An English Affair: Sex, Class and Power in the Age of Profumo (65 page)

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Authors: Richard Davenport-Hines

Tags: #Social Science, #Anthropology, #General, #Biography & Autobiography, #History, #Social History

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Hinds, Alfred (‘Alfie’) 188

Hitchin 60

Hoare, Sir Samuel (
1st Viscount Templewood) 76

Hobson, Sir John 264–5, 269, 271, 274–5, 322, 332

Hobson, Robert 51–2

Hobson, Valerie: family background 51–2; appearance and character 52, 53, 58; acting career 46, 52, 53–4, 55–6, 118; first marriage 52, 53, 54, 55; relationship with Profumo and their wedding 45–6, 51, 54, 55; pregnancies and children 53, 54, 55, 56–7; married life with Profumo 55–6, 58, 59, 60–61, 110; the Cliveden weekend (July 1961) 246, 248; and Profumo’s affair with Keeler 250, 251, 280, 290; after the scandal breaks 274, 276, 290, 291, 297, 343

Hockney, David 179

Holford, Christine (
Hughes) 131–7, 140

Holford, Harvey 113, 131–7, 217

Holford, Karen 132, 135

Holland-Martin, Lady Anne (
Cavendish) 10, 80

Hollingworth, John 28

Hollis, Christopher 28–9

Hollis, Sir Roger 263, 266, 280, 281, 289, 342

Holloway, Stanley 225

Holloway prison 285–6, 341

Home, Alexander (‘Alec’) Douglas-Home, 14th Earl of
Douglas-Home, Sir Alec

Homer 26

homosexuality 10, 29, 36–8, 77, 89, 123, 151, 257, 260, 272, 287, 300, 310–311; (partial) decriminalisation 10, 19, 36, 237; in public schools 49, 229; medical establishment’s views on 107–8, 121; and the Press 191, 194, 233, 234–7, 240, 308; and espionage 217, 222–4, 229, 233, 234–7, 239–40;
see also
Wolfenden Committee

Hong Kong 84

Hoover, J. Edgar 147

Hore-Ruthven, Malise 305

Horne, Sir Alistair 14, 224

Hoskins, Percy 238

House of Commons: rituals and rules of 30–32; role of party whips 30; Private Members’ Days 31–2; Privileges Committee 31; Question Time 31

House of Lords: women members 110, 114, 115; disclaimed peerages 335

Housing Repairs and Rent Act (1954) 152

How to Marry a Millionaire
(film) 126

Howard, Sir Michael 216

Howard-Jones, Noel 144–5, 246, 252, 325

Huggins, Sir John 197

Hugh-Jones, Siriol 113–14

Huish, Edward 140

Huish, Julia (Christine Keeler’s mother) 140, 276–7

Hungary, 1956 uprising 81, 84–6, 104, 270

Hunloke, Henry 10

Hunloke, Philippa
Astor, Philippa, Viscountess

Hunter, Christopher 197

Huxley, Aldous 7

Hyams, Harry 153, 155, 170

Hyland, Jodi 207, 208

ICI (chemicals company) 21, 163, 168

Illustrated London News

immigration 23–4, 40, 86–7, 180–81

In the News
(television programme) 213

International Publishing Corporation (IPC) 192, 262

Interrupted Journey, The
(film) 118

Isambard Brunel
(yacht) 171

Isherwood, Christopher 179, 265

Ismailia 218, 222

Israel 81, 147, 158, 302

Italy 290, 343; invasion of Abyssinia 7; Second World War 9, 51, 65, 67–8, 69, 174; tourism 18

ITV (Independent Television) 189, 190, 213, 214;
Army Game
63, 67;
Bootsie and Snudge
This Week

Ivanov, Yevgeny (‘Eugene’): assistant naval attaché 12, 245; relations with Stephen Ward 104, 245–6, 251, 261, 278–9; character 245, 278; monitored by MI5 245, 251, 263, 330; at Cliveden house party 246, 248–9, 250; relations with Christine Keeler 248–9, 251; uses Ward as intermediary 253–4, 256, 257, 279, 329; returns to Moscow 261

Iveagh, Edward Guinness, 1st Earl of 72

Jacques, Hattie 146

Jalland, Pat,
Death in War and Peace

Jamaica 60

James, Sid 128

Japan 51, 65; occupation of Manchuria 75, 76, 83

Jarrow 22–3

Jay, Douglas (
Baron Jay) 186

Jeger, Lena (
Baroness Jeger) 119–20

Jenkins, Roy (
Baron Jenkins of Hillhead) 237

Jews: as MPs 28, 167; Holocaust 158, 162, 173–4; as property developers 158, 162, 163, 166–7; social exclusion of 158–9, 167; World Jewish Congress 167; in Poland 173, 175;
see also

Johnson, Paul 241

Jones, Thomas (police constable) 139

Joseph, Sir Keith (
Baron Joseph) 28, 255

Joseph, (Sir) Maxwell 153, 170


Joynson-Hicks, William, 1st Viscount Brentford 281

Juan-les-Pins 132

(magazine) 123–4

Karmel, David 67

Kaye, Danny 98

Keeler, Christine: family background 140; birth 140; childhood 65–6, 140, 333; early jobs 140–41; relations with US servicemen 141, 147; pregnancy and birth of son 53, 141, 333; modelling career 140–41, 141–2, 150; nightclub hostess 142, 143, 144; meets Stephen Ward 144–5; the Cliveden weekend (July 1961) 12, 246–50; subsequent assignations with Jack Profumo 250–52; Profumo’s notes and letters to 251, 252, 259–60, 262, 264, 266, 268; meets ‘Lucky’ Gordon 252–3; shot at by Johnny Edgecombe 258–9; attempts to sell story to Press 187, 262, 263, 264, 265, 301; accusations against Ward 262, 264, 280, 289; her claims about relationship with Profumo 262, 264, 268, 304; questioned by police 263–4, 282–3; Profumo’s denial of affair 11, 50, 265, 267, 269, 275–6, 296; travels to Spain 271, 277; Press coverage of her temporary disappearance 271–3, 274, 277–8; assaulted by John Hamilton-Marshall 284, 322, 341; false accusations against Gordon 284–5, 293, 341; witness at Gordon’s trial 285, 293, 322, 323; her story published in
News of the World
249–50, 295; testifies at Ward’s hearing and trial 313–14, 319, 320, 321; interviewed at Denning inquiry 330; taped reminiscences 321–2; treatment by Press following Ward’s death 340–41; convicted of perjury 323, 333, 341–2; imprisonment 323, 341, 342, 344; later life and reputation 333, 342; published memoirs 342–3

Character & characteristics
: appearance 144, 145, 320; cannabis use 252, 253, 259, 284, 331; conversation 145, 259; homes xi, 140, 144, 150; impatience 141; independence 109; sexual attractiveness 144, 145; tomboy 140; vulnerability 144, 333

Relations with
: Bill Astor 135, 284; Charles Clore xiii, 135, 160, 263, 319; Johnny Edgecombe 258–9; ‘Lucky’ Gordon 252–3; Paula Hamilton-Marshall 145, 268; Noel Howard-Jones 144–5, 246, 252; Yevgeny Ivanov 248–9, 251; men 111, 139–40, 141, 144–5, 146–7, 283, 333; Jack Profumo 65–6, 145, 250–52, 262; Peter Rachman 126, 160, 185–6, 319; Mandy Rice-Davies 146, 148, 262; Stephen Ward 99, 102–3, 105, 144–5, 248, 257, 262, 264, 324, 331, 333, 342–3

Keeler, Colin 140

Keeler, Peter 141

Kelly, Felix 246

Kemsley, Gomer Berry, 1st Viscount 172, 201, 339

Kendal, Sir Norman 161–2

Kendall, Kay 53

Kennedy, Caroline,
An Affair of State
144, 268, 324

Kennedy, Jacqueline 56

Kennedy, John F. 15, 233, 259, 302

Kennedy, (Sir) Ludovic 100, 318–19

Kennerley, Peter 35

Kennet, Wayland Young, 2nd Baron 119, 327

Keppel, Alice 71

Kerby, Henry 29, 223–4, 257, 269, 299

Kettering 50

Keynes, John Maynard, 1st Baron 6

KGB 231, 270

Khrushchev, Nikita 104, 217, 223, 225–7, 253, 303

Kiev 22, 226

Kilmuir, David Maxwell Fyfe, 1st Earl of 16, 27–8, 198, 255, 302

Kind Hearts and Coronets
(film) 53

Kineton, Warwickshire 62, 297, 298

King, Cecil: family background 193, 200; early life 200–201; death of brothers 200; control of
Daily Mirror
194; editorial director of
Sunday Pictorial
201; business empire 159–60, 192, 202, 203, 209; business trips to Africa 203–4; marriages and children 204–5, 210; political exploitation of Profumo Affair 187, 192–3, 308; and 1964 general election 336, 339; seeks earldom 339–40; later life 340

Character and characteristics
: appearance 203; drinking 208; grouse-shooting 203; megalomania 340; moods 201; psoriasis 201; resentments and jealousies 210, 340; self-belief 200; sexual appetites 204–5; unpleasantness 202, 203

Views on
: consumerism 212; the Establishment 187, 210–212; homosexuality 222–3; human weakness 203; role of the Press 196, 211; sex 194, 204–5; women 122, 204–5

King, Michael 210

King and I, The
(musical) 55

King’s Lynn 142

Kinsey reports 137–8, 194

Kipling, Rudyard 6

Kirksville, Missouri 97

Knave of Hearts
(film) 118

Knightley, Philip,
An Affair of State
144, 268, 324

Koestler, Arthur,
Darkness at Noon

Korean War 66

Kramer, Abraham 178–9

Kramer, Dorothy 179

Kuznetsov, Pavel 218–20, 245

Labour Party: 1964 general election victory xiv–xv, 186, 310, 336–9; parliamentary candidate selection 27; property and planning policies 152, 153–4, 170–71, 178, 186, 337; puritanical ethos 186, 338–9; political exploitation of Profumo Affair 269, 270–71, 272–3, 273–4, 279–80, 288–9, 292, 294

Lady Chatterley’s Lover
(Lawrence) 298, 300; trial 295, 312–13

Lamb, Richard,
The Macmillan Years

Lambton, Antony, Viscount 255, 268, 303

Lambton, Michael 251

Lancaster, Claude (‘Juby’) 335

Lancaster, Sir Osbert 83, 246–7, 248; cartoons 169, 247, 273, 307

Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of 178

Laschenskyhof refugee camp 86

Latvia 160

Lawrence, D.H.,
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
295, 298, 300, 312–13

Lazzolo, Vasco 312

League of Empire Loyalists 40

League of Gentlemen, The
(film) 63

League of Nations 75–6

Leggatt, Hugh 326

Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry 303

Lemsford, Hertfordshire 97

Lennox-Boyd, Alan (
1st Viscount Boyd of Merton) 34, 54, 59, 60, 82, 83

lesbianism 191

Levin, Bernard 270

Levy, Joe 155–6, 157

Lewis, John 99–100, 259, 260, 261, 280, 340

Lewis, Joy 99–100

licensing laws 143

(magazine) 123

Lincolnshire, Charles Wynn-Carrington, 1st Marquess of 70, 71

Lipson, Daniel 167

Lipton, Marcus 272–3, 274

Listen with Mother
(radio programme) 116, 123

Listowel, Judith, Countess of 104

Littlehampton 140

Littman, Mark 265

Lloyd, Selwyn (
Baron Selwyn-Lloyd) 98, 200, 269, 302

Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor 4, 26, 59

Loewenstein, Prince Rupert 172, 363

London: traffic xi–xiv, 150, 155; post-war redevelopment xii–xiv, xv, 149–59, 164, 168–9, 178; provincial views of 150–51; Victorian developments 176–7;
see also
Hampstead Garden Suburb; Maida Vale; Marylebone; Mayfair; Notting Hill; Paddington; Regent’s Park; Shepherds Bush; Soho

London Town
(film) 53

Londonderry, Edward (‘Robin’) Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 8th Marquess of xiv, 55

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