American Gangster (3 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Lordes

BOOK: American Gangster
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Then again I doubt that pig’s imagination runs this high. He’d probably be happy with the Plaza or some other overrated piece a shit and think that he was living large. Plebian.

“Thank you sir.” I tipped the attendant and bid him a polite goodnight. You see I’d retained some of that fine upbringing my fuck of a father had afforded me before he threw me to the dogs.

Whether thug or businessman, I always aimed to excel. The sweet little ride I’d ordered was in the reserved slot, something in the shadows but not too far from the entrance. I’d checked the place out entirely before coming here, as I did with any establishment I intended to visit.

The city was another matter, what I knew I learned from maps and whatever I found on the web, but I hadn’t had enough time to learn the layout the way I needed to.

I knew how to get from his place to here and back though, so that ought to be good enough. Hopefully there won’t be a chase in which case my enemies would have the upper hand. I aim to see that that doesn’t happen.

I thought of the best way to approach the house as I drove through the night, the GPS chirping away with directions. As I drew closer to the suburbs and away from the bright lights of the city I started to relax again. I was in my element.

As with most middle class residential areas, there was a sparse offering of street lamps and what they did have were spread out in such a way that a man could get lost in the shadows.

It was already well past midnight and if they weren’t sill out looking for me, then chances are they thought I was gone and their guard would be down.

I kept my ears pricked for any sound of movement as I contemplated skimming the same wall as before. Why mess with a good thing?

I wasn’t expecting any surprises on this end since the house was in total darkness as any law- abiding citizen’s should be. If I had any sense I would be on the plane back home with my ass intact. There was really no reason for me to be here still.

It’s not like I was gonna get my weed back, and I certainly wasn’t here now for the money, no I was here for her. Looks like the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Her mother had bewitched dear old dad with the pussy and it looked like I was willing to get my ass killed for hers.

They must really think very highly of themselves and their ability to scare off any potential threat. There wasn’t a soul around when I landed softly on the other side of the wall into his backyard.

What kind of asshole was this guy anyway? Had the tables been turned I wouldn’t have slept a wink until my enemy had been vanquished. Oh well, all the better for me, but sometimes anything that fucking stupid could be a danger. Assholes are always getting off lucky shots.

I still kept to the shadows and listened out for anything. I knew from Google where his room was, across the hall from the bathroom I’d used earlier. I wasn’t sure about going back through that window, but I hadn’t seen the dogs on this side, and unless he was completely fuck stupid, they were around here somewhere. I’d just as soon not find out after wearing a new set of canine molars in my ass.

Keeping close to the house I made my way around slowly. All seemed still and I was beginning to think they were gone. Another thought hit me just as I made it around to the window under his bedroom.

What if he was right this minute fucking her? Well then, not only would I shoot him, but I’d take his fucking nuts off at the root and feed them to him. I actually had to stop and calm myself down after that.

I wasn’t sure why she was having this affect on me, why after all these years one look took me back. I hadn’t even let myself think about how she looked, not really. But I’d seen enough of her to know that whatever her circumstances now, life had been good to her.

She was bad; like supermodel with a fucking rack bad. Later, I’ll have all the time to fuck with her rack later, pun most definitely intended. It was not smart to be sporting a boner on a mission. Get the pussy off the brain before that last nasty strange you had earlier does end up being your last.

I heard the fucker before I saw him; his snores were loud enough to rattle the rafters. This bastard had really fallen asleep. Where the fuck had he heard that I was a chump, that I had no teeth?

Not even the dogs were out here. I shook my head as I prepared to go show him why overconfidence was never a good thing; especially not in a monumental fuck up like him.

Getting in the window wasn’t as easy as I thought for the simple fact that I didn’t know the layout of the room. For all I know he had traps under his windows, or even a pair of shoes just carelessly thrown there could cause me to stumble and wake his ass up. I didn’t have time to ponder, if today was the day then so be it.

I eased the window the rest of the way up since it was already slightly ajar. I think that’s why I was having such a problem with this, I just couldn’t believe that he could be this stupid.

The room was in full darkness and a full sweep showed his lump in the bed and a smaller form way off to the other side of him.

I didn’t understand the anger that followed that little discovery and wasn’t in the mood to decipher it even if I had the fucking time. I slipped in through the window still not believing that it could be this easy. I kept my senses open expecting to feel the coldness of a barrel against my neck any second.

I knew every move I was going to make and sprung into action as soon as I knew I was clear. I went to her side first, she needed to see this shit; I had my reasons. She came awake with a start and her eyes widened in fear when she saw me standing over her with my hand over her mouth.

When I was sure I had her attention I dragged her up from the bed before nudging him with the barrel of my gun. As soon as his eyes opened I put one dead center of his forehead. I have to remember to tell my boy in Russia that his new silencer was the shit, not even a whiff of air.

I caught her when her body slumped in fear and shock and that hand over her mouth kept any sound from escaping. “Get dressed, you make a sound I’ll put one in your fucking head.” By now she was shaking like a fucking leaf when I let her go to find something to wear in the dark.

While she was doing that I figured I might as well. I found the safe on the wall behind an ugly ass portrait of who the fuck knows. The combination was easy enough since I was dealing with an imbecile. Unlike him I’d done my homework I knew all there was to know about his ass.

I cleaned that shit out and was pleased to note that there was more there than he would’ve owed me, fucking thief. She was taking entirely too long so I decided to help her out.

I shoved her arms through the sleeves of her shirt before pulling the jeans up her legs. She was thin, not overly so but I like my fucks to have a little more ass. “Grab your purse.” She was gonna need her ID to get on the plane later today. She found it on a chair in a corner and threw it over her shoulder.

“Move.” I used the barrel of the gun in her back to move her towards the window. She looked back like she was gonna say something, being female she was probably thinking I should give her time to pack. The kill lights in my eyes soon had her thinking different and she moved her ass through the window.

Chapter 7



I could see her contemplating her options as I climbed out behind her. “Don’t try it, I have yet to meet anyone who could outrun a bullet, and the things these shits do to the human body, not pretty. I’d hate to have to splatter your spleen before I had the chance to fuck you.”

Her indrawn breath was the only sound she made as I started us moving. I had yet to see anyone on guard, shit felt almost like I’d fallen down the rabbit hole, but I had just put a hole in the fucker so I know it was real. “Where’s everybody?” of course I kept my voice low. I had to help her along with an arm under hers since she seemed to be going into shock.

She shook her head but no words came. “If you fall I will drag you I’m not in the mood to lug your weight so I suggest you suck it up. Unless you want to get caught in a hale of bullets I suggest you tell me where his men are or you’re gonna have to scale this wall.”

I knew the ex-cheerleader wouldn’t have any problems with that feat, but her body was under a lot of strain. She looked at that shit like it was Everest. “Gone, they didn’t think you were coming back, there was another job…” Her voice trailed off but I’d got what I needed.

Once again I kept to the shadows as I led her around the long way back to my ride. Once there I pushed her inside and closed the door before climbing in on my side and peeling off back the way I came. There was no conversation on the ride, her body was at that stage where the shakes were setting in and her skin had that pasty sickening look to it.

“Pull yourself together, at least you’re not the one with a hole in your head, it could’ve been worse.” And probably will be for her by the time I was through with her. Now that I had her in my grasp I could give my inner demons free reign. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to have her in my hands, there was no end to what I could and will do to her.

Once at the hotel I led her with a hand in the small of her back. There was still no hint of recognition on her face as she looked at me and I wasn’t sure if to be insulted, or relieved.

“We’re here.” She’d been looking askance ever since we entered the upscale establishment, like she expected us to be asked to leave any minute. When I showed her to the penthouse suite I thought she was going to shit herself.

I wonder what had happened to take her out of her privileged element; had the old man lost all his money? I meant to find out every little morsel in the not too distant future.

“Go bathe I can smell him on you.” She turned beet red and if looks could kill I’d be a goner, but I wasn’t interested in her paltry attempts at trying to look tough. “The bathroom’s through there, use lots of soap and if he fucked you tonight make sure there’s none of him left, I’m not into sloppy seconds.”

I was going for the shock factor and it seemed to be working. Good, let her lessons in humiliation begin. I poured myself a drink as I pondered the sense of accomplishment I felt.

It had fuck all to do with taking him out, he was small change compared to the vaunted circles I moved in these days. No it was her, the little Disney fucking princess my father had preferred over me.

Maybe I’ll wait a while before telling her who I was. After I’d fucked her raw a couple times maybe then I’d tell her; we’ll see which gave me more pleasure.

I listened for the water to come on before grabbing the little bag the hotel staff had left on the night table. I took out what I needed for now and threw the rest on the bed before heading for the en suite.

She made a pretty picture behind the beveled glass I’ll give her that, too bad it was wasted on me. I pulled the door open and she squealed in surprise. “Turn around and spread your legs cupcake.”

“Why what are you gonna do?” My answer was a quirked brow as she looked from me to the tube in my hand. Again with the blushes. “I don’t know what he had so before I stick you even with sheepskin on my dick we have to clean you up.”

She backed up but what was the point? I’d already removed the quarter million worth of Kevlar and was down to an actual dress shirt, so I just rolled up the sleeves and got to work.

I knocked her legs open with my hand and drove the nozzle into her pussy. She was highly upset to say the least, but hey. I’d asked nicely. The sooner she learned that I didn’t repeat myself the better off we’d be. And especially where she was concerned there will be no quarter given.

She didn’t say anything but held herself stiff as a board while I squeezed the vinegar solution up inside her. I emptied one bottle and reached for the other, that’s when the umbrage came out, again, don’t care.

“You done?” I didn’t wait for her answer, instead I took the washcloth from her hand and soaped it up before washing her pussy and ass out thoroughly. “You’ll do. Let’s go.”

She started giving me shit as I dragged her wet, naked ass along behind me. “Look I saw what you were fucking before I put a bullet in his head let’s not pretend, and in case you didn’t notice, I’m a trade up. Hop up.”

I pushed her towards the bed. “Hands and knees cupcake, time’s a wasting and I wanna fuck.” Before she could open her mouth to tell me fuck that I didn’t want to hear, I helped her onto the bed with a fistful of her hair held tight in my hand.

My dick had been hard since I got her out the window so there was no hardship for me to drop trou and sheath up before fucking into her. “We’ll do foreplay later, now show me what you know.”

Stiff as a fucking board! “Suit yourself, I don’t need you to enjoy this for me to get off.” I started stroking. I was going on pure fumes and old hurts. All I saw in my mind was her in my father’s house, the house that used to be mine. The golden child while his true seed had been cast aside like refuse.

She tried to hold herself away from me, to not feel. That shit pissed me the fuck off. I reached around for her clit and played with it until she grew wet on my fingers.

Her pussy squeezed and her ass twitched. “Oh yeah, you’re a hot little bitch aren’t you? It doesn’t seem to matter whose dick you’re on, look at that pussy weep.”

I fucked her nice and slow just to fuck with her. I know she wanted me to fuck hard, get my rocks off and pull out. But where was the fun in that? Oh no I wanted her screaming for my cock.

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