America's Great Depression (59 page)

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Authors: Murray Rothbard

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Gay, Edwin F., 293

Government securities, 93, 104,

107–08, 111–15, 117–18,

Gayer, Arthur D., 252, 265

126, 133–35, 137, 161, 214,

Geddes, A.E., 301

240, 302–03, 324

General Electric, 253, 277–78

Grace, Eugene, 206, 211

General Motors, 308

Grady, Henry F., 251

Genoa Conference, 177–79

Graham, Frank D., 15, 89, 311–12

George, David Lloyd, 178

Grain Futures Act of 1921, 191

Georgia, 301

Grain Stabilization Corporation,

Germany, 130–32, 144, 151, 154,



Graves, Lloyd M., 190–91

Gideonse, Harold D., 313

Great Britain

Gifford, Walter S., 273, 308

monetary policies, 117–18, 122,

Gilbert, S. Parker, 127, 131, 133

130, 142–44, 146–47,

Gilbreth, Lillian, 247

149–50, 152–55, 161,

Gilfillan, S. Colum, 251

165–66, 175, 181, 258–62,

Givens, Meredith B., 251

271, 274

Glass, Carter, 163–64, 174, 310,

see also
Bank of England

323, 328

Great Depression, See Depression



Green, William, 175, 198, 212, 239,

Hawtrey, Ralph O., 176–78, 180,

243–45, 250, 270, 273, 277,


282, 290

Hayek, Friedrich August, 11, 30,

Greece, 152

32–33, 36–37, 60, 85, 198

Gregory, Theodore E., 316

Hayes, E.P., 265

Gregory, W.L., 325

Hays, Will, 273

Gross National Product, 253–55,

Hazlitt, Henry, 22, 41

263, 289, 331, 339–41

Hearst, William Randolph, 253,

Groves, Harold M., 252

265, 294

Gulick, Luther, 252

Heiple, Rae C., II, 22

Hepburn, A. Barton, 174

Herring, Clyde, 323

Haberler, Gottfried von, 4, 30, 32,

Hervey, John G., 319


Hicks, John D., 122, 218, 226, 324

Hadley, Arthur Twining, 174

Higher order goods, See Capital

Hahn, L. Albert, 43


Haig, Robert M., 292

Hillman, Sidney, 251, 282

Hale, Robert L., 251

Hillquit, Morris, 294

Haligren, Mauritz A., 290

Hitler, Adolf, 244

Hamilton, Walton Hale, 251, 292,

Hoarding, 16–17, 38–41, 50–51, 57,


60, 181, 273, 306–07, 324,

Hamlin, Charles S., 164


Hammond, J.H., 242

Hogan, John P., 294

Hammond, M.B., 251, 293

Holcombe, Arthur N., 251

Hansen, Alvin Henry, 176, 293, 313

Holland, 144

Hard, William, 197

Hollander, Jacob, 151, 273, 277,

Harding, W.P.G., 119

293, 313

Harding, Warren Gamaliel, 114,

Homan, Paul T., 47, 251

117, 121, 141–42, 75, 189,

Home construction, See

191, 194, 200–03, 220, 222


Hardy, Charles Oscar, 123, 130,

Hook, Charles R., 200

132, 135, 149, 167, 251, 313

Hoover, Herbert C.

Harper, Floyd Arthur, 5

agricultural policies, 217, 227,

Harriman, Henry I., 277, 280–82,



Committee on Recent

Harris, Seymour E., 119–20, 123,

Economic Changes, 196,



Harrison, George L., 88, 240, 260

credit and inflation policies,

Harriss, Robert M., 311

156–57, 164, 180, 195, 207,

Harrod, Roy F., 269

245, 274–75, 301, 304–07,

Hastings, Hudson B., 176

321, 326, 328


America’s Great Depression

government planning policies,

Hyde, Arthur M., 209–10, 228, 230,

186, 188, 191, 204, 281,


321, 337

Hyperinflation, See Inflation

government spending policies,

263, 291, 299–300

immigration policies, 243–44,

Illinois, 235, 301, 346

270, 285, 319–20

Immigration, 205, 243, 250, 286,

labor policies, 189, 201, 203


oil production policy, 284

see also
Hoover, immigration

on foreign loans, 141

India, 151

public works policies, 188, 192,

196, 199, 209, 217, 239,

Indiana, 327

246–47, 252–53, 255,

Industrial cartels, See Socialism

264–65, 285, 292, 295, 322

Inflation, 9, 11–12, 19, 23–24, 29,

stock market policies, 163, 188,

43, 67–68, 71, 75, 86, 95, 97,

246, 273, 316–17

140, 148, 162–63, 240, 257,

tariff policies, 241, 321

262–63, 293, 309, 314–15,

329, 336

tax policies, 256, 286–87, 290

unemployment policy, 190–91,

hyperinflation, 23, 131

194, 200, 205, 211, 243,

see also
Credit; Federal Reserve

247, 264, 271–72, 322


wages, 204, 209–11, 213, 245,

Inflation of 1921–1929

248, 264, 268, 282, 322

causes, 96, 102, 108, 112, 117,

Hoover Dam, See Dams

121, 134–35, 137, 145, 149,

Hopkins, Ernest M., 197

153, 155–57, 159, 161–62,


Hours of labor, 46, 52–53, 189, 202,

211, 268, 322, 334, 336

price stabilization as cause,

144–51, 169–70

House, Edward Mandell, 189

Installment credit, See Credit,

Housing, 70, 194, 274


Houston, David, 219, 222

Institute on Gold and Monetary

Howenstine, E. Jay, Jr., 192

Stabilization, 313

Hoyt, Homer, 162

Insurance, life, 90–91, 93, 114, 323

Huebsch, B.W., 251

Interchurch World Movement, 201

Hughes, Charles Evans, 142, 175,

Interest rate, 6, 13, 40, 61, 68, 85,


131, 133, 135, 138, 146,

Hungary, 152, 226, 260

153–54, 159, 303

Hunt, Edward Eyre, 195, 246, 266

loan rate, 10, 14

Hushing, W.C., 310

natural rate, 10, 13, 17–18, 32,

Hutcheson, William, 212


Hutt, W.H., 22, 42–43, 46, 49, 62,

International Association for Labor


Legislation, 179



International Association for Social

Kahn, Otto H., 175, 225

Progress, 179

Kallen, Horace M., 292

International Association on

Kaltenborn, H.V., 251

Unemployment, 179

Kansas, 191, 222, 235, 283

International Chamber of

Kazakévich, Vladimir D., 295

Commerce, 308

Keller, Kent, 309

International Congress on Social

Kellogg, Paul U., 142, 312

Policy, 179

Kemmerer, Edwin W., 117, 175,

International Labor Office, 179

177, 251, 311, 313, 316

Interstate Commerce Commission,

Kendrick, M. Slade, 291

220, 298

Kennedy, Jane, 288

Intervention by government, 9, 19,

Kenyon, W.S., 196

22, 65, 86

Keynes, John Maynard, 37, 57, 66,

Investment, 5, 9–12, 18, 20, 22, 30,

173–74, 268–69

32, 37–39, 41, 60, 63, 66–71,

Khaki Shirts of America, 236

78, 93, 185, 253, 269, 315,

Kimmel, Lewis H., 292


King, Willford Isbell, 175, 177, 251,

malinvestment, 13, 18–19, 35,

293, 308, 310–12

57, 60, 68, 162, 192, 248,

Knappen, Theodore M., 280

314, 322

Knight, Frank H., 292, 313

Iowa, 223, 235–36, 323

Knopf, Alfred A., 251

Iron industry, 171

Knox, Frank, 306–07

Ise, John, 266

Kuznets, Simon S., 9, 74–75

Italy, 152

Kyrk, Hazel, 251

Japan, 145

Labor, See Child labor; Collective

James, Governor, 121

bargaining; Hours of labor;

Jardine, William, 226

Unemployment; Unions;

Javits, Benjamin A., 279


Jay, Pierre, 119–20

Lachmann, Ludwig M., 32

Jenks, Jeremiah, W., 174, 201

LaFollette, Robert M., 163, 253,

Jevons, William Stanley, 28

265, 278, 292, 300

Johnson, Alvin S., 251

Laidler, Harry W., 251

Johnson, Hugh S., 225, 280

Laissez-faire, 185–86, 200, 207, 220,

Johnson, Magnus, 122

227, 239, 263, 274, 278, 326,

Johnston, Alvaney, 212, 277, 306

329, 336

Jones, Jesse H., 326, 328

Lamont, Corliss, 251

Jones, Wesley, 197

Lamont, Robert P., 210, 212, 214,

Jordan, Virgil, 241, 281, 291, 313

268, 306, 316

Justice, Department of, 319

Lamont, Mrs. Thomas W., 252


America’s Great Depression

Lamont, Thomas W., 274

Lumber industry, 266, 331

Landauer, Carl, 38

Lundberg, Ferdinand, 298

Lary, Hal B., 131, 138

Lutz, Harley Leist, 312

Latourette, Kenneth S., 251

Lyon, William H., 224

Lauck, W. Jett, 264

Lyons, Eugene, 189, 192, 194,

Lawrence, Joseph Stagg, 164, 180,



Lazard, Max, 175, 179

League of Nations, 152, 157, 178

McAdoo, William G., 120, 203,

Leffingwell, Russell C., 288

278, 280

Legge, Alexander, 200, 228, 273,

McCrea, Roswell C., 251, 316


MacDonald, Ramsay, 268

Leiserson, William M., 193, 251,

McDonough, J.E., 318

266, 292, 312

McFadden, Louis T., 179–80

Leland, Simeon E., 292

McGarrah, Gates W., 154, 240

Lenroot–Anderson Bill, 221

MacIver, Robert M., 266, 294

Leon, René, 242, 308

McKelvie, Samuel, 228

LeRossignol, J.E., 251, 266, 294

MacKenzie, Frederick W., 203

Lester, Richard A., 312

McKinley, Gordon W., 87, 90–91,

Levinson, Harold M., 334


Lewis, John L., 212, 282

McManus, T.F., 25, 56, 101, 167,

Lewisohn, Adolph, 194

171–72, 332

Lewisohn, Samuel A., 194

McMullen, Joseph H., 190, 193,

Liberia, 142


Lilienthal, David E., 204

McNary–Haugen bills, 225, 227

Lin Lin, 87–88

MacVeagh, Franklin, 174

Lindahl, Erik, 41–42

Machlup, Fritz, 32, 47, 77, 79

Lindeman, Eduard C., 252

Magee, James D., 312

Lindsay, Samuel McCune, 194

Mallery, Otto Tod, 193, 196,

Lipsey, Robert E., 343

250–51, 264, 292, 312

Liquidity, See Money

Marget, Arthur W., 313

Loans, See Credit; Federal Reserve

Margolin, Raphael, 192


Marshall, Alfred, 65, 174

Lombard, Norman, 176–77, 309

Marshall, Thomas R., 174, 177

Loth, David, 253, 279

Massachusetts, 196, 266

Loucks, William N., 252, 266, 292

May, A. Wilfred, 166–67

Louisiana, 275, 301, 326

Mazur, Paul M., 279

Lowden, Frank O., 175, 192

Meeker, Royal W., 176, 197

Lubell, Harold, 22, 52

Melchett, Lord, 175



Mellon, Andrew, 121, 124–25, 138,

purchasing power, 7, 10, 43, 45,

140, 145–46, 151, 156, 158–

58, 205, 265, 267–70, 315,

59, 163–64, 197, 210, 217,


256, 268, 274–75, 286, 302

supply and demand of, 7, 9,

Merchants’ Association of New

15–16, 29, 33, 39, 41, 50,

York, 176

59, 64, 67, 89–90, 93–95,

Meriam, Lewis E., 264

101–02, 106, 108, 111–16,

Meyer, Eugene, Jr., 122, 219, 221,

137, 148–49, 160–62,

225, 240, 274–76, 279, 296,

169–70, 215, 240, 249, 259,

298, 302, 306–07

261–62, 302–05, 315,

Michigan, 266, 326

324–25, 329, 340

Milk strikes, 236

see also
Deflation; Gold;

Miller, Adolph C., 124, 134, 163,

Inflation; Silver


Montana, 235, 301

Miller, Nathan, 189

Moore, O. Ernest, 157

Miller, Robert M., 203

Moral suasion, 122–24, 163–65

Millis, Harry A., 251, 292, 313

Moreau, Emile, 152, 154, 175

Mills, Charles M., 290

Morgan, J.P. and Company, 145,

Mills, Ogden, 155, 210, 274–76,

152, 240, 257, 260, 274, 298

302, 306–07, 310, 330

Morgenstern, Oskar, 167

Minnesota, 235, 237, 267, 323–24

Morris, James O., 335

Minnesota Farm Bureau, 233

Mortgages, See Banking

Mints, Lloyd W., 313

Moulton, Harold Glen, 251, 292,

Mises, Ludwig von and Austrian


theory, 3–4, 10–11, 13, 17,

Murphy, Frank, 253

24, 27, 29–35, 37, 39, 56, 60,

Murray, “Alfalfa Bill,” 283

65–68, 70, 72, 75, 77, 79–80,

Muste, A.J., 201

85, 162, 170–71, 192, 261,

Myers, William Starr, 187, 209


Mitchell, Broadus, 197, 251, 292,


Nash, Gerald D., 219, 275–76, 296

Mitchell, Charles E., 88, 123, 274,

National Agricultural Conference of

308, 328

1922, 220–21

Mitchell, John Purroy, 192

National Association of Credit Men,

Mitchell, Lucy Sprague, 190


Mitchell, Wesley Clair, 56, 175,

National Association of

190, 194–96, 252, 273, 277

Manufacturers, 201, 204,

250, 266, 272, 278, 281

Modigliani, Franco, 41–42

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