Amoeba (The Experiments) (15 page)

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Authors: Jacqueline Druga

BOOK: Amoeba (The Experiments)
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His words of finalization went through Jake. He let out what seemed like the breath he
had held forever.

“You may kiss . . .” Reverend Tim tossed his hands up when Jake grabbed hold of Cal and began to kiss her. “Never mind. Ladies and Gentleman, may I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Lt. Col. Jacob Graison.”

The moment the applause filled the church was the moment Jake felt Cal literally shake. He brought his lips to her ear. “It’s over now. Let’s get out of here.”

Doing what she
had done for the whole ceremony, Cal nodded, and Jake swept her up again. Facing the congregation, Cal in his arms, whose eyes were closed, Jake carried her down the aisle and out of the church.





Even though Jake wasn’t proficient in wedding receptions, he seemed to have stayed within his realm. Handling the after-dinner tradition of visiting the tables with grace, and introducing Cal to the brass that attended, it seemed like he was an old hand at it. He even got past all those cold, evil stares Joyce kept giving him all night.

Cal was better at the reception. She didn’t quite expect for it to pick up like it did, seeing how it started out very conservative
ly, but the music blared, courtesy of Chuck switching the DJ at the last minute without Jake’s knowledge, ensuring that they would hear and dance to oldies and party music as opposed to
Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree

Colonel Roberts smiled in the odd relaxed moment he saw Jake
, standing on the side of the dance floor, holding a drink, loosened up some, no longer wearing his jacket, and his sleeves rolled up. “Jake. Having a good time?”

“A blast.”

“Is that a sarcastic answer?” Colonel Roberts indicated to Cal who danced with Joyce on the floor.

“No, sir. I am. I like watching Cal dance. I’m considering it part of the wedding night preparations.” Jake, in a rare moment, flashed a smile to Colonel Roberts.

“Glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Immensely. I especially enjoyed watching everyone do that Poking Dance, where they wiggled their arms and legs.”

“The Hokey Pokey.”

“That’s the one.”

Colonel Roberts saw Cal coming Jake’s way when the music switched to a slow song. “I’ll leave you be. Here comes your wife.”

Jake grinned. “My wife.”

Cal approached Jake just as Colonel Roberts left. She grabbed his hand. “Jake, you did such a great job on this wedding. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks Cal.”

“Dance with me.”

“I knew this was a bribe. No. I don’t dance Cal.”

“Just one time tonight. Please.”

“Cal, I don’t dance. Just like you don’t say vows, I don’t dance. Why do you think Rickie stood in for me during the bridal dance
? I’m watching you, though, so it counts.”

Cal s
hook her head with a chuckle. As she turned from Jake, Billy was walking to her. “Hey Bill.”

“Cal.” Billy looked up to Jake. “Can I dance with the bride?”

“Yes.” Jake took a drink.

Billy grabbed hold of Cal’s hand. “Thanks, Jake.” He led her out onto the dance floor. And cordially, in an old fashion
ed mode, he cupped her hand while laying his other hand with a firmness to her back. “You look really great.”

“Thanks. Jake did good on the gown, huh?”

“Surprisingly,” Billy commented as they moved about slowly, their faces close.

“You having a good time?” Cal asked.

“A very good time. I really like the short nodding ceremony.”

“Oh, God.” Cal lowered her head in embarrassment. “A wedding to remember.”

“I’d say.”

“I saw you talking to the Vice President.”

“Yeah. He let me do an interview. Rickie . . . get this, Rickie had him doing shots.”

Cal laughed. “Is that why he was so loud?”

“Yeah. And did you hear him going on and on about the president?” Billy snickered. “At one point I quoted him as saying, ‘often he finds himself wishing the president would just trip down the white house steps and get his reign over with, because he’s a pain in the ass.’” Seeing that he got a good laugh out of Cal, Billy pulled her just a little bit closer and continued to dance.


“Sarge.” Rickie nudged Jake who still watched Cal. “He’s smoothing on your wife.”

“He is not. It’s called dancing.”

“I see a little bit of hand-to-hand butt action going there. Don’t you?” Rickie instigated.

“Rickie. Go find something else to do.”

“Okay.” Rickie raised his hands. “Merely making a Rickie-meister observation. I have that keen speed racer sense, you know.”

“Yes. Go.”


Jake returned to sipping his drink and watching Cal, until he saw Rickie, though the corner of his eye, sneaking off. “Rickie! Put back our wedding cards!” Jake set down his drink and proceeded to chase Rickie who now ran carrying the small white box.

Caldwell Research Institute - Atlanta, GA
April 9
- 11:55 p.m.


Had the meeting room not had its door open, Dr. Jefferson wouldn’t have seen Greg sitting alone in there, papers and folders stacked up and covered the table. At the point when Dr. Jefferson was walking by, he saw Greg, looking so tired, stretching back and rubbing his eyes. He knocked once on the door. “This is what I call burning the midnight oil.”

Greg snapped forward in his chair. “You too, I see.”

“I had an experiment I had to oversee. Government regulations. You?”

“I was waiting for the ‘OK’ as you can say.”

“For what? Can I ask?”

“Sure.” Greg waved Dr. Jefferson in. “Waiting to see that we got an answer and our offer was taken.”


“The location of Iso-Stasis Thirteen.” He handed Dr. Jefferson a folder.

Dr. Jefferson sat down as he opened it. “At this cost?”

“No, lower. Carrington Island. Located a hundred and twenty-five miles Northeast of Hawaii. Fully equipped research facility, vacant now. A couple years ago a chemical gas explosion wiped out anything that breathed on that island and no one ha
s returned.”

“Until now
,” Dr. Jefferson said. “Is it big?”

, but it has a lot we can use.” Greg took a moment to yawn. “I’m encouraged about this. I wanted it, and I really didn’t think Carrington would sell, but he did. However, part of the sales agreement was that we could not publically disclose anything that we inadvertently find remaining on that island.”

“Sounds ominous
,” Dr. Jefferson commented.

“Par for the course with the Iso-Stasis experiment, wouldn’t you say

With so much agreement, Dr. Jefferson nodded. “So now what?”

“Now we finalize the monetary aspect of the deal. I have plans to start tearing down what we don’t need and building what we do next month.”

“Looks like you are on a roll.”

“Yep.” Greg was exhausted, but he still held a pleasing smile. “Plans are complete and set in motion. Starting first thing Monday morning, we officially move into the preliminary preparation phase of our Iso-Stasis Thirteen.”







Caldwell Research Institute - Atlanta, GA

December 3
- 10:00 a.m.


He was a heavy set man, short black hair that had thinned a little. His voice was raspy as if he had smoked too much for too long. He was a truck driver, and if his resume could say it, it would say that Lou Collins was probably a bully when he was a kid at school. But now, at thirty-five years old, he just looked the part.

He sat behind a table, arms folded across his stomach that protruded some in the white tee shirt he wore. He rocked back and forth in a chair that was not meant to rock
, and he spoke to the camera as if it was his best friend. “Loveable,” Lou said. “I’m just a big teddy bear. I think my biggest asset to the experiment would be that I can get people motivated. Okay, well, maybe not really motivated to do anything important, but if they aren’t hungry, I can get them to eat. Some of my favorite . . .”

Greg turned off the video. “He completed his introductory tape this morning
,” he said to Stan.

Stan lifted his head, his face dark and suntan
ned from his time spent on the island where the experiment would be held. “How come you’re not showing any more?”

“Well, basically
, he just goes on to sing a few verses of his all-time favorite Broadway hit. Not necessary. It came down to him and Skirret, and we chose him. Skirret can be an option if we get a no from Collins.”

Stan nodded. He had matured, given the responsibility and promotion of being Head Controller on the island during the experiment. “We’re setting up things on the island for a ‘yes’. You don’t think we’re gonna get one?”

“We’ll get a maybe.” Greg pulled out a chair and sat down. “We’ll have to wait and see until we have the final meeting and everything is explained. I look for a phone call today. So . . . you didn’t tell me. This is your third experiment with us. What do you make of the tapes instead of manuscripts to introduce the participants to each other?”

“Personally?” Stan leaned back. “Others are talking
and saying that it’s weak and a way to save time and money. Me, I’m looking at it from a different point of view.”

“Which is?”

“I like it. It’s straight forward and cuts to the chase. I mean, no waiting until they all meet for someone not to like this Lou guy, right? Someone is gonna get annoyed with him and cop an attitude before they even get there. So, therefore, the personality conflict begins before the experiment does.”

“Amongst other things.” Greg spoke assuredly.

Stan smiled. “Well, of course, it wouldn’t be the Iso-Stasis if that didn’t happen.”

Fort Bragg, North Carolina
December 3
- 10:30 a.m.


“Lieutenant Colonel Graison, Sir.” Corporal Grimes, Jake’s secretary, entered the room.

Jake merely raised his eyes from the paper work he did at his desk. He motioned his hand for the Corporal to come in.

“Mail, sir.”

“I’ll get to it. Thank you.”

“Sir. You may want to take notice of the letter on top. It’s addressed to you and Mrs. Graison. I don’t know how it got in there, but I wanted to make sure you were aware.”

“Thank you.” Jake returned to his work. “That’ll be all.” He waited for the Corporal to leave and he dropped his pencil, sliding the stack of mail to him.
That’s when the envelope caught his attention. It was odd that the envelope, which was addressed to
Mr. and Mrs. Lieutenant Colonel Graison
, had arrived in his office instead of at their home. But what really got him was the return address on the envelope -
Caldwell Research Institute
- which prompted Jake to immediately open it. He unfolded it, reading the words, not once but twice. He rubbed his hand down his face, replacing the letter back into the envelope. He let out a deep breath, and picked up the photograph on his desk. He smiled at it, his and Cal’s wedding picture. Setting down the photograph, Jake stood up. He tapped the envelope on his palm and walked from his office. “Corporal, I’m going to see my wife at the school. I’ll be back.”




“ATTENTION!” Those screaming words and the sound of Cal’s entire classroom standing up startled her from her reading, causing her to cringe. She knew what it was. Jake.

Jake walked strongly into the room, acknowledging those who stood at attention. “At ease.” He moved to Cal’s desk. “Gentleman, I need a moment with my wife. Leave. Thank you.” It took approximately thirty seconds and noisily the room became empty. “Hey babe
.” He leaned in to kiss her.

“I hate when you do that
, Jake. It demeans my authority in this classroom.”

“What authority?” He kissed her. “I’m authority.”

Cal laughed at Jake as he pulled her into him. “You are so arrogant.”

, but you love me.” He began kissing her neck as she playfully tried to get away.

“Jake, we have an audience.”

Jake stopped, looking behind him to see the class standing in the hall looking in. “Excuse me.” He walked over to the door. “Take a break. Leave the premises.” He slammed it shut.

“There you go, dismissing my class again.” Cal threw her hands up. “Why are you here? You’re not wanting to sneak out and have sex again
, are you?”

“As tempting as that sounds . . . no. I have a meeting in forty-five minutes with Colonel . . .” Jake glanced at his watch. “
. . . yeah, we can squeeze it in. But first things first. Sit down.” He waited until she sat in her chair, and then he rolled her to face him as he squatted on the floor before her. “I was thinking.” His fingers trailed her hand. “I was thinking about you and I taking a little honeymoon. Another one. Something fun, challenging, isolated. What do you say? Time away . . .”

“Jake, we don’t need time away.”

“Sure we do. A nice

“What’s bringing this on?” She ran her hand down his face. “You didn’t do something did you?”

“Nope.” He reached into his pocket and hesitantly pulled out the envelope. He handed her the letter. “Here, read.”

Cal looked shocked
when she saw the return address. “Jake, what is this?”


Apprehensively she pulled the letter out and read it. “
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lieutenant Colonel Graison
Due to your history with us, it would please us immensely if you would give us your consideration in joining us once again for yet another challenging experiment. All proper channels have been taken, permission has been granted, and all preliminary interviews waived. We would like to cordially invite you, as a team, to participate in the Iso-Stasis Thirteen Experiment slated to begin on March 3
of next year. Hope to hear from you soon, Dr. Gregory Haynes
.” Cal lowered the letter. “Jake?” She raised an eyebrow, almost singing his name with just the right amount of excitement.

“Just . . . thought I’d show it to you.” He bit his bottom lip, giving
her that arrogant Jake look. Then softly he brought his lips to hers. “So Cal, sweetheart, love of my life . . .” He saw her smile. “You game?”




Jake wore his uniform jacket over his open dress shirt as he walked into the kitchen of his home. He started to button his shirt as he looked to Cal who was pouring herself some juice. “You ready to do this?”

“Ready.” She took a drink. “I feel so out of practice
, though.”

“What do you mean?” Jake asked, picking her up and sitting her like a child on the island kitchen counter.

“Well, school has had me bogged down the past five months. I’ve worked out, but other than that, I haven’t done anything. You at least went on that raid last month, and were on that jungle thing in October.”

“Perks of the job sweetie.” Jake took a deep breath. “Tell you what. I
’ll call up Rollins. If you can clear it with the school, I’ll bet he can squeeze you in for a week up at survival camp.”

“You think?”

“Yeah, especially if you’re going alone. What level?”

“Definitely hard core. It’s more fun. I’ll try not to break anything this time.”

Jake touched the tip of her nose. “I’ll set it up.”


“But first.” He reached over and grabbed the phone. He pulled up a chair placing it directly in front of where Cal’s legs dangled over the edge of the counter. Staring at her with an ornery grin, Jake dialed. “Dr. Gregory Haynes, please. Tell him it’s Lt. Col. Graison.” Jake’s hand went to Cal’s leg. “Dr. Haynes . . . Yes. My wife and I received your correspondence today . . . you can say we’re mildly intrigued, although the prospect isn’t really striking an exciting chord in us yet.”

Cal grinned with a thumbs up to Jake.

Jake winked at her. “We can do that.” Jake’s hand crept up her leg. “Not a problem.” His eyes stayed glued to the edge of her skirt which his hand moved slowly under. “See you then.” Stretching back without losing hand-to-leg contact, Jake hung up the phone and stood up.

did he say, what did he say?” Cal asked with excitement.

Jake parted her legs and stepped closer to her. “We’re going up first thing Monday morning for a meeting. He really wants us to go
, Cal.”

Cal looked down at Jake’s hands that manipulated her skirt. “Jake, what are doing? I have to get back to class and you have to get to work. No being late. Billy is coming . . .”

“Cal.” Jake laid his hand over her mouth. “It’s bad enough the man invades our computer nightly and comes to our home. Don’t bring him into our intimate moment.”

Cal laughed. “Intimate moment?”

“Yeah.” Jake leaned to kiss her. “I have to tell you, the prospect of going on this experiment again with you, facing danger, death, the challenge. It really has me . . .” He pulled her closer. “Aroused.”

“Danger does that to you. You do realize that if they asked us back, there is no way they’re going to follow the same experiment format.”

“I hope not. It would be too boring knowing what would happen. I think the not knowing excites me more.” He laid his lips to her neck.

, stop.” She felt him lead her back down to the counter.

The second Jake’s body secured her down was the second loud alarm sirens blared. Jake only lifted his head to see Rickie coming into the back door.

“Sarge, like, why is the alarm on in the middle of the day?” Rickie, wearing his Pizza Hut Delivery Uniform and carrying a pizza box, rushed to the keypad punching in numbers and silencing the alarm. “And, like, Cal-babe prepares my meals on that counter.”

“Rickie. You’re supposed to be working.”

“Check this out.” Rickie set down the pizza box on the counter above Cal’s head. “Can you, like, not do that in my presence? It’s really creepy seeing your pseudo-parents trying to rock like kids on the kitchen counter. Pizza?” He opened the lid.

Cal nodded. “Thanks.”

Jake stood up bringing Cal with him. “Rickie, you’re supposed to be working.”

“Check this out.” He handed Cal a slice kissing her on the cheek after. “I got fired again.”

“I just talked to the manager last week,” Jake said.

“Sarge, the dude bites.” Rickie moaned as he ate the pizza. “He told me just because you’re
, like, my Dad, doesn’t get me a buy. He said . . . you suck.”

“He did not.”

“Did too.” Rickie held up his pizza in his right hand.

“I’ll find you another job.” Jake helped Cal off the counter.

“I really don’t need another job guy.” Rickie walked to the fridge and pulled out a beer. “I still have money left over from them scientists killing me last month.”

“Dying for money is not a job
, Rickie.” Jake snatched the beer from his hand. “And you know the rules of the house. No drinking in the morning.”

, it’s not morning to me, I haven’t been to bed yet. So there you have it.”

Jake walked to the fridge, opened it
, and put the beer back. He pulled out a carton of milk. “And here you have this. Rickie if you don’t start taking care of yourself, you’ll never pass the Caldwell tests to be on your own and out of the house.”

Rickie grabbed the carton and moved to the table. “Dude, why would I want to leave home
? I like it here. Oh, wow.” Rickie lifted the letter that was open on the table. “Cool.”

“It’s exciting
, isn’t it?” Cal approached him with a smile.

,” Rickie said. “And you know what makes it really awesome? I get this whole big house to myself for seven months.” Nodding with pleasure, Rickie, pizza in his mouth, walked from the kitchen.

shocked expression graced Jake’s face, Cal’s too, as he faced her. “Remind me to speak to Haynes about that special housing they have for Rickie.”

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