An Unexpected Love (The Colorado Brides Series Book 5) (7 page)

Read An Unexpected Love (The Colorado Brides Series Book 5) Online

Authors: Carré White

Tags: #Romance, #Western, #Inspirational, #Westerns

BOOK: An Unexpected Love (The Colorado Brides Series Book 5)
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The smile remained, while he chewed. “Hum…um…”

“Well then,” I glanced at the crate of books, “might I have a look. I’m dying of curiosity to see what sorts of things you’re reading. Have you gone to school?”

He shook his head. “No.”

“Can you read?”

“Of course I can read. Why else would I have books? Do you think I use them for firewood?”

“No, of course not.” I’d crawled over to the crate, grasping a leather bound volume. “
Great Expectations
,” I said, glancing at him. “And
The Count of Monte Cristo
. Do you enjoy adventure stories?”


There were other books as well by William Makepeace Thackeray and Victor Hugo, among others. “Have you read all of these?”

“Yes, several times.”

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
is rather romantic, isn’t it?”

“I suppose.”

“Esmeralda is a lucky woman. She had the affection of not only one man, but three.” I’d spoken without thinking. “I mean, it made for quite a messy love triangle.”

“It did.”

“I didn’t care for some of the long, descriptive chapters. I prefer just to know the story, but I tend to be impatient that way. It’s a bit of a character flaw.”

“He’s fond of Paris. It was like traveling to a place I’ve never been. I enjoyed the descriptions.”

I left the books in the crate. “Fine. We’ll just have to agree to disagree on that point.”

“If you want all dialogue and action, read Shakespeare. I have some in there.”

“That’s certainly true, but I’m not all that fond of plays.” There was a noise outside suddenly, sounding like a strange howl. “What was that?”

“A wild dog.”

“Like a coyote?”

He shook his head. “They don’t prowl around during the day as much. They tend to be nocturnal.”

“Have they ever tried to get into your tipi?”


“I hear them at night often. They seem to shriek all at the same time. It’s strange.”

“They carry on like that after a kill. They’re celebrating.”

“What do they eat?”

“Other animals.”

“Like prairie dogs?”

“And rabbits. I could…” he grinned, “show you some of their behavior. I’ve observed it firsthand.”

Now this had my attention. “Really?”


“All right.” I sat with my hands in my lap, waiting.

“You have to take your bonnet off.”

“My bonnet?”

He grinned. “Yes.”

That was a strange request. “Very well.” I untied the sash, removing the hat. “Now what?”

“Which animal do you wish to be?”


“The rabbit or the prairie dog?”

“I…suppose the rabbit.” I should have known better, because he pounced on me in that instant, sending me to the bedding. “Oh, my stars!”


Chapter Seven



The attack was so unexpected, so wildly inappropriate, that instead of pushing him away, I giggled, especially when he leaned over me, baring his teeth and growling. His dark, silky hair had fallen into his face.

“Stop that!”

“I’ll show you where they bite. You do wish to know, don’t you?”

“I shouldn’t…”

To my consternation, he’d wrapped his hand around the back of my head, loosening the pins that held the locks in place. Then he drew alarmingly near, his heated breath fanning out over my throat.

“They search for the thickest veins usually.”

“You’re jesting,” I giggled. “No they don’t.” I couldn’t help the shiver that went through me, my breath catching with anticipation.

“I’ll prove it to you.”

His teeth gently nipped at the sensitive skin on my neck, while the grip he had on my hair increased. He’d lifted me slightly, arching my back, while pretending to tear into my throat. I knew then that this had all been a ploy to seduce me, and I had fallen easily into the trap. The feel of his mouth sent delicious tremors down my backbone, the sensation unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The nibbles soon became kisses, his lips connecting repeatedly to the throbbing vein at my neck.

“Oh, Ryan…this…shouldn’t happen…”

He’d undone my hair completely; the tresses were trapped in his fingers. Eager lips continued their ruthless assault, working their way to my earlobe, which he nipped gently. This produced a fireball of awareness that careened into my belly, where it multiplied.

“I don’t think coyotes do this,” I said somewhat breathlessly.

“They trap their pray,” he murmured huskily. “Then they devour it.” He gazed at me, while he raised himself onto his arms. “If you were really a rabbit, you’d be eaten by now.”

“You’re being cheeky, and you know it. This was your idea to take advantage of me.”

He grinned, confirming my assumptions. “You didn’t even try to put up a fight.”

“Was I supposed to?” I wore a corset today, as I had dressed for town, and moving in the contraption was difficult. I pushed against his chest, finding a firm mass of muscle. “You seem awfully determined, sir. But, I do question your motives.”

“They shouldn't be that hard to figure out.”

“You’re impertinent.”

“And you like it.”

He was right, but for propriety’s sake, I had to end this dangerous game. Squirming, I meant to dislodge him, but I had not succeeded in the least. His grin broadened. “Ouf! Stop that now!” I doubted this would deter him, but he fell to his side, lying next to me. I glanced at him. “Thank you.”

“You won’t leave now, will you?”

“I should.”

“Stay with me for a while.”

“I’d best go back to the house. They’ll all be wondering where I am.”

“I should nibble on your neck again. You’re trying not to smile, but you want to, don’t you?”

“You made a poor coyote. Not believable at all.”

“I didn’t try hard enough.” An eyebrow lifted. “I could attack you again, only this time, my aim is to capture your mouth.”

By staying I was only encouraging him, but I realized this too late, although I sat up, intending to leave. He grabbed me, enfolding me in his arms, where to my shock and delight, his lips met mine. I’d never been kissed before, besides on the hand. This was surprisingly rough and aggressive, while a tongue begged entrance. Whatever fight I had died instantly, my curiosity and desire having gained the upper hand. I let him have his way; my mouth opening for him, while my fingers threaded through silky hair. We collapsed to the bedding, lost in the moment, as the buzz of our attraction flared.

I drowned in the sensations—the smell of his hair, his clothing, the hint of soap and musk. He molded himself to me; his thigh was lodged between mine, while he chafed me with the shorn edges of his beard. The thought to push him away registered a dozen times, but I could not muster an ounce of resistance. At last, after he’d had his fill and my lips were swollen from the abuse, he held me even closer, his mouth near my forehead.

“I should go.”

“No. This has been the best day of my life.”

I reached out, moving hair from his eye. “Don’t say that.”

“It’s the truth.”

“We…we were just playing a silly game. That’s all.”

“You know that’s a lie.” Liquid warm, dark eyes lingered on me. “I’ve thought about kissing you since the first time we met.”

My finger went to his mouth, silencing him. “Shush.” He nipped at it, biting gently. Grasping my hand, he held it to his face, inhaling my scent. Then he kissed my palm, while closing his eyes. The moment was poignant and languidly intimate.


This utterance tore me out of the fog I had fallen into, returning me to the cold reality of what I had just done. “Hannah?” I sat up, finding her peering into the tipi.

you doing?” Her expression was one of alarm.

“Um…” My spirits sank, knowing that I would now have to explain myself, but the truth would not do at all. “I…we were…oh, nothing.”

“You must come out at once. It’s nearly time for you to leave. Your brothers and sisters would not be happy to be kept waiting at school.”

“No, they wouldn’t.” I glanced at Ryan, feeling torn and miserable, mortified that I had let him take advantage of me, yet I was not entirely blameless.

“Thank you for lunch, Mrs. Weaver,” Ryan said, grinning crookedly.

“You’ve not behaved yourself very well, Mr. Hartsock,” she admonished. “I see you both need to be chaperoned from here on out.” She wasn’t truly angry, but a look of concern remained. “Come along, Jane. You’ve dallied long enough.”

My hair was down my back, and I searched for the pins. “I’ll be there once I find my hairpins.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

She closed the flap of the tipi, but in that instant, Ryan grasped my face, kissing me urgently. I clung to him, my fingers curling around the collar of his shirt. This might be our last kiss. I would come to my senses once I left him, and then…this moment would be stored away in my memory for all time.

“I’m waiting, Jane.”

Drawing away, I whispered, “When you find my pins, will you return them?”

“No. You have to come back to get them.”

“You,” I poked a finger in his chest, “are a blackguard.”

“You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

I’d encouraged him; I could see that now. I’d erred greatly, and I was to blame. Scrambling to my feet, I hurried for the exit, refusing to look back. When I emerged, the brightness of the sun forced me to blink repeatedly.

“Let’s go, Jane.” Her expression was stern. “Your hair is a mess. I’ve some clips you may use. Where’s your bonnet?”

“Oh, drats!” I ducked back into the tipi, where Ryan sat, staring at me. “Please hand me the hat, sir.”

He shook his head. “No.”

Exasperated, I hastened to where I had left it. He grabbed my wrist, and I was suddenly in his arms again. “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” He kissed me, plundering my mouth. It had a dreamy, drugging effect, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, while he pulled me even closer.

“I’m waiting.”

 With Herculean effort, I pushed him away. “Stop!” My cheeks stung with mortification. “Ouf!” I grasped the hat, hurrying from the tipi, where I found Hannah waiting.

“You’ll be late now.” Her hands were on her hips. “Your lips are puffy.”

I gathered my hair, shoving the lengthy tresses into the bonnet, while tying the sash under my chin. “I…am so sorry. I’m not sure what happened.”

“You can’t be left alone with him. I’ll have to tell Nathan about this.”

“No, please don’t. It won’t happen again, I swear. I’ve had a momentary lapse in judgment. I…will do better next time.”

“There won’t be a next time. It’s one thing to court someone properly, but quite another to…well, you know.”

“I didn’t plan on this. I had no idea something like this would happen.”

“You’ve secretly wished it, Jane. I’ve seen the way you look at him. What about Wesley? I thought you were spoken for. I thought you adored him?”

“I…I do.”

“Have you had a change of heart?”

“I…don’t know.” We neared the house, where Sally Anne waited, as someone had kindly attached her to the wagon. “I’m a bit…confused now.”

“If you wish to see Mr. Hartsock, you must tell Wesley goodbye. It’s unseemly to string two men along. You’re not engaged yet. You do have several options available to you, but this sort of sneaky behavior is beneath any woman. Surely you see that.”

“I’m sorry.”

She smiled kindly. “I shouldn’t judge you. I’ve my own secrets from long ago. I…once felt things for someone when my husband was still alive. I’m not proud of that, but one can hardly help the way they feel. But Wesley believes he’s your intended. He’s working hard in the mountains, wanting to find gold for your future together.”

I spied Ryan out of the corner of my eye, standing near the fence. He wore a hat, which hid his face. “I know.”

“You have to think about what you’ll do, Jane. Do you still wish to be Wesley’s wife or have you had a change of heart?”

“He’s not asked me to marry him.”

“You know he means to. He wants to prove himself to you, to provide for you. His plans include you.”

Now I felt horribly guilty. “Yes.” I lowered my head.

“These are things you need to consider.”

“W-what if I chose someone else?”

“Someone like Mr. Hartsock?”

“I…I’m not sure.”

“You’ve known Wesley for years. He’s courted you properly. He’s made his intentions clear. I have no objections to Mr. Hartsock, but he’s not been with us for long. I know nothing about his character or his past. From what I’ve seen today,” she looked stern, “I’d have to question his integrity. He knows you’re seeing someone. It’s been said often enough in his presence, and yet…he would make such advances. Advances you accepted quite readily, from the looks of it.”

There would be no resolution to this conflict at the moment. “I should go. I have to think about things.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Darlin’!” called Nathan. He appeared on the porch with Charlie in his arms. The boy was fussing. “I don’t know what to do with this little tyke. He’s awfully upset.”

“I’ll take him.” She turned to me. “Go get your siblings. Don’t worry about work tomorrow. I’ll handle it.”

“But…” Disappointment registered. “You need help.”

“Maria will be back on Saturday or maybe even Friday. I’m fine. Fanny needs you more than I do.” She hugged me quickly. “You’ve been wonderful, Jane. Think on what I’ve said. You’ve years of history with Wesley. I don’t think you’d want to throw that all away on someone you hardly know.”

“I…will go now.”

I turned from her, feeling weariness settling upon my shoulders. I would not return tomorrow to help, and I would not see Ryan, which was for the best. He had taken advantage of me, but I had done nothing to stop him. I was just as much to blame for what had happened, but I couldn’t help feeling saddened now. As I climbed onto the wagon, reaching for the reins, I glanced over my shoulder, spying the object of my consternation standing against the fence, as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

Well, Jane. I hope you come to your senses by the time you return home…

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