American Lady : The Life of Susan Mary Alsop (9781101601167) (29 page)

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Authors: Frances (INT) Caroline; Fitzgerald De Margerie

BOOK: American Lady : The Life of Susan Mary Alsop (9781101601167)
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Lopez, Arturo, 81

Lutyens, Edwin, 163

Luynes, Duke de, 92

MacArthur, Douglas, 76

Macmillan, Lady Dorothy, née Cavendish, 120

Macmillan, Harold, 96, 120

Mailer, Norman, 172

Malraux, André, 41

Margerie, Emmanuel “Bobby” and Hélène de, 137–38, 146

Margerie, Gilles de, 146

Marie, Queen of Romania, 3–4

Marshall, General George C., 54–55, 173

Marshall Plan, 49, 51, 55, 91, 92

Maud’huy, Marie de, 33, 63

Mauriac, François, 41

Maurois, André, 47

McCarthy, Joseph, 76, 92, 113, 125

McCormick, Ken, 155, 156

McNamara, Robert “Bob,” 129, 134, 172

Mellon, Rachel “Bunny,” 116

Mendès France, Pierre, 93

Messel, Oliver, 82

Meyer, Mary, 122

Millau, Christian, 82

Milliken, Anne Patten, 118, 122, 169

birth of, 69

childhood of, 88, 89, 99

illness and death of father, 100, 105, 106

illness and death of mother, 192, 193

marriages of, 145, 182

in mother’s intervention, 187–89

and stepfather, 115, 135, 137

Milliken, John, 182, 188

Miracle, The
(Reinhardt), 38

Mitford, Nancy, 81, 86, 90, 95

anti-Americanism of, 75–76

The Blessing
, 72–73, 75–76

in Coopers’ social circle, 44

Don’t Tell Alfred
, 73–74, 75

fear of Soviet invasion, 60

friendship with Susan Mary, 73, 76

on Gladwyn Jebb, 102

“Mildred Jungfleisch” modeled on Susan Mary, 69, 73–76, 107

on paternity rumors, 62

Moch, Jules, 56

Molotov, Viatcheslav, 45

Monnet, Jean, 55, 87

Moorhead, Lucy, 181

Morand, Paul, 81

Morgan, J.P., 163

MRP party (Mouvement Républicain Populaire), 28

Munich Agreement, 39

My Fair Lady
, 138–39

Nabokov, Nicholas “Nicky,” 29

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 111

Newhouse, John, 172

New Republic
, 134

New York Herald Tribune
, 112, 128

New York Times
, 128, 133, 161

New York World’s Fair, 12

Ngo Dinh Diem, 127

Nguyen Van Thieu, 147

Nicholas II, Czar, 169

Nicolson, Harold, 163, 165

Nicolson, Nigel, 164–65, 168, 173

Nitze, Paul, 29, 126

Nixon, Richard

China policy of, 148

election of, 134

and Kissinger, 166–67

Vietnam policy of, 147–48

and Watergate scandal, 152, 157

Noailles, Hélie and Nadège, 172

Noailles, Henri and Marie de, Duke and Duchess de Mouchy, 32–33

Noailles, Marie-Laure de, 32, 41, 81, 94

Noailles, Philippe de, 32, 100

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 65

Norwich, Duff Cooper.
Cooper, Duff

Norwich, John Julius Cooper, Lord, 51, 87, 88

O’Brien, Lawrence, 124

Ogden, Deedy, 192

Ogier, Mademoiselle (governess), 89

Old Men Forget
(Cooper), 86

Onassis, Jacqueline. See Jacqueline Kennedy

One Hundred Years of Solitude
(García Márquez), 141

Operation Heartbreak
(Cooper), 85

Pakenham, Sir Michael, 172

Palewski, Gaston, 28, 44, 62, 72, 73, 90, 107

Paley, Barbara Cushing “Babe,” 11–12, 61, 121

Paley, William S., 11


American community in, 21–22

black market in, 23

modernization of, 93–94

salons of, 41–42

V-E Day in, 25–26

Paris Match
, 91

Pasquier, Roger, 181

Patten, Anne.
Milliken, Anne Patten

Patten, Eliza, 182, 188, 192

Patten, Kate Bacon, 145, 182

Patten, Sam, 146, 182, 186, 190–91

Patten, Susan Mary.
Alsop, Susan Mary

Patten, Sybil, 182

Patten, Sydney, 192

Patten, William, 12, 14

Patten, William Samuel “Bill,” 21, 23, 25, 32, 33, 42, 49, 53, 77, 152, 160

background and education of, 12–13

death of, 105–8

as father, 61, 63–64, 99, 104

foreign service appointment of, 17

health of, 13, 14, 17, 46, 54, 64, 78–81, 98–101, 103–5

marriage of, 12, 13–15, 46

medical care in U.S., 100–101, 104–5

Paris embassy job of, 19, 22, 24, 29, 77–78, 98

retirement of, 98

Susan Mary’s adultery concealed from, 51, 68, 69–70

at wedding anniversary celebration, 105

Patten, William Samuel, Jr. “Billy” “Bill,” 139, 140, 141, 153, 169, 170

birth of, 61

at boarding school, 99, 104, 118

childhood of, 62–63, 88–89, 99

death of father, 106

death of mother, 192–93

marriage to Kate Bacon, 145, 182

in mother’s intervention, 187–89

paternity of, 60, 61–62, 89, 188–89

and stepfather, 62, 115, 137

Peabody, Reverend Endicott, 9

Peabody, Marietta.
Tree, Marietta Peabody

Pei, I.M., 138

Pepita, Josefa de la Oliva, née Duran y Ortega, known as, 162

Pétain, Marshal Philippe, 29

Petsche, Maurice, 67

Peyrefitte, Roger, 88

Pierre, Henri Grouès, known as l’Abbé, 94

Pierrepont, Nancy, 170, 188, 190

Pleven, René, 28, 87

Polignac, Princess Marie-Blanche de, 41

Pol-Roger, Odette, 33, 49, 50, 52, 56, 82, 95

Pompidou, Claude, 180

Porcellian Club, 13

Porter Cole, 8

Portland, Duke of, 68

Portrait of a Marriage
(Nicolson), 164–65

Potter, Trevor, 181

Powell, General Colin, 186

Pozza, Ginnana “Gemma,” 183, 187, 189

Preston, Patsy, 181

Prout, Curtis, 10

Puffenberger, Miss “Puff,” 117

Pyne, Nancy, 190

Queuille, Henri, 67

Quinn, Sally, 161–62, 190

Radziwill, Princess Dolly, 50, 62

Rainbow Corner, 24, 25

Ramadier, Paul, 55

Rauch, Stewart, 10

Reagan, Nancy, 172

Reinhardt, Max, 38

Rense, Paige Nolan, 179, 184, 191

Resistance, French, 27, 29, 30

Reston, James, 128

Reynaud, Paul, 26, 28, 173

Robert, Hubert, 153

Rockefeller, David, 191

Rockefeller, Nelson, 166

Rodd, Peter, 72

Rodin, Auguste, 163

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 10, 109

Roosevelt, Ethel du Pont, 20

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 10, 13, 16, 17, 20–21, 25

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 20, 68

Roosevelt, Selwa “Lucky,” 180

Roosevelt, Theodore, 3, 10, 13

Rostow, Walt W., 124, 162

Rothermere, Lord, 67

Rothschild, Alix de, 34

Rothschild, Bethsabée de, 66

Rothschild, Betty de, 171

Rothschild, Liliane de, 173

Rougemont, Anne de, 165, 185

Rougemont, Louise de, 33, 185, 190

Rubio, Gloria, 48

Rusk, Dean, 127

Rutland, 8th Duke and Duchess of, 37

Rutland, 10th Duke of, 68, 88

Sackville, Lady Victoria, 162–65

Sackville, Lionel Sackville-West, 2nd Baron, 162–3

Sackville, Lionel Sackville-West, 3rd Baron, 163

Sackville, Lionel Sackville-West, 6th Baron, 164

Sackville-West, Vita, 163, 165

Sagan, Françoise, 94

Sagan, Princess Wilhelmina de, 178

Saint-Firmin, château de, 51, 64, 86–87

Salinger, Nicole, 173

Salinger, Pierre, 129

Salisbury, Robert “Bobbety” Gascoyne-Cecil, Marquess of, 96, 107

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 67

Sasha Bruce Foundation, 179, 184

Schiaparelli, Elsa, 56

Schlesinger, Arthur M., 124, 133, 159

Schuman, Robert, 56

Schuman Declaration, 87

Scott, John Murray, 163

Scowcroft, Brent, 172

Senlis, Patten’s country house at, 50–51, 69

Sergeant Shakespeare
(Cooper), 85

Sheep on the Runway
(Buchwald), 143–44

Shriver, Sargent, 124

Six-Day War, 133

Smith, Sally Bedell, 190

Snow, Carmel, 42

Souvanna Phouma, Prince, 158

Stalin, Joseph, 52

Stevens, Elizabeth “Liz,” 181

Stevenson, Adlai, 90, 108, 109, 124, 150

Stewart, Martha, 192

Stormont, Lord, 176

Streisand, Barbra, 172

Suez Crisis, 95–97

Sulzberger, Cyrus “Cy” L., 67, 86, 97, 107, 165, 184

Sulzberger, David, 86, 173, 182

Sulzberger, Marina, 62, 86, 97, 107, 151, 165

Sulzberger, Marinette, 86

Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles, Duke de, 36, 71

Talleyrand-Périgord, Dorothée de, Duchess de Dino, 71, 178

Tierney, Gene, 82

of London, 88, 107

Town and Country
, 185

Travellers Club, 35, 180

Tree, Marietta Peabody, 138

Barbados home of, 139, 153, 165

at Blueberry Ledge, 182, 184–85

correspondence with Susan Mary, 30, 61, 66, 90–91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 114–15, 133, 145, 153

death of, 185

death of Adlai Stevenson, 150

friendship with Susan Mary, 8, 9, 11, 62, 64, 175

Letters to Marietta
, 155–57, 159–160

marriage to Desmond FitzGerald, 12, 14

marriage to Ronnie Tree, 50, 54

political activism of, 77, 90, 155

social success of, 68

Tree, Nancy, 49

Tree, Ronald “Ronnie,” 49, 50, 53–54, 165

Trefusis, Violet, 163

Trudeau, Pierre, 180

Truman, Harry, 21, 54, 65

Tvede, Mogens, 50

U.S. News & World Report
, 172

Valenti, Jack, 130

Vallet, Elisa, 22–23

Vance, Cyrus, 167

Van Cortland family, connection to Jays, 2

Vang Pao, General, 157–58

Varay, Dr., 78, 87, 105

V-E Day, 25–26

Vernes, Jacqueline, 34

Victoria, Queen, 3

Vidal, Gore, 113, 166

Vidal-Quadras, Alejo, 181

Vietnam, Alsops’ trips to, 131–32, 141–43

Vietnam War

Joe Alsop’s support for, 127, 131–33, 143

Johnson’s policy on, 131–32, 134

Nixon’s policy on, 147–48

opposition to, 134

Susan Mary on, 133, 142–43

Vignaud, Bertrand du, 173

Vilmorin, Louise de, 44, 48, 56–57

, 11–12

Vyshinsky, Andreï, 45

Wallace, George, 125

Walters, Barbara, 172

Warner, Sir Frederick “Fred,” 100, 107

Washington Post
, 147, 161, 171, 179

Washington Star
, 151–52, 171

Watters, Susan, 178

Waugh, Evelyn, 44, 60, 62, 86, 102

Weidenfeld, George, Lord, 162

Weinberger, Caspar, 172

Welles, Orson, 82

Welles, Sumner, 17, 101

Wentworth, Jan, 180, 188, 190, 192

Westminster, Loelia, Duchess of, 52

Westmoreland, General William, 131, 133

Wharton, Edith, 181

White House art committee, 121

Whitehouse, Charles “Charlie” S., 51, 142, 157–59, 188, 191

Whitney, John “Jock” Hay, 128

Wieseltier, Leon, 181

Willkie, Wendell, 16, 17

Windsor, Duke and Duchess of, 42, 50, 173

Wirth, Timothy “Tim,” 167

Wisner, Frank, 126

Wisner, Frank (son of above-mentioned), 132, 165

World War II

American entry, 16–17

American involvement in, 16

impact on France, 26–27

outbreak of, 15–16

overseas journey during, 20

Yankees at the Court
(S. M. Alsop), 176–77

Yturbe, Miguel de, 63

Zhou Enlai, 148, 149

Ziegler, Philip, 174

Zimmerman nephews, 192

Zimmerman, Corinne “Teeny,” 181

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