America and Americans and Selected Nonfiction (60 page)

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Authors: John Steinbeck,Susan Shillinglaw

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Classics, #Writing, #History, #Travel

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Kluger, Richard. The Paper: The Life and Death of the New York Herald Tribune. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1986.
Lopez, Barry. Crossing Open Ground. New York: Random House, 1989.
McElrath, Joseph, Jesse Crisler, Susan Shillinglaw, eds. John Steinbeck: The Contemporary Reviews. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Parini, Jay. John Steinbeck: A Biography. New York: Henry Holt, 1995.
Shillinglaw, Susan. Introduction to Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin, 1994.
Simmonds, Roy. John Steinbeck: The War Years, 1939-1945. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1996.
Steinbeck, Elaine, and Robert Wallsten. Steinbeck: A Life in Letters. New York: Viking, 1978. (SLL)
Steinbeck, John. The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1976. (Acts)
————. Foreword to Between Pacific Tides, by Edward Ricketts and Jack Calvin. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1939.
————. In memoriam. Pascal Covici, 1888-1964. Meriden Gravure Company, 1964: 19-20.
————. Journal of a Novel: The “East of Eden” Letters. New York: Penguin, 1969. (JN)
————. Once There Was a War. New York: Penguin, 1994. (OWW)
————. Preface to Story Writing, by Edith Ronald Mirrielees. New York: Viking, 1962.
————. Sea of Cortez. New York: Viking, 1941. (SOC)
————. “Some Thoughts on Juvenile Delinquency.” The Saturday Review, 28 May 1955: 22.
Street, Toby. Interview with Jackson Benson. Benson papers, Special Collections at Stanford University.
Only the first appearance of magazine and newspaper articles is noted, with a few exceptions where reprints are cited: Their Blood Is Strong (articles that originally ran in the San Francisco News in October 1936 with “Starvation Under the Orange Trees”), Once There Was a War (a selection of Steinbeck's World War II journalism that ran in the New York Herald Tribune in 1943), and known English-language versions of pieces first published in French in Le Figaro in 1954. Newspaper series are cited as series, not by individual pieces.
Their Blood Is Strong. San Francisco: Simon J. Lubin Society, 1938. Reprinted as The Harvest Gypsies. Berkeley, CA: Heyday Press, 1989.
A Letter Written in Reply to a Request for a Statement About His Ancestry. Stamford, CT: Overbrook Press, 1940. 350 copies.
Sea of Cortez: A Leisurely Journal of Travel and Research, with Edward F. Ricketts. New York: Viking, 1941.
Bombs Away: The Story of a Bomber Team. Photographs by John Swope. New York: Viking, 1942.
Vanderbilt Clinic. Photographs by Victor Kepler. New York: Presbyterian Hospital, 1947.
The First Watch. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press, 1947. 60 numbered copies.
A Russian Journal. Photographs by Robert Capa. New York: Viking, 1948.
The Log from the “Sea of Cortez.” New York: Viking, 1951.
Un Américain à New-York et à Paris. French translation by Jean-François Rozan. Paris: René Julliard, 14 May 1956.
Once There Was a War. New York: Viking, 1958.
Travels with Charley in Search of America. New York: Viking, 1962.
Speech Accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature. New York: Viking, 1962.
A Letter from John Steinbeck. San Francisco and Los Angeles: Roxburghe and Zamorano Clubs, 1964. 150 copies.
America and Americans. New York: Viking, 1966.
Journal of a Novel: The “East of Eden” Letters. New York: Viking, 1969.
John Steinbeck, His Language. Introduction by James B. Hart. Aptos, CA: Roxburge and Zamorano Clubs, 1970.
Steinbeck: A Life in Letters. Edited by Elaine Steinbeck and Robert Wallsten. New York: Viking, 1975.
Letters to Elizabeth. Edited by Florian J. Shasky and Susan F. Riggs. San Francisco: Book Club of California, 1978. 500 copies.
Your Only Weapon Is Your Work: A Letter by John Steinbeck to Dennis Murphy. Introduction by Robert DeMott. San Jose, CA: Steinbeck Research Center, 1985. 500 copies.
Working Days: The Journals of “The Grapes of Wrath,” 1938-1941. Edited by Robert DeMott. New York: Viking, 1989.
The Forgotten Village. New York: Viking, 1941.
Viva Zapata! Edited by Robert Morsberger. New York: Viking, 1975.
Zapata: A Narrative in Dramatic Form on the Life of Emiliano Zapata. Wood-cuts by Karin Wickstrom. Covelo, CA: Yolla Bolly Press, 1991. 257 numbered copies. Reprint edited by Robert Morsberger. New York: Penguin, 1993.
“The How, When and Where of the High School.” El Gabilan (Salinas High School yearbook), 1919: 19.
“Class Will.” El Gabilan, 1919: 36.
“Student Body.” El Gabilan, 1919: 43.
“Woodwork.” El Gabilan, 1919: 50.
“Tortilla Flat.” Famous Recipes by Famous People, Hotel Del Monte. Compiled and commented upon by Herbert Cerwin. Del Monte, CA: Hotel Del Monte, 1936: 18. Reprinted as “Of Beef and Men” in Famous Recipes by Famous People. San Francisco: Lane Publishing Co., 1940: 11.
“Steinbeck's Letter.” Writers Take Sides: Letters About the War in Spain from 418 American Authors. New York: League of American Writers, 1938: 56-57.
Foreword to Between Pacific Tides, by Edward Ricketts and Jack Calvin. Revised edition. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1948: v-vi. Reprinted as Foreword to “Between Pacific Tides.” Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press for Nathan Van Patten, 1948. 10 copies.
Foreword to Burning Bright. New York: Viking, 1950: 9-13.
“The ‘Inside' on the Inside.” The Iron Gate of Jack & Charlie's “21.” Edited by Francis T. Hunter. New York: Jack Kriendler Memorial Foundation, 1950: 27.
“About Ed Ricketts.” Preface to The Log from the “Sea of Cortez.” New York: Viking, 1951: vii-xvii.
“Un Grand Romancier de Notre Temps.” Hommage à André Gide, 1869-1951. Paris: La Nouvelle Revue Française, 1951: 30. Tribute to Gide.
Foreword to Speeches of Adlai Stevenson. New York: Random House, 1952: 5-8.
Introduction to The World of Li'l Abner, by Al Capp. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1953: np.
“An Appreciation.” Elia Kazan's Production of John Steinbeck's “East of Eden.” Warner Brothers, 1955. Souvenir booklet for the world premiere presentation of the film at the Astor Theater in New York City.
Foreword to Much Ado About Me, by Fred Allen. Boston: Little, Brown, 1956: np.
“A Postscript from Steinbeck.” Steinbeck and His Critics: A Record of Twenty-five Years. Edited by Ernest W. Tedlock and C. V. Wicker. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1957: 307-8.
“Rationale.” Steinbeck and His Critics: 308-9.
Preface to Story Writing, by Edith Ronald Mirrielees. New York: Viking, 1962: vii-viii.
Letter of tribute to Oscar Hammerstein II. Program for the Oscar Hammerstein II Memorial Festival, 46th Street Theatre, New York City, 8 April 1962.
Letter of appreciation for publication of a Greek translation of East of Eden. John Steinbeck: An Exhibition of American and Foreign Editions. Austin: Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, 1963: 23. Reprint from Antolica Tis Edhem. Thessaloníki: Syropoulos, 1955.
“On Learning Writing.” Writer's Yearbook. Cincinnati: F & W Publications, 1963.
“Robert Capa: An Appreciation by John Steinbeck.” Images of War by Robert Capa. Assembled by Cornell Capa. New York: Grossman, 1964: 7.
“A Letter from Steinbeck.” The Thinking Man's Dog. Edited by Ted Patrick. New York: Random House, 1964: 3-10.
“A President—Not a Candidate.” 1964 Democratic National Convention. 1964: 94-97.
In memoriam. Pascal Covici, 1888-1964. [New York:] Meriden Gravure Company, 1964: 19-20.
“John Emery.” John Emery. Zachary Scott. Privately printed, 1964. 200 copies. A tribute.
Foreword to Hard Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit People. Compiled by Alan Lomax. New York: Oak Publications, 1967: 8-9.
Foreword to The Eddie Condon Scrapbook of Jazz, by Eddie Condon and Hank O'Neal. New York: Galahad Books, 1973: np.
Foreword to Bringing in the Sheaves, by Windsor Drake (Thomas A. Collins). Journal of Modern Literature, April 1976: 211-13.
“A Depiction of Mexico by an Author with No Pattern to Vindicate.” San Francisco Chronicle, 31 May 1936: D4.
“Dubious Battle in California.” Nation, 12 Sept. 1936: 302-4.
“The Harvest Gypsies.” San Francisco News, 5-12 Oct. 1936.
“The Way It Seems to John Steinbeck.” The Occident 29 (1936): 5.
“The novel might benefit by the discipline, the terseness of the drama . . .” Stage 15 (Jan. 1938): 50-51.
“Starvation Under the Orange Trees.” Monterey Trader, 15 Apr. 1938.
“A Letter to the Inmates of the Connecticut State Prison.” Monthly Record (Connecticut State Prison), June 1938: 3.
“The Stars Point to Shafter.” Progressive Weekly, 24 Dec. 1938: 2.
“Steinbeck Lashes Out at Bungled Goodwill Drive in Latin States: A Reply to American Censorship.” Carmel Cymbal 15, no. 10 (4 Sept. 1941): 3.
“ ‘Our Best'—Our Fliers.” New York Times Magazine, 22 Nov. 1942: 16-17, 29. Excerpt from Bombs Away.
86 war dispatches. New York Herald Tribune, 21 June-15 Dec. 1943. Available through interlibrary loan from Center for Steinbeck Studies at San Jose State University, in Robert B. Harmon, John Steinbeck, World War II Correspondent: An Annotated Reference Guide. San Jose, CA: Dibco Press, 1997.
“John Steinbeck Writes Appeal for Third War Loan Drive.” Monterey Peninsula Herald, 17 Sept. 1943.
“This Is the Monterey We Love.”Monterey Peninsula Herald, 3 July 1946: Sec. 3: 1.
“The GI's War in a Book Far from Brass.” New York Herald Tribune Weekly Book Review, 18 May 1947: 1.
“A Russian Journal.” New York Herald Tribune, 14-31 Jan. 1948.
“Women and Children in the USSR.” Ladies Home Journal, Feb. 1948: 44-59.
“Journey into Russia: People of the Soviet.” Illustrated, 1 May 1948: 5-22.
“My Ideal Woman.” Flair, July 1950:30-33.
“Critics, Critics Burning Bright.” Saturday Review, 11 Nov. 1950: 20-21.
“Do You Like Yourself?” New York Herald Tribune, 21 Jan. 1951: Sec. 7: 2.
“The Naked Book.” Vogue, 15 Nov. 1951: 119, 161.
“The Farmer's Hotel.” Letter to the editor. New York Times Book Review, 2 Dec. 1951: 40.
“Who Said the Old Lady Was Dying?” Evening Standard (London), 1 Aug. 1952.
“Your Audiences Are Wonderful.” Sunday Times (London), 10 Aug. 1952.
“Duel Without Pistols.” Collier's, 23 Aug. 1952: 13-15.
“The Soul and Guts of France.” Collier's, 30 Aug. 1952: 26-30.
“For Stevenson: Rivals Contrasted.” Letter to the editor. New York Times, 26 Oct. 1952: Sec. 4: 9.
“The Stevenson Letter.” New Republic, 5 Jan. 1953: 13-14.
“The Secret Weapon We Were Afraid to Use.” Collier's, 10 Jan. 1953: 9-13.
“Ballantine Ale.” Life, 26 Jan. 1953: 92-93.
“I Go Back to Ireland.” Collier's, 31 Jan. 1953: 48-50.
“Autobiography: Making of a New Yorker.” New York Times Magazine, 1 Feb. 1953: 26-27, 66-67.
“Positano.” Harper's Bazaar, May 1953: 158, 185, 187-90, 194. Reprinted as Positano. Salerno, Italy: Ente Provinciale Per Il Turismo, 1954.
“A Model T Named ‘It.' ” Ford Times, July 1953: 34-39.
“My Short Novels.” Wings, Oct. 1953: 4-8.
“Circus.” Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus program, 1954: 6-7.
“Trade Winds: When, Two Summers Ago . . .” Saturday Review, 27 Feb. 1954: 8.
“In Awe of Words.” The Exonian, 3 Mar. 1954: 4.
“One American in Paris.” Le Figaro Littéraire, 12 June-18 Sept. 1954. A series of seventeen articles, as well as an eighteenth published in a French collection, Un Américain à New-York et à Paris, 1956. Manuscripts and typescripts of the seventeen articles written for Le Figaro are located in the Marlene Brody Collection at the Center for Steinbeck Studies, San Jose State University; transcriptions in this book are taken from the typescripts.
“Death with a Camera.” Picture Post (London), 12 June 1954.
“Jalopies I Cursed and Loved.” Holiday, July 1954: 44-45, 89-90.
“Fishing in Paris.” Punch, 25 Aug. 1954: 248-49. Also published as “Of Fish and Fishermen.” Sports Illustrated, 4 Oct. 1954: 45. From Le Figaro.
“Robert Capa: An Appreciation.” Photography, Sept. 1954: 48.
“The Miracle of Joan.” John O'London's Weekly, 19 Sept. 1954: 907. From Le Figaro.
“Good Guy—Bad Guy.” Punch, 22 Sept. 1954: 375-78.
“Steinbeck's Voices of America.” Scholastic, 3 Nov. 1954: 15.
“Reality and Illusion.” Punch, 17 Nov. 1954: 616-17. From Le Figaro.
“A Plea for Tourists.” Punch, 26 Jan. 1955: 148-49. From Le Figaro.
“The Affair at 7, Rue de M——” Harper's Bazaar, Apr. 1955: 112, 202, 213. From Le Figaro.

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