Angel Souls and Devil Hearts (29 page)

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Authors: Christopher Golden

BOOK: Angel Souls and Devil Hearts
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And now, Hannibal knew, he had drawn the attention of the combined human and vampire forces at the fortress. They had withdrawn from that battle, but he knew it was only a matter of time before
they made another attack. He was right, and wrong, as it turned out. They would, of course, mount another attack, but Hannibal’s assumption that they would not be able to spare troops to come
after him was obviously wrong.

Even now, as he watched his blood-daughter, Pamela, feast on an adolescent boy she had dragged into the street, even as he received mental reports that at least a dozen of those SJS members he
had not recruited had defected to his cause, Hannibal’s first son, Hector, flew to him as a bat, changed to his true form and growled a warning.

“They approach!”

“What?!?” Hannibal was incredulous, for he had heard Jimenez issue no such orders over his collarcomm . . . but of course the commander would be smart enough to change frequencies if
possible! Damn!

“A large force comes down from the fortress, and it is made up almost entirely of humans!” Hector said, obviously stunned himself that an event Hannibal had been certain would not
happen was now happening.

Hannibal was confident that his coven could destroy the humans if necessary, but he was also confused. Why would they abandon their attack on Mulkerrin, a more immediate threat at least in their
perception, to launch an assault on him?

“How many of the human soldiers come after us, and how many remain to battle the sorcerer?” he asked.

“They are all coming after us,” Hector said, shaking his bead in wonder. “It seems only shadows remain to launch another attack on the fortress.”

, Hannibal thought.
They’re sure to lose
. It was outrageous in his mind. First, Hannibal would be forced to slaughter the human armies (which he had intended to do
only after they had destroyed Mulkerrin), losing many of his own in the fight, and then he would have no choice but to use his remaining forces to help his traitorous kindred destroy Mulkerrin.

Jimenez must be insane

As much as it hurt him to do so, Hannibal had to create an alternative possibility, a new course of events.

, he commanded them mentally, no more killing.

And how he hated those words. As he sent his psychic orders to his blood-children, so they passed them on to members of the coven not of Hannibal’s family.

Take as many of the humans as you can
, he told them.
We will use them as shields in order that I may speak with the human commander. I must know why they turn away from the fortress.
None of you will attack, none of you will draw the blood of the captives you now take
. . .
until my order. This is a minor delay, nothing more.

Hannibal vowed to enforce that guarantee. He was furious with the unforeseen change in plans and wanted nothing better than to tear Roberto Jimenez’s head from his body. And he promised
himself that he would indulge that urge, as soon as Mulkerrin was out of the way.



Salzburg, Austria, European Union.
Wednesday, June 7, 2000, 7.49 a.m.:

“Commanders!” Jimenez barked into his collarcomm. “Set up perimeter guard and get a head count. Locke, take command of whatever’s left of Gruber’s
troops. Anyone left from Rodriguez’s paratroopers, converge on me. All shadows . . .”

Roberto shot a look at Rolf Sechs, in effect the new chief marshal of the Shadow Justice System, and got a nod in response.

“. . . converge on myself and Marshal Rolf Sechs. Yesterday! All commanders report immediately after these orders are carried out.”

Jimenez turned to look at Rolf again, and the mute vampire realized that, no matter what, the two of them had become partners in the outcome of this thing. They had to prevail, and therefore
they had to rely on one another.

Rolf’s human family had been murdered ages ago, and he had never had any other children. He had never created a blood-child, made another vampire, and he didn’t think he ever would.
Therefore, though it would have eased the burden of his muteness, he shared his mental rapport only with his blood-brothers and -sisters, of whom only Cody and Alexandra Nueva still lived. He knew
sign language and, when necessary, his second, Stefan, could translate it for him. But the voice-pad was an adequate substitute.

Just in case, Rolf motioned for Stefan to come forward, effectively promoting him to deputy marshal the way Rolf had taken Hannibal’s post. The group around Jimenez was growing, and as
they awaited word of their next move, Rolf turned to the newcomers: Martha, the woman had called herself, and the men were Isaac and Jared, supposedly the sons of Lazarus. Martha had been the one
to tell them of Hannibal’s actions in the city, and now she cleared her throat to get Commander Jimenez’s attention. The man whirled, ready for trouble, and then relaxed, realizing how
high-strung the battle had made him. The female shadow looked at Rolf then, deferring to his command, and he nodded for her to go on.

“Chief Marshal Sechs, Commander Jimenez, on behalf of my brother Lazarus, who apologizes for his being unavailable, we,” and at that she noted Jared and Isaac, “offer our
services to you. Also, it will please you to know that reinforcements are on the way.”

“What?” Jimenez asked, and Rolf knew that the commander’s whole attention was on Martha now. She had his own as well.

Rolf motioned for her to explain, and Martha went on.

“Well, it seems obvious,” she said, “that the human soldiers cannot return to the fortress. In fact, so that the ghostly beings up there cannot find new hosts when they are
killed again, it would be best if all humans got as far away as possible from the fortress. Therefore, it seems only logical that the human troops move to prevent Hannibal and his coven from
committing any more murders. We shadows must return and confront Mulkerrin on our own. A corps of one hundred powerful vampires is on the march here as we speak, to assist in just such an

“How do you know this?” Jimenez asked, shaking his head. “Who sent you? And who’s bringing these so-called reinforcements?”

Martha opened her mouth to speak, but Rolf held up a finger, indicating she should wait, and then pointed to Jared, lifting his hands in a sign that he should continue in her stead. Rolf thought
that Martha sounded too practiced, and he wanted to hear this from the boy’s perspective. Rolf knew what Jimenez was thinking—that perhaps Martha was working with Hannibal—and he
couldn’t help but consider the same thing.

“Me?” Jared asked.

Rolf nodded, brow furrowed in expectation.

“We are here to help,” Jared said. “What’s so difficult to understand? Who sent us and who’s bringing the reinforcements are one and the same being, but his name
will mean nothing to you.”

He was lying. Rolf knew he was lying, but strangely, he didn’t sense any menace or ill intent in the lie. He cocked his head slightly, allowing his doubt to show through, prompting Jared
to continue.

“His name is John Courage,” Jared said.

! Will Cody’s voice boomed in Rolf’s mind.

Turn down the volume
, Rolf shot back.
I didn’t even know you were still with me.

, Cody sent, from his prison within the fortress.

You know this John Courage

Oh, yes
, Cody thought, and in those thoughts, Rolf could sense the weight of not just knowledge, but secrets that Cody wanted to share.

I know him
, Cody sent,
and somehow, now, I know the truth of him. Work with this Martha, Rolf, and I’ll tell you the rest when I see you.

You’ve recovered from your wounds?
Rolf asked.

Not Quite, but I will be in time to help when my help is needed Do me one favor. Ask Martha if Allison is all right.

Rolf realized he was the center of attention. Martha had apparently continued to speak, but with Cody’s voice booming in his mind, Rolf had not heard. Now she, Jared, Isaac and the
commander all waited for his response.

“What’s your recommendation, Marshal?” Jimenez asked, and Rolf noted that the gray at his temples seemed to have spread a bit farther since dawn.

Rolf didn’t think twice. Cody was his brother, and his word was the only assurance Rolf needed. He motioned for his deputy, Stefan, to come forward, then pulled out his voice-pad and began
to scrawl with a fingernail.

“Stefan, here,” the electronic voice said as Rolf pointed at the vampire, “will take orders from Martha, as will the rest of the SJS agents. I will pick a dozen shadows and
accompany Commander Jimenez to confront Hannibal. It is the only path open to us.”

Martha nodded in approval, and Stefan stood at attention, accepting his orders, but Jimenez shook his head as he looked at Rolf.

“What are you talking about?” Roberto asked. “Sechs, we know nothing about this . . . woman. How can you . . . ?”

“I know you’ll have a hard time with this request,” Rolf scratched onto his voice-pad, “but you’re going to have to trust me.”

Jimenez was speechless, even as Rolf turned his words to Martha.

“Martha, Will Cody asks if you know the whereabouts of his lover, Allison Vigeant, last seen with John Courage?”

“Will Cody?” Jimenez snapped. “Where the hell is he?”

Rolf waved for the commander to be quiet.

“Tell Mr. Cody,” Martha answered, aware of the true origin of the inquiry, “that Ms. Vigeant is safe for the moment, that she is with John and on her way here, now.”

“Also,” she said, smiling at Rolf, “tell him he’s a lucky man.”

“How can you tell him anything?” Jimenez said, exasperated, stepping closer to Rolf to get his attention, even as Jared and Isaac moved forward to block his way.

Rolf held up a hand, and the vampires stopped.

“You all misunderstand,” he wrote. “The commander is not a threat to me, or to you. He does not trust us but we stand together.”

Rolf turned to Jimenez now, writing faster.

“Vampires made by the same father can communicate mentally. I was out of communication with Cody for a time but now, this close to the fortress, where he is a prisoner, we are in contact

“It couldn’t be a ruse, a trick to throw us off course?” Jimenez asked, needing to understand, to be sure.

Rolf shook his head, and then Jimenez was equally silent. The man was not a fool; he was aware of the stakes. Commander Thomas appeared then, responding with the other commanders to
Jimenez’s earlier orders. Immediately, she and Rolf exchanged glances that communicated their mutual concern, for each other and for the situation but professionalism and discretion allowed
no greeting. Rather, Rolf nodded to all of the newly arrived commanders, even as Jimenez opened his mouth to voice his decisions.

“Commanders,” he said to acknowledge them. “I admit that I have a difficult time putting any faith in shadows, but it seems we don’t have much of a choice. If we attack
the fortress again, all we’re going to end up doing is killing each other.”

Rolf nodded as Jimenez issued the only orders he could. The commanders’ faces were grim.

So that’s it
? Cody’s voice came to him again, much quieter this time.
We’ll just have to wait for Courage and his “reinforcements,” I suppose.

Any ideas on that?
Rolf asked.
You seem to know a lot more than you’re letting on.

The only thing I can say
, Cody answered,
is trust John Courage. Even if you think he’s crazy, trust him. He may be he only one we can trust.

You “heard” about Allison?
Rolf asked.

Yeah, thanks. I just wish she wasn’t coming back with them. But then, I guess I wouldn’t love her if she was the kind of woman who turned tail and ran home to Momma. Still
. .

There was silence a moment, around Rolf and in his head, and then he had to ask . . .
What about you, brother? There are so few of us now; what are you waiting for? If you need help to
escape, let me come, let me help

Rolf could sense Cody’s laugh, even if he didn’t “hear” it.

Amazing, isn’t it
? Cody thought.
A few years ago you wanted me dead, and now you want to save me. It means a lot, Rolf, but no. I’ll explain it all, or as much as I can,
later. But I think I can be of more use to you if you leave me right here.

As you say
, Rolf sent, and then Cody was gone from his mind.

Turning his back on the gathered humans, though not without catching Elissa’s eye again, he signaled for Stefan and Martha to give orders to the dozens of Shadow Justice System agents who
had gathered there.

“Martha will lead the assault on the fortress,” Stefan said. “However, when Will Cody finally makes his escape, he will assume command of all shadow forces there. Try not to
kill the humans if possible, for their possessors will only search out new hosts. The object is Mulkerrin’s death, as quickly as possible.”

Rolf had put away his voice-pad, and now he scanned the vampires gathered around him. He would take twelve of them with him to help the humans against Hannibal, a paltry number, but Mulkerrin
was the priority. The three newcomers, this Martha and Lazarus’s two sons, certainly knew more than they were letting on, and Rolf wondered whether that might not come in handy later.

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