Always You (11 page)

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Authors: Kirsty Moseley

BOOK: Always You
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I took a deep breath and dialled his number, he answered on the first ring like he was sitting there waiting for me to call and in truth he probably was. "Riley! What's happened? What's wrong?" he said, no hello or anything.

"Clay I need your help, calm down I'm fine, just listen to me ok?" I asked he took a shaky breath.

"What's up?" he asked concern colouring his voice.

"Blake's been arrested and I'm" I started but he exploded

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ARRESTED? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" he almost screamed I had to hold the phone further away from my ear wincing.

"Calm the hell down and listen! Some guys grabbed me and tried to force me to go with them, Blake saw and he saved me and ended up fighting in the shopping complex and then the cops came and arrested him, but he didn't do anything, well he did, he kneed one guy in the face and punched another in the chest but he was defending me I swear, but they won't listen to me! They haven't even taken my statement" I said bursting into tears again.

"Ok Riley bear its ok don't worry, I'll come down there and talk to them ok? Where are you? Downtown?" he asked concerned again.

"Yeah, on 13th" I sniffed.

"Ok I'll be there in about 15 minutes ok?" he said and I could hear the sound of his car starting up.

Clay ran in a few minutes later and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck probably nearly choking him but he didn't complain he just rubbed my back while I sobbed onto his shirt. When I had calmed slightly he pulled back to look at me putting his forehead to mine and cupping my face in his hands.

"Ok Riley tell me the truth before I go over there and speak to the clerk, did Blake start this fight?" he asked looking into my eyes.

I sniffed "I promise, they grabbed me and he stopped them but when the cops came he was fighting so they won't listen to me" I said through my tears.

"Ok Riley bear wait over there" he said pointing to the chairs by the window.

He walked over to the desk and spoke quickly with the desk clerk, he was waving his arms around and talking quite animatedly gesturing to me but I couldn't hear what he was saying. About a minute later the desk clerk shook her head and picked up her phone, Clay stood there in silence waiting. After another couple of minutes another officer in plain clothes walked out and spoke to Clay and shook his hand, Clay nodded his head in my direction and they both started walking over to me.

I stood up as they approached. "Miss Thomas, we're ready to take your witness statement now, Mr Preston has consented to be your adult" he said nodding to a door I didn't even realise was behind me. We went in and sat down the officer turned on a little tape recorder and they started the interview. It took about 30 minutes I had to keep going over and over everything. But after that he just told us to wait back in the reception again.

"How in the hell did you do that Clay? I've been asking and asking since I got here but they wouldn't even talk to me" I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"You just have to know the right things to say that's all, I told them that we would be phoning the press office to report how they treat people who should have been treated like a hero and a victim, if they didn't come and take your statement soon" he said with a shrug.

I lent in and kissed his cheek, "Thank you for doing this for me" I said giving him a weak smile. He smiled back and wrapped his arms around me tighter.

After another 10 minutes or so Blake walked into the reception frowning, when he saw me he smiled. I jumped up and threw my arms around his neck crying again, God what's with all this crying you silly girl! I bet you look awful and are covered in snot, as I pulled away he chuckled.

"Yep that hug was worth getting arrested for" he said with an easy grin.

"Are you ok? Is your hand ok?" I asked taking his hand and looking at it, it must have been sore where he punched that guy.

"I'm fine, I was worried about you" he said putting a finger under my chin and lifting my face, he wiped my tears away and sighed.

Clay walked up and did the thing that I had never expected to see, he held his hand out for Blake to shake. Even Blake looked totally shocked, "Thanks for looking out for Riley, I owe you" Clay said shrugging.

"You don't owe me man it's fine" Blake said shaking his hand, they both looked so uncomfortable I couldn't help but laugh. They both looked at me like I was crazy, Clay just rolled his eyes, he already knew I was crazy anyway.

"So come on I'll drive you to the shopping complex to get your car" Clay said as he walked off through the doors. Blake just took my hand and walked to the car in silence. I sat in the back trying desperately not to fall asleep.

"I think I should take Riley home its almost 1am, if she comes home at this time of night with you her parents will go crazy" Clay said frowning, he's right they would probably never let me go out with him again.

"No that's fine, I'll take her" Blake said sternly.

"Umm actually Blake, I think Clay's right, my parents are going to be pissed that I'm out past curfew, it will be easier if Clay drives me honestly" I said quietly, he looked at me over his shoulder for a couple of seconds then nodded. We drove the rest of the journey in awkward silence.

Clay pulled up next to Blake's car and I got out with him. "Well that was interesting" I joked with a smile.

"I'm sorry that I got arrested and ruined our date" he said looking at the floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him hard, after a couple of seconds I ran my tongue along his bottom lip, when I got to his lip ring I sucked it into my mouth rolling my tongue over it, he moaned and wove his fingers into my hair opening his mouth and slipping his tongue in massaging mine. His kissing was forceful, demanding and sexy as hell but I couldn't help comparing it to the kiss that I shared with Clay and I must admit that while this kiss was great, my body wasn't alight.

I pulled away with a blush to realise that Clay must have seen that. "Thank you for what you did" I said pecking his lips again.

"Mmm, thank you for what you just did" he said huskily. I grinned and rolled my eyes at him.

"I better go my parents are already going to be worrying about me" I said pulling away and walking back to Clay's car.

"Hey Jailbait, you going to the game tomorrow?" he called, I nodded

"Provided I'm not grounded" I called back.

He grinned "Ok well I'll see you there, if your not grounded" he said getting in his car, I sighed, ok time to face the music.

Chapter 7

"Where the hell have you been young lady?" my Mom screeched as soon as I walked through the door.

"Err well I...." I started but Clay wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"My fault, I'm sorry Sarah, I met Riley out and we went on to a party my friend was having, we didn't realise the time otherwise we would have been back sooner" Clay said giving them his adorable puppy dog face. God he was so good at lying, if I didn't see the tiny twitch to his eye even I would think he was telling the truth.

"Oh well that's different, we thought you were out with Blake tonight Riley" Brian said looking at me still a little angry but he clearly believed Clay's story.

"Err I was but then I went onto the party with Clay" I said looking at my feet, I wasn't such a good liar, lucky for me they were both tired so they gave up quickly.

"Ok well we're going to bed, goodnight kids" Mom said as her and Brian walked up the stairs.

"Goodnight" we both called at the same time.

I yawned and stretched, my eyes becoming heavy all of a sudden. "Thank you Clay" I said turning to him, I really didn't deserve this boy, he was the best friend a girl could wish for.

"Anytime Riley bear, I better get going" he said nodding towards the door.

"Stay with me, please?" I begged, I didn't want to be on my own I had a feeling that if I was I'd have nightmares tonight about the guys at the amusement arcade.

He looked at me for a few seconds then nodded "Ok" he said locking the front door and following me up to my room.

I was so tired I couldn't even be bothered to put on my pyjamas so I just stripped out of my top and skirt as I walked dropping them on the floor and climbed in the bed in my bra and panties. He took a deep breath as I shrugged out of my clothes but I was too tired to care. "Riley, where are your pyjamas?" he said as he stripped off his clothes looking uncomfortable as he tried not to look at me.

"Too tired" I muttered almost asleep already, he sighed and had the pained look on his face again, he just stood there for a couple of seconds before climbing in the bed next to me in his boxers pulling me closer to him. I was conscious of his hands on my almost naked body, but instead of being uncomfortable, I liked it way too much, I could feel his skin against mine making me tingle. I kissed his chest tenderly and I buried my face in his neck and instantly fell asleep.

Clay was kissing me, kissing down my neck as he stripped off my bra and panties running his hands over my body slowly making me burn in need. I pulled off his boxers and saw he was already aroused, I moaned at the sight of him. I pulled him back to me. "You sure?" he asked as he hovered over me, I nodded and kissed him again as he pushed himself inside me, oh God that felt good. He built up a slow and steady rhythm making me moan and call his name. Each thrust made me feel like he was pushing me towards something glorious, I was almost there I could feel it, he thrust again.

I jerked awake with a gasp, "Holy Shit!" I whispered as I burst out laughing, Crap I was just dreaming about having s*x with Clay! I buried my face in the quilt giggling and trying to slow my breathing that was coming out in pants. God damn it, why did I have to wake up then? I only needed another couple of seconds. I rolled over to cuddle Clay but he wasn't there, I sat up squinting through the darkness trying to see him. The only light was a green haze coming from my alarm clock. "Clay?" I whispered reaching out my hand to the shape I could see laying still and as far away from me as possible in the bed.

"Err yeah?" he asked huskily, I blushed at the sound of his voice bringing back memories of the dream, I giggled again but tried to hide it.

"Why are you all the way over there?" I asked scooting over to him, he held out both hands putting them on my hips to keep me an arms length away.

"Err Riley don't" he said sounding really uncomfortable. I was getting worried now, was something wrong?

"What is it Clay?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing I just, I......err, you were err....and I....." he stuttered and then sighed.

"What?" I said still trying to get to him, he was holding my hips securely away from him. "Clay! What is it?" I asked no longer struggling.

He sighed, "You were dreaming about me Riley, and it sort of had an effect on me" he said uncomfortably, I gasped I felt my whole face heat up and I was so glad it was dark in the room. Oh my God had I been talking in my sleep again? He knew I was having s*x with him in my dream and it made him horny? Suddenly I burst out laughing, I couldn't stop, I was in hysterics, he started laughing too making me laugh harder.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, but I just gave you my virginity in my dream" I said laughing so hard I was crying.

"Thanks for that, it sounded like I was good" he said with a chuckle, I nodded laughing still.

I moved his hands off of my hips and moved to him so that we were face to face, I could feel his erecti0n pushing against my lower abdomen, I bit my lip, the desire I felt in my dream was back with a vengeance. I was still giggling, "I'm sorry, I can't believe that, that's so embarrassing" I said hanging my head on his chest.

"Don't worry I'm embarrassed too, I couldn't help it though, I mean what guy can hear that without it having an effect on him? 'oh Clay, harder, oh God Clay'" he said doing a high pitched girly voice making me blush and chuckle again. I slapped his chest playfully and as I drew back my hand it accidentally brushed against his erecti0n, I snapped my hand away quick and he moaned quietly.

"Oops sorry!" I said blushing again. "Jesus, Clay are they all that big?" I asked my eyes wide, honestly a little scared. He laughed and moved his hips backwards on the bed so we weren't touching there anymore.

"I don't know Riley I guess so, I try not to look" he said with a small chuckle still sounding uncomfortable.

"I'm really sorry about that Clay, but if it makes you feel better I was really enjoying myself, I just woke up about a second too soon though" I said with a sigh, he laughed again and I wormed my way back to him cuddling him tightly. He sighed as he ran his hands down my sides, he stopped when he got to my panties and then slowly traced his finger along the edge of them across my ass towards my core. I stopped breathing my heart was beating way too fast. His breathing was coming out in ragged gasps.

"I could help you finish if you want" he said huskily as he rubbed me gently through my panties, pleasure shot through my body, not like in the dream but a hundred times better, I couldn't speak I moaned quietly. I felt him move his hand to the edge of my panties and slip his hand inside them, his fingers slowly working themselves towards my core.

I stiffened and grabbed his wrist, he stopped immediately. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked breathlessly.

He lent forward and kissed the side of my neck, "I want to hear how the dream ended" he said seductively against my skin.

"Clay" I said but it actually sounded more like I moaned his name, he moaned slightly too and the sound made me ache for him. He kissed my neck again gently biting on the skin, I didn't feel like I was in control of my body anymore I reached my hands out and tangled them in his hair pulling his face to mine roughly. He kissed me tenderly and traced his tongue along my lip, I opened my mouth eager for his taste again, he slipped his tongue in and just like before it was amazing, tender, slow and perfect.

My whole body was burning in need for him, he pulled away and kissed down my neck to my breasts, unclasping my bra and pulling it off. That's where I came back to reality. Shit what the hell am I doing? I'm not going to have s*x with my best friend! "Clay, I can't! I'm not going to have s*x with you" I said quietly still panting, I said the words by my God I didn't mean them.

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