the way her body feels pressed against yours?” I grip her hips and grind my cock into her ass. “She’s so soft where I’m hard, isn’t she?”

Her eyes darken with lust.
“Oh, yes,” she says. Her eyelids lower and her lips part. Her breathing comes in small puffs of air.

The way she looks has
my dick twitching. “You two are so close. Haven’t you ever wondered what it’d be like to kiss those pouty lips?” I kiss the side of her neck, massaging the flesh of her hips.

She arcs back against me. A whimper leaves her throat.

I glance at Rowan. Her porcelain skin is flushed. Her eyes are full of desire and her nipples strain against the thin material of her tank top. “I think she wants it, Coey. Are you going to give it to her? Make her feel good the way you do me?”

?” she whispers.

Baby Girl, I feel it too,” Ro answers as she wets her pale pink lips with her tongue.

Danny groans. The electricity flowing between the four of us is off the charts.

It’s so palpable I can almost taste it on my tongue.

“I think we should move this somepl
ace more private,” Danny says.

“Mmm hmm,” Rowan hums.

We move off the area in front of the bar designated as the dance floor and weave our way through the crowd to the hall. I cup Cora’s breasts, nibble on her ear lobe and blow gently. She shivers and I grin. “My room’s bigger,” I say.

“To his room, now,” Rowan growls.

Danny’s eyes go wide.

This is going to be a night I’ll n
ever forget. I like sharing women, but I’ve never done it with anyone who mattered, or my brother. He and Irish had been an item before I could introduce him to all the things the world had to offer. “Listen to your old lady, Danny boy, she’s ready.”

We enter my
room in the middle of the hall and I close it behind us, locking the door. I hang back, careful to let the ladies set the pace. This is their dance. We are merely their accompanying partners.

They approach each other slowly.
Cora has her shy face on. Irish smiles as she trails her pale fingers down Cora’s arms. The contrast of dark and pale is beautiful. “Come here, baby, let me taste those sweet lips of yours,” Irish whispers, brushing her lips across Cora’s. “I always wondered what it’d be like to be with another woman. We’re so soft, sensual and intuitive.”

Cora’s eyes a
re wide and dilated. “Yes,” she says.

“Should we start there,
Baby Girl?” Irish whispers.

Cora nods. They move forward as one. The first kiss is tentative. A tender caress as their mouths slid
e together. Their heads tilt, mouths open and tongues begin to swirl.

My pant
s are about two sizes too small and my balls are aching.

Irish grabs a hand full of Cora’s hair and Cora moans. The air is heavy with lust and possibilities. C
ora wraps her arms around Irish and they continue to deepen their kisses. They rub their breasts together. Turgid nipples meet and they moan.

I groan, adjusting the swollen muscle in my pants. They’re coming to life right before our eyes.
They pull apart breathing hard and Cora turns to look at me with a wealth of questions in her eyes.

I move over and take her lips, tasting the remnants of Irish’s flavored lip balm. “Do what
makes you feel good, Baby Girl,” I whisper against her lips, kneading her lower back as I nuzzle her nose with mine. She mews like a cat, and I grin. “I know you want it. We want you to have it.”

“Why?” Cora asks.

“Because, I know it’s a fantasy you have and they’re the only ones I could ever handle sharing you with. You girls have always been ours. I glance up to see Danny nod. “See, baby, Danny agrees.” I turn our bodies to mirror and we watch each other.

“No blowback?” Irish whispers.

“Never,” Dan says, caressing her face with his fingers.

“We wouldn’t offer this up if we knew
we couldn’t handle it,” I say.

“But, what if I like it?” Cora

The three of us moan
and she ducks her head.

“Then we won’t be so lonely when they’re on runs,” Irish says
. Her voice is husky and her eyes are full of desire.

This is going to happen.

“I th
ink we have too many clothes on and too much thinking going on,” I say as I reach down and cup Cora’s ass.

She purrs, and I grin. I know what my woman likes. I rub her firm globes and bend down to nip her neck. The sound of clothes hitting the floor fills the room. We prime our ladies and move over to the King size bed.

Standing at the edge, I turn Cora to face Danny and Irish while I move my hands into her panties. “God, you’re soaking wet.”

Danny mirrors
my movement. “So is Ro.”

Cora gasps. I ease two fingers inside her sheath. “This
tight little pussy needs some TLC. Look at Irish. Watch her.”

“Watch Cora, baby,” Danny says
to Ro.

The girl's gazes meet
and we build them up slowly, moving close enough for them to kiss. Their tongues dart out and tangle as they move on our fingers inside them. The scent of arousal fills the air.

“That’s it, ride
my fingers. Squeeze them,” I urge.

Cora tightens her muscle
s. Her body is tense and her hips are pumping furiously.

I remove my fingers.

“No,” Cora whimpers.

I pepper kisses down her neck. “Tonight’s for you two. Look at her baby, she needs relief too. You should help her out.” I hear Danny whispering to Irish, but my attention is focused on the trembling woman in my arms. Cora’s hair is mussed. H
er lips are swollen from kisses and her eyes are ablaze with passion.

Irish steps forward and cups Cora’s pussy. “I
want to make you feel good, Co. Do you want that?”

“Yes.” Cora rotates her hips. “And
I want to make you feel good.”

, let’s do it together, Baby Girl,” Irish urges.

“Okay.” Her voice is shaky, but her excitement is obvious.

They link hands and walk to the bed.

I glance up at Danny. He shrugs and follows behind them.

They sink to the middle of the bed and slowly undress each other, lost in their own world. Their bodies complement one another, Pale and dark, slender and curvy. Fuck. There’s a soft reverence in their touch that brings a beauty to their love making. Irish’s pale fingers disappear into Cora’s pussy and I feel my dick leak. Cora returns the favor. They find a steady rhythm. I’m panting like I’m running a marathon. Unable to hold back, I unbutton my pants and pull out my cock. The relief sends blood rushing through my head as I grip the base. My eyes are glued to the beauties in the bed.

The slick sound of their fingers moving in and out of one another has my balls drawing up to my body. I match their pace with my strokes. They i
mplode, convulsing as they come and I go along with them. The blissful expression on the girl's faces and the orgasm still marking my thighs as they shake, tells me we’ve opened a Pandora’s Box.

I know there’s no turning back.


I brake
at the red light and opt to hit the highway. My head is still too full to do anything more than function. I need to be further away. The light turns green, and I roar through the intersection and veer off to the left. We all have our breaking point. I understand that—I just never imagined mine would come so soon.

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