An Alpha's Pride [tribal bonds 2] (7 page)

Read An Alpha's Pride [tribal bonds 2] Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: An Alpha's Pride [tribal bonds 2]
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Daniel framed Carlton’s face with his free hand, wrapping the other one around the man’s neck. His eyes scoured Carlton’s face for any sign of pain or pity or anger, but all he could see was hunger and bliss.
Carlton’s golden eyes strayed to Daniel’s neck, and he knew what the man wanted. Without hesitation, Daniel tilted his head to the side and leaned into Carlton. He was in full support of being claimed again, especially since Carlton seemed so willing this time.
“Please, Carlton,” Daniel whispered when the alpha hesitated. “Claim me, make me yours.”
“You’re already mine!” Carlton growled as he struck.
Daniel cried out when he felt Carlton’s canines sink into his flesh. The pain was instantaneous and gone before Daniel could even fully realize that it was there. It was replaced by a pleasure so overwhelming that he cried out and filled the space between them with his release.
Carlton’s deep roar filled Daniel’s ears even as his hot spunk filled his ass. Pulse after pulse of hot cum shot into Daniel until it started to leak out of his ass and dribble down between his thighs.
Daniel shuddered when he felt Carlton extract his canines and lick at the bite left in his shoulder. Each stroke of Carlton’s tongue made his cock jerk, spitting out just a little more cum.
Daniel leaned forward and rested his forehead on Carlton’s shoulder. Now that it was over, he was a little afraid of looking at Carlton. This was the point where Carlton had left him aching and alone last time. Daniel wasn’t sure he could handle it if it happened again.
He didn’t know what to think when he felt Carlton’s hands caress his back from shoulder to ass cheek. The gesture was soft and gentle, filled with reverence and caring.
Daniel desperately wanted to believe what Carlton’s hands were conveying to him. Now, knowing how pleasurable being fucked actually could be, he would allow Carlton to dominate him for the rest of their days if it meant they could stay together. He was even willing to be submissive in front of Carlton’s pack and his own tribe, whatever it took for Carlton to accept him.
“Did you get enough blood, baby?”
“Good. Next time don’t wait so long to feed from me.” Daniel chuckled awkwardly. “I won’t.”
“Are you going to look at me, Daniel?”
Daniel felt his face heat up. He was afraid to look at Carlton, afraid of what he might find in his anamchara’s face. “Do I have to?”
“Technically, no, but I’d like you to anyway.”
Daniel drew in a deep breath then slowly raised his head to look at Carlton. He braced himself for what he might see but was surprised by the soft flush in Carlton’s face.
Carlton grinned as he stroked a hand down the side of Daniel’s face. “As much as I enjoy sitting here with my dick in your ass, we need to get cleaned up and dressed. People are waiting for us.”
Daniel’s eyes darted away as his face heated up even more. He quickly pushed himself off of Carlton’s lap, groaning when the man’s softening cock slid from his ass. He hadn’t expected the instant ache that filled him at the loss. He almost whimpered, covering his need by grabbing his pants and yanking them up his legs.
“Wait,” Carlton said as he stood up and gestured to the pants in Daniel’s hand. “Don’t you want to clean up first?”
Daniel knew his face was beaming bright red when he grinned up at Carlton. “No. I rather like the idea of having your cum inside my ass, marking me.”
Carlton groaned and reached for him, crushing their lips together. By the time he lifted his head a few moments later, Daniel didn’t have a breath left in his body.
“I don’t suppose you have that butt plug with you?”
Daniel shook his head.
“We’ll need to get you one for next time.”
“Next time?” Daniel croaked. They were going to have a
next time
“Later tonight.”
Daniel swallowed hard and stiffened his knees when they threatened to give out. “Okay.”

Chapter 7

Carlton kept Daniel anchored close to his side as he walked out to face those waiting for them. He didn’t know exactly what had changed in Daniel’s demeanor, but he seemed less ashen and more like his old self, even if he did constantly send him needy little looks that Carlton ached to fulfill.

Carlton tried to keep his mind on the mission and off of Daniel’s ass. It wasn’t easy. He looked down at the map on the table and did his level best to listen as the situation was explained to him.

“The wolf shifter was here when she was taken.” Ben pointed to an area on the map just a few short blocks from Carlton’s mansion. “The vampires were taken from here, just a block away. The wolves saw them get taken as they were trying to get back here.”

“Did they see how many vampires were taken?” Daniel asked.

Carlton uttered a low growl when Ben pressed his lips together. He had allowed the beta to stay, for now, because he had information that they needed. But if Ben continued to be disrespectful to his mate, Carlton was going to boot the man out of his territory himself.

“Answer him, Ben.”

Ben heaved a large sigh and turned to look at Daniel. “Three vampires were taken.”
“And your wolves were sure that they were members of my tribe?” Daniel asked. “Could they have been from Electus Ucathya’s tribe?”
“How the hell should I know?” Ben snapped. “You vampires all look alike.”
Carlton grabbed Ben by his throat. Ben gasped as he was pulled within an inch of Carlton’s face. “Do we need to go over this again, Ben?”
“No, Alpha,” Ben squeaked.
“Show my mate respect, or I will take it as a personal challenge.”
Carlton tossed Ben away from him, heard him crash to the floor, and turned to look at Daniel when he felt the man’s hand on his arm. He cocked an eyebrow when he saw the sweet smile on his mate’s face.
“I appreciate you defending me, anamchara, but I am perfectly capable of fighting my own battles.”
“I have no doubt of that, babe.” Carlton grinned, mostly because he could call Daniel
and get away with it but also from the fierceness he could see in Daniel’s face. The man was looking much better than he did when he arrived. “I’ve seen you in action.”
Carlton’s eyes slid to where Ben was picking himself up off the floor. “Besides, my beta knows you are my mate and should treat you as such.”
“You told him?”
“I did.”
Carlton chuckled, no longer worried about Ben’s behavior when he heard the shock in Daniel’s voice. He wrapped an arm around Daniel’s waist then slid his hand down to curve over his rounded ass.
“As soon as you are ready, I’d like to tell everyone.”
Daniel’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?”
“Yep.” Carlton grabbed a handful of Daniel’s long hair and yanked him closer. “Really.”
“Why now?”
Carlton blinked in surprise when he heard Daniel’s voice in his head.
“How long have you been able to do that?”
he asked back silently, somehow knowing that Daniel could hear him.

Daniel shrugged.
“I’ve been able to do it since I first claimed you as my anamchara.”
“And you’re only using it now?”
Carlton could feel a niggle of anger trying to take hold inside of him and ruthlessly beat it back. Things were going good between him and Daniel right now, and he didn’t want to upset that fragile balance.
Daniel’s face flushed, and he glanced away.
“It didn’t seem right before.”
Carlton thought about that and thought about how they had originally come together, and he knew Daniel was right. The night they had claimed each other, and the things that had happened then, were something they would have to discuss later, but they would discuss them.
“I agree, mate, and I’m glad that you are sharing this with me now.”
He grabbed Daniel’s chin and tilted the man’s face back up to his.
“But please don’t keep anything else from me, Daniel.”
Daniel shook his head, his gray eyes hugely rounded on his face.
“I won’t.”
Carlton leaned down and planted a small kiss on Daniel’s lips then turned back to the map. “So, all of our people were either attacked or taken in a two block area right here?” He pointed to a spot on the map.
He glanced up at the others gathered in the room when he didn’t hear anyone reply to his words. They all seemed to be looking past him with shocked looks on their faces.
Curious, Carlton glanced over his shoulder. He was stunned to see Ben standing behind him with a gun in his hand, and it was pointed right at Daniel. Carlton quickly turned and stepped in front of his mate, placing himself between Daniel and danger.
“What are you doing, Ben?”
“I can’t let you do this, Carlton.”
“Do what, Ben?”
“He will destroy this pack.”
Carlton could feel a growl building in his throat at the threat to his mate. He knew he should have ripped Ben’s throat out when he had the chance. Now, Daniel’s life was in danger, and it was all his fault.
“Ben, put the gun down.” Carlton tried to sound calm when he felt anything but. The gun in Ben’s hand seemed huge when pointed in his direction. “This isn’t the way to handle this.”
“How do you want me to handle this, Carlton?” Ben snapped. “You won’t listen to reason. He has to go.”
“He’s my mate, Ben.”
“He’s a vampire, Carlton.”
“I’m fully aware of that.”
“Yes, I can see the marks on your neck,” Ben sneered as he looked at Carlton’s throat where Daniel had bitten him. “Did you enjoy it, Carlton? Did you enjoy being a blood bag for a vampire?”
“Actually”—Carlton smirked—“I did.”
“Not very helpful, anamchara.”
Daniel snickered silently.
Carlton tilted his head back and turned it slightly, not taking his eyes off of Ben. “No, but it was the truth,” Carlton said out loud for everyone to hear.
“What are you talking about?” Ben shouted, waving the gun at him. “What’s he saying?”
“That you’re a dumb shit!” Carlton snapped. “You know as well as anyone that we do not choose our mates. They are chosen for us by fate. And I will not deny the gift that fate has given me.”
“You have to,” Ben insisted.
“The hell I do!”
Ben’s head tilted. He frowned in obvious confusion. “Carlton, he’s a vampire. He’ll destroy you. He’ll destroy us.”
Carlton’s eyes narrowed as a wild, and incredibly preposterous, idea suddenly struck him. “What
, Ben?”
Ben licked his lips, his eyes darting around nervously. “We’ve worked too long to be where we are, Carlton. We can’t let it all be taken away from us because you can’t control some stupid vampire.”
Carlton reached back and rested his hand on Daniel’s hip when he felt the man tense at Ben’s words. He knew Daniel was trying to let him handle the situation. It was the only reason Daniel was still behind him.
“Can you get out of the line of fire?”
Carlton asked Daniel.
“Well, I’m not climbing under the damn table,”
Daniel replied.
“Daniel, please.”
Carlton wasn’t sure who he wanted to strangle more, Ben or his mate. This was not the time for Daniel to reassert himself.
Daniel grumbled as he started to move closer to the table.
“But I expect a blow job out of this.”
Carlton shuddered at the idea of wrapping his lips around Daniel’s cock. He couldn’t believe how much he liked the image that came to mind.
Daniel paused.
“Get under the table, Daniel, and I’ll do anything you want.”
He almost turned when he felt Daniel’s hand press against his back.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Carlton.”
“I’m going. I’m going.”
Carlton moved back with Daniel, trying to mask his mate’s movements from Ben. He didn’t know what had sent his beta over the edge, but he didn’t want to find out at the cost to his mate’s life.
Once Daniel was no longer behind him, Carlton refocused his attention on Ben. He held up both of his hands in a nonthreatening gesture. “Ben, you need to put the gun down before it accidently goes off. You wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt, would you?”
“Stop talking to me like some damn child!” Ben shouted. When he stomped his foot, he looked very much like a child not getting his way.
Carlton could see a glint of insanity in Ben’s eyes and wondered why he hadn’t seen it before now. What had he missed? And why was it manifesting itself now? Could Ben truly hate vampires that much? Carlton knew Ben didn’t like them, but this went beyond hatred and straight into the weird and creepy.
He knew he was only going to get one shot at Ben. He had to take it when he could. The mere thought of Ben harming Daniel in any way made Carlton’s skin crawl and his hands clench. Daniel and Carlton might have some problems between them, but they were
them. They didn’t involve anyone else.
“Stay down, baby,”
Carlton whispered silently to Daniel as he stepped closer to Ben. “Ben, I don’t know what you think you’re going to accomplish with this, but it’s not going to happen.”
“I know I didn’t stop them from taking you away last time,” Ben said, “but I’m making up for it now. We can hold them prisoner, just like they did to you. We can make them understand that they just can’t come in here and take one of us away.”
“This is about Daniel taking me back to his hotel?”
“They had a dart gun, Carlton. You know that.” Ben looked gleeful as he waved his gun in the air. “But I was smarter than them. I got silver bullets.”
Silver bullets?
Carlton froze.
“Daniel, can silver bullets harm you?”
Daniel snickered.
“But I wouldn’t try to eat a clove of garlic.”
Carlton breathed a sigh of relief. Okay, silver wouldn’t hurt his mate. And apparently, garlic was now permanently off his diet. Damn, he liked garlic.
“Good to know, mate.”
“Ben, silver isn’t harmful to vampires like it is to us.”
“I know.”
Ben suddenly looked calm as all hell when he turned and pointed the gun right at Carlton. He fired before Carlton could move out of the way. Carlton grunted when he felt a searing pain in his chest. He grabbed himself then stared down at his bloodred hands in shock.
Carlton heard a loud roar as he stumbled back against the table, but it sounded like it came from far away. He slid down to the floor then flopped onto his back when the intense pain in his chest started radiating outward, stealing his breath.
The yelling and screaming and growling seemed to go on forever, and then it suddenly stopped just as fast as it had started. It became so quiet, Carlton wondered if he was dead. When he saw Daniel lean over him, he tried to smile, but breathing seemed to be more important.
It was easier to talk this way.
“Anamchara,” Daniel whispered back but out loud, his eyes filled with tears as he pressed his hands down over the gaping wound in Carlton’s chest. “Please, you can’t leave me, not now.”
“Not—not leaving.”
“Promise me, Carlton,” Daniel rasped. “Promise me you’re not leaving me.”
Daniel wiped at his eyes, leaving a smear of blood across his cheek. The bright-red smudge looked wrong on Daniel’s pale skin. “Then rest, anamchara. I’ll keep you safe.”
Carlton waved his hand in the air until Daniel grabbed it.
“Yes, anamchara, I’ll stay.”
“Okay.” Carlton closed his eyes, too tired and in too much pain to keep them open any longer. He heard a bunch of shouting, but it grew fainter and fainter until he didn’t hear anything.

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