An Unusual Desconian Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (2 page)

BOOK: An Unusual Desconian Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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And then Jaegan truly began to fuck him.


* * * *


Katarnia was running late.

It seemed to be a rather regular occurrence in recent times, but ever since she’d gotten her promotion she’d found it harder and harder to get out of the office. It didn’t help that she was so busy that she’d almost forgotten about the play party Ewin had invited them to tonight. Even without going home first she was still going to be late.

As she finally reached the entry to Ewin, Dayved, and Kimberley’s home, Katarnia couldn’t help but smile when Prince Eric arrived at the same time. He looked more unsettled than she’d seen him in a long time. In fact, the only time she’d seen him show any sort of vulnerability was when the Intergalactic Ambassador Corps had accused his human wife, Cindy, of wrongdoing. Fortunately, Eric and Loukie had refused to believe any of the charges against their wife and had soon discovered the conspiracy behind it. Katarnia had been on the security detail for that mission to Earth. It hadn’t been a pleasant trip.

But the prince’s agitation sent her own imagination spinning. It was her job to anticipate problems. She was very good at it. It was why she’d been given a promotion in the first place.

“Running late?” she asked with a smile, trying to act like nothing was wrong. Unfortunately, Eric wasn’t just a figurehead when it came to planetary security. He, too, had a well-developed sense for when things weren’t quite right.

He breathed out a deep breath and then smiled. “Is it that obvious?”

“Afraid so,” she said with a wry smile. She’d worked a lot of years with the Royal Guard, but she was also friends with Cindy and Loukie. It was very likely it wasn’t just her work instincts picking up on Eric’s agitation. “Anything I can help with?”

“Not unless you can convince my pregnant mubellabina not to climb on rickety stepladders.”

“Why would she do that?” Eric’s human wife, Cindy, was nearly seven months pregnant. Her center of balance would be very different now. Climbing on anything “rickety” would be a very bad idea.

“She wanted to clean the back of the cupboard.”

“Clean th—” Katarnia cut off her words. Cindy Richards was not only a well-loved wife. She was also a princess on this planet. It had taken years for her to become pregnant. It didn’t make sense that she would risk her baby doing stuff when she had employees who could do it for her. But that also raised the thought that Eric would never risk his employees’ safety by owning a “rickety” anything. “What stepladder did she use?”

Eric laughed as if he’d been caught out in a lie. “Okay, it was more of a solid box than a stepladder, but she should have been resting, not cleaning.”

Katarnia tried to hide her smile. It was obvious that Eric adored both his wives—and she could certainly understand him worrying about Cindy’s pregnancy since years ago she’d been told she was infertile—but Katarnia could also understand Cindy’s boredom. She’d gone from hectic full days dealing with all sorts of intergalactic treaties and issues and everything else her life as a princess and former ambassador had entailed to being told to rest thirty hours a day. She wasn’t even getting to spend as much time with their other children as she usually liked. It must have been annoying as hell for a woman so used to being in the thick of things. Katarnia couldn’t even imagine being relegated to the sidelines. Thanks to an infection in her youth, Katarnia would never experience a pregnancy of her own, but she could definitely understand Cindy’s current frustration.

“About time you two got here,” Ewin said as his image appeared on the front door monitor. “Your partners started without you.”

Katarnia smiled. Of course her husbands started without her. Considering how often she was late, waiting for her would be a waste of time and energy. “Tell them I’ll just grab a quick shower.”

“Will do,” Ewin said in a strained voice. Apparently, one of his partners had decided he’d talked long enough. Eric and Katarnia both laughed at the man’s slight hiccup. Whatever was happening off screen was almost enough to make Ewin’s eyes roll into the back of his head. The front door swung open and the screen went dark a moment later.


* * * *


Jaegan was relieved to hear Ewin talking to two people, not just one. Katarnia had been working so hard lately that both he and Luddeke were beginning to worry for her health. They’d known when she’d gotten the promotion that there would be an adjustment period—especially considering that it had been the change in laws on Earth that created the need for the type of protection Katarnia now supervised—but they hadn’t really been expecting it to take such a toll on her. More and more women fled, or were expelled from, the stifling rules on Earth. Many were simply seeking a better life, but most of them arrived completely clueless. Few even understood the mechanics of sex and procreation, let alone the carnal nature of the Desconian lifestyle.

Ewin cut off the conversation with the people at his front door as his husband slid down the bed and took his hard cock into his mouth. Ewin’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head as he thumbed the button on the remote control to let Eric and Katarnia into the apartment.

Jaegan and Luddeke stayed on the bed, lazily caressing each other as they watched Dayved and Kimberley pleasure their husband. Cindy and Loukie lay on the third bed in the room, waiting for Eric to join them. Loukie caressed Cindy’s pregnant belly adoringly, her love for the woman and the child she carried very clear in her eyes.

Eric stepped into the room, already naked, and moved to join his wives on the bed, his eyes only for the two women despite the gentle moans, soft sighs, and deep growls coming from the threesome in the corner.

Luddeke moved slightly, trying to look around Eric. The prince saw what he was doing, smiled at the low groan that escaped Ewin as he came hard, and tilted his head toward the door he’d just come through.

“She’s having a quick shower.”

Jaegan nodded his thanks, grabbed his husband’s hand, and pulled them both to their feet. Ewin, Dayved, and Kimberley had an amazing shower area—it was why they often hosted their play parties—and Jaegan didn’t want to wait another minute to be with his wife.


* * * *


Luddeke smiled at his husband’s impatience. It was rather ironic that the man he and Katarnia often called the workaholic of the family was so agitated by their wife’s inclination to be the same.

They entered the shower area just as the water cycled to a soft rain and Katarnia smoothed shampoo into her hair.

“You’re late,” Jaegan grumbled as he took over massaging the fragrant soap into her scalp.

“I’m sorry,” she said with a soft sigh, relaxing against Jaegan despite his irritated-sounding words. “I had a couple of issues come up that I couldn’t ignore.”

Luddeke waited for Jaegan to grumble some more, but it seemed he understood enough about the responsibilities of Katarnia’s job to stay quiet. It was the thing they had most in common, after all. Luddeke and Jaegan had already been together for years when Jaegan and Katarnia had met at work. At the time, she’d been a wide-eyed newbie to the Royal Guard, whereas Jaegan had been an experienced soldier. It had been a happy discovery that, unlike Jaegan, who was always in control, Katarnia quite enjoyed letting someone else take over when she was at home.

The shower cycled back to a heavier flow, the water falling from the ceiling like rain. There were spaces where one could move to stay relatively dry, but Luddeke was happy to stay under the warm downpour and watch his lovers for the time being. He never grew tired of watching Jaegan and Katarnia together.

Jaegan massaged Katarnia’s scalp as she swayed slightly. It was obvious the woman was exhausted. She probably should have gone straight home to get some rest.

“On your knees, love,” Jaegan said in a deep tone that never failed to turn Luddeke on. He watched as Katarnia lowered gracefully to her knees, following Jaegan’s order without question. Jaegan tilted her head back, catching the heavier fall of water and rinsing the shampoo from her hair. Katarnia closed her eyes, smiling softly as Jaegan smoothed his hands through her wet tresses and down over her shoulders.

When he was finished, Jaegan knelt behind her, his hard cock pressed against the soft cheeks of her bottom as his hands roamed over her naked flesh. “When was the last time you got a full night’s sleep?”

The question was whispered but there was a thread of steel within it that warned their wife not to lie.

“I don’t remember,” she answered tiredly.

“I should spank your ass,” he said in a growl that sounded nothing but affectionate. “You need to slow down, Kat. You can’t possibly do your job properly when you’re this tired.”

“I know,” she said, resting her head back against Jaegan’s chest. “That’s why I asked Jerrod for more staff. It was approved this morning.”

Luddeke couldn’t help but smile. Jaegan was the type of man who needed to fix things. He usually drew a line at interfering in their professional careers, but considering how tired Katarnia looked it was possible Jaegan was very close to breaking his own rule in that regard.

“Come on, baby. We’ll take you home.”

She shook her head, trying to turn to face him, but Jaegan held her trapped. “No,” she said quietly. “I’ve been looking forward to this party all week. It’s been a long time since all three of us made it to a play party.”

Luddeke could see that Jaegan’s mind was set. He was taking their woman home unless Luddeke intervened.

Torn between what his husband wanted, what his wife wanted, and what he himself wanted, Luddeke hesitated just a little too long. Jaegan lifted Katarnia into his arms, hugging her close as he turned to the controls and set the shower to the drying setting. Warm puffs of air caressed their skin gently as Luddeke tried to find the words to convince Jaegan they should stay for the party.

“Please, Jaegan,” Katarnia said as she wriggled for him to put her down. She was fit and athletic and more than capable of looking after herself in a physical confrontation, but it would take much more than some wriggling to force their giant-sized husband into putting her down.

“Jaegan,” Luddeke said, moving closer so that he could touch their wife’s face. “She’s already got help coming. Let’s enjoy the party. I’ll make certain she gets some rest tomorrow.”

He saw Katarnia wince at the reference to what was supposed to be her day off. Obviously, she’d planned to go into the office again the next day. Fortunately for her, Jaegan had been assigned to a security detail of visiting diplomats, so she wouldn’t have to deal with his annoyance. She would, however, find it difficult to leave Luddeke behind tomorrow. If he promised the woman was going to get some rest, he damn well meant it.

Jaegan sighed heavily, placed Katarnia on her feet, and then pulled both of them into his embrace. “Fine,” he said, “but I expect you to do exactly what Lud is promising. Tomorrow you catch up on your sleep, okay?”

“Okay,” she said, leaning up to place a kiss on Luddeke’s lips and then on Jaegan’s. “Now can we play?”

“Yes, baby,” Jaegan said with an indulgent laugh. “Now we can play.”


* * * *


Jaegan could tell Katarnia was tired, but she was also feeling really tense. An evening of sexual exhibition was always a great way to help them all relax enough to get some quality sleep.

As they entered the playroom, Cindy moaned as her wife held her thighs open and licked her pussy like it was the most delicious thing she’d ever tasted in her life. Her tredella, or as humans called them, her husband, held her close, caressing her swollen breasts lovingly as his mubella brought their beautiful pregnant wife to gentle climax.

Jaegan shivered, his cock lengthening as Cindy’s moans filled the room. Ewin, Dayved, and Kimberley lay together, touching each other slowly as they watched Cindy delight in her tredella’s and mubella’s attention.

Cindy smiled, leaned up to kiss Eric, and whispered something in his ear. He grinned, his feral gaze falling on his other wife as he reached for her, dragged her quickly up the bed, and rolled her underneath him. He slammed his cock into her pussy, his movements hard, forceful, maybe even desperate as he fucked his wife joyously. Loukie didn’t mind in the slightest, wrapping her legs around his hips, lifting up to meet his hard thrusts.

He raised her legs higher, pushing them over his shoulders, plowing into her willing flesh harder and faster. She started to shake, a low, keening cry escaping her as Eric fucked her even harder. He slapped her thigh, the loud sound reverberating around the room as Loukie screamed out her orgasm. Eric growled, his control obviously broken, his need for his mubella obvious in every violent thrust.

And then he stiffened, growling words of love as his own orgasm claimed him.

He collapsed forward, his entire weight falling onto Loukie, his reverent kiss to her lips beautiful to watch. Breathing heavily, he finally rolled away, his hand touching Cindy’s face briefly before he arranged the three of them into a comfortable embrace and turned to watch Katarnia, Jaegan, and Luddeke.

Chapter Two


Katarnia loved having an audience. It made everything more exciting, more enticing, and in some ways, more intimate. She couldn’t understand the reaction human women had upon learning that exhibitionism was a widely celebrated part of Desconian sexuality.

BOOK: An Unusual Desconian Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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