Among the Gods (10 page)

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Authors: Lynn Austin

Tags: #ebook

BOOK: Among the Gods
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“Hadad might try to stop me, but I don’t think he’ll hurt me. I have to try, Your Majesty. You and Dinah go without me.” Miriam bent to fasten her sandals, then moved toward the mouth of the cave. As she paused to look back at them, her heart told her that she might be seeing them for the last time. Dinah looked pale and frightened, the prince strangely calm and determined. She could think of so many things she wanted to say to them, but there wasn’t time.

The prince rested his hand on her shoulder. “May God go with you, Miriam.”

“And with you,” she whispered.

Miriam hurried out of the cave and scrambled down the hill through the brush, searching for the road. It had been dark when they’d climbed the hill to the cave the night before, and it had taken Amariah and the soldiers a while to find it. Now she squinted in the brightness, and when her feet hit the rutted dirt track, she turned right and began to jog toward the sun.

Miriam knew she needed God’s help. Lady Jerusha always assured her that God was always near, ready to answer; all she had to do was call on Him. It still sounded too good to be true, but then Miriam remembered how God had helped her find Joshua at the Temple, how He had helped Joshua survive the explosion, and she began to plead with Him in her heart as she ran.

O God, I know I’m not a worthy person. I know I was born in shame and disgrace. But I’m begging you … please let me get to Joshua in time. Please don’t let him die

The road climbed steadily uphill. After ten minutes of running, Miriam felt a sharp pain knifing her side. She had to slow down, but walking seemed much too slow—she would never get there in time. Tears of frustration blinded her as she began to jog again, ignoring the pain.

Joshua has done some terrible things, God. I know he has. But maybe if you give him another chance he could make it up to you. If somebody has to die, then why not let it be me? My life isn’t worth much. I’m just a servant girl, but Joshua is the leader of your people. They need him. He knows your Laws, and he can teach everyone. Please, God … please …

The road snaked in switchbacks as it ascended the mountain. Each time she rounded a curve she expected to see the men guarding the roadblock, but the road climbed on, the sun rose higher. Miriam glimpsed the drop-off Amariah had described, visible through the trees on her left. The houses and animals in the valley below looked like children’s toys. Nearly half an hour must have passed since she’d left the cave. If she didn’t find Joshua soon, she would drop from exhaustion.

Then Miriam rounded another curve and saw what looked like a landslide spilling across the road ahead. A barren scar sliced down from the ridge marking the fallen boulders’ path. There was no sign of Hadad or his men. Was this the roadblock or a genuine landslide? Staggering with fatigue, Miriam jogged toward the jumble of rocks. She couldn’t go around them because of the steep slope on her right, the sheer cliff on her left. She would have to scramble over the boulders.

As she searched for the easiest route to climb, she glimpsed an abrupt movement on her right. Before she could turn her head, someone rammed into her side, knocking her to the ground in the middle of the road. Miriam would have cried out but a rough hand covered her mouth as a man fell on top of her, his weight knocking the wind out of her. She lay stunned, gasping for air.

“Don’t struggle,” he whispered. “Don’t make a sound.” Miriam was too dazed to struggle, too terrified to scream.

The man scrambled to his knees, then to his feet, pulling Miriam with him. He kept one hand planted over her mouth, the other clamped so tightly around her ribs she could scarcely breathe. With her head pressed firmly to her captor’s chest, she couldn’t swivel to see his face, but as he dragged her to the side of the road and rolled into the ditch with her, she caught a glimpse of the hand circling her waist.

Hadad’s hand.

Miriam recognized his ring—the one that had belonged to his grandfather. He released her long enough to pull a clump of brush over the ditch to conceal them, but the weight of his body on top of hers pinned her in place. She couldn’t move.

Hadad’s lips brushed against her ear as he whispered through clenched teeth. “What are you doing here, Miriam?”

Prince Amariah regretted his decision as soon as Miriam left the cave. Hers was a suicide mission. For a moment he considered going after her, but Dinah’s pleas brought him to his senses. “We have to hurry, we have to run. Hadad will kill you!”

The panic he saw in her eyes wrenched his heart. She was his wife; he was supposed to love and protect her. Instead, he had endangered her life by involving her in this mess. If he hadn’t allowed Joshua and Hadad to bully him into bringing her, she would be safe at home in Egypt right now. Amariah silently vowed before God that if he escaped from Hadad’s trap alive, he would never let Joshua or anyone else dictate to him again. He would take control of his life. He would be the leader God intended him to be. Starting now.

“Dinah, eat some bread and cheese before we go. You’ll need strength to travel. It’s going to be very difficult since we won’t be able to travel on the roads.”

“I can’t eat anything. I feel so sick.”

“Your stomach will settle if you eat something.”

“But Hadad could come back any minute. We have to—”

“Hadad won’t hurt you, Dinah. I know he won’t.”

“But he’ll kill you!”

“Then eat some food for me, quickly. If not for me, then for our baby.”

She ate the bread and cheese while he searched for a skin of water. The packs of supplies the soldiers had carried were gone. Except for the small amount of food he and Dinah had in their provision bag, they had nothing. He would have to recall everything he had ever learned about survival. Being a royal prince, he hadn’t learned much. Miriam had helped him escape the last time, and once again he regretted letting her go. It was up to him. Dinah and their child were depending on him. He crouched beside her.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“Promise me something.” Her eyes darted from his face to the cave entrance in terror. “If the soldiers find us, promise you’ll kill me. Don’t let Manasseh capture me again.”

His heart twisted at the thought of Dinah in his brother’s hands. But he knew he could never kill her himself. “Dinah, I can’t promise that. The baby—”

“Manasseh will kill our baby if you don’t. Please, I’d rather die than go back to him.”

“I’m going to do everything in my power to make certain we don’t get caught.”

“But what if we do?”

For a long moment Amariah couldn’t answer. Then the words of David’s psalm came to him from the past. The voice that spoke them was his father’s. He gathered Dinah’s hands in his and recited the words aloud.

“‘He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty…. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge…. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day…. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you…. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”

As Amariah recited the words, all the panic and fear cleared from his soul. He knew exactly what he should do to save Dinah.

“We’re going to find a safe place to hide until after dark,” he told her calmly. “We’re going to move carefully, without being seen, without leaving a trail.” He held her at arm’s length to peer intently into her eyes. “Will you help me keep watch as we go? Will you help me make certain there’s not a footprint or a broken twig to show where we’ve been?”

She nodded fearfully, then threw herself into his arms, clinging to him as if to a plank in the sea. Amariah lingered in her embrace for a moment, savoring the bittersweet joy of it, then gently loosened her hold.

“We have to go now, Dinah.”


crushing her into the dirt. His breath felt hot against her ear. She should have realized this might happen. Amariah told her that Hadad was guarding the roadblock. Why hadn’t she thought of a better plan or approached the ridge by a different route?

“I’m going to uncover your mouth,” Hadad whispered. “Tell me why you’re here. If you make any sound louder than a whisper, I’ll kill you.”

She had mere seconds in her panicked state to invent a lie Hadad would believe.
Please, God … help me think!
What was the one sure way to deceive him, to convince him to set her free? He slowly uncovered her mouth.

“Dinah,” she whispered.

“What about her?”

“She’s deathly ill. Amariah sent me to find Joshua because the guards disappeared. If Dinah doesn’t get help soon, she could die.”

Hadad tensed. “What’s wrong with her?”

“We don’t know. She’s burning with fever, vomiting blood.”

Miriam sensed Hadad’s indecision as instinct pulled him in two directions at once. His breath rasped in her ear. Time slowed to a crawl as she lay beneath him in the ditch, waiting for him to act. She used it to plan her next move. If only Hadad would believe her, if only he would drop his guard for a moment, Miriam could cry out a warning to Joshua. He was hiding on the hill above them somewhere.

Please, God …

“Hadad, let me go. You’re hurting me. We need to hurry. We need to get Dinah to the closest city.” He shifted his weight slightly. Again Miriam waited.

“All right,” he said at last. “I’ll go back to the cave with you.” He scrambled out of the ditch, pulling Miriam to her feet. She was free.

Sky and earth and trees whirled around her dizzily as she stood by the side of the road, trying to get her bearings. She turned to face the ridge and drew a deep breath.

“Joshua, run! It’s a trap! It’s a trap! Hadad betrayed—”

Pain cut off her cries as Hadad tackled her again, smashing her to the ground with jarring force, cursing her below his breath. This time Miriam fought back. She knew she could never win, but desperation urged her to cause enough commotion to attract Joshua’s attention. Maybe he could see this section of the road from where he was hiding. She prayed that he had heard her brief shout of warning.

Please, God, tell him to run for his life!

She wrenched one hand free from beneath Hadad and clawed at his face and eyes. He gasped in pain and released his hold over her mouth to pry her fingers off his face. She gulped air and screamed again, “Joshua, run!

As Hadad covered her mouth again, Miriam fought with all her strength, kicking, twisting, ignoring the agonizing pain as his brawny arms squeezed her and the weight of his body crushed her.

Hadad rolled over and over in the dirt with her. She felt his feet scrambling for a foothold as he tried to stand with her. Miriam fought harder, trying to throw him off balance, trying to attract as much attention as she could before he could throw her into the ditch again, out of sight. He struggled to his feet, locking Miriam in a deadly embrace, face-to-face like lovers. Her feet dangled above the ground.

Then to Miriam’s surprise, Hadad released her, pushing her roughly away from him. She fell backward, arms flailing to regain her balance. Her feet searched for the ground but there was nothing behind her, nothing beneath her. The earth had simply disappeared.

Miriam screamed as she felt herself falling into a bottomless void.

From his vantage point atop the ridge, Joshua had watched as a lone woman jogged up the road toward the ambush site; then he stared in angry disbelief when he saw it was Miriam. What was that foolish girl doing here? Was this another one of her misguided attempts to help him? Why hadn’t she done as she was told and stayed inside the cave until this was over?

He clenched his fists in frustration, knowing he didn’t dare call out to her, hoping she had sense enough not to call out to him. When Hadad had tackled her, dragging her out of sight, Joshua breathed a sigh of relief. The morning fell quiet, the only sounds the chirping of birds, the droning of insects. The day would be hot.

One of his soldiers nudged him, pointing to a flicker of color and movement on the brief stretch of road visible between the trees a half mile behind them. The king’s procession. A shiver of excitement raced through Joshua. In a few more minutes, Manasseh would walk into Joshua’s snare. He drew slow, deep breaths as he prepared to kill his enemy at last. His life’s work was finally coming to fulfillment. Once he’d avenged the murders of his father and grandfather, once he’d rid his nation of Manasseh, his work would be complete. Maybe then he could find the rest and peace that had eluded him for the past two years.

Suddenly, Miriam’s cry pierced the quiet morning. “Joshua, run! It’s a trap! It’s a trap! Hadad betrayed—”

Joshua whirled around in time to see Hadad throw Miriam to the ground again. Foolish girl! She was going to ruin everything! All their carefully laid plans! Joshua had waited two years for revenge. What if Miriam’s cries had alerted Manasseh’s procession?

Joshua quickly scrambled down the hill to help Hadad subdue her. He had to convince her to be quiet and take cover. The procession was only a few minutes away.

By the time Joshua reached the road, Hadad had Miriam nearly under control. His hand was planted firmly over her mouth again. He pulled her to her feet. But they were teetering dangerously close to the edge of the cliff.

“Hadad, watch out!” he cried.

Before Joshua could sprint across the road to help him, Hadad suddenly released Miriam with a rough push. Joshua watched in horror as she tumbled backward and disappeared over the edge of the cliff.

Joshua froze in the middle of the road, too stunned to move. With breathtaking speed, Hadad drew his sword and whirled to face him. Joshua saw Hadad’s blinding hatred. Too late, much too late, Joshua finally comprehended Miriam’s words.

“It’s a trap … Joshua, run!”

Blood oozed from the scratches she had made on Hadad’s face, underscoring Joshua’s mistake. Miriam wasn’t foolish; she was levelheaded, courageous. She had saved Joshua’s life twice before. Why hadn’t he heeded her warning? The horror of Miriam’s death dizzied him. Joshua drew his own sword, his movements clumsy and slow.

Hadad stood with sword in hand, as if waiting for Joshua to make the first move. Joshua saw the intense concentration in his eyes, the slight smile on his lips. They both knew Hadad’s skills were superior to his own. He was stronger, faster, more practiced. Joshua would lose in a duel against him.

Disconnected thoughts raced through Joshua’s mind, and his head spun as he labored to make sense of them. The slow realization that he would never have a chance to kill Manasseh devastated him. It had all been a sham. He would never be able to satisfy his hunger for revenge. He had been tricked, betrayed, just as he’d betrayed Hadad. Joshua heard the blood rushing in his ears and felt the familiar weight settle on his chest, preventing him from drawing a deep breath. The sword felt heavy in his hand.

Hadad still hadn’t moved. Surely Joshua’s men on the ridge would notice this standoff. If Joshua ducked aside, maybe the archers could get a clear shot at Hadad. But the men were probably confused about what was happening. Hadad was their commanding officer. He had worked closely with them, lived with them, built them into a fighting team. Joshua was the outsider. None of the men was experienced enough to take command in a crisis. Hadad had made certain of that. In the next few minutes, Joshua was likely to die at his hands.

But Hadad continued to watch Joshua intently, his sword held level, ready to strike. Why didn’t he attack? Suddenly Joshua remembered the approaching procession and understood. Hadad didn’t have to kill him. He merely had to hold him at bay for a few more minutes until Manasseh’s soldiers arrived. Joshua had two choices—fight a mismatched battle with Hadad, which he couldn’t possibly win, or be captured by the soldiers and die at Manasseh’s hands. His mouth felt as dry as desert sand.

“How does it feel?” Hadad said slowly. His voice was the satisfied growl of a predator who has cornered his prey. “How does it feel to be betrayed by a friend?”

“I already know how it feels. I was betrayed by Manasseh, remember?” But Hadad’s question helped Joshua reach a decision. He would rather let Hadad kill him than be turned over to his enemy. He thought he heard the rumble of the procession in the distance above the thundering of his heart. He fought the panic of suffocation.


Joshua pushed everything else from his mind to focus on what General Benjamin had taught him.
Exploit your enemy’s weaknesses

As his eyes bored into Hadad’s, watching for the first twitch of his muscles, Joshua summoned a mental image of Hadad sparring with his men in the practice yard. What were his weaknesses, his blind spots? He had a favorite offensive maneuver that he often used—feinting left, then swinging sharply to attack from the right—but as time slowly ran out, Joshua could recall no weaknesses.

Except one.

In an idea borne of desperation, Joshua allowed his gaze to wander from Hadad’s for a fraction of a second, as if a sudden movement near the roadblock had caught his eye.

“Dinah, no! Stay back!” he shouted.

As Hadad turned his head to look, Joshua lunged. Either kill or be killed, he had instructed his men. That was the choice he faced. With his sword outstretched, Joshua threw himself at Hadad, driving the weapon into him with all the force of his weight, impaling him.

Hadad cried out in agony, badly wounded. Joshua had hoped to knock him off balance and topple him to the ground, but Hadad was too heavy, too strong. With the hilt of Joshua’s sword protruding from his gut, Hadad lashed back convulsively, his eyes glazed in pain, blindly flailing his sword as if determined to take Joshua through the gates of Sheol with him.

Hadad’s first crazed swing swished through Joshua’s hair as he ducked, off balance. He couldn’t move quickly enough. The second blow grazed his shoulder. Joshua tried to back away, but he stumbled. Hadad lurched toward him, faster than Joshua could move. He would never be able to get out of range of Hadad’s frantic sword thrusts in time.

Instead, he surprised Hadad by lunging toward him again in a clumsy tackle. Joshua brought his right fist up, smashing it into Hadad’s outstretched arm from below with enough force to break his grip. The sword flew from Hadad’s grasp. Enraged, he coiled his left arm around Joshua’s throat, forcing back his head with a jerk meant to snap his neck. Ordinarily he could have done it, but Hadad was weakening. Blood poured from him, soaking their clothes, pooling on the ground beneath their scrambling feet.

Joshua’s arms quivered from exertion as he fought to pry off Hadad’s arm before it crushed his windpipe. He couldn’t breathe. His vision shrank until he peered through a narrow tunnel, illuminated by stars of light. In what he knew was his last desperate attempt, Joshua groped for the hilt of his own sword, still protruding from Hadad’s stomach. When he found it, he twisted it savagely, pushing it deeper into Hadad’s body.

Hadad screamed in anguish. He released Joshua and staggered backward, then sank to his knees while Joshua strained to fill his lungs with air again. Hadad found his own sword lying on the ground in front of him and swung it blindly, slashing Joshua’s thigh. There was little strength behind his thrust. The weapon dropped from Hadad’s hand as he toppled facedown in the dirt.

The rumble of the approaching procession was unmistakable above Hadad’s wretched cries. Fighting nausea, Joshua cupped his bloodstained hands to his mouth and drew a breath to shout to his bewildered troops.

“Run! It’s an ambush! Run for your lives!”

Even as he shouted, Joshua knew it was hopeless. Manasseh’s army must have them all surrounded by now. He prayed that the men who had bravely volunteered for this mission would keep cool heads, that they would remember the evasive maneuvers they’d been taught, that at least some of them would escape to safety.

Joshua limped toward the edge of the cliff where Miriam had fallen and peered below. He expected to see her sprawled at the bottom but saw only rocks and brush. She had sacrificed her life for him, just as her father had. Her selfless act staggered him, humbled him, and he wanted to sink down in the dirt beside Hadad’s body and weep at the senselessness of it all. But a more rational part of him argued that Miriam’s act of love would be wasted unless he lived.

He saw only one way to escape from the snare that Manasseh’s men had set for him. He wiped his bloody palms on the front of his tunic and picked up Hadad’s sword, sheathing it in his own scabbard. Then, gripping whatever brush and outcroppings of rock he could find, Joshua lowered himself over the edge and began the precarious climb down the face of the cliff.

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