Analindë (The Chronicles of Lóresse) (57 page)

BOOK: Analindë (The Chronicles of Lóresse)
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Analindë sat without saying anything else, thinking through the things Laerwen had told her. Laerwen rose taking the dishes with her. “I’ll leave you now. We’d like you to live here for a few days more before moving back to your old quarters with the other students.”

Analindë nodded in response, the door softly shut, leaving her alone. Laerwen had kindly told her that she’d been moved from Master Therin’s tower and was not welcome there. She should feel something, but didn’t. It was if she had been scraped hollow and had nothing left to feel.

The fires of anger and revenge had burnt through her like dry tinder, leaving her a hollow shell. The innocent child she’d been back in that small valley in the mountains only a few short months ago had been ripped from her, a weariness of the harsh things in the world left in its place.

And yet, she felt strong. Stronger than she’d ever felt before, and she had a purpose and direction to go in life. The things she’d learned over the past months beckoned her on, to continue learning and asking how and why.

She slipped into magesight and turned inward to look at her source, everything had changed, all the elements that had helped her had changed her. The icy lake in the mountains had made a safe haven to hide in, the wizened source of Mirëdell had instilled her source with age and patience, her power had become richer, deeper, and densely compacted, while the fires of the desert had given her the explosive quickness of flame. It all glowed deep within her now.

It covered everything. She looked at the walls of her reservoir and the power that it held. The connections and pathways and inner walls, it all housed a deep red-golden glow that constantly shifted as hot embers in a fire.

She turned her sight outward once more. Spying Andulmaion’s missive, she broke its seal and read.

Dear Analindë,

If you’re reading this it means that you’ve finally woken. I would have waited until you were well again, but I thought it wisest with the current circumstances that I go, learn, and be tested as quickly as I am able.

My parents came to Mirëdell just after we returned from the abandoned city,—they finally received my message—and are well. They welcome you to their home should you ever need a haven.

And should you ever have the need, call me. I will hear, and will answer.

May the stars guide you,


She stared at the note in her hands for several long moments. She wasn’t sure what to think. The reading of it left her feeling curiously flat

. . .

He was well.

. . .

That was good.

Perhaps she’d spend the summer at his parent’s home, courtesy of the offer they’d extended. She wondered if they’d let her read some of Elenna the Wise’s journals; she’d ask his parents what they thought about the present conflict. She’d decide later what she would do when summer came.

She rose and placed the note back onto the side table, then changed into a pale yellow gown from the closet. It hung loosely on her.

She doubted that she’d be able to sleep any time soon, and wondered in passing how many days it would take her before she even desired to take a nap. “Since I can’t sleep, I guess there’s no time like the present to explore.”

She banked the fire and snuffed the candle with a wave of her hand, then walked down the hall with a lightness to her step. She looked forward to finding the interesting books shelved in the Healer’s Wing.


he cell door slammed shut.
Darkness once again filled the room, relieved only by the scant light seeping through the gaps around the door’s edges and the small barred window high above on one wall. A strong musty smell permeated the air from old straw and bedding that had gone too long unchanged.

Two occupants of the cell crouched over the third, who had just been thrown face down onto the floor. They gently rolled him over onto his back. Starry violet eyes met glacial blue, exchanging sorrow. The third drew their attention to him.

“They’re quite displeased in the latest turn of events, mother. Analindë has disrupted their plans.” He laughed and was brought up short by a coughing fit. He winced as they helped him to one of the cots in the room. “Let me tell you what I’ve learned.”

As Riian told of the dissenter’s plans and the dangers that lay ahead, mother and father tended to his wounds the best they could without the use of their powers, cursing yet again the wards that had been set against them.

“I would not have thought spells could last so long.” The familiar strain echoed off the dark stone walls.

Pronunciation Guide

Analindë ~ ana-LIN-duh

Analindëssë ~ ana-LIN-DEH-ss-uh

Andulmaion ~ An-Dull-may-ee-on

Aprenti ~ Ap-pren-tie

Arandur ~ Air-ahn-der

Arnatur ~ Are-na-ter

Ashantiel ~ a-SHawn-tee-ell

Asperil ~ Asp-er-ill

Bäldur ~ Bail-der

Blvaren ~ Bla-Vair-un

Brindar ~ Brin-d-are

Calanon ~ Cal-uh-non

Capanya ~ Kah-PAHN-yuh

Daerwen ~ Dare-wehn

Donarion ~ d-o-NAIR-ee-on

Dûrion ~ Doo-ree-on

Erulissé ~ Air-oo-lee-sAY

Fanyarë-Tari ~ fan-YAR-eh T’AR-ee

Glendariel ~ Glen-D’ARE-ee-ell

Harwyn ~ H-are-win

Hirion ~ Here-ee-on

Idhrenion ~ Eedh-REHN-ee-on

Illasea ~ Ill-uh-see-uh

Ithilwen ~ Ith-ill-wehn

Jenyaré ~ Zhehn-y’are-eh

Laerwen ~ Lair-wehn



Lindënolwë ~ lin-deh-KNOWL-weh

Lithilwen ~ Lith-ILL-wehn

Maicûr ~ May-K-err

Maliel ~ Ma-lee-ell

Mallhawion ~ Mall-HA-wee-on

Mapar ~ MAY-par

Merryn ~ Mare-in

Mirëdell ~ Mere-eh-Dell

Mirëtasarë ~ Mere-eh-tass-ARE-eh

Morcion ~ More-Kee-on

Morian ~ More-ee-an

Nárion ~ Nair-ee-on

Noriel ~ Nore-ee-ell

Nyärwen ~ n’eye-ARE-wehn

Olórindil ~ O-lore-IN-dill

Olwë ~ OLE-wuh

Ornëlassë ~ Or-neh-lass-eh

Palan ~ Puh-lahn

Pedar ~ PAY-d’are

Rácion ~ RAY-Kee-on

Riian ~ REE-an

Serethiel ~ S’AIR-eth-ee-ell

Sinomë ~ See-KNOW-may

Sintriel ~ SIN-tree-ell

Sírewen ~ Sear-eh-wehn

Taurion ~ T’auw-REE-on

Thalion ~ Thahl-ee-on

Therin ~ TH’AIR-in

Thorontur ~ Thore-RON-ter

Tuvalië ~ Too-VAL-ee

Urúvion ~ Oo-roo-vee-on

Veralcar ~ Vair-al-car

Vinriel ~ Vin-REE-ell

Zithrien ~ Zith-REE-en

Melissa Bitter

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