America's Hidden History: Untold Tales of the First Pilgrims, Fighting Women, and Forgotten Founders Who Shaped a Nation Paperback (31 page)

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Abenaki Indians, 43–48, 75, 79, 169, André, John, 163, 185, 198, 200


Anglicans, 101, 220

Acadia, 116

Ann-Hoeck’s Neck, 62

Accommodationists, 134

Anti-federalists, 206

Act of Supremacy, 2

Apalachee Indians, 39, 241

Adams, Abigail, 135, 156, 165

Apalachee Massacre, 79–80

Adams, John, 121, 135, 144, 154, 185, 206,

227, 234

Army, 187

Adams, Samuel, 123, 126–129, 131, 134, Arnold, Benedict, xiii, 160, 167–201, 211, 136, 140, 142–147, 149, 151, 154, 185, 213

205, 207, 218–219, 224, 231

biographical information, 177–178

African Americans, xi, 30, 155, 159

correspondence, 197, 199–200

Age of Discovery, 20

family of, 179

Age of Exploration, 17

Arnold, Benedict II, 178

Alexander VI, Pope, 15, 17

Arnold, Benedict IV, 178

Alfonso, 14

Arnold, Benedict V, 178, 201

Algonquian Indians, 65, 71, 72

Arnold, Benedict VI, 200–201

Allen, Ethan (Colonel), 171–172, Arnold, Hannah, 178, 181, 188

174–175, 186, 188, 191–192, 215

Arnold, Henry, 183

Amar, Akhil Reed, 232

Arnold, Peggy, 187, 199

“American Legion,” 200

Arnold, Richard, 183

American Revolution, 21, 92, 128, 137, Arnold, William, 177–178

150, 159, 177, 220, 222

Articles of Confederation, 205, 210, Amherst, Fort, 168–169


Anabaptists, 78

Attucks, Crispus, 144

Anderson, Fred, 111–112, 115–116, Avilés, Pedro Menéndez de (Admiral), 130–131


| 261 \


A Vindication of the Conduct of the House of
Bowen, Catherine Drinker, 231

(Otis), 83

Braddock, Edward (Major General), 83,
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack
111–112, 113, 134


Bradford, William (Governor), 69, 71

Brands, H. W., 224–225, 229

Balboa, 27

Breed’s Hill, 155, 211

Baldwin, Abraham, 230

Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies
Baltimore, Lord, 38, 194

(Las Casas), 66

Baptists, 220

Bronck, Jacob, 61

Barbados, 72, 100

Brookhiser, Richard, 219

Barr, James, 141

Brown Beauty, 148

Bellesiles, Michael A., 172–173

“Brown Besses,” 88

Bemis Heights, Battle of, 196

Brown brothers, 183

Berkins, Carol, 52, 55–56

Bunker Hill, Battle of, 16, 121, 155, Bermuda, 72, 99–100

156–157, 160, 215

See also
Publishing Burgoyne, John (“Gentleman Johnny”), Geneva, 238–239

155, 163, 215

Gutenberg, 13

Burr, Aaron, 191

King James, 38, 239

Burroughs, George (Reverend), 44

Lutheran, 9

Bury St. Edmunds (monastery), 36

Masonic, 102, 232

Bush, George H. W., 239

New Testament, 65

Bush, George W., 239

Old Testament, 65

reading, 53, 58

Cabot, John, 2

“Black Legend,” 17, 66

Cajuns, 116

African Americans Calloway, Colin G., 67, 132

Blasphemy, 78

Calvin, John, 3, 9–10, 55

Block Island, 68, 70

Calvinists, 33

“Bloody Mary.”
Elizabeth I, Queen Cambridge, 59–60, 153, 176

Boabdil, 17

Canada, 47, 80, 89, 114, 169, 176, Boles, Peter, 184

182–183, 186–188, 194

Boleyn, Anne, 2, 35

Candlemas Massacre, 43–44

Book of Martyrs
(Foxe), 53, 54, 189

Cannibalism, 26, 31

Borgia, Lucrezia, 15

Cape Cod, 38

Borgia, Rodrigo (Cardinal), 15, 17

Carillon, Fort, 170

Boston Gazette,
144, 147

Caroline, Fort, 3, 8, 28, 30, 31, 34

Boston Massacre, 121, 125, 127, 144, 184

Carroll, Charles, 194

Boston Tea Party, 121, 126, 127, 133, 135, Carroll, John (priest), 195

136–137, 138, 145

Carrollton, 194–195

Bounties, 48–49

Cartagena, Battle of, 94

Bowdoin, James (Governor), 204, 214

Castle Church, 28–29

| 262 \


Catamount Tavern, 175

Connecticut, 61, 68, 70, 168, 172, 178, 180, Catherine of Aragon, 2, 3, 17

196, 200, 205

Catholicism, 2, 9, 10, 46, 52, 54, 69, 78, “Considerations on the Nature and Ex-79, 101, 189, 244

tent of the Legislative Authority of monarchs, 20

the British Parliament” (Wilson), 224

Spanish, 12

Constantinople, 13

“Cavaliers,” 97

Consumption, 99

Champlain, Samuel, 38

Continental Army, 93, 112, 121, 153, 155, Charlesfort, 31


Charles I (King), 2, 20, 22, 24, 28, 29, 38, Continental Congress, xii, 184, 190

39, 54, 55, 97

Cooper, James Fenimore, 76, 170, 240

Charles II (King), 39

Copley, John Singleton, 146

Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor), 20, Cornwallis, General, 163, 200, 213


Cortés, Hernan, 20, 23

Chase, Samuel, 194

Cotton, John (Reverend), 54, 57, 58

Christ Church, 147

Counter-Reformation, 55

Christianity, threat to, 16

Court of Common Pleas, 134

Church, Benjamin (Captain), 76, 139–140
The Courtship of Miles Standish
(Longfel-Church, Benjamin (Dr.), 139–140, 144, low), 64

147, 173

Cromwell, Oliver, 39, 97

Church of England, 2, 54–55, 97

Cuba, 20, 22, 27, 33

Cicero, 129

Custis, Daniel Parke, 116–117

Civil War (English), 39, 96

Custis, Martha Dandridge, 116–117

Clarke, Jonas (Reverend), 142

Clinton, Henry, 155, 214

Dagon, Mount, 70

Coercive Laws (Intolerable Acts), 121, Dartmouth, William, 139

135, 137–138, 189–190

Dawes, William, 143, 148, 149

Coligny, Gaspard de (Admiral), 31, 34

Day, Luke, 212, 213, 217

Collier, Christopher, 228

Dayton, Jonathan, 228

Collier, James Lincoln, 228

Deane, Silas, 184

Columbus, Christopher, xi, 2, 5, 18

Dearborn, Henry (Colonel), 163

Committee of Correspondence, 120, 134,
Decision in Philadelphia
(Collier and Col-223–224

lier), 228

Committee of Detail, 229

Declaration of Independence, 145, 194, Committee of Safety, 136, 160, 173, 174, 207, 223, 224, 229


Declaratory Act, 120

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