Amazon Chief (78 page)

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Authors: Robin Roseau

BOOK: Amazon Chief
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"Doubled over with my head in my arms, screaming at them to shut up."

"Oh Beria," she said.

"I'd been fighting Malora until then. I stopped fighting her." I paused. "Anyway, a lot of what you do for us are what partners typically do for each other, but without you, we can't be strong. We can't sleep. We can't function. To some extent, we can share a companion, but it's not the same, not even when it's my sister doing it. Yes, it's a sacred bond. And I swear, you will never, ever understand how sacred. I didn't until I took that first voice, and I'd been around it for nearly ten years by then, serving as Omie's companion and watching my sister helping half the warriors here."

Lia smiled and caressed my cheek. "I have a lot to learn." She laid her head on my shoulder. "I love you, Beria."

We cooed at each other for a while, everyone else leaving us alone, but then there were people at our backs. I felt hands on my arms, and I saw hands on Lia's.

"Come with us, Beria," Malora said. I let them pull me to my feet and realized it was Nori and Omie lifting me. Tamma and Aren had Lia, with Maya directing.

"Is this all right?" Omie whispered into my ear.

"Yes," I said.

They led me away to Omie's hut. I didn't see where they took Lia, but I presumed Maya's. Once inside, they released my arms but told me to sit, gesturing to a point on the floor. We sat in a rough square, me and the three warriors that mattered most to me.

"The ceremony won't be that different from the one you shared with Omie," Malora said. Malora told me what to expect, and when she was done, I thanked her.

Omie was grinning at me. "I'm pleased to see this, Beria," she said. "I like her. Aren wants to come up and visit in a few days, once you get a little more settled in."

Malora grinned. "Let her and Lia work it out. If you let them think they're in charge, it's a whole lot easier."

I laughed. "Maya is in charge."

"I let both of you believe that," Malora said. "But I get my way on everything that matters to me."

"It's just that almost nothing matters to her," Nori said.

I laughed.

"All right," Omie said. "Enough. She needs to think about her vows."

"I've thought about them for years," I said. "I remember the ones you shared with me."

"Those won't work," Malora said. "You need something that includes Joelle and Annalise. They get to hear those. Then you need a second set for Lia alone."

They helped me work on them. We were just finishing when there was a knock at the door. "It's time," came Rora's voice.

We rose to our feet, and then Nori and Omie took my arms.


Omie grinned. "I'm having fun. Aren't you?"

* * * *

I stared at Lia. She was waiting for me in the baths. They had taken her clothes. Maya met me outside. "Her shift is waiting with your new clothes. Leave these behind and we'll retrieve them later."

"They told me to stand here for you," she said.

I stepped into her arms, but she shied away. "Uh huh. Get rid of those. They're cold." She pointed to my leathers then helped me slip out of them. She folded them for me and set them aside. Then she pulled me into her arms. "Much better."

But then I helped her into the first tub, climbing in behind her.

"I should bathe you," she said.

"Not tonight," I said. "I will bathe you then myself. Then we rinse in the next tub, and we have a few minutes to cuddle before I dry you and help you dress."

"They took my clothes."

"They left something else," I said. I gathered the soap and took my time bathing her. I pulled her hair from its braid and washed it as well.

"It will be wet."

"Did they tell you to obey me tonight?" I asked.

She sighed. "Yes. Don't get too used to it."

"Did they tell you to complain?"

She laughed. "No."

Once she was bathed, I quickly bathed myself then helped her to her feet and into the second tub. We rinsed, and I used the dipper to rinse her hair. Then I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her against me, leaning back in the warm water. I nuzzled her ear.

"Thank you, Lia," I said. "I love you."

She clasped my arms and lay against me more completely. We held each other for a while, but then it was time to dry.

"I could stay here all night," she said.

"And miss the next part?" I said.

We dried each other. I spent time on her hair then gathered a brush and brushed it out.

"It's still wet. Braid it."

"No. Let it hang," I said. "But you braid mine."

"That hardly seems fair."


"Fine," she said. "Turn around."

She took her time braiding my hair, and then when she was done, I found the simple sheath and settled it over her. I dressed in my best leathers.

"Where are my boots?" she asked.

I hadn't brought anything for her feet, but Maya had a pair of slippers waiting. I slipped them onto Lia's feet.

"No more questions now," I said.

"All right, Beria," she said.

We stepped out of the baths, and we were expected. The companions took Lia from me, and then I was surrounded by my three warriors. Lia disappeared in one direction, and they took me in another.

"So, did she argue with you?" Nori asked.

"Oh yeah."

She laughed. "Sure you want this one? We can find someone who will be a little more complacent."

"That sounds boring," I said.

They led me to the small opening in the forest where we held our companion rituals every spring. I hadn't been here in years, not since becoming chief at Lake Juna. There was a fire going, which we didn't always do, and most of the Amazons were waiting for us.

Lia entered from the other side, Aren and Tamma holding her arms and Maya leading. And in the middle, standing before the fire, were Joelle and Annalise. I was pleased to see Yalta, Lin and Rahna with them. The girls were dressed in their own white shifts. I hadn't thought to bring something for them, but Maya always thought of everything.

Malora turned to me and smiled. "You wait here." When Omie and Nori kept possession of my arms, I probably would have figured that out. But then she and Maya nodded to each other, and the two of them stepped forward, meeting together in the middle.

Malora looked around. "Hello, Amazons!" she said firmly.

"Hello, Queen Malora," was the response. "Hello, Maya."

"We have a somewhat unusual ceremony tonight," Malora said. She turned to look at me. "We have this woman, this Amazon warrior, who I love like a sister." She smiled. "Or sometimes like a daughter. It can be difficult for me to decide." She earned some laughter for that. I wiped away a tear. "She is known by all here
and loved by many of us."

Then Maya spoke. "Here we have a relative newcomer to our forest, born-sister to one of our own. A year ago, she asked permission to join us. We opened our homes, our arms, and our hearts to Lia and her daughters, Joelle and Annalise. They have each captivated us with their smiles, their laughter and, yes, from time to time, their pranks. They may not be known be as many here, but you can see in the way our sisters treat them, if they haven't captivated you yet, they are going to. Give it time."

"Maya," Annalise asked, "What does captivated mean?"

Maya crossed the space and put her hands on the girl's shoulders. "Oh, you see?" she said. "She asked the schoolteacher to teach her." She smiled into Annalise's eyes. "Do you know the word 'charmed'?" Annalise nodded. "It means charmed, but even more so."

"Oh," said Annalise. She grinned. "You like us."

"Yes, Annalise, I like you."

"I like you, too, Maya."

There was a collective "aww" as the girl reached forward and hugged Maya.

Malora stepped forward. "These girls represent a complication to our lifestyle, but who could possibly turn them away?"

"It's not our turn to talk," Joelle said,
sotto voce to her sister. "We're supposed to be quiet until it's our turn."

Malora chuckled, and Maya disengaged from Annalise's hug. Yalta put her hands on the girl's shoulders, pulling her back a half step into position next to her sister again.

"Please, will you let Aren and me babysit?" Omie whispered.

"Any time," I said. "Or. Um. Ask their mother?"

She smiled and squeezed my arm.

"So," Malora said. "Where were we? Oh, right." She gestured towards me. "This warrior has invited this woman to become her companion, but rather than taking a companion into her home and her heart, she invites three."

"And as I understand it," Maya added, "My sister is actually invited into their home."

"Although, it's a home Beria gave them in the first place," Malora said. "It's all very confusing, isn't it?" She smiled and allowed the chuckles. "And so, we have a joining of
four hearts and two homes into one collective family."

As she always did, Malora was walking back and forth, talking to everyone assembled. But when she finished, she stood in front of the girls. Then she turned to me. "Beria, village chief of Lake Juna, patrol coordinator, warrior of the Amazons, friend to all who are here tonight, sister of my companion, daughter-"

"And sister-" Maya inserted.

"-of my heart," Malora continued. "You have invited this mother and her daughters into your heart and into your home. Is it still your wish to do so?"

"It is, Queen Malora," I stated.

"Then step forward," she ordered, indicating a point for me to take. Omie and Nori released my arms, and I crossed the circle to stand where Malora had indicated.

Then Maya turned to Lia. "Lia, mother of these girls, sister to the one who stands beside you, friend to many here, Beria has invited you and your daughters into her heart and into her home. Is it your desire to accept?"

"It is, Maya," Lia said.

"Then step forward," Maya said, and she pointed to a space for Lia. Lia stepped forward, taking her place.

"Let us hold hands," Malora said. She reached for mine. I reached for Joelle's, and around the circle, we six of us held hands.
Malora turned to me. "Beria, have you prepared vows?"

"I have, Queen Malora."

"Then before all those assembled, will you offer your vows?"

I smiled. "I will." I turned to Lia, and I saw her and the girls turn to face me. "Lia, I have asked you to become my companion, and there will be much for us to share. But I have also asked to join your family of three, and you have accepted. And so I offer these promises. I will love you, all three of you, from now until my last breath. I will protect you and provide for you. With your permission, I will serve as a second mother to Joelle and Annalise. I will teach them and train them, gently for now, but as a warrior teaches and trains a companion. I will share my knowledge and wisdom, my firm hugs and my watchful eyes. With your permission, I will help to kiss away their tears and drive away their fears.

Maya waited to be sure I was done, then she looked at Lia. "Lia, Beria has offered vows. Do you accept her vows, and do you have your own?"

"Yes, Maya," she said. "I accept her vows, and yes, I have my own." Lia paused. "But I find I must think on my feet."

There were some chuckles.

"Beria, you have asked permission for much. I was not expecting everything you said." Her voice broke, and she dropped Maya's hand to brush away a tear, then took Maya's hand again. "Yes," she said. "Yes. Yes."

She paused, and there was a roar of approval.

Then Lia took a breath, held it, then began to speak again. "Beria. You helped to rescue me from a difficult situation, and from the first day we met, you have been our champion. You requested room be made for us amongst the Amazons, and you ensured us a home. For a year you have protected us and taught us. You have already been serving as chief and warrior to my daughters and me. And so, I vow to love you, to accept you into my family of three, now a family of four. I will share my daughters with you, both the good that we have seen tonight, and the bad that comes along from time to time as well."

There were more snickers.

"I will listen to your wisdom and share my own. Together, the three of us will provide a safe haven for your heart and for your soul."

Malora waited to be sure she was done, then she turned to the girls. "Annalise, you are the youngest of this family. Beria has asked to become a part of this family with your sister and your mother, and your mother has accepted. But we are Amazons, and we would hear what you have to say."

Annalise listened to her, then cocked her head. "My turn?" she asked.

"Yes," Malora said with a smile.

She dropped hands with Lia and Joelle and turned to me, walking forward to stand in front of me, looking up with a beatific smile.

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