Amusing Ourselves to Death (25 page)

BOOK: Amusing Ourselves to Death
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Hart, James D.
The Popular Book: A History of America’s Literary Taste.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1950.
Hofstadter, Richard.
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1964.
Hudson, Winthrop.
Religion in America.
New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1965.
Lee, James Melvin.
History of American Journalism.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1917.
Lockridge, Kenneth. “Literacy in Early America, 1650-1800,” in
Literacy and Social Development in the West: A
Reader, edited by Harvey J. Graff. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
MacNeil, Robert. “Is Television Shortening Our Attention Span?”
New York University Education Quarterly
14:2 (Winter, 1983).
Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels.
The German Ideology.
New York: International Publishers, 1972.
Mill, John Stuart.
Autobiography and Other Writings.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1969.
Miller, John C.
The First Frontier: Life in Colonial America.
New York: Dell, 1966.
Miller, Perry.
The Life of the Mind in America: From the Revolution to the Civil War.
New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1965.
Moran, Terence. “Politics 1984: That’s Entertainment.”
Et cetera
41:2 (Summer, 1984).
Mott, Frank Luther.
American Journalism: A History of Newspapers in the U.S. through 260 Years, 1690 to 1950.
New York: Macmillan, 1950.
Mumford, Lewis.
Technics and Civilization.
New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1934.
Newhall, Beaumont.
The History of Photography from 1839 to the Present
Day. New York: Museum of Modem Art, 1964.
Ong, Walter. “Literacy and the Future of Print.”
Journal of Communication
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Orality and Literacy.
New York: Methuen, 1982.
Paine, Thomas.
The Age of Reason.
New York: Peter Eckler Publishing Co., 1919.
Presbrey, Frank.
The History and Development of Advertising.
Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1929.
Rosen, Jay. “Advertising’s Slow Suicide.”
Et cetera
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Salomon, Gavriel.
Interaction of Media, Cognition and Learning.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1979.
Sontag, Susan.
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New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1977.
Sparks, Edwin Erle, ed.
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Twain, Mark.
The Autobiography of Mark Twain.
New York: Harper and Bros., 1959.
ABC network movie
The Day After,
and post-show discussion
advertising: newspaper, history of ; political; television commercials
Agassiz, Louis
Age of Reason
Age of Reason, The
American Mercury
American Spelling Book
Anderson, Paul
Arendt, Hannah
Associated Press
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
auto industry
Bakker, Jim
Baltimore Patriot
Barthes, Roland
Bay Psalm Book
Beecher, Henry Ward
Bennett, James
“Bonanza” (TV show)
book censorship
Boorstin, Daniel;
The Image
Boston Gazette
Boston News-Letter.
Brave New World
British Broadcasting Corporation
Brokaw, Tom
Bruner, Jerome
Buckley, William
Bunn, Alfred
Burns, George
Carlyle, Thomas
Carter, Jimmy
Cassirer, Ernst
Cavett, Dick
CBS network
“Cheers” (TV show)
Children’s Television Workshop
cities, as metaphors of national character
Clark, Ramsey
college: commencements, televised ; 19th-century
Colonial America, typography in
Commager, Henry Steele
commercials. See television commercials
Common Sense
confessionals, televised
Constitution, U.S.
“Cosmos” (TV series)
Coswell, Henry
court trials, televised
Craft, Christine
Cronkite, Walter
crossword puzzles
Daguerre, Louis
Daily News
“Dallas” (TV show)
Day After, The
(ABC movie), and post-show discussion
debates: Lincoln-Douglas
; 1984 presidential
Democracy in America
Department of Education
Description of New England
Dewey John;
Experience and Education
Dickens, Charles
Dickinson, Emily
Dietrich, Dr. Edward
“Diff’rent Strokes” (TV show)
Dirksen, Everett
doctoral oral
Douglas, Stephen A.
Dryden, John, Fables
Duché, Jacob
Dukakis, Mike
Dwight, Timothy
“Dynasty” (TV show)
education: Colonial; to control television; 19th-century ; as television entertainment; “The Voyage of the Mimi” programs, discussed
Edwards, Jonathan;
Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northhampton
; A
Treatise Concerning Religious Affections
18th-century religion and typography
Einstein, Albert
elderly, and television
“The Electric Company” (TV show)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Empire of Reason
entertainment; education as ; modem cities as; politics as; television as
“Entertainment Tonight” (TV show)
epistemology, media as
Ervin, Sam
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Experience and Education
eyeglasses, invention of
“Eye-Witness News” (TV show)
Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northhampton
Falwell, Jerry
Faulkner, William
Federal Communications Act
Federalist Papers
Finney, Charles
“Firing Line” (TV show)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Ford, Gerald
Ford, Henry
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, James
Frelinghuysen, Theodore
Freud, Sigmund
Frye, Nonhrop
Gerbner, George
German Ideology, The
Goodrich, Samuel
Goody, Jack
Graham, Billy
Great Awakening
Greece, Classical; book censorship in; rhetoric in
Greeley, Horace
“Gunsmoke” (TV show)
Hamilton, Alexander
Harris, Benjamin
Harvard University
Havelock, Eric
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hemingway, Ernest
Henry VIII, King of England
Herschel, John F. W.
Heyman, John
History and Development of Advertising, The
Hoffman, David
Hofstadter, Richard
Holbrook, Josiah
Horn, Steve
Huxley, Aldous ;
Brave New World
illuminated manuscripts
Image, The
Index Librorum Prohibitorum
Iranian hostage crisis
Jackson, Jesse
Javits, Jacob
Jay, John
Jaynes, Julian
Jefferson, Thomas
Johnston, J. R W.
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, John F.
Kent, James
Kissinger, Henry
Koch, Edward
“Kojak” (TV show)
Koppel, Ted
Las Vegas
“Laugh-In” (TV show)
lecture hallsh-century
legal system; 18- and 19th-century ; televised
leisure, changing role of
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Lindsay, John
Lippmann, Walter
literacy rates: Colonial; 19th-century
“The Little House on the Prairie” (TV show)
Locke, John;
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Lowell, James Russell
Luther, Martin
Lyceum Movement
McCarthy, Joseph
McGinnis, Joe,
The Selling of the President
McGovem, George
McGuffy Reader
McLuhan, Marshall
McNamara, Robert
MacNeil, Robert
“MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour” (TV show)
Madison, James
Magnetic Telegraph Company
Mander, Jerry,
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
Markham, Edwin
Marshall,. John
Marx, Karl;
The German Ideology
media, as epistemology
medical practices, televised
medium and technology, distinctions between
“Meet the Press” (TV show)
Melville, Herman
metaphors, media
Middle Ages
Mill, James
Mill, John Stuart
Miller, Perry.
Miller, Reverend Samuel
Miller, William
Milosz, Czeslaw
Milton, John,
“Mission: Impossible” (TV show)
Moral Majority
Moran, Terence
Morse, Samuel
Moyers, Bill
Mumford, Lewis;
Technics and Civilization
music: rock; television
Nader, Ralph
National Religious Broadcasters Association
NBC network
Nevins, Allan
New-England Courant
“The New Media Bible” (movies)
newspapers: advertising in ; history of ; modeled on television
See also specific names of newspapers
New York Apprentices’ Library
New York City
New York
Daily Mirror
New Yorker, The
New York Gazette
New York Herald
New York Sun
New York Times, The
Nietzsche, Friedrich
19th century; advertising; education; legal system; Lincoln-Douglas debates; photography ; religion; telegraph; transportation; typography
Nixon, Richard
“Nova” (TV series)
“Now ... this” mode of discourse
O’Connor, Cardinal John J.
Official Video Journal
O’Neill, Tip
Ong, Walter
“The Open Mind” (TV show)
oral traditions
Orwell, George ; “The Politics of the English Language”
Ars Amatoria
Paine, Thomas;
The Age of Reason
Common Sense
pamphlets, colonial
Paul IV, Pope
Pennsylvania Amish, filming of
penny newspaper
pictographic writing
Plato; on written word
Poe, Edgar Allan
politics; Lincoln-Douglas debates ; 1984 presidential debates ; Orwell on
politics, television; as advertising; and physical appearance of politician
“The Politics of the English Language” (Orwell)
Prope, Alexander,
presidential debates, 1984,
printed word: advertising, history of ; in Colonial times ; decline of ; effects of telegraphy and photography on ; invention of; 19th-century
printing press;
invention of

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