Amos Walker: The Complete Story Collection (69 page)

BOOK: Amos Walker: The Complete Story Collection
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“Ernestine was divorcing me,” Vale said, in a voice like a cassette tape dragging over tired spools. “When GM laid me off and I couldn’t
find nothing, she said she’d be better off getting a job and looking after herself and nobody else. That’s what we fought about. I never laid a hand on her, not in seventeen years. I sure didn’t want her dead.” He dug out a handkerchief, blew his nose, and lifted his glasses to wipe his eyes.

“We know a shot was fired,” said Justice. “We know from which gun. An ERT sergeant admitted it after Ballistics examined his weapon. He claims it went off when Mr. Vale grabbed his arm.”

“That’s a lie!”

“Of course it is, Claud. Try to calm down. The bullet recovered from Mrs. Vale’s body was too fragmented to match conclusively to a weapon, but with only one shot fired and one slug found, we don’t need it to build our case.”

I crossed my legs. “All I know is what I saw on TV. The cops who answered the domestic complaint swore he shouted through the door he’d shoot if they tried to come inside.”

“I never did.”

“Claud, please. You’re among friends. Even if that were so, it would only have given the department probable cause to enter the house. I’m not debating that, although I believe they mistook what they heard. The fact that no gun was found in the house or within throwing range of any of the doors or windows emphatically demonstrates that the authorities failed to exercise due diligence. We’re asking for ten million.”

“This is all starting to sound familiar,” I said.

“The circumstances are almost identical to those involving the death of a little girl six months ago on the East Side: An Early Response Team officer investigating a felony-harboring situation said the grandmother on the scene struggled with him and his gun went off, killing the child. I wasn’t the attorney of record in the suit that
followed, but the officer was dismissed and the judge awarded the family five million. I believe double that amount is justified by the fact that the department failed to learn from its earlier mistake.”

“You’ve got it all figured out. So what’s my end?”

“I want to swat that mosquito about whether Mr. Vale threatened to shoot the first responders. If one of them doesn’t recant I can still make the case, but if there’s no truth in it, the city will settle and this never goes to court.”

I got out a cigarette, to play with, not to smoke; state law says you can buy them but don’t light up. “In other words I ask a couple of cops if they’re liars.”

“You’ve got the best lawyer in town, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“It’s not. My insurance carrier might consider stupidity a preexisting condition.” But I proved the point and took the job.

• • •

I met Officer Bender in a booth in the Thermopolis, a cop bar in Greektown, in the shadow of 1300, the ornate crumbling headquarters of the Detroit Police Department. It was early, and the staff was clearing away the debris of the morning rush and laying tables for the noon crowd. We had the place to ourselves apart from them and a couple of tired-looking plainclothesmen from Major Crimes drinking coffee at the bar over baklava and waiting out the end of their shift.

Bender was the junior half of the two-man team that had responded to the domestic disturbance complaint at Claud Vale’s house. He was built like a college basketball player, tall and sinewy in his autumn uniform, and during the brief small talk. I learned he’d been offered a full-ride scholarship at the University of Michigan,
but had gotten tired of the hoops and dropped out to join the twelve-week police training course in Detroit. He was a good-looking light-skinned black who liked plenty of cream and sugar in his strong Greek coffee.

He finished looking at my credentials and handed them back. “‘I’ll shoot the first man through the door,’ that’s what I heard. Book says that implies probability of a weapon. What’s it say in yours?”

“It says step off and call for backup,” I said. “Only I don’t have backup, so I’d just step off. How do you and Wallace get along?” Sergeant Wallace was his partner, a fifteen-year-man with the Uniform Division; three letters of commendation in his jacket and two months’ unpaid suspension over a home-invasion suspect who’d died of asphyxiation in the course of a bust.

“He’s my partner. I trust him with my life.”

“That’s what the book says. I’m not taking notes.”

“I don’t think he’d give me his sister’s hand if I asked, but we got plenty of that in the department. He’s a good cop. That thing two years ago could’ve happened to anyone. Guy had a glass throat.”

I let that one eddy with the current. “This thing goes the way it went on the East Side last spring, a lot of good cops’ll wind up in private security. That goes from the bottom up and never reaches the brass.”

He added still more sugar to his cup and stirred it; a weaker man would’ve had to use two hands. “Call me a liar again, I’ll cuff you for whatever I can dream up between here and down the street. Just as soon as I finish my coffee.”

That was it for the interview. I thought of paying his tab along with mine, but the bribery charge might be too much temptation.

Cops, even young ones, are rarely so thin-skinned. I’d taken a wild shot and drawn blood.

• • •

Sergeant Wallace was temporarily unavailable. He’d taken a personal day and the woman who answered at his home—I assumed it was his wife—said he’d gone bow hunting in Washtenaw County. She didn’t expect him back before nightfall.

I couldn’t get within a mile of the ERT sergeant who’d fired the round that had reportedly killed Ernestine Vale. He was on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the internal investigation and not even Philip Justice could get a contact number for him outside of 1300. But I couldn’t think of anything to ask him that the shoot team wouldn’t, so I didn’t waste time pumping my unofficial sources, who are all more or less legitimately employed and keep jacking up their rates according to the risk of selling confidential information: Homeland Security had become involved, and Justice’s pockets aren’t that deep. No one’s are.

Just to kill time while waiting to corner young Officer Bender’s partner I got a pass through Justice to walk through the scene of the shooting. The cop at the door looked at the pass, confirmed it on the Star Trek radio clipped to his shoulder strap, and stood aside to let me open the door and duck under the yellow tape.

It was a building of historical interest, which locally is as good as an order of condemnation; ninety years ago Henry Ford built dozens and dozens of narrow frame houses with steeply pitched roofs to shelter laborers who had streamed in from the Deep South and eastern Europe to earn five dollars a day assembling Model Ts in Dearborn. This was one of the few left, and despite intermittent remodeling preserved the shape and character of the original better than most of the rest.

I climbed the nearly vertical staircase and looked at the bedroom purely out of cultural curiosity. All the action had taken place on the
ground floor, where according to her husband Mrs. Vale was down with the flu on the living room sofa when the bullet entered her heart at an oblique angle, the coroner said, which corresponded with Vale’s version of the event. She’d moved to the sofa anyway preliminary to cutting herself loose from her husband permanently. The sheets had been removed for evidence, but the cushions were stained dark where she’d bled.

On the way out I nodded to the gatekeeper and tried the house next door, a shotgun-style ranch built on the site of what would have been another Ford construction; he created whole neighborhoods from barren fields and reclaimed swamp. The woman who cracked the door two inches at my knock had thick fingers, a suspicious blue eye, and a Ukrainian accent. The eye studied my credentials from top to bottom, but the door didn’t budge. “I tell the police everything,” she said.

“I won’t walk you all the way back through it. What did you hear?”

“I hear bang when the police are there. I think it must be a shot.”

“Any sound of struggling?”

“No, just bang. Without police I would think it is a door slamming. Doors are slamming there all the time, yelling, like that day. The people, they don’t get along so good.”

“Are you the one who complained to the police about the domestic disturbance?”

“I don’t want to get into no trouble.”

“You won’t.”

She said it again. I moved on. I was sure now it was her, not that it mattered who’d called. “What about when just the two policemen were there? Did you hear Mr. Vale shouting?”

“I hear shouting. I don’t know who or what. Then the two go away. Later more come. One comes to this door and says don’t go
out, stay away from the windows. I tell him, today is no different from all the rest. I might have stayed in Kiev.”

I thanked her. She pressed the door in my face and was still snapping locks when I stepped off the porch.

• • •

“I had a sweet shot, a heart shot,” Sergeant Wallace said. “This little-bitty birch you couldn’t even see deflected the arrow and the best rack I’ve seen in years went sailing off over a barbed-wire fence.”

Veteran cops are masters at dividing their work and home lives. I was there to ask about his part in an affair that had left a woman dead with a slug in her heart and he was telling me about the deer heart he’d missed that afternoon in rural Michigan; no irony in his voice or expression.

We were sitting in his small kitchen in Redford Township, with a group of mismatched appliances that had been replaced as needed and no two at the same time. The pattern was worn almost completely off the linoleum and the table we sat at was sheet metal over pine. He had a squat brown beer bottle in his squat right fist and I could have connected the broken blood vessels in his broad fleshy face like dots. Mrs. Wallace, a small, wrenlike creature who gave the impression of a nervous type until you noticed the steel wire underneath, was in the laundry washing spray-on doe hormones from her husband’s camo suit. He wore loose-fitting old suitpants and his back hair curled like tropical undergrowth over the shoulder straps of his BVD undershirt.

I said, “I won’t take up much time. What did Claud Vale say when you showed up at his house?”

“‘Go away or I’ll shoot right through this door.’”

“Those words exactly?”

“They’re in my report.”

I looked at my notebook. “Your partner said it was, ‘I’ll shoot the first man through the door.’”

“What’s the difference?”

“The second version threatened your lives. The first threatened his door.”

He swigged beer and thunked down the bottle. “You work for a lawyer, all right. You know same as me he meant only one thing either way.”

“The lawyer I work for would go to town on the difference in phrasing. He’d make it sound like one of you lied and the other backed him up, as partners do, only he got the words wrong. He’d say it was your idea, being the senior man; but anyway he’ll play it so both your testimonies wind up in the ashcan.”

His face got so dark I couldn’t pick out the burst vessels.

I said, “I’m just the messenger. If that’s how it went down, fine: Tell it on the stand and let Justice do what he can with it. Just don’t lose it there the way you’re losing it here in your own kitchen. I wouldn’t be talking this way if Bender didn’t lash out like a snake when I told him his career might depend on what he said in court. He’s got a guilty conscience.”

“Finished?” He pointed at the beer he’d given me. I hadn’t touched it, but I put away my notebook and got up. At the front door I heard the hollow snap and whoosh of a fresh bottle being opened.

• • •

Philip Justice subsided into the cushions of his desk chair, closing his eyes and folding his hands across his spare middle as if he’d just finished a feast. “Damn fine work. I had Wallace figured as the weak
link, based on that blot on his record. But Bender’s our pigeon. I may not even have to call his partner to the stand.”

“Thing is,” I said, “I think Wallace is telling the truth. I believe Vale made a threat of some kind. Bender didn’t hear it—making out emotional words through a thick door comes with experience. Bender decided to back him up after they compared notes. You need a good reason for calling for reinforcements when you write your report, especially after what went down.”

“Made a threat with what? He didn’t have a gun.”

“Not when a search was made. The next-door neighbor heard doors slamming earlier. A handgun report heard through two walls can be mistaken for a door slamming.”

He opened his eyes and came forward. The feast had turned into indigestion. “She heard yelling too.”

“I can go back and find out if any of that yelling sounded like Ernestine Vale’s voice.”

“I didn’t hire you to make a case for the police. God, you make him sound like a criminal mastermind. You’re saying he shot his wife, then staged a fight to bring the cops to his door and set up the Detroit Police Department for her murder.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to get tricky. If he shot her long enough before the complaint went through, he’d have plenty of opportunity to sneak out of the house, dump the gun in a storm drain a dozen blocks away, and sneak back in and fake a fight.”

“There’d be a record of a firearm purchase. He’s clean. Don’t you think I had that checked out? You’re not the only P.I. in town.”

“You’re right. Where would anyone go in Detroit to get a gun without leaving a paper trail?”

“He’s an unemployed auto worker, not a penny-ante hit man. He wouldn’t know where to look.”

I played with a cigarette. “All I’m saying is I’d like to run it out. You don’t want this blowing up in your face in public.”

“What do you want from me?” Now he sounded like a successful man being put upon by a poor relation.

“Two things. First: When did his wife file for divorce?”

He fired up the computer on his desk. “April eleventh.”

“This is part of the first thing. When did the cops screw up and kill that little girl on the East Side?”

“You can’t think those two things are connected. The circumstances—”

“—are almost identical. Your words. When?”

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