Angel of Redemption (4 page)

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Authors: J. A. Little

BOOK: Angel of Redemption
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I placed them at Wyatt House,

I sigh.

takes a heavy breath.

Group home.


My eyes are heavy, and I don

t have the energy to keep them open
anymore, so I don

even try.

Well, it was only a matter of time. It

s a shame Matty couldn

have stayed with the Barkers, though.

She offered. He wouldn


No surprise there. I suppose if anyone
can handle Logan, i
l be the Wyatts.

You think?

Yeah, I do.

yawn, thinking about the evening

s encounter. Emily seemed perfectly
nice, but I don

t know what to think about Dean. Was
he really just in a bad mood, or is he always like that? I can see a
confrontation with Logan on the horizon. The thought gives me a headache. I
know Andy has had a kid or two at Wyatt House over the last couple years, and
part of me wants to ask if he knows what Dean

deal is, but asking means I

m interested, and being interested
means I have to admit that the man is insanely good-looking. I really don

t want to think about how good-looking he is, because he
was asshole. An asshole I

m going to have to deal with. Probably

feel my heart speed up slightly and frown.

Go to bed, buttercup,

Andy says, standing up.

always looks clearer in the morning.


I mumble.


not so sure about that this time.

Chapter 3



Fuck me sideways. I’m in trouble.

stand in the doorway of my office, watching as Kayla Brooks storms down the
hallway, pulls open the front door, and walks out. The moment she

s gone, I lean against the wall and
bang the back of my head against the wooden doorframe. Unable to continue
avoiding what

s been plaguing me for the last ten
minutes, I reach down and adjust my dick. Shit. Big trouble.

I answered the phone and accepted the Davidson boys, I never in my wildest
dreams imagined that their social worker would look like
. Not that
it would have made a difference in my decision, but it was definitely a
surprise. I

met a few workers who were nice to look at, but this one

this one

shit, this one

gonna kill me.

the few minutes she sat in my office, I had to remind myself more than once
that this is my workplace and not a bar. She

s a worker

in other words, off-limits. Despite my attempts to turn off
my libido, my mind kept wondering how difficult it would be to seduce her. Or
how easy. But then what? With my luck, she

d be a lousy lay with obsessive and psychotic tendencies.

finish looking through the Davidson boys

files while propped up against the headboard of my bed.
These two are something else. Well, Logan is. Petty theft, assault, possession,
… The
list goes on and on. He

s going to spend some time in prison
if something doesn

t change quickly. I have a pretty good
track record when it comes to straightening kids out, but sometimes I get them
too late.


s record is fairly clean. His report

detached, unemotional and unresponsive

I don

t like seeing that. It means that

writing him off.

set the file down on the side table and close my eyes. I

m fucking exhausted. I should probably
get up and change, brush my teeth


but I just can

t. I

m about thirty seconds from falling asleep when I hear the

What the hell?

I grumble, glancing at the clock.
four in the morning—I
did fall asleep. If this is a ding-dong ditch, somebody

s getting his ass kicked. Standing up,
I pad down the hallway to the front door. When I open it, I

m rendered speechless. Kayla is
standing in front of me.


she says softly, stepping in out of the cold.

Look, we really got off on the wrong foot.


move. I just stand, gaping at her. She looks up at me with dark-blue eyes.

I thought you were just being an
asshole at first, but

I don

t know. I couldn

t sleep. I had to come apologize.



I say like a complete idiot. I rub my eyes with my thumb
and forefinger to make sure she

s really standing there.

for what?

slips past me and starts walking down the hallway toward my office. I have no
idea what

going on, so I just follow her. She made the trip; the least I can do is hear
her out. Yeah, I can be a big asshole, but she

s a colleague. And she

s beautiful. And I

m really fucking weak at the moment.
Just as I think she

s going to turn through the office door, she keeps walking
down the hallway.

Where are you going?

I ask, confused. Kayla turns her head and smirks, but doesn

t say a word. She disappears around the corner. When I
catch up to her, she

s made it to my bedroom. As she stands in the middle of the
room in front of my bed, I see her glance around. My mother decorated this
room. It

full of rich, dark wood and fabrics. She wanted it to fit the style of the
house. I

about to tell Kayla this when the movement of her hands distracts me.

reaches for the belt of her long, red trench coat and unties it. When she
slides it from her shoulders, I nearly choke on my tongue. She

s wearing black lace lingerie with a
pair of shiny red-leather high heels that scream,

Fuck me

Her body is absolutely
stunning, her
skin smooth and flawless.


ve been thinking about you since I left,

she whispers, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

You put up a pretty tough front.

She walks toward me. Out of habit, I flinch when she
reaches out. She doesn

t seem to notice. Her finger slips from my Adam

s apple to the waistband of my pants.

But I want to see the real you.


know what to say to that. When she starts tugging at the hem of my shirt, I
reach down, hesitating before yanking it up over my head. I really have no idea
what I

doing. Didn

I just tell myself I wouldn




do this? I know it

s wrong. I shouldn

t be doing this, especially not here. But I just can

t help myself. Something other than my
brain is driving me right now. I close my eyes and wait for her reaction, but
she says nothing about what she sees. I hear a slight rustling, but I

m afraid to open my eyes. I don

t want to see the look on her face.

Put your hands on me,

she pleads. When I open my eyes again, she

s moved away and is leaning back on my
bed. She


everything. Everything but the shoes.
Her legs are crossed, the one on top bouncing lazily. She

s teasing me.

stare at her tits, which are just perfect. I want to put my mouth on them. My
dick, which has been at attention since I opened the front door, begins to
ache. This isn

a good sign. I

about to do something very bad.

take a few steps forward and slide my hand from her knee to the outside of her
thigh and then down in-between her legs. She watches my movements, her lips
slightly parted. Fuck, she

s hot. She

s resting on her elbows, her hair brushing against the
comforter on my bed. I can

t wait to tangle my hands in it as I

m pounding into her

and I
pounding into her. I

m not even going to try to resist. I flick my wrist,
pushing her legs apart.

of her hands slides over her breasts, across her toned abs and down, down

Holy fuck! My cock feels like it

s going to tear its way out of my jeans. The sounds she

s making are enough to make me come in my pants. She
writhes and whimpers as she brings herself closer and closer, but I need her to
stop. I want to be the one who makes her cry out.

I grab her wrist, she looks at me in confusion. Smirking, I bring her fingers
to my lips, licking them before sucking them entirely into my mouth. I watch as
her eyelids flutter, and I can

t get my pants off fast enough. When she realizes what I

m doing, she sits up and helps me. She
unfastens my belt and then the buttons. When she yanks them down, she smiles.
My erection is in her face, and I see the look of yearning in her eyes as she
reaches to touch me. I groan. It

s been awhile since I

ve been touched like this.

want her to suck it

to suck me

but I

m already about to blow, and I don

t want to do it in her mouth. Not yet.
Maybe later. Definitely later. Her fingertips dance over the head, which is
leaking in anticipation. I hiss as her tongue darts out to collect a taste.

cup her chin, and she looks up at me. God, she

s beautiful. When she lies back down
on the bed, I cover her with my body. I

m already in position, but I want her to feel the heat of
me on top of her. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I can feel the tips
of those pumps digging into my ass. It hurts, but in a good way. A way that
says I

m about to fuck this girl six ways
from Sunday.

reach down, making sure things are nice and wet so I don

t hurt her. I want to do this again.
And again. And again. Glancing at her face, I see that she

s not looking at me; she

s looking down to where I

m slowly entering her. I watch, too.

back up at her to make sure she

s okay, I see her cheeks are tinged pink, her lips slightly
parted. I

not really moving anymore, because I

m all the way in, and I don

t want to leave.

begins to move beneath me, making sexy little sounds

gasps, whimpers. They aren

words, but I know what they

re asking me for. I pull out almost all the way. I can feel
her walls clenching, trying to force me to stay.

short, quick thrusts, I give her just enough of my tip to drive her crazy. I
could probably come like this, but not this time. After a few minutes of pure
erotic torture, I finally give in to my urge and just drive into her. She cries
out, her hands flying to my shoulders, nails digging into my flesh.

unwrap one of her legs from around me and push it up. Gripping her calf with my
fingers, I drag my tongue over the smooth muscle. She

s flexible. That

s a good thing. One of the red fuck-me
pumps is in my line of vision as I move inside her. I

m gonna fucking steal those shoes and
make her wear them every single time.

Good God, woman, you feel incredible,

I groan as I thrust into her over and over. I want her to
talk to me

to say nasty, filthy things. But she

s just staring at me.

Talk to me, sweetheart. I need to hear

I plead. But she says nothing. I

m gonna come, I know I am, but I want
her to get there first.

Baby, please.

You don

t want to hear what I have to say,

she moans.

I do. I want to fucking hear you.

Are you sure?

she purrs.

Yes, baby, anything.

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