Amaury's Hellion (18 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

BOOK: Amaury's Hellion
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He scooped his hands under her backside and lifted her. His tongue drove deep and his moans echoed her own. Nina buried her hands in his dark silken hair and felt him shudder. Her muscles tensed at the sensations he sent through her body, driving her ever higher. She pushed against his mouth, feeling his tongue increase its pressure on her clit, but not enough.

“Bite it.”

A low growl was his response to her shouted demand. A moment later she felt his teeth graze her sensitive skin, then his lips tug at it, gently, then a little firmer.


His teeth closed around her engorged button and pressed into her skin, not breaking it, but it was exactly what she needed. With a breathless moan she greeted the waves that crashed over her and swept her away. Amaury’s tongue smoothed over the spot he’d so gingerly bitten, only intensifying her climax.


Nina’s body shook in his arms, her muscles contracting and releasing in quick succession. Amaury lapped up the cream her orgasm released, becoming addicted to her taste. By the time her body had stilled and her orgasm had subsided, he’d already cradled her in his arms, pressing her against his naked body.

He’d never seen a sweeter sight than Nina’s satisfied body. It filled him with an unknown sense of pride. His palm smoothed over her curls before it travelled over her back and settled on the soft cheeks of her derrière. And what a cute little ass it was, just like the rest of her. When she was curled up against him, her cheek leaning on his chest, her arms wrapped around his body, she didn’t look like the tough fighter he’d first met. Suddenly she was all soft.

He felt a shiver go through her body.

“You’re cold. Let’s get you off this floor.”

“Before somebody walks in on us.”

“No chance of that happening,” Amaury announced.

Effortlessly he lifted them from the floor, found his key in his pants and let them into the apartment.

He didn’t bother to pick up the clothes they had shed. Carrying Nina in his arms was a much more important task.

She looked at the apartment, then back at the elevator, obviously finally realizing that it was private.

“You rat! You had me think we could get surprised in there!”

He shrugged his shoulders, but inwardly he laughed. “It didn’t stop you from getting naked.”

Her slap against his shoulder didn’t even register. It was virtually a caress.

“You can set me down now.”

No way. Her body felt too good and his shaft had its own ideas of how to continue the night. And frankly, for once his cock and he were in perfect agreement.

“Would you rather make love on the couch or in bed?” Personally he’d prefer taking her to his bed, but if she was more comfortable on one rather than the other, he’d have no problems going with her choice.

Instead of an answer her cheeks colored a beautiful shade of pink. Could he make her blush even more?

“In the kitchen or the bathroom maybe? On the roof terrace?”

Yes, her blush could go even a shade deeper. And make her look even sexier. How she could possibly still blush after what she’d allowed him to do in the elevator, and what she’d done to him the night before, was absolutely beyond him.

He lowered his face close to hers, looking into her beautiful brown eyes. “It’s okay to admit that you enjoyed what we just did. I won’t tell anybody that this fierce slayer has a soft side.”

Nina met his eyes and didn’t flinch. “Then I guess I won’t tell that this vampire isn’t all as tough and mean as he makes himself out to be.”

Of course he was tough! And mean! He should be feared for what he was and for what he could do. Was she suggesting he was weak? He let out a dark growl.

“Yes, yes. You can growl all you want, you big bad vampire.”

Mocking him, was she?

“You want big and bad? I’ll give you big and bad.”

With a determined gait Amaury carried her into his bedroom and dropped her onto the bed. For a moment he just stood there, looking down at her. Then he touched his erection, stroking it suggestively.

“How big do you want?”

Nina appeared fascinated as she stared at him, her eyes glued to where his cock stood upright. He was eager to fill her with it, plunging his throbbing shaft into her until she couldn’t take any more.

Her mouth formed just one word. “Big.”

Her arms pulled him down to her, and he fitted his body to hers. She felt right, pinned underneath him. And she wouldn’t be able to escape unless he allowed it. Luckily escape seemed to be the furthest thing from her mind. Or why else would she wrap her legs around him and pull him into her center?

Amaury welcomed her open invitation, and so did his cock which already pressed against her thigh. The skin-on-skin contact was enough to shoot a wave of heat through him.

In the background, he heard a faint ringing noise, but he blocked it out. For once, he cursed his enhanced senses. He didn’t want to be distracted from the pliable body in his arms, the soft fingers exploring him, the sweet scent engulfing him.

Nina deserved his entire attention. And she would have it. For a moment, he closed his eyes and blocked out everything else. With joy, he realized that no emotions bombarded him. His mind was clear. Peace.

When he opened his eyes, his gaze collided with hers.

“What’s wrong?”

He sensed a twinge of alarm in her voice and shook his head, smiling. “Nothing! Absolutely nothing.” For the first time in centuries. No pain. No foreign emotions. It was just him, all by himself.

“Are you waiting for something?”

Impatient minx.

“Yes, for you to shut up,

Amaury muffled her protest with his lips. His erection settled against her soft core, and he nudged forward, finding her wetness. Tight—oh her entrance felt tight. Would she be able to take him?

Why hadn’t he jerked off earlier? While masturbation would do nothing in the way of blocking out the emotions and the pain in his head, at least some of his girth would have eased. Right now, he was close to bursting.

Her pelvis tilted toward him, silently asking for penetration, but he pulled back. Couldn’t hurt her. Too big. No. He should prepare her better. Maybe another orgasm would help her tight muscles relax. Or better, finger fuck her first, stretch her narrow channel. He didn’t want her to associate their lovemaking with pain. Already he had to work against her aversion to vampires. Now pain because his dick was too big? Couldn’t do that. No. She would hate him. And for some reason that wasn’t the kind of emotion he wanted her to have for him.

He needed patience to get to his goal.

The loud ring from the phone next to the bed startled him, but a moment later his attention was diverted when Nina’s hands clamped over his ass, trying to force him to plunge into her. Impatient she certainly was, and she obviously had no idea how savagely his cock could damage her tender muscles if he drove into her without her being properly prepared.

Amaury pulled away and took her arms, pinning them next to her body. Another ring from the phone drowned out whatever she wanted to say and made her stop in mid-speech.

“Nina, we’ll have to take it slow.”

The answering machine clicked on.

“I’m too big. Let me make you—”

His canned voice filled the room. “
I’m not here. You know what to do.”

Where the hell are you? You were supposed to be here fifteen fucking minutes ago!

Amaury flinched. Gabriel was looking for him. And he wasn’t in a good mood.

“Pick up the fucking phone …”

He lunged for the phone, grabbing it off the hook. Then he instantly put his finger on his lips, gesturing to Nina not to say a word.


The response almost pierced his eardrum. “GET YOUR ASS TO THE OFFICE!”

Damn, he’d forgotten the interrogations which were planned for the night. No surprise Gabriel was pissed. “Yeah, I’m on my way.”

“Or I’ll have a word with Samson about that human woman from last night. He isn’t gonna like it.”

He was threatening him? “I said I was on my way.” He slammed the phone down and looked back at Nina.

“I’ve got to go, Nina.” Amaury exhaled on a sigh. He could think of better things to do than go into the office right now.

She sat up. “Well, I’ll get dressed then.”

Amaury stopped her from getting out of bed. “No, stay. We’re nowhere near done. I’ll be back in three hours.”

“I should go.”

No. He wanted her here when he came back to continue what they’d started.

“Please, stay and wait for me. Make yourself comfortable. Hey, you can even snoop around if you want to.” His apartment wouldn’t reveal anything about him that she didn’t already know.

“I don’t snoop!” The indignity in her voice seemed real.

He kissed her on the cheek. “Okay, then don’t. But stay.” His mouth trailed to her lips and captured them. If he continued like that, he’d arrive at the interrogations with a hard-on the size of a flagpole and draw further suspicion from his colleagues. They couldn’t find out that he still hadn’t erased Nina’s memory. And that he had no intention of doing so. On the contrary, he wanted to make a lot more new memories with her.

Amaury jumped up from the bed and grabbed clean clothes from his closet.

“Alright, I’ll stay.”

Her eyes were on him as he got dressed, and he enjoyed the way she looked at him. A man could get used to a woman looking at him like that.

“But when you get back …”

He gave her an expectant look. “What?”

“No more delays. If you don’t have sex with me the moment you get back, I’m out of here.”

He grinned. “Yes,

Nina threw a pillow at him which he caught instantly. His reflexes were as sharp as his dick was hard.

He headed for the door and gave her body one last long glance. She didn’t even attempt to cover herself with the bed sheets. He would try to make it back in two hours max. “If you’re hungry, there’s some
coq au vin
in the fridge.”

Before he turned and left, he caught her confused look. Amaury chuckled inwardly. Why he had food in the fridge would give her something to think about while he was gone. He was no run-of-the-mill vampire.


Amaury kept food in the fridge? What kind of crazy vampire was he? Nina shook her head and jumped out of bed. She snatched one of his shirts from his closet and put it on, then walked into the living area.

She felt invigorated. Her entire body tingled in a pleasant way like it would after a sensual massage. Only she hadn’t had a massage, but an amazing orgasm at the very talented hands—and mouth—of said strange vampire. Who thought nothing of leaving her alone in his lair and practically expected her to snoop around, which of course, made it so much less appealing. What a spoil-sport.

Three hours to kill before the sexy vampire would come back and finally make good on his promise to fuck her every which way he could think of
“And then some,” the arrogant hottie had said. She had wanted to slap him for that, had she not been so turned on by his words.

Amaury’s hesitation at actually penetrating her had come as an utter surprise. When had he turned all soft and decided he didn’t want to hurt her? And who said she couldn’t handle a man as big as he was? And he was big.

The vision of his hard length of turgid flesh, almost purple in color, with thick veins like vines snaking around it, sent her into another hot flash. It felt as if he was bigger than the previous night when she’d had him in her mouth. But maybe she was just fantasizing. He was just a big man all over, and while his cock was extraordinarily large, it was in perfect proportion to the rest of his body.

But she couldn’t continue daydreaming about him. She would have sex with him and then forget about him and get on with her mission. Nothing had changed. In fact, having dealt with him and some of his friends had given her more insight into their powers and if anything, she was now more prepared to fight them than before.

Amaury didn’t want to physically harm her, somehow she sensed that, but it didn’t mean he would help her out at the expense of his interest in Scanguards. Maybe he was just trying to soften her up so she would give up and not pursue her path. Well, if that’s what he was trying, he wouldn’t succeed. As if sex would change anything about what was right or wrong.

Perhaps it was better to forget about having sex with him after all. Nothing good would come of it.

Except another spectacular orgasm.

Ah, shut up!

Since when did she think with her pussy? Had the man turned her into a completely hopeless and helpless woman? This couldn’t happen. Men couldn’t be trusted, and vampires even less. Sure, he was hot, he wanted her, and he hadn’t hurt her, but that didn’t mean he could be trusted. Not that this fact would stop her from having sex with him. She didn’t need to trust a man to have sex with him. One had nothing to do with the other. Maybe it was better this way. She’d trusted the wrong person once before, and it had screwed up her life. She wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

Nina pushed the rising memories of the events in her last foster home from her mind. This was not the time to dwell on pain that she’d tried to forget for over ten years.

Her eyes darted around the living room, and she spotted her clothes on a chair near the entrance. Both her t-shirt and her panties were ripped and unusable. She shook her head. Amaury sure was one passionate vampire.

She didn’t understand why he would leave her alone in his lair, unless ... Nina spun around to the entrance door and jerked it open. No, she sighed with relief, he hadn’t locked her in. Did he trust her to wait for him, or was it just plain arrogance on his part? Or had he seen the longing in her eyes before he’d left?

Nina shuddered at the thought of how much of herself Amaury had already seen, not her body—she didn’t care about that—but her mind, her soul, and her heart. All the things she kept hidden, because it was safer to hide her true self: the scared, insecure, hurt girl she was still inside. The girl who so desperately longed to be loved, yet was scared to open her heart to anybody. The girl who wanted
, but settled for
right now
, because it was all she was ever offered. The girl who’d never ask for anything, because she couldn’t face
couldn’t handle being rejected and tossed aside once more.

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