Amethyst (6 page)

Read Amethyst Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #werecat, #werewolf, #adult sex, #romantic paranormal, #shiftershaper, #susprense

BOOK: Amethyst
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Susan was suddenly frightened for Amethyst,
and she asked for time off to head over to the saw mill, and see
Rain. First she ran up to the corner looking towards the cabins
where Amethyst was staying. She saw some men and two vehicles
there. Who ever they were she watched one man go into the cabin and
not come out. The rest of them men hid in the woods out of sight.
Maybe Rain could help or new something. Rushing to her beat up old
car she put the pedal to the floor and was at the saw mill in
twenty minutes. She asked the foremen if she could see Rain.

As Rain came out from behind a large pile of
wood stacked eight feet high, he walked towards the office to see
what the boss wanted Susan rushed up to him. Rain had an awful
feeling something was wrong.

"Susan what brings you to see me? Trying to
remain calm, after all he was an alpha and had to think first, and
act later."

"Rain it is Amethyst, she read the
announcement in the paper and became frightened. She ran out of the
diner. I watched from the corner of the street she went up to the
cabin. There are men in town looking for her. They went up to the
cabin after her. I don't know if she got out of the cabin before
they got there or not. People aren't saying anything except she was
here kept to herself made no friends that they knew of and have no
idea where she might be."

"What was in the paper that caused her to be

"Here read." Susan said with trying not to

Rain took the paper looked at the poem, then
looked at Susan and read the poem.

Poison Ivy climbs near, at sun rise, Be on
your way, this very day. Stay safe, as hell begins to

"Hell this doesn't make much sense."

"Yea it does look at it. Poison Ivy climbs
near at sun rise. Those men came real early this morning. Be on
your way this very day, she was told to get out-of-town. Putter who
wrote the poem knew these men had found where she was. They knew
she was here in this town, they have come for her. The rest, I
don't understand. Oh Rain we have to do something to help her.
Amethyst has become such a good friend."

"I will see what I can do." Hugging Susan he
said; "go back to the diner pretend nothing has happened. Can you
do that honey? And I will find her, don't worry Susan!"

"Rain something else, I need to tell you,
Amethyst said, to tell you she loves you and she didn't mean what
she said to you." Susan ran for her car and headed into town.

Rain's heart jumped from her words, and his
inner wolf cried out for Amethyst. She loved him, and he

Talking to the boss and getting the day off
was no problem; hell he never took a day off for any reason, not
even when his brother Storm came to visit three months ago. Jumping
into his truck he drove for town and he kept his speed up and got
there in twenty minutes. He parked at Paula and Ned's. Walk around,
and off to the far left into the woods. Rain shifted into wolf form
so that concealing his present would be easier for him. Moving
deeper he then turned to circle the cabins. Keeping well out of
sight he began to check out cabin six and the surrounding area.

Rain wanted to see if anyone was at the cabin
staying just out of sight in the woods he slowly moved around to
the back of the cabin then towards the front again on the other
side. He noticed four men out side the cabin hidden out of site,
one moving around inside. Amethyst was not here he felt it inside
him; the scent of her was not strong. She

Stopping, looking down he noticed the ground
had been moved slightly. A normal person would not have noticed. He
moved deeper into the woods picking up a slight trail, it wasn't
much. His wolf scented the ground and his wolf cried out where is
the female, "Damn if I know. But we have to find her." Running into
the woods heading deeper and deeper his nose kept her scent in his
mind. Rain was angry and he wanted rip someone into small pieces,
he would if Amethyst was not alright. If she is not alive someone
was going to pay dearly with their life. "How dare they cause his
female to run, and hide even from him? He would let his inner wolf
out with it in total charge of the results!

Amethyst needed shelter, the nights were
still cold, and she had to find a safe place of some kind. Then she
would shift into a wolf. The weather would be tolerable than.
Walking and taking spells of running a few more miles or so she
stopped at a stream for a drink of water. "At least I will not die
of thirst. If worse comes to worse I can shift and kill something
to eat." Then eating raw meat did not appeal to her. Just the
thought made her stomach turn. "I will always be a city wolf at
heart; Mm! Maybe it is for the best when this is over to go back to

Moving past a bush she came to a large tree.
Amethyst saw just what she needed, a hole at the bottom of a tree,
just large enough for her briefcase, laptop, and herself to fit
into without being seen from the outside. Once inside the hole she
found it to be much larger than she originally thought. Leaves were
piled up inside, likely blown in during last fall. She would move
them towards the opening and it would help keep the wind out, and
conceal her, should anyone notice the hole and look inside. A
squirrel had made a home above her and some seeds spread out on the
ground. She took her paws and moved them to the entrance. Moving
back as far as she could she curled into a ball and fall

Damn been on this trail for hours, and it is
dark, but Rain saw perfectly, moon light and his wolf vision. "How
far has she traveled, he wondered?" If she left at seven this
morning as Susan said, she can't be too much further a head of
him." Stopping at a stream to drink some water his nose picked up a
stronger scent of her; "she was near!" Turning around in a circle
he began to search, "her scent is stronger here. I can smell her
but I don't see her. Where the hell is she?" He started to growl
then a slight sound so low an ordinary person would not hear

It was a whimper like a small cub would make.
His ears alert, he listened for another sound. Was there a female
wolf in the area with cubs? There was no scent of them. Then he
heard it again. Moving slowly, and silently he worked his way past
a large bush to a large tree. The whimper came again, this time he
realized it was in the tree. Moving around the tree to the other
side he saw a hole, but it appeared to be full of leaves. His wolf
began to fill with joy as Amethyst scent filled his nose when he
sniffed at the hole. She was in side the tree. Rain thought, "Smart
real smart hiding in a tree in wolf form no one would suspect it
was Amethyst." Moving slowly as not to frighten her he slipped part
way in side pushing the leaves aside. Amethyst in wolf form, was
shivering, and curled into a ball at the back of the tree. He moved
the rest of the way in. "He growled to awaken her."

Slowly her eyes opened, and she cuddled
closer to him he licked her face then she slept. Having what she
thought was the most wonderful dream. Rain was with her in wolf
form. He was happy to see her; he licked her face to let her know
she was safe. The dream would have been perfection if it would just
become true.

"His wolf was content, so was he in this hole
at the foot of the tree curled up next to what he knew now would be
his mate! Whether she wanted to be, or not she was going to be his.
He would charm her what ever it took to make her his mate. Love
swelled in his heart for her."

Morning came quickly, and Amethyst was warm,
the scent of "a; oh my, a wolf and it smelled like, like Rain.
Could he be? That is why she was so attracted to him. It is why she
gave her self to him. Why being so dominated by him turned her on.
His were the blue eyes she had seen behind the bush at the cabin
that night. He had scented her, and was checking her out. It all
made sense. Oh God what have I done we can fit into the same world,
almost" she said with a sigh.

Moving slowly towards the entrance, her eyes
searched beyond the hole. She saw nothing even with the sun rising.
"Where was Rain, or was she dreaming, no his scent is here she was
not a sleep and conjuring him up out of her imagination. Then she
heard a vehicle not far off maybe a mile is all, sounded like a
truck. Then it stopped! Moving back into the hole, she prepared to
attack anyone coming near the entrance. "Yes she could defend
herself. A tiny voice in side of her said no escape. She listened,
nothing, not a sound. The birds had not stopped singing as they
would with a human." Then a growl sounded outside the tree she knew
it was Rain. Crawling out and looking into his deep blue eyes they
both transformed into humans.

Rain spoke in his alpha mode, and would not
accept any other terms then she was going to do what she was told!
His voice was stern. "Get your things and let's get the hell out of
here before we are found. I have the truck about a mile from here.
I know a place we can go! Then you're going to tell me everything
that is going on, and I mean everything, Rained growled."

Lowering her head tilting slightly baring her
neck in submission she spoke softly, "yes Rain!" Then quickly
through herself into his arms and hugged him. He hated to move her
out of his arms, but he had no choice. Taking her laptop from her
he took her hand.

Moving at a slow run they made for the truck.
Once they were close enough to see the truck Rain said, "Stay here
while I make sure everything OK. I don't scent anything, but you
never know." Finally he waved to her to get into the passenger side
of the truck! Rain drove down the gravel road and hit payment
headed north. About six miles down he turned left drove down
another gravel road for a short distance, then pulled off on to a
road that was more like a cow path. Amethyst sat and said nothing.
Then he pulled into a small open area where a cabin sat. Rain shut
down the truck. Turning to Amethyst he said, "Come its safe here at
least for a while!"

The cabin was made of rough boards on the
outside with cedar shakes on the roof. A single big room that was
kitchen, living room and bedroom rolled into one was also rough
boards. She looked around saw one big bed off to a corner. A bath
room with a small tub and shower stall, the toilet made up the
other room. It was clean, neat, well cared for. Five cots were
leaning up against one wall for additional people to stay. The
floor was sawed boards, and so were the kitchen cabinet doors.
There were no pictures on the walls. The only light seem to be a
couple of oil lamps that sat on the kitchen counter. A small table
large enough for four people sat near the kitchen sink. The sink
had an old pump well handle on it for water. A gas stove finished
off the kitchen area.

"This is a lumber jack's cabin I stayed here
before buying land and building a house." I'll make some coffee if
there is some and you can tell me what the hell is going on!" Rain
said as he turned to the cabinets. Rain flipped a switch and water
came out of the old pump, interesting she thought a fake pump with
a handle.

While Rain made coffee she kept sneaking
peeks at him. He was angry, and he had a right to be. He more than
likely felt used and lied too. Rain was going to feel a lot worst
when he hears the truth about her. The feeling of dread worked its
way through her body.

Sipping on a cup of coffee Rain waited
patiently. He knew she would tell him once her nerves were settled.
But his patience was growing thinner, by the second. He knew his
face wore a scowl but could not help it.

Amethyst looked at Rain, began a prayer in
her mind for acceptance. Lowering her head she stared at the coffee
cup. "Rain my father was murdered by his business partner! I have
no proof yet, but it is being obtained slowly by my attorney. My
fathers partner Mark Hartman, could not talk me into marrying him.
I didn't love him, I knew he didn't love me either; he just wanted
my inheritance, and my share of the company. When I refused to
marry him, he tried to black mail me into giving up everything to
him. I knew if I did marry Hartman to save my life; he would have
me killed. I am not sure if he knows I am a shape-shifter or not.
If he knew he would make a side-show out of me! Sell me off to a
circus, or freak show, or at least to the highest bidder. So I went
on the run, my attorney lets me know what is happening, via the
poems in the Globe Mail Newspaper. Peeking up at Rain, through her
eye lashes, tears began to fill her eyes, over flowing, and running
down to her chin. You will hate me if I tell you the rest. You
won't want me! You will hate the thought you made love to me. You
will feel I made a fool of you. I cannot bear to have you feel that
way; please don't force me to tell you the rest."

"What the hell was she talking about making
him feel like a fool? Why would I hate her for making love to her?
I am totally confused by her words! Complex females, their quirks;
this one was driving me crazy." he thought.

Tears streaming down her face Rain felt like
his heart would break for her. Moving out of the chair he sat in
and pulling her up and into his arms. "Amethyst tell me the rest.
I'd never hate you, when I made love to you it was amazing. You
were sweet innocent, and beautiful. I want you to be my mate. We
have to be honest with one another, and you have to tell me every
thing before we can have a life together. Not saying a word
Amethyst moved out of his arms began to pace the room. Damn it
Amethyst tell me!" Rain growled a warning.

The words rushed out of Amethyst mouth," I am
a mufti-shape shifter!"

"What the hell are you talking about? I have
never heard of one before. Sure I know there are werepanthers,
werebears and werewolves. Before Rain's eyes Amethyst shifted into
a black panther, then a leopard, then a wolf, back into human form!
Rain's eyes grew large his facial expression was in awe of what he
had just seen. If he had not seen it for himself, he would have
thought someone was crazy telling him they existed. She was an
amazing shape-shifter. I have never seen someone like you. How may
animals can you shifted into? Are there many of your kind in the
world? You shifted from one to the other without shifting to human
form in between each animal. It is an extraordinary ability. You
are truly gifted," he said in awe.

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