Andrea and the 5-Day Challenge

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Authors: Cindy K. Green

Tags: #christian Fiction

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Cindy K. Green



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


Andrea and the 5-Day Challenge


Copyright 2014 by Cindy Green


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or Pelican Ventures, LLC except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


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Contact Information: [email protected]


All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.


Cover Art by Nicola Martinez


Watershed Books, a division of Pelican Ventures, LLC
PO Box 1738 *Aztec, NM * 87410


Watershed Books praise and splash logo is a trademark of Pelican Ventures, LLC


Publishing History

First Watershed Edition, 2015

Paperback Edition ISBN 978-1-61116-405-3

Electronic Edition ISBN 978-1-61116-404-6

Published in the United States of America



This book is dedicated to all my students over the years (Especially my LSA class 2012-13–A, A, E, M, K, K, A, J, R, C, R, A). You have been my inspiration in writing Andrea's story. And like Andrea, I pray you too will be inspired to seek the Lord and get into His Word where you'll see firsthand He has the power to change the unchangeable.


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

~ Joshua 1:9




“Andrea! Are you up?” It was Mom attempting to break the sound barrier again.

“Yes, Mom,” I replied through my bedroom door before pushing my comforter back and wiping the sleep from my eyes. I'd had grand plans to start my day right and even get up early. (You know what they say about the best of intentions.) Guiltily, I glanced at my desk with my journal and Bible on top, which only seemed to taunt me further.

“Well, hurry up. Breakfast is almost ready. Dad wants you to get in some piano practice before school. Your recital is Saturday.”

How could I possibly forget?

They reminded me of that fact at least ten times a day. What was the big deal about this recital? Wasn't it just like any other? (In my parents' minds, this will be the one that will get me noticed, and they think offers will come from all the big schools, like Julliard.)

Honestly, I didn't even know for sure if that was the life I wanted.

After plopping my size nine feet out of bed and onto the carpeted floor, I hurried over to my desk and opened my Bible. I had a few extra minutes.


October 1

So here it is, Lord: Day 1 of the Bible Study Challenge. I, Andrea Jamison, am following through on Pastor Jace's one-week challenge to get into God's Word every morning and see what awesome things You do in my life—or through my life or something. (I'm not real clear on that part, yet.) I'm even utilizing the Proverbs prayer journal Mom gifted me two months ago, which has since just been collecting dust. I know she only gave it to me so that I might actually get up early every morning and do my quiet prayer and devotion time before heading to the big building where we do all the learning. So in a sense, I'm making everyone happy with me in one fell swoop.

With homecoming on the horizon at school, I have a sinking feeling I'm going to need all the help I can get. I know You can work miracles, and really I'm not asking for one, but please if I can spend one more day (or even a hundred) not making a complete fool of myself that would be great. Now I have to cut this short and get in some piano practice. Really, if I could ask for anything it would be the ability to freeze time, then I might actually get everything done.

Nugget of Truth from my reading this morning: Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools
despise wisdom and instruction.




Later that morning, without incident, I made it to school. Homecoming banners twirled in the breeze. I met up with my friends and even attended a couple classes, but I should have known it was all just the calm before the storm.

“Andrea, look, he's right there. It's the perfect time. No one else is around.”

I pressed my back into the lockers around the corner from the transfer student, Luke Ryan. My eyes fluttered closed as my heart raced. This was exactly what I feared.
Help me now, Lord!

There must be something in the crisp, autumn air just as the pumpkins ripen and the days grow short which infects the hearts and minds of students everywhere. I thought my best friend, Amy Appleby, and I were immune, but obviously, I'd been mistaken as she attempted to contaminate me, too.

“Amy, please, stop.” I looked through Amy's oval-shaped, frameless glasses and into her golden brown eyes. “I am not—I repeat—I am not now, or ever, going to ask Luke Ryan out and definitely not to homecoming. I'm not even going to the banquet. It's lame.” Yes, a banquet, because at Aubrey Christian Academy we didn't have dances.

“You only say that because you haven't been asked.”

I replied with a scowling look. Of course, no one had asked me.
No shocker there.
And I wasn't about to change that fact by asking Luke out on the spur of the moment in the middle of the north hallway. Frankly, I hadn't any interest in going. At least, I didn't think so.

Not to be put off, Amy continued. “I'm just saying, you better hurry and make up your mind before someone else swoops in and beats you to it.”

I was ready to respond, but the warning bell rang before I could answer. The clamor around the hallway increased as locker doors slammed and my fellow students—the majority of whom had dressed Caribbean style for Spirit Week—scurried to their third period classes.

And there I stood with my mouth still hanging open just as Luke walked by. With his backpack slung over his right shoulder, he glanced at me with a slight smile. OK, I couldn't deny he was kind of cute: tall, athletic, sun-lightened brown hair, and dark eyes. And a senior.

“You can close your mouth now, Andrea,” spoke Amy with an annoying grin.

I plopped my mouth closed and shook my head “no” to her, knowing exactly what she was thinking. She knew better than anyone that I have incurable
. Did she forget the freak-out in eighth grade when my mom surprised me by painting my entire room what was supposed to be a restful, sunset-like yellow? It turned out to be the color of macaroni and cheese. And then, there was that one particular
last spring. I shuddered at the memory. Asking Luke to homecoming would be too big a change for my neurotic system.

The vice-principal, Mrs. Jenkins, with heels clipping along the vinyl floor of the hallway, approached. “Come on, girls. Don't you have classes waiting for you?”

Who could think of classes at a moment like this? Ever since the
, I'd steered clear of most school activities. Did I want to break my solemn vow and re-enter the world where people attended homecoming and other functions? What was I thinking?

It was Amy. She'd tainted my brain. She knew I wasn't interested in a date for homecoming and all that it required. It wasn't my style. It wasn't hers, either…usually.

We didn't chase boys or go to date-required activities. We had more important things on our agenda. Things like signing up for transcript enhancing extra-curriculars, planning for the Christmas Break missions trip, and maybe even making it through the eleventh grade without another tardy to class. On top of all that, I had my recital to think about. The agenda did not include me stepping out of my comfort zone and asking a cute, popular guy to homecoming.

“Come on, Miss Indecisive.” Amy broke into my contemplation.

“Miss what?”

She grabbed my arm and led me down the hall. “If we're late to Boeker's class again, we'll get detention, for sure.”

My gaze took in another poster hanging in the hallway stating the theme for homecoming—
Written in the Stars

I'll tell you what's “written in the stars.” I, Andrea Renee Jamison, would never find my name attached to Luke Ryan's.




That afternoon I sat at a table surrounded by my lunchtime crew—my friends since elementary school. Amy was next to me. Angie Horowitz, the artist who had sworn off men, sat in front of us, with Alisha Andrews beside her. Yes, we were the four
s: Andrea, Amy, Angie, and Alisha. A-Company (yes, just like in the army) was what they called us in fourth grade. Of course, that had been because our previous military-trained teacher had placed us in the same reading group, and we discovered how much we all loved to read.

When we were eleven, we even started a book club and called ourselves the A-Company Girls. Our reading choices at that time were totally dissimilar, with Angie devouring every Judy Blume book on the market, Amy quoting Louisa May Alcott, and Alisha sticking with teen romances. And I…I was transfixed with
Little House on the Prairie
and anything with a horse in it.

Now in the eleventh grade, we were still friends and occasionally met for book club meetings, even though we were no longer in the same social stratum. However, we'd made a pact back in ninth that no matter what, we'd spend lunch together. So, this table had been designated for A-Company—not that we called each other that at school or anything.

“Mike McCutcheon asked me to homecoming,” Alisha announced just before taking a bite of her salad. She looked so cool and calm, with not one bead of sweat on her immaculate, smooth forehead

“I assume you said yes,” Angie responded in her usual sarcastic manner as she flipped a strand of her long, blue-streaked auburn hair over her shoulder and rolled her hazel eyes.

Alisha didn't have to answer. Her perfectly curled eyelashes twitched in such a way above her blue eyes that we all knew exactly what her answer had been. And why wouldn't Mike, an attractive football player, have asked her out? Alisha was beautiful and smart. I have seriously never even seen a zit on her face—
And that is perfectly all right. She's my friend.

I'm glad the endowment fairies were kind to her. Endowment Fairies, you know, those flitting creatures who endow you with your inalienable rights to looks, smarts, and abilities. They'd been particularly absent in my case.

“Well, Andrea is going to ask Luke Ryan,” said Amy, out of the blue.

My head snapped up from my cafeteria-provided lunch. “Whh…” was my pathetic attempt at speech.

Angie and Alisha's enthusiastic responses outplayed my wimpy reaction.

“Really?” said Alisha.

“Cool,” Angie replied, far louder than I would have liked.

Finally, I found my voice. “Now wait a minute, Amy. I never said—”

“What do you all think?” Amy interrupted me.

All three of them turned to look at Luke, only two tables away.

It was like a slasher movie playing before my eyes, and I could do nothing to stop the horrendous events from unfolding.

They were smiling at him in unison just as he happened to look our way. Being the sweet guy that he is, Luke smiled back. He didn't seem embarrassed by the attention.

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