American Language (156 page)

Read American Language Online

Authors: H.L. Mencken

BOOK: American Language
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-thon, 180

thon’s, 460

thoro, 400, 402, 403, 406

thorofare, 400, 403

thoroly, 400, 403

Thoroughgood, 479

Thorrel, 522

those, 451, 452, 460

thosen, 451

those-there, 451, 452

thou, 449, 450

thought, 435

thrash, 346

thread, 383, 384

threat, 384

thred, 384

Three Churches, 537

Three Fingers, 536

three-of-a-kind, 191

three-sheet, to, 585

threesome, 562

three - strikes - and - out, 191

Threetops, 539

thresh, 346

thret, 384

threw, 422, 435, 440

thro, 406

through, 605

throw, to, 435, 440

throw a rock, to, 123

throw a scare into, to, 198

throwed, 435, 440

thrown, 435

thru, 399, 400, 402, 403, 404, 406

thrung, 435

thruout, 400, 403

Thugut, 478

thum, 384, 402

thumb, 383, 384

thumb-tack, 239

thunder, 602

Thunichgut, 478

thunk, 435

Thurgod, 479

thusly, 467

Thusnelda, 522

ticket, 101; -agent, 238; -chopper, 239; -office, 147; -scalper, 145, 147

tickler, 145

tickrum-juckrum, 577

tiddy-bit, 361

tie, 147, 235

tie-pin, 235

tie-up, 239

Tildy, 519

tiles, 238

till, 160

till hell freezes over, 314

tillicum, 150

Tilman, 516

timbre, 409

tin, 228, 238, 375

tin-hat, 573

tinhorn, 263

tinker, 236

tin-key, 234

tinner, 236

tin-opener, 234

tinsmith, 236

tipe, 402

tiptoe, to, 192

tire, 389, 390, 394; -engineer, 290

tiro, 390

Tish, 519

tiswin, 151

tit, 309

tit for tat, 578

tithe, 248

title-holder, 562

tiz, 173

to, 401,471

to a frazzle, 167

tobacco, 112, 152, 604

toboggan, 105

tocking, 378

to-day, 414

Todenacker, 479

toffee, 235

toggery, 266

to go big, 202

toilet, 304, 389, 391, 394

toilette, 389

Tola, 516

told, 352, 438

tole, 352, 435, 438

To Let, 266

Tolliver, 503

Tom, 512, 513, 519

tom, 402

tomahawk, 105, 372

tomahawk, to, 117

Tom-and-Jerry, 149

Tomas, 508

Tomáš, 511

Tomasini, 493

Tomaso, 509

Tomaszewski, 488

tomato, 112, 152, 334, 337

tomb, 402

tombé, 151

Tombstone, 536

Tom Collins, 149

tommy-rot, 564

to-morrow, 414, 605

tomtomery, 175

tongue, 383, 384, 399

tonguey, 129

tong, 162; -war, 162

to-night, 414

tonked, 260

tonsil-paint, 568

tonsorial-artist, 288; -studio, 292

tony, 96, 145, 464


tooken, 442

toor, 382

Toothacher, 479

Toothpick, 552

toot sweet, 573

top, 237; -hole, 269; -kick, 573; -liner, 236; -round, 236; -side, 236

Topekan, 549

topped, to be, 581

topping, 269, 557

toppings, 583

topsy-turvy, 126

tore, 349, 435

Torial, 525

torn, 435

tornado, 152, 231, 339, 347

Torontonian, 549

torope, 105

torpedo, 580

torpor, 389, 395

tort, 349

tortilla, 152

tortillia, 152

tosh, 269

tote, to, 99, 119, 232

touch, 346

touchy, 126

tough, 609

tough guy, 39

toune, 379

tour, 382

tourist, 155

tovôdoun, 113

towards, 204, 468

towerman, 146

town, 379, 539

town-loafer, 156

Toycen, 492

T.R., 183

track, 238

track-walker, 146

Tracy, 504, 507

trade off, to, 232

tradesmen’s-entrance, 266

traffic, 269, 406; -blockade, 239; -division, 243

trafic, 406

Trailing Arbutus, 521

train-boy, 147

trained-, 291

trained nurse, 240

trainer, 584

trait, 328, 348

tram-car, 247

tramp, 347, 581

Trampleasure, 503

tramway, 239

transom, 236

transportation, 31

trap, 260

trapee, 461

trapeze, 461

trapezist, 178

trash, 128

träumerei, 347

traveld, 403

traveldom, 178

traveler, 383, 388, 399

Travelers’ moon, 106 I

traveling, 388

traveling salesman, 305

traveller, 383, 388, 389, 399

travelogue, 171

tray, 328

treacle, 62, 235

treasurer, 289

treated good, to be, 254

treatment, 293

tree-surgeon, 288

trefa, 217

tremendious, 353

trewe, 465

trez beans, 573

Triantafyllou, 485

tribunal, 325, 341

trick, 585

trigger-man, 580

trim, to, 562

Trinidad, 535

tripos, 243

tripper, 147

triscuit, 173

troble, 400

trocha, 221

Trojan, 551

trollop, 305

tromp, to, 346

Trosley, 503

Trotsky, 499

Trotterscliffe, 503

troubld, 403

trouble, 400, 578

Troy, 530

Trpaslik, 488

truck, 147

truckologist, 179

true, 345

true-blue, 143

true inwardness, 232

trufit, 407

trun, 435

truncheon, 243

trunk, 235

trunk-call, 86

trunk-line, 239

trust-buster, 429, 565

try, 170

try a case, to, 246

try and, 165

try out, to, 198, 227, 229

tsar, 390

tub, to, 269

tube, 266

tuck, 435

tuckhoe, 106

Tucson, 542; -ian, 548

Tuesday, 345

tuf, 381, 402, 403

Tug, 520

Tuisku, 492

tummy, 265, 310

tumour, 395

tumtum, 150

tung, 383, 384, 399, 402

Tunicotto, 478

tupelo, 106

turbot, 246

turfdom, 178

Turk, 183, 295

turkey, 582, 585

turkey-gobbler, 114

turn, to, 198

turn at the first corner, to, 253

turn down, to, 198, 227, 565, 609

turnfest, 218

turn him in, to, 581

turnip, 240

turnpike, 57, 99

turn up missing, to, 198

turnverein, 112, 157

turtle, 126

tut, 159

tuxedo, 173

T.V.A., 209

twang, 126

twelv, 401, 403

twelve-month, 250

twenty-three, 561

Twila, 521

twine, 247

Twisleton - Wykeham - Fiennes, 502

twist and twirl, 578

Twitty, 505

two-fer, 143

two-seater, 237

twosome, 562

two-step, 582

two-time loser, 580

typewrite, to, 192

typo, 170

tyre, 389, 390

Tyson, 492

U, 170

u, 344, 359, 360, 383, 386, 393, 394, 395, 396, 399, 402, 441; ü,482

Uarda, 522

Uberto, 509

ue, 402

ugly, 99

uh-huh, 561

Uhler, 484

U Kan Kom In, 546

uke, 585

ulk, 184

ultimatum, 339

umbrella, 603

umpire, 346

Unable-to-Fornicate, 514

uncle, 579

under-brush, 115

under-cut, 236, 240

undergraduate, 242

underground - railroad, 147

underhanded, 165

underlay a cut, to, 261

underpinned, 120

underpinning, 128

undershirt, 236, 239

Undershirt Hill, 536

under-the-weather, 143,

Underwood, 489

Unéaukara, 527

Uneeda, 537

uneeda, 172, 209, 407

Uneedme, 209

union-suit, 236

uniquer, 463

Unisian, 548

unit, 116

Unitedstatesian, 548

Universal, 99

university, 292

university-man, 243

unjustest, 463

unloosen, 464

unloosen, to, 433

unmarried mother, 293

unmentionables, 303

unmixed, 379

Uno, 534

unrivaledest, 168

unrol, 380

Unsijärvi, 492

Unsuntabunt, 531

untaxpaid, 194

unwhisperables, 303

unworthy, 465

up, 402

up, to be, 245

up against, 227

up against a tough proposition, 227

up-lift, 62

up-line, 247

Upperco, 484

uppish, 567

Uprchl, 488

up-state, 93, 246

Upthegrove, 505

up to, 227

up to time, 238

uptown, 246

up-train, 247

U-Put-It-On, 209

Uretha, 522

U-Rub-It-In, 209

us, 447 455 455 us-all, 378

used, 293

used to be, 447

used to could, 99

usen’t, 471

use’to, 471

ush, to, 192

Usher, 516

usher, 241, 245

us is, 363

us-two, 449

usually, 467

us-uns, 450

Utahna, 522

Utensil, 525

Utica, 530

utilize, to, 16

v, 375, 377. 401

vacation, to, 195, 237

vacationize, to, 193

Vaccarelli, 493

vaccine, 341

Vaćlav, 511

vag, 402

vagrate, to, 16

vague, 402

Väinö, 510

Valaria, 522

Valdez, 494

Valentino, 578

valeteria, 177

Vališ, 486

vallje, 119

vally, 402

valorous, 395

valour, 395

valspar, 173

vamoose, 152

vamos, 152

vamose, 152

vamose, to, 232

vamp, 169

vamp, to, 192, 565

van, 169, 481

Van Arsdale, 481

Van Buren, 481

Vanderbilt, 498

Van de Veer, 481

Vandiver, 481

vanilla, 349

Vannersdale, 481

Van Rensselaer, 481

Vanzetti, 494

vaporize, 395

vapour, 395

vaquero, 75, 152

variate, to, 99

variety, 237

Varlow, 522

vase, 337

vaseline, 172, 559

vase-line, 591

Vashti, 524

Vatslaw, 510

vaud, 237

vaude, 237

vaudevil, 401, 403

vaudeville, 237, 347, 411; -theatre, 237

Vavrǐnec, 511

vegetable, 376

vegetable-slice, 260

Veilchenduft, 501

Veldhuis, 485

Vella, 521

Velvalee, 522

Venables, 503

Venables-Vernon, 502

veneer, 155

venereal disease, 306

Venice, 530

Venton Orlaydo, 524

Ventura, 542

veranda, 393

verandah, 392, 393

verb, 375

verdrübt, 150

vereins, 412

verger, 248

veribest, 407

Verl, 522

Verla, 522

Verlie, 521

Vernon, 507

Versailles, 542

Versey, 522

vertebrae, 347

Vertie Ven, 524

Very Rev., 282, 283

Ves, 519

Vespasien, 304

vest, 236, 239, 377

vestry, 245

veteran, 255

Veverka, 512

vial, 389, 390

vicar, 220, 248, 249

vice-chancellor, 241

vice disease, 306

vice-president, 289

Victor, 507

victrola, 172

vie, to, 199

Viereck, 484

viertel, 250

vigilante, 152

vigorous, 395

vigour, 395

Vilda, 522

Villenol, 487

Vincent, 509, 511

Vincenzo, 509

Vinegar Bend,

violet, 341

Viol-Inn, 546

Virgil, 512

virgin, 305, 308

Virginia City, 530

virtue, 352

virtuosi, 412

virtuosos, 412

virtuous, 306

visa, 410

visé, 410

vision-engineer, 290

visit, 377

Vista, 521

Vitolo, 494

vivil, 173

Vivinne, 522

Vladimir, 511

Vladislaw, 510

Vlastimil, 511

vlei, 532

Vlk, 486

vly, 532

vnmixt, 379

vodvil, 411

Vogelgesang, 484, 485

void, to, 199

Vojtěch, 511

Vola, 521

Volodymyr, 511

Volz, 514

vomick, 360

voodoo, 113

vote, 245

Votruba, 487

vous tout, 450

voyageur, 108

Vrba, 512

Vunies, 525

vurry, 257

w, 351, 377 404, 469

wa, 343

Waddell, 504

waffle, 108

Wagenaar, 485

Wagensbach, 487

wage-sheet, 239

waggon, 383, 390, 392

Wagner, 484, 485, 489

wagon, 85, 158, 383, 386, 389, 390, 396

Waguespack, 487

waikiki, 377

Waiter, 488

Waitr, 488

Waitzel, 522

Waive, 521

wake, to, 435

Walden Pond, 535

Waldo, 479

Waldow, 479

walk, 547

walkathon, 180

walk’d, 438

Walker, 514

walkfest, 218

walk the hospitals, to, 240

walk the ties, to, 147

walk through a fence like

a falling tree through cobwebs, 137

walk tiptoe, to, 192

Wall, 516

Wallabout, 532

Wallace, 486, 510

Walla Walla, 537

Waller, 499

wallet, 247

Wall Street broker, 244

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