Read Amore Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #Romance

Amore (35 page)

BOOK: Amore
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Shae sat up and faced him. The man was hairy. A black wave of silky hairs lay flat to his lower abdomen and arrowed down his pelvis. His dick was thick. It was average length but really thick.

“More than a mouthful,” she said with a tease. He smiled down at her.

“Put it in your mouth,
, and I promise not to choke you,” he replied.

With her eyes fluttering shut she flicked her tongue at the dimpled center and tasted him. Her mouth formed a perfect shaped O, and her cheeks caved inward as she swallowed the first inch. Carlo’s scent unfurled in her nostrils, spice and musk, everything male. She loved the smell of a man.

There was a technique to fellatio. A skill Shae had learned early in her business, and schooled her girls on soon after. It wasn’t about sucking. Not totally. The glide over the tongue and the moist heat of the mouth is what really melted the cock. Carlo responded, as she expected. With his hands behind his head, fingers intertwined, his breathing went from shallow to deep. His chest bulked with deep inhales, and deflated after exhales. After sensing his weakening she sucked him to the back of her throat and squeezed his balls. Carlo groaned. Shae dragged her tongue over every veined inch of him until she sensed his collapse.

Shae released his cock but kept stroking the stalk. “You’re ready now, baby,” she teased.

Carlo pulled her hand off his dick and Shae turned around. He pushed on her spine until her face was flat on the mattress.

He thrust into her hard. She grunted. At first the invasion was smooth and thick. But the fucking consumed them both. He circled his hips and screwed her deeply. She could tell his fucking her was more about his pleasure than hers, and that was disappointing. Carlo covered her with his massive body. His powerful thrusts, accompanied by his weight pressing down on her. were too much. She collapsed. And he kept punishing her. Shae vowed to endure, but there was much pain with her pleasure. He was too thick to be so rough. Had he not taken the time to learn how to make love to a woman without torturing her?

Damn him!

Shae whimpered and gripped the sheets to keep from crying out for him to stop. Deep down she wanted more. But at what price? He was so deep when he plunged. She squeezed her eyes so tight she wept. And he grunted at her in his native language, curses of his own torment. His powerful plunging hips shredded her pride. She began to whimper for mercy. Then she began to shout for it. He didn’t stop. Refused to stop. Up and down he went, each thrust more forceful than the other. And Shae held on until her body collapsed and his did too.




Shae woke in Carlo’s arms. She looked directly into his eyes.

“Ciao, bella,”
he said with a boyish smile.

“Hi. What time is it?” she asked.

“Late,” he answered.

“Did you sleep?” she asked.

“I could not.”

“Why?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” he answered.

She stared into his eyes not sure of his truth.

“Are you okay,
?” he asked.

“Am I okay? Yes, Carlo. I’m fine,” she touched the stubble on his jaw “What kind of question is that?”

“Was it, nice? Good for you?” he asked. “Things may have gone further than I intended.”

“I know,” she kissed his lips. “I enjoyed it.”

“You’re lying,” he said.

“I’m not. I enjoyed you, Carlo,” she kissed his chin. “It was… rough, but pleasurable.”

“And yet you’re still here?” he asked.

“I am,” she said and blinked at him.

“Why?” he asked.

She caressed his jaw. “Because I like it. Because I want to be here, with you,” she continued to caress his jaw.

He turned his face to kiss the inside palm of her hand.
“Mi dai la pelle d’oca quando mi tocchi cosi,”
he whispered.

“It’s the second time you’ve said that to me. What does it mean?”

“You give me goose bumps when you touch me like that,” he smiled. “Time for me to take you back to the Battaglias.”

“What if I don’t want to go?” she hugged him to keep him from turning away and leaving the bed.

“You must,” he replied.

“What is it? Why can’t you smile, relax, go with it?” she asked.

“I am relaxed,” he replied.

“Carlo?” she lifted on her elbow. “You’re a passionate man. I can tell.”

“Che palle,”
he snorted.

“Let me finish. When I say passionate I mean you feel deeply. Even in sex I can tell you struggle with feeling and uh, releasing. Thing is… you need to learn how to let go of your anger enough to enjoy the nectar.”

“That’s bullshit. Are you saying I don’t know how to fuck?” Carlo scowled.

“I’m trying to explain to you what I felt. What I think the problem is.”

“Problem!” he said in a raised voice. “I don’t have a fucking problem!”

“I think you’re wound too tight, Carlo,” she said. “You’re tight as a spring. The simplest gesture of kindness from a woman and you go off!”

“You don’t know me,” he said.

“So what? Who better to see through you than a stranger?” She turned his chin and looked into his eyes. There was an unnamed pain reflected in his eyes. Every muscle in her heart tightened. Shae brushed her lips over his and his arm eased around her waist. She parted her thighs and lifted her leg over his. His cock nudged at her pussy. “Gentle, I’ve let you fuck me how you wanted. Now I want you to make love to my body,” she ran her hand down his chest to grip his erection. “I’ll teach you how. No one has to know about our lessons. It’s just me and you.”

She guided his breech and received him inch by inch nice and slow. Carlo’s face was hard. His eyes glittered with deep shadows beneath his thick and severely creased brows.

“Mmm, yes, slow, baby, easy, easy, like that,” she said. Her labia swelled and constricted around her opening so each measured thrust he gave her was felt deeply. Her forehead rested against his, her hand to his face. She closed her eyes as he worked his way deeper and deeper. “Wait, wait,” she said and stopped him. She moved and he slipped out of her. Shae turned over on her side to back up against him. Carlo eased his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. He pushed her top thigh up and parted the lips of her sex.

“Touch me right there,” she said to his fingers grazing her clitoris. “Aaah, yes. Soft, like when you use your tongue,” Shae moaned. His calloused fingertips were soft and pleasing as they teased her clit.

“Now. I want you inside of me,” she breathed. She reached behind her and held to his neck. She turned her face and kissed him as he slipped into her again. The measure of his thrusts matched her breathing and his. He stopped tickling her clit and squeezed her breast. He twisted her nipple gently, ran his hand down her flat tummy to the mowed hairs over her mound. He pulled the short pink hairs and her pussy tingled warmly.

“Yes, like that. Mmm,” she moaned. He returned his hand between her thighs. He rubbed her clit while working his pelvis against her backside. “Yes, Carlo. Oh yes. I like it.”

She reached behind her and grabbed his ass. She dug her nails into his buttocks. He pumped a little harder, a little faster. “Move, I’m ready, go faster. Deeper, deeper.”

“Like this,” he whispered into her ear. “You like it like this?”

“Yes! Oh yes!” She gritted her teeth when the friction increased. Sharp, targeted friction ignited heat in her channel. He curled his body up against hers to deliver powerful plunging thrusts until the pain of their first tryst dissolved into her bliss. It felt so good. She savored each stroke and braced for the next.

“Like this,” he breathed and pumped a little faster. His finger worked up the rubbing of her clit until she neared a cataclysmic explosion.

“Yeeeeessssss,” she cried out.

“Or like this,” he rolled his pelvis a bit which almost made his dick turn in her before he kept thrusting.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she chanted.

“Move your pussy.
Uau sei bagnata!
Talk to me, Shae. Tell me again how to make love to you.”

“I… I…” she couldn’t find the words. Her mind had blinked off. All she felt now was pleasure. He withdrew and eased on top of her. His hands went under her ass and cupped each butt cheek before slipping back inside of her.


Carlo dropped his face to the side of hers. She could see his ass rise and fall underneath the cover of the sheet. She locked her legs around his waist. He pinned her arms above her head and kissed her as he drove them both to the climactic edge. Scalding spurts of his seed erupted and filled her. He went faster and faster until his hips lost rhythm and he cried out her name before his collapse.




They sat in the car staring at the villa. Neither of them spoke. The sun was fast approaching, and Shae knew she had to leave him. For some odd reason she couldn’t make herself go.

“It was a strange, and wonderful night, Carlo. Thank you.”

His gaze turned to her. He smiled. “Can I tell you a story?”

“A story?” she said. “Now?”

“I think I owe you an explanation, for my actions. My temper,” he confessed.


“When I was fifteen I was sent to prison.” Carlo said.

“Prison?” she asked. “You mean a juvenile center?”

“No. I mean prison,” he said.


“For rape,” he glanced over to her.

“Did you do it?” she asked after a long pause.

“I was innocent. The girl was my friend, girlfriend. She was forced to accuse me. At least that’s what I first believed.” Carlo tapped his thumb on the steering wheel but his grip locked tight. He stared straight ahead. “Later I found out she was never my friend, girlfriend. She lied to set me up, to get revenge. She used me.”

“How long were you locked away?”

“Until I was twenty. When I came home my father was gone and my mother was very sick. My sister was the only family I had left. Her and the Battaglias.”

“Oh. I’m sorry for that.” Shae reached over and touched his hand. She squeezed it.

“I don’t have anyone… ah, anyone special. Most women run after ten minutes alone with me.”

Shae chuckled. “I find that hard to believe.”

“It’s true. I do it mostly on purpose. I love women. I’m not gay or anything. But when I was sent away I was tortured for being naïve. I think… I know I have some issues with what happened to me.”

“I am sorry it happened to you. We all have a past, Carlo. We just can’t let it rule our future.”

to you,
.” He kissed her hand. He leaned over and kissed her lips. He didn’t seem to care if any of the men lurking outside the doors of the villa saw him. And Shae didn’t mind. “Tonight after the event there will be a big party in the Diana. Come to my room,
I need more lessons,” he said.

“My pleasure,
. Bye, Carlo.”

he said.

Shae left the car and hurried up the steps. She had to wear his blazer to cover the front of her purple dress and it swallowed her. A man opened the door for her. She turned her head and waved at him and then went inside.




Little Rabbit


“Slow down! Slow down!” Marietta said. She couldn’t keep up. Her sister ran through the changing room to the next. She stopped to yell at one person and then the other. Staff looked up and nodded with respect, but Marietta knew they didn’t hear or understand her erratic orders. There were no last minute changes. There was no crisis. One wouldn’t know it by Mirabella’s demands and shouting. Marietta had never in the past two years she’d spent with Mirabella seen her behave this way.

“Where is Catalina?” Mirabella asked. “I need Catalina. Find her! Now damn it! No. No. Bring Kyra and Jamie to me. I want to see the shoe choices again. I can’t remember what we decided on for Zenobia.”

Marietta shook her head no to Clara. “I have it. Go see if Jamie needs anything.”

BOOK: Amore
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