Americans in Paris: Life & Death Under Nazi Occupation (78 page)

BOOK: Americans in Paris: Life & Death Under Nazi Occupation
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Simon, Jacques
Simpson, Wallis Warfield
Smith, Ada ‘Bricktop’
Soehring, Hans Jürgen
Solano, Solita
Somme, Battle of
Soulier, Colonel
SpanishWar, 1936–1939
Sparks, Colonel James V.
Spears, General
Specter, Jack E.
Speer, Albert
Spender, Stephen
Spottswood, Kitty
St. Denis concentration camp
Stalin, Joseph
Standard Française des Pétroles
Standard Oil
Stauffenberg, Count Claus Schenk von
Stein, Gertrude
Stimson, Henry
Straumann, Eugénie Henriette
Strauss, Dr Emil Georg von
Studnitz, General Bogislav von
Stülpnagel, General Karl Heinrich von
Stülpnagel, Otto von
Suchard, Emmanuel
Sullivan and Cromwell
Sumner, Edward Alleyne
Sumner, Ernestine
Sunday Times
Swank, Joseph
Swensen, Freda
Swiss Consulate, Paris
Swiss Consulate, Vichy
Syndicat d’Études du Continent Africain pour le Transport des Huiles Africanes
Taft, Robert
Taft, William Howard
Tamm, E. A.
Tartière (Leyton), Drue
Tartiere, Jacques
Tassigny, General Jean de Lattre de
Taylor, Charles Winslow
Taylor, Edmond
Taylor, Wayne C.
Ter Hart, Alexandra
Terrane, Jacques
Terrier, Cleopatre ‘Kitty’
Terry, Ellen
Théâtre de l’Odéon
Théâtre du Palais Royal
Third Republic
Thompson, Dorothy
Thompson, Ruth
Thompson, Tyler
Thompson, Virgil
Toklas, Alice B.
Tolson, Clyde
Tovalou of Benin, Prince
Trans-Sahara Railway
Tree, Iris
Tresckow, Major General Henning von
Tuck, S. Pinckney
Ullman, Bernard
Ullman, Claude
Ullman, Pierre-Jérôme
United Press
United States: bombing of Paris; drawn into war ; entry into war ; Germany declares war on ; humanitarian aid to France ; Lend Lease Act 176; military aid to France and Britain ; neutrality ; North Africa, presence in ; Office of Naval Intelligence ; Office of Strategic Studies (OSS) ; Operation Torch ; Paris consulate attitude towards African-Americans ; Paris consulate attitude towards Jews ; Pearl Harbor ; prohibition ; publication of
; racism within army ; Senate Foreign Relations Committee ; State Department ; Vichy, relations with
see also
American Embassy in Paris; American Embassy in Vichy; USAAF; US Army
US Navy
United States Military Hospital Number One
University of Paris
USAAF (United States Army Air Force)
US Army
US Navy
V-1 bombs
Valéry, Paul
Vaughan, Hal
Vaux, Dr H. C., de
Vélodrome d’Hiver, Paris
Verdun, Battle of, 1916
Versailles Treaty
Vichy France; abolishes 1875 Constitution ; American attitudes towards ; as capital of France ; forced labour in Germany, collude in sending French workers to ; food shortages within ; Free Zone renamed Occupied Zone ; Germany invades ; Hitler threatens to invade ; presence in North Africa ; Jews, role in German mistreatment of ; Laval and
Laval, Pierre; Middle East and ; Milice ; military cooperation with Germany, refuse ; Pétain and
Pétain, Marshal Henri-Philippe; police ; political web within ; refugees flood ; US invasion of North Africa and ; US relations with
Vincent, Dr Clovis
Vittel, France, Frontstalagprison camp at
Volunteer Agricole
Wagner, Richard
Wait, Gregory
Waite, Isabella Cameron
Walker, Mary
War and Diplomacy in North Africa
War without Music
Washburne, Elihu B.
Washington Herald
Washington-Lafayette Institute
Waterman, Henry
Watson, Sarah
Watson, Thomas J.
Weber, Dr von
Weill, Chief Rabbi Julien
Weill, Professor Felix
Weizmann, Chaim
Weller, Seymour
Welles, Sumner
Westrick, Alois
Weygand, General Maxime
Wharton, Edith
Whipp, Lawrence K.
Whitcomb, Philip W.
Whitman, George
Whitman, Sylvia Beach
Wiedemann, Captain Fritz
Wilder, Thornton
Wilkinson, Kathleen
Wilkinson, Tudor
Willett, Cynthia Jump
Williams, William Carlos
Wilson, Woodrow
Winzer, Charles
Wohl, Paul
Woolsey, Judge John
Wright, J. S.
Yale Club, Paris
YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)
Zelli, Joe

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