Read And Then Life Happens Online
Authors: Auma Obama
Obama's breakup with
Obama's relationship with
return to Germany of
Kendu Bay
Kenya African National Union (KANU)
Kenya Airways
Kenya High School:
academic and extracurricular activities at
finances of students at
Obama's attendance at
Obama's crying fit at
regulations of
teachers at
Kenyans, Kenya
in Britain
bureaucracy of
Christmas in
clothing worn in
colonial past of
comparisons between Britain and
corruption in
cost of living in
crime in
education in
ethnic groups in
independence gained by
Karl's stay in
marijuana in
Marvin and
Maasai Mara and
and Obama's arrival in Germany
and Obama's brother's popularity and fame
Obama's brother's presidential inauguration and
Obama's brother's senatorial inauguration and
Obama's brother's trips to
Obama's daughter's trips to
Obama's departures from
and Obama's encounter with snow
Obama's father's death and
Obama's father's return to
Obama's first name and
Obama's identity and
Obama's mother's illness and
Obama's returns to
and Obama's trip to Chicago
Obama's wedding and
Obama's youth services work in
politics in
polygamy in
poverty in
relations between blacks and whites in
traveling in
treatment of guests in
in U.S.
Kenyatta University
Keziah (friend)
Kibaki, Mwai
Kilimani Primary School
Obama's brother's trips to
Lake Constance
Lake Turkana
Lake Victoria
Obama and Marvin's flight to
Obama's mother's illness and
in Obama's father's marriages
Obama's marriage and
and Obama's relationships with opposite sex
and Obama's relationship with father
and Obama's relationship with mother
Lucy (assistant)
on death
family roles in
gender and
Kenyan politics and
marriage and
on new mothers
new Obama family homestead and
Obama's brother and
Obama's daughter and
Obama's father and
Obama's first name and
Malcolm (mechanic)
Manners, Akinyi (daughter)
adolescence of
birth of
Chicago trips of
education of
grandmother's illness and
grandmother's relationship with
infancy and childhood of
Kenyan trips of
media and
naming of
New York trip of
uncle of
Washington trips of
Manners, Ian (husband)
daughter's birth and
and daughter's infancy and childhood
divorce of
finances of
Kenyan trip of
marriage proposal of
personality and character of
wedding of
wife's filmmaking and
and wife's first meeting with Marvin
wife's interpreter work and
wife's pregnancy and
wife's relationship with
Manou (friend)
Maria (friend)
marijuana smoking
marriages, marriage:
divorces, separations, and children in
gender in
love and
Luo and
polygamy in
Marvin (boyfriend):
arts and crafts business of
British visits of
Kenya and
Obama's attraction to
Obama's breakup with
Obama's brother and
Obama's first meeting with
Obama's mother's illness and
Obama's relationship with
physical appearance of
trips to Zimbabwe of
Mary Hill Primary School:
Obama's attendance at
Obama's difficulties at
Maasai Mara game reserve
Maseno Boys Secondary School
Mboya, Tom
Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa
Moi, Daniel arap
Obama and brother's trip to
Obama and husband's trip to
Monika (neighbor)
Mooney, Elizabeth
Mount Kenya
Moving the Goalposts
driving from Lake Turkana to
Karl's stay in
Marvin's trips to
Obama and husband's trip to
Obama's biological mother's illness and
Obama's brother Abongo's life in
Obama's brother Barack's popularity and
Obama's brother Barack's trips to
Obama's education and
Obama's father's death and
Obama's father's government employment in
Obama's father's marriages and
Obama's life in and move to
Obama's stepmother's life in
Nairobi, University of:
Obama's brother's speech at
Obama's teaching tenure at
Nairobi River
Nairobi School
Ndegwa, Miss
Ndesandjo, David (Opiyo David Obama) (brother)
death of
father's death and
grave of
name change of
parents' divorce and
Ndesandjo, Mark (Okuth Mark Obama) (brother)
brother Barack's visit with
name change of
parents' divorce and
sister's relationship with
sister's visit with
Ndesandjo, Ruth Obama (stepmother)
background of
biological sons' names changed by
divorce of
husband's other wife and
life in Nairobi of
marriages of
religious beliefs of
son David's death and
stepdaughter's childhood and
stepdaughter's education and
stepdaughter's relationship with
stepson Barack's Kenyan trip and
New York:
9/11 terrorist attacks in
Obama's trips to
9/11 terrorist attacks
Nora (friend)
Obama, Abongo (Malik) (brother)
biological mother's illness and
biological mother's relationship with
birth of
brother and
education of
father's death and
father's education and
father's finances and
father's relationship with
homestead of
infancy, childhood, and adolescence of
Islamic conversion of
life in Nairobi of
life in U.S. of
sister's relationship with
stepmother's divorce and
wedding of
Obama, Akumu (grandmother)
Obama, Auma:
administrative work of
amnesia of
athletics enjoyed by
awards and honors of
birthday celebration of
birth of
car problems of
childhood and adolescence of
cooking of
crying fits of
dancing of
in dealing with media
diet of
divorce of
education of
elder care work of
encounters with snow of
fainting of
filmmaking of
finances of
first name of
hospital employment of
as housewife
identity issues of
injuries of
interpreter and translator work of
journalism work of
loneliness and isolation of
marketing work of
music listened to by
naïveté of
nightmares of
passport application of
personality and character of
physical appearance of
popularity and fame of
pregnancy of
reading of
in relationships with opposite sex
religious beliefs of
seminars and lectures given by
teaching career of
wedding of
youth services work of
Obama, Auma (aunt)
Obama, Barack Hussein, Jr. (brother)
book written by
brother and
campaign slogan of
cooking of
correspondence between sister and
education of
employment in Chicago of
father's conversations with daughter about
grandmother visited by
identity of
infancy and childhood of
Kenyan trips of
law career of
in learning about father
niece and
physical appearance of
political ambitions and work of
popularity and fame of
presidency won by
presidential campaign of
presidential inauguration of
senatorial career of
senatorial inauguration of
similarities between father and
sister's Chicago trips and
sister's conversations with
sister's relationship with
speeches of
wedding of
Obama, Barack Hussein, Sr. (father)
African identity of
birthplace of
car accidents of
childhood of
as chosen one
dancing of
daughter's childhood and
daughter's conversations with
and daughter's departure from Kenya
daughter's education and
daughter's first name and
daughter's last evening with
and daughter's relationships with opposite sex
daughter's relationship with
death of
deaths in family of
divorces of
education of
finances of
funeral of
German trip of
government employment of
on honesty
hospitalization of
life in Nairobi of
marriages of
music appreciated by
physical appearance of
religious beliefs of
return from U.S. of
separation of
similarities between son Barack and
and son Abongo's infancy and childhood
son Abongo's relationship with
son Barack in learning about
son Barack's fame and
son Barack's Kenyan trips and
Obama, Ben (brother):
British visit of
German visit of
mother's illness and
Obama, Bonifus Odima (uncle)
Obama, Catherine (aunt)
Obama, Daniel (cousin)
Obama, George (brother)
Obama, Grace Kezia Aoko (mother)
Berlin visit of
British stays of
dancing of
daughter's first name and
daughter's memory of
daughter's physical appearance and
and daughter's relationships with opposite sex
daughter's relationship with
daughter's reunion with
and granddaughter's infancy and childhood
Heidelberg visit of
husband's death and
husband's education and
husband's other wives and
husband's relationship with
illness of
pregnancies of
separation of
son's wedding and
Obama, Halima (grandmother)
Obama, Jael (stepmother)
Obama, Malia (niece)
Obama, Marsat “Osumba” (aunt)
brother's death and
brother's relationship with
niece's amnesia and
Obama, Michelle (sister-in-law)
Kenyan trips of
sister-in-law's Chicago trips and
wedding of
Obama, Nyaoke (aunt)
Obama, Onyango Hussein (grandfather)
Alego home of
Luo gender roles and
son's education and
son's marriages and
Obama, Samson (brother)
Obama, Sarah “Mama Sarah” (grandmother)
granddaughter's childhood and
granddaughter's visits with
grandson's fame and
grandson's visits with
media and
son's education and
son's marriages and
Obama, Sasha (niece)
Obama, Sheree (sister-in-law)
Obama, Yusuf (uncle)
Obanda (cook)
Occidental College
Odengo, Mr.
Onyango, Zeituni (aunt)
brother's death and
Patrick (friend's brother)
Peter (acquaintance)
Reading, University of
Reis, Gayle
Roberts, Helen
Elke's departure from
Obama's father's trip to
Obama's relationships with opposite sex in
Obama's stay with family outside of
Obama's trip to
snow in
Saarland University
friends made by Obama at
Obama's arrival at
Obama's attendance at
Obama's room at
Safari Rally
Schubert, Franz
Senate, U.S.:
Obama's brother's career in
Obama's brother's inauguration into
Soetoro, Lolo (stepfather)
Soetoro-Ng, Maya (sister)
sister's New York trips and
South Africa
Soviet Union
Soyinka, Wole
Sport for Social Change Initiative (SSCI)
Thomson, Joseph
Trixi (friend)
Tsitsi (friend)
Uhuru Park
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
United States
Christmas in
and correspondence between Obama and brother Barack
Elke's move to
Flint's work in
Marvin and
Obama's brother Abongo's life in
Obama's brother Barack's Kenyan visits and