American Gun: A History of the U.S. In Ten Firearms (40 page)

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Authors: Chris Kyle,William Doyle

Tags: #History, #Non-Fiction

BOOK: American Gun: A History of the U.S. In Ten Firearms
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HK-91 Rifles, 254
HK-416 Rifles, 252
Hole in the Wall Gang, 71
Holliday, Doc, 69, 77–78, 79, 80–81,
, 83
hollow point bullets, 228
Hoover’s Gap, Battle of, 47–48
Hotchkiss, Benjamin Berkeley, 172, 174
Hotchkiss Machine Guns, 171–72, 174
Houston, Samuel Jr., 23, 24, 25, 27–28,
, 29
Houston, Samuel Sr., 14, 23, 24
Howard, John, 20–21
hunting rifles
buffalo and, 98–99, 100–101,
long rifles as, 5–6
muzzle-loading, 96, 98
and numbers of guns, 261
Remington 700 Rifles as, 137
Winchesters as, 109, 111
See also specific model
Ia Drang Valley, Battle of, 236, 241–45
Indians/Indian Wars
at Adobe Wall battle, 99–100
Colt Revolvers and, 59–61,
end of, 101
at Little Bighorn, 102–6
long rifles and, 6
Ordnance Corps decisions during, 122–23
Remington’s picture of,
rifle uses by, 104–5
Sharps Big 50 and, 99–100
U.S. Army and, 100
Winchesters in, 100, 104–5,
, 122–23
See also
Little Bighorn, Battle of
Hester in, 255–58,
Kyle (Chris) in, 137, 250–51,
Kyle (Jeff) in, 246
M1911 in, 162
Marines in, 250
snipers in, 137, 139
J frame guns, 225
Jackson, Andrew, 36
Jaeger hunting rifles, 3, 265
James, Frank, 86
James, Jesse, 86,
James-Younger Gang, 86
Arisaka Type 99 rifle of, 196
See also specific battle
Jefferson, Thomas, 15, 36
John M. Browning Firearms Museum (Ogden, Utah), 156
Jonathan Davis Incident, 65
Jones, James, 141
Jones, William E., 136
Kalashnikov, Mikhail, 238
Kawaguchi, Kiyotake, 204
Keith, Elmer, 98
Kelly, “Machine Gun” (aka George Celino Barnes), 182–83
Kennedy, John F., 232
Kentucky rifle.
long rifles, American/Kentucky
Kettle Hill, Battle of.
Cuba/San Juan Hill
King, Jeffery, 181
Knox, Henry, 122
Koons, Franklin “Zip,” 191–93, 198–200, 262
Korean War
M1 Garands in, 209,
, 272
M1911 Colt Pistols in, 161–62, 270
Springfield M1903 Rifles in, 136
“Tommy Guns” in, 168
Kouma, Ernest R., 161–62
Krag .30 Rifles, 149
Krag-Jorgensen M1896 Rifles, 116, 117, 123
Kyle, Chris
bolt-action weapons used by, 137
Craft AR-15 Rifle of,
favorite sniper weapons of, 138
firing of long rifle by, 5
Houston ancestors of, 14
in Iraq, 137, 139, 156, 250–51,
and lever-action rifles, 94
M16 Rifle use by, 250–51
M1911 in collection of, 149, 156
M1911 preference of, 232
as Navy SEAL, 5, 54, 139, 250–51,
pictures of,
as sniper, 5, 137, 139, 156, 250–51,
Winchester M1892 as favorite of, 107
Kyle, Jeff, 94, 246, 248, 251
LaGarde, Louis, 175
Land Pattern Muskets “Brown Bess,” 7, 24
Lapua .338 Magnum, 139
law enforcement
Colt M1911 Revolvers and, 162–63, 180
gangsters and, 180–82
Glock 17 Pistols and, 229–30, 232
M16 Rifles and, 252, 254–55
practice for agents of, 222
semi-automatic weapons and, 163, 228–29
.38 Special as main gun of, 163, 273
Tommy guns and, 176,
training of agents for, 227–28
See also
FBI; police departments; Secret Service, U.S.; Texas Rangers;
specific person
Leavelle, Jim, 232–33
LeClair, Monty, 138–39
Lee-Enfield rifles, 201
Lefebvre, Louis, 243
Lehman, John, 122
LeMay, Curtis, 240
lever-action rifles, 34, 79, 85, 94–95, 107.
See also specific model
Lewis Machine Guns, 173, 174, 182
Lewis, Meriwether, 58
Lincoln, Abraham, 31, 34, 35–38,
, 40, 42, 50–51, 52, 169, 171, 266
Lindsey, Julian R., 147
Little Bighorn, Battle of, 102–6,
, 123
long rifles, American/Kentucky
accuracy of, 5–6
barrel of, 5, 6, 7
black powder for, 147
bullets for, 8
of Crockett,
design and development of, 3, 5, 265
firing of, 5, 6–7
hand-made, 3, 6
as hunting rifles, 5–6
importance in Revolutionary War of, 3, 5
legacy of, 29
loading/reloading of, 8, 11–12, 19, 265
nicknames for, 5, 265
overview of, 265
pictures of,
on Plains, 96
popularity of, 5
primary uses for, 5–6, 265
problems with, 8
recoil of, 5
in Revolutionary War, 1–3, 8,
, 10–12, 19, 265
of Sgt. York, 147
Texas Wars and, 24, 25,
weight of, 5
Lopez, Baldomero,
Lugers, 145, 156, 157, 188, 215, 218.
See also
Mauser Luger
M1 Garands
accuracy of, 196, 199, 205, 214
as American classic, 214
ammunition for, 195–96, 272
assault rifles as offspring of, 238
automatic weapons compared with, 209
bayonets on, 208
benefits of, 202, 205, 214
bolt-action rifles compared with, 202
British and, 200–201
design/development of, 193, 195–96, 272
German views about, 205
and guns as products of their time, 260
importance of, 193
improvements on, 209
in Korean War, 209,
, 272
loading/firing of, 195, 196, 198, 199, 202, 272
M14 Rifles compared with, 211
mass production of,
military and, 196, 201–2
overview of, 272
pictures of,
problems with, 202, 204
range of, 214
reputation of, 193, 198, 200
semi-automatic weapons compared with, 209
sights of, 199, 202
Springfield rifles compared with, 199, 202
in World War II, 186, 190, 191–93,
, 198–202,
, 204–8,
, 272
M2 Machine Guns, 161
M4 Carbines, 246,
, 248, 250, 255, 256–58,
, 274
M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle, 212,
M14 Rifles, 209–13,
, 238, 239, 241, 245–46
M16 Assault Rifles
in Afghanistan,
barrel for, 246
bayonets on, 248, 274
cartridges for, 245, 246
design and development of, 237–41, 274
early military actions for, 127
grenade launchers on, 248, 250
importance of, 244–45
in Iraq, 250–52, 256–58
law enforcement and, 252, 254–55
loading of, 241
M14 compared with, 241, 245–46
overview of, 274
pictures of,
price of, 241
problems with, 245–46
rails of, 248, 250
recoil of, 241
as replacement for M1 Garands, 211
revisions to, 246,
, 248
scopes for, 250
sights for, 246, 250
snipers and, 250–51
trading for, 250, 251
in Vietnam War, 235–37,
, 241–46,
, 248
weight of, 241, 250
M16A1 Assault Rifles, 246, 248, 274
M16A2 Assault Rifles, 246, 274
M16A3 Assault Rifles, 246, 248, 274
M16A4 Assault Rifles, 246, 274
M25 Rifles, 211
M60 Machine Guns, 204
M231 Assault Rifles, 274
M249 Machine Guns, 256–57
MA-1 Survival Rifles, 238
MacArthur, Douglas, 196
Maccabee, Paul, 180
machine guns
Army Ordnance Department and, 169, 174
of Browning, 153
design and development of, 169–74
in Korean War, 161
MP5 family of, 190
squad-level, 190, 271
weight of, 174
in World War I, 131, 132, 133, 134, 143, 144, 147
in World War II, 158
See also specific manufacturer or model
magazine-feeder rifles, 55
Maguire, Russell, 184
Makin Island: World War II battle on, 186
Marine Corps, U.S.
in Afghanistan,
in “Banana Wars,” 157–58
“Carlson’s Raiders” of, 186
Colt M1911 Pistols and, 151, 157–58
in Iraq, 250
in Korean War, 209,
and Kyle-Marine gun trade, 251
Lapua rounds and, 139
M1 Garands and, 201–2, 209,
M16 Rifles and, 246, 274
official sidearms of, 151
and Springfield M1903 Bolt-Action Rifles, 201
Tommy guns and, 176, 186,
, 190
in World War I, 129,
, 131–36,
in World War II, 158, 186,
, 201, 204
Marlin 30-30 Rifle, 94
Marm, Joe, 244

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