Amber Brown Sees Red (4 page)

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Authors: Paula Danziger

BOOK: Amber Brown Sees Red
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Should we get one big thing and share it? Brandi and I have done that before. We sort of share a mermaid doll that Max bought for me after I didn’t win one in a burping contest.
Should we each get our own separate things?
“My stomach is starting to growl,” Max says. “You girls have five minutes to make your choices and then we’re going.”
Max is beginning to sound like a father.
Brandi and I make our decisions.
We each get a small stuffed animal. She gets a dolphin. I get a monkey to go with Gorilla.
We also get some candy, two heart rings, and three string friendship bracelets.
Brandi puts hers on.
I put mine on.
We give one to Max, who looks at it for a minute like he’s not sure of what he’s going to do with it.
He’s got that look on his face that some grown-ups get just before they say, “Thank you. I’ll put it away to wear sometime later,” and then they never do wear it.
“Max,” I say, “it’s a friendship bracelet and you put it on and never take it off. It’s a friendship bracelet and it means a lot.”
He thinks for a minute and then he puts it on his wrist and smiles.
The string just barely fits around his wrist.
We go to the food court.
French fries.
It’s a great Skunk Day.
While we’re eating, Brandi goes, “Bulletin. Bulletin. Bulletin.”
I put more salt on my fries. “Didn’t you report the bulletin already today?”
“That was the skunk bulletin. This is one I forgot to mention because the other news was much bigger and much smellier.” Brandi picks up the catsup bottle and pretends it’s a microphone.
“Overheard in the front office. Starting next week, the new housing development is opening. Families will be moving in. New students will be arriving soon. And the teachers thought it would be a good idea for all of us to ‘bond.’ Mr. Turner, please explain to the listening audience what ‘bond’ means.”
Brandi moves the catsup-bottle “microphone” in front of Max.
He talks into the “microphone.” “ ‘Bond’ means to make contact, become close.”
Brandi takes back control of the microphone. “And now, sports fans, here is the big news. The teachers said that they are thinking of starting a sports league to get everyone doing things together .... and the fall and winter sport will be ............... ..... ta da ... BOWLING!”
Max and I look at each other and laugh.
We all go bowling, Mom, Max, and me.
I, Amber Brown, am one of the world’s worst bowlers ... but we have a good time.
Continuing, Brandi informs us, “And they’re looking for coaches for the different teams.”
Brandi looks at Max.
She knows we go bowling.
Max starts to look at his hamburger.
Brandi repeats, “They’re looking for coaches. It’s really only for Saturday afternoons.”
“Please,” I say, thinking about how much fun it would be to be on a team with Brandi and some of the new kids ... once we meet them.
Max sighs and then smiles. “Sure. Instant family. Instant bowling team.”
I think about what Max has just said. He and Mom aren’t even married yet. He isn’t even living with us ... and already he thinks of us as family.
For a minute, I wonder where my father is .... what he’s doing right now.
And then I think again about the team and Max coaching it. “Bowling will be a ball.”
Max groans.
Brandi throws a French fry at me.
And Skunk Day continues.
Chapter Seven
“I think we’re going to get married in April,” my mom says. “And then we’re going to Hawaii for our honeymoon.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii.” I pass the broccoli to Max and then applaud.
My mom and Max look at each other.
“Honey. It’s a honeymoon,” my mom says. “Max and I will be going, just the two of us.”
I, Amber Brown, am very disappointed. I have always wanted to do the hula and see a volcano.
“There’s a good chance that the Danielses will come to the wedding. If so, they may be staying in our house while Max and I are in Hawaii.Then you will be staying with them,” my mother tells me.
The Danielses. Justin. My best friend from forever. My only best friend until he and his family moved to Alabama. (Then Brandi became my best friend who lives in New Jersey, where I live.)
When my mom and I went down to visit them, we only stayed for a weekend. Spring vacation ... I’ll get to see them for over a week. That’s even better than hulas and volcanoes ... although Justin’s little brother, Danny, is a little like a volcano. By that time, the Danielses’ baby will be born. It will be so much fun.
“If they can’t come,” my mom says, “Aunt Pam will either stay with you here or you will go back with her after the wedding and stay with her in California.”
I’m really beginning to like this honeymoon.
“I have some questions.” I look at Mom and Max.
Mom and Max look at each other and then look at me.
“Here goes,” I say. “What do I call Max after you guys get married? What will my last name be? When is Max going to start living here? Am I going to always be an only child? Will we stay here? Will I still be going to Paris to see my dad this summer? Will I have to wear a dumb bridesmaid dress at the wedding?”
These are questions that I’ve been thinking about a lot, ever since Max asked my mother to marry him and gave her a really pretty diamond and amethyst ring.
Every time I look at the ring, I remember the diamond engagement ring and the gold wedding ring that my mom used to wear when she and my dad were married.
I look at Max and Mom and wait for answers.
Max starts first. “My name is Max. You’ve always called me that and that’s what you can continue to call me. And you will still keep your last name, unless you want to change it.”
I think about how upset my father would be if I changed my name.... At least I think he would be upset. Anyway, I love my name ..... Amber Brown. It’s so colorful! If I changed it to Max’s name, I would be Amber Turner. It would sound like I was a stone mover-arounder ... Amber Turner.
My mom says, “After Max and I are married, we will live in this town. For the time being, we’ll live in this house. As for your always being an only child, I’m not sure.”
I, Amber Brown, like being an only child. It makes me very nervous just thinking about not being an only child.
She continues. “As for visiting your father this summer in Paris, that’s already arranged.”
“And the bridesmaid dress?” I bite my lip. “You’re not going to make me wear some dumb frilly thing, are you?”
She shakes her head.
“Are you going to be wearing some dumb frifly thing?” I ask her.
“I did that once already and look where it got me.” She shakes her head again.
I hate when she says something against being married to my dad. She hardly ever does that, but when she does, it really bothers me.
She puts her hand on mine and says, “I’m sorry I said that. It got me my wonderful daughter.”
I smile at her.
She picks up some broccoli with a fork and tries to put it in my mouth.
I, Amber Brown, do not like broccoli. I think that the only green stuff that people should eat is pistachio ice cream. My mother, however, does not agree.
“Neither of us will have to wear dumb frilly things to the wedding. I promise you, Amber.” She puts some broccoli in my mouth when I open it to say “Thanks.”
“I don’t have to wear a dumb frilly thing to the wedding, do I?” Max teases.
My mom grins at him.
The phone rings.
“May I answer it?” I figure it’s Brandi with a skunk bulletin.
My mom gives me permission and I rush into the living room to answer it. That way I can have some privacy for my call and they can have some privacy too.
I pick up the phone.
It’s not Brandi.
It’s my dad.
He asks me what I’ve been doing, how I’ve spent my day.
I tell him about the skunks but I don’t tell him about Max.
He knows my mother’s engaged because she wrote him a note, but I still don’t want to tell him what a great day I’ve had with Max. Somehow it just doesn’t seem right.
I listen to his news and then we hang up.
I stand there.
I am so excited .... so excited.
Then I get nervous.
Somehow, I don’t think my mom is going to be as excited as I am.
But I’ve got to tell her.
I go back into the kitchen.
“Mom,” I say. “Dad’s moving back and when he does, he wants me to live with him part-time.”
Chapter Eight

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