Angel (NSC Industries) (3 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Angel (NSC Industries)
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I yelled up the stairs, “will you get out of bed now, you’re gonna make me late
on my first day.”

back to the kitchen when I heard his grumbled reply, I poured more coffee,
trying to calm my nerves for my first day at my new job; Personal Assistant to
the financial director at NSC Industries.


had worked as a secretary for the past 10 years at a small bank but, as a
single mum, I was struggling balancing the bills now that my savings had run

had applied to NSC as a receptionist but was absolutely thrilled when I went
for my interview and they informed me that they were also looking for a
personal secretary as one had just walked out without giving notice, and left
them in a mess.

salary was more than twice as much as the receptionists’ job, so I didn’t
hesitate in accepting, even though my boss gave me the creeps, but hey! I
needed the money badly.


came sauntering into the kitchen and flopped into a chair, he was the most laid
back 11 year old I’d ever known, and given the hugely terrifying  circumstances
he was put on this world, I was damn proud of him.

was mature and had a wicked sense of humour.


he yawned, “nervous, are we?” he grinned at me.

a bit” I grimaced.

be great mum, you look very professional by the way” he said glancing at my


had a passion for clothes, along with Haribos and wine and I was constantly
hammering my credit card and updating my wardrobe. It was my way of hiding the
devastating truth to my life, hiding all the untold secrets and

I had chosen to wear a tight pin-striped pencil skirt, that skimmed my knees
and a white fitted shirt, accentuating my curvy figure; Very professional. 


my coffee and whirling round the kitchen trying to clean around Matt, he took
the cloth out of my hand and started wiping the worktop. “Sit and drink your
cuppa in peace mum, before you have to go” he smiled at me.

never ceased to amaze me how grown up he was.


sweetheart,” I said “don’t forget your key when you go cos’ I won’t be back
till about six.”

he replied. “I’ll get a sarnie after school. You getting takeaway tonight?” he
asked hopefully, looking at me. I Laughed and told him I would pick Chinese up
on the way home.


Erin be home when I get in?” he asked, as he bent to pick up his bag off the
floor and grabbed the toast off his plate. “I think she’s home about four but I
think she’s seeing Brad tonight, so can you ask her to text me if she’s in for
tea, please?”

and smiling he bent to kiss me on the cheek, “Good luck, mom” he said “love you.”

you too, Matt” I shouted to him as he pulled the front door closed behind him.


a deep breath, I picked up my bag, coat and keys and after checking my hair and
make-up in the mirror, I also headed out the door and climbed into my beloved
15 year old mini.

had christened her Betty, and Matt always called her ‘Sweaty Betty’ because he
claimed it was too small inside and there was no air conditioning, so everybody
sweated in it.


into London’s centre and trying to manoeuvre around numerous bikes and busses,
I quickly got worked up.

only trouble with working in the city was this reason, and I couldn’t abide the
tube, with all the leering men as they tried to cop a feel when you boarded the
damn train.


I turned into the car park of the huge building that was NSC Industries, my
stomach slipped round my ankles and beads of sweat started dotting my brow. I
pulled into a parking bay then opened my door and stumbled out nervously.


towards the main reception area on my skyscraper heels, I peeled my head back
and lifted my eyes all the way up the enormous, imposing building. I had a
feeling of impending doom and pulled myself up to my full height, put my
shoulders back and my chest out, as stuttered to myself “This is it Liv, let’s
go do it.”


I approached the huge building, a big, burly bloke in a sharp black suit opened
the immense glass doors for me. “Thanks” I gaped at him in awe of his size. Intimidating
was an understatement.

problem, Darlin’ ” he winked at me as I scanned the entire mass of his enormous

a sweep of his arms he gestured me into the building and I could feel his eyes
following me through the startling, cool lobby as I advanced towards the large,
marble reception desk.


twenty something sour faced woman behind the desk looked me up and down as I
smiled at her. “Olivia Adams to see Mr Peterson, my first day” I grinned at her
but the smile slid off my face as she glowered at me.

picked up the phone mounted on her desk and punched a few numbers in; looking
like she’d been slapped in the face by a wet kipper with a deadly skin
condition, she spoke into the handset, “Olivia Adams for Mr Peterson in reception”
and replaced the receiver.

take a seat and someone will be down for you in a short while” she stated and
turned on her seat to the computer monitor, dismissing me abruptly.


I sat on one of the plush, white leather couches situated in the foyer, I heard
my phone’s text message alert and took it out of my bag. Swiping the screen, I
saw it was a text from Beth.



babe, GL 2day, b at urs at 8 with wine

ya xxx


smiled as I sent a short reply, thanking her and told her I needed Haribos too,
lots of them.


middle aged woman dressed in a fitted black trouser suit, sporting a sleek
black bob came over to me. Smiling widely she held out her hand, “Miss Adams,
Grace Harrison, one of Mr Peterson’s minions” she winked at me.

was ‘Mrs Adams’ but I didn’t correct her, realising that it didn’t bother me,
in fact it pleased me to think that people here had no knowledge of my past


I already liked her hugely, I gave her a bright smile and extended my hand “Good
morning Miss Harrison, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

me Grace, please” she said, “and welcome to NSC Industries, I think we’re going
to have lots of fun working together. Do you want to follow me and I’ll give
you a quick tour on the way up to Mr Peterson’s office?”


I stood and followed her with a bit of a nervous wobble as I took in all the
areas she was revealing on our way up.

entering the elevator she pressed the 44
floor. “Good Lord” I
asked in horror, “how many floors does this building have?” I asked. I’d never
learn to navigate my way round alone and knew I’d get lost and end up crying
down my phone to Grace to come and rescue me from an unknown location on an
unknown floor.


I’d hastily taken the job, and everything had moved so fast once I’d applied,
I’d not had time to research NSC Industries, which I was now beginning to


she replied, smirking at my white, dismayed face “don’t worry sweetie, we all
shit ourselves on the first day here, you’ll get used to it.”

laughed at her brashness, seeming wrong, such a curse coming from her perfect,
glossed lips. A picture of sophistication, she was very down to earth woman, a
breath of fresh air in such a stiff, formal environment.


we stepped out of the elevator on our floor, I took in the huge reception area,
another formal stiff expanse of white leather and abstract art.

woman about the same age as me was situated behind a large, marble desk in the
centre. She was a little hippy-ish with flowing curly blonde hair and a
sweeping floral dress but she looked like she was made for the fashion
statement, which I doubted many females could carry off like she did. 

looked up and gave me a small wave, “Hi, I’m Leah” she declared. “I’m looking
forward to coffee, gossip and lots of calorie consuming with you” she beamed.

beamed back. “Absolutely!” I returned, “I have a passion for all three.”

Girl, you’re gonna fit in fine here” she giggled back.


turned back to look back at the room and noticed it was a hexagon shape with
other equally large areas branching out on each wall.

pointed to each of the regions, informing me what each branch was. “Wages,
general administration, server rooms , conference rooms and in the fourth area
there’s the restrooms, showers and what we call the snap room… kettle, fridge,
microwave and so on” she grinned, “but we’re through here” she gestured towards
the fifth  zone.


walked across to the other reception room that I was going to be working in;
there were two large desks, a waiting area and an enclosed office at the back
of the room.  

is your work space, Olivia” she pointed at one of the two desks “and I’m just
over there, so if you’ve any worries or questions just bellow at me. Let’s get
you through to Mr Peterson now” she said somewhat glumly as she approached the
office and knocked lightly.

in, Grace” a voice sang through the door, “I hope you’ve brought our new
recruit with you, I’m sooo looking forward to meeting her again.”


opened the door and as soon as she entered the office I noticed her disposition
alter slightly. Her back straightened, her chin elevated and the strain poured
out of her in masses.

at her slightly I followed her in and was greeted by Mr Peterson, striding
towards me with his hand outstretched and what looked like a sneer across his

eyes travelled from my hair all the way down to my shoes and back up slowly,
pausing at my chest and the glint in them told me exactly what he thought of my

another one


hoped I could handle him and keep him at a distance. He grabbed my hand in his
and placed a rather wet, inappropriate kiss on my cheek.


“Miss Adams, I have been eagerly awaiting working with

on the other hand, was really
eagerly awaiting working with this
man. He was slimy, self-important and gave me the jitters.


phone shrilled on his desk, making me and Grace Jump.

it from its cradle Peterson bellowed into it, “WHAT?!” he barked, making me
flinch as I desperately felt sorry for whoever was on the other end.

yes, see to it” he stated sharply to the unseen caller.


slammed the receiver back down and then turned back to me, giving me another
leer. “Well Olivia, shall we make a start?” He glanced at Grace, “You can leave
us” he prompted to her.

turned to look at her and she gave me a slight shake of her head as Peterson
paced over to his cabinet, opening some drawers and retrieving some documents.

gave me a reassuring smile and exited the office, quietly closing the door
behind her. 


stood staring at her retreating figure through the glass window in the door,
silently praying that I would get out of this room alive and with all my female
parts intact… and him all his male parts.

cough resounded behind me and I spun round. “I’m so sorry Mr Peterson, I didn’t
catch that, I’m a little nervous” I shyly smiled.

sneered at me before he came up to me and set his hand on my shoulder “I’m sure
it won’t take us long to get better acquainted Olivia, in fact I’m looking
forward to getting to know you a

he realise how inappropriate he was being, or was it me, reading too much into
the way he communicated with people?

I did not like him at all and my internal alarms were blaring at me to ‘Get the
Hell out of there’ but he was my boss, so I had to grin and bear him.


a seat Olivia and we’ll go over your rolls and expectations.” He was all
politeness again and I wondered if I had read the situation wrong, being a
person that saw the worst in everybody I knew I could sometimes misconstrue
certain elements of life.

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