Angel Uncovered

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Authors: Katie Price

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Angel Uncovered

Also available by Katie Price

Being Jordan
Jordan: A Whole New World
Jordan: Pushed to the Limit


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Angel Uncovered

Katie Price

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ISBN 9781407005300

Version 1.0

Published by Century 2008

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Copyright © Katie Price 2008; Rebecca Farnworth 2008

Katie Price and Rebecca Farnworth have asserted their right under the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the authors of this work

This novel is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the
author's imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental

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ISBN: 9781407005300

Version 1.0

Chapter 1
Happy Ever After?

'She's the nation's favourite glamour girl! And last month
she got married to one of our most famous footballers.
She's the fabulous Angel Summer, of course, and here
she is looking absolutely stunning!'

Chat-show host Robbie Johnson sounded as if he could
barely contain his excitement as he introduced Angel as a
guest on his TV show. As she made her way down the
staircase, a bright spotlight trained on her, the audience
cheering wildly before her, Angel gave a dazzling smile as
if she couldn't have been happier to be there. But inside
she was experiencing a toxic mix of nerves and
insecurities. She hated being interviewed on TV. It made
her so nervous and she was always paranoid that she'd
say something that would make her look stupid. She was
slightly reassured by the warm welcome the audience
gave her, but only slightly. She just wanted the ordeal to
be over as quickly as possible.

Robbie gave her the compulsory two kisses, while she
air kissed him back.

'Well, Angel, married life certainly seems to suit you!'
he gushed as she sat down on the purple velvet sofa.
'You're looking even more gorgeous than ever!' Robbie
came from the interviewing school of thought that
believed outrageous flattery of celebs always got the best
results – something that Angel usually found quite sickmaking,
but today she was glad to be let off the hook. She
wasn't up to an exchange with someone who wanted to
discover the
her – she was on safe ground with

'Thanks,' Angel replied. 'Though it's all down to good
make up. You should have seen the state of me before my
make-up artist got to work!'

The fact was that Angel was an incredibly beautiful
woman with amazing green eyes, sculpted cheekbones,
sensuous lips and flawless skin. But she was always
modest about her beauty, downplaying her looks whenever
she could. Now she shook back her long honeyblonde
hair so that it cascaded silkily down her back and
smoothed her short dress over her thighs – it really
wouldn't do to flash the audience.
God, she was nervous

'I don't believe a word of it!' Robbie shot back. 'So,
Angel, we have to start by talking about your wedding. It
really was like something out of a fairy tale, wasn't it? The
carriage, the horses, the castle! Where do we begin? I
guess with the dress. Was it your own design?'

As Angel replied the huge plasma screen to the side of
her displayed a series of pictures from her big day. There
she was getting out of the white and gold Cinderella-style
carriage, pulled by six magnificent greys; there were
pictures of her walking up the aisle in her breathtaking
dress with its pearl-and-diamond-encrusted bodice and a
huge train sweeping behind her. Then there was Cal, her
gorgeous husband, sliding the glittering diamond band
on to her finger, and there they were kissing after they'd
been proclaimed man and wife. It really did look like
they had found their happy ever after. But the reality
could not have been more different and now, in the
studio, it took all Angel's strength not to cry.

The bitter truth was that her wedding had been one of
the worst days of her life, and she still didn't understand
what had gone wrong. She was marrying Cal Bailey, the
man of her dreams, the man she had been hopelessly in
love with for as long as she could remember – handsome,
sexy, passionate Cal Bailey who every woman on the
planet with a pulse lusted after. He was all she had ever
wanted and when he'd asked her to marry him it had
truly been the most wonderful moment of her life. But
when the day came Angel was at an all time low,
depressed and wretched. In fact, she had been
desperately unhappy for the last six months, ever since
the birth of her beautiful and much longed for daughter,

When Angel had found out she was pregnant her
reaction had been one of total joy and so had Cal's. For
Angel, the discovery that she was having a daughter
made the news even more precious because of what had
happened in her own childhood. She had been adopted
when she was two since her drug addict mother was
unable to look after her. Angel longed to give her own
little girl the unconditional love she had never had from
her own mother. But when Honey was born Angel had
been crippled with depression, felt she hadn't bonded
with her daughter, and so far hadn't been able to tell
anyone. Not even Cal.

She felt deeply ashamed of her inadequacy and feared
that she would be seen as an unfit mother because of it,
that her daughter would be taken away from her, just as
she had been taken away from her own mother. No one
knew that inside she felt like she was dying, that every
day it was such an effortmerely to get out of bed, nor that
she felt like the worst mother and the most worthless
person in the world.

Robbie started to ask questions about Honey. 'She's
absolutely gorgeous,' Angel replied automatically.

'And you seemed to have no trouble getting your
amazing figure back, did you?' he carried on. 'What's the

Feeling too depressed to eat is a really good appetite
suppressant, was the true answer. Instead Angel
replied, 'I had the wedding to aim for, so I found it
really easy to lose the weight. I just worked out and
watched what I ate. Sorry,' she added, hearing the
collective groan from women in the audience who had
not found it so easy to shift the baby weight. 'I guess I
was just lucky.'

'And so what's next? Are you moving to Italy to be with

Eight months ago Cal had been bought by AC Milan
from Chelsea. Angel hadn't wanted him to go. She was
happy living in their new house just outside Brighton,
close to her family and friends and within easy distance of
her modelling work in London. But it was a fantastic
opportunity for Cal and she knew she couldn't stand in
his way. So far she had only spent a few days every other
week there with him. Cal had accepted that she wanted to
have the baby in Britain and that she needed a few
months to get used to being a mother before she moved
to another country. But now he was getting tired of only
seeing his wife and daughter part-time and was insisting
that Angel move over to Italy.

'Yes, I am,' she replied, forcing a smile. 'Can you
imagine, all that shopping!' she lied. She had lost all
interest in buying things for herself, but knew that as a
WAG she was expected to love all things designer.

'Ooh! Cal'd better watch his credit cards!' Robbie

'Actually, I've got plenty of money of my own,' Angel
replied, a little frostily. She hated people thinking that
she didn't pay her way. Cal may be a millionaire, but she
had done very well for herself with her lucrative
modelling deals and valued her own independence.

'Of course you have,' Robbie replied a little anxiously,
not wanting to upset his star guest. 'Along with your
modelling, there's your lingerie and swimwear range and
your perfume . . . have I missed anything out?'

Angel smiled. 'Well, there's still my mission for world
domination. I haven't quite achieved that yet.'

'Oh.' Robbie looked slightly confused, he didn't do

Angel took pity on him. 'There's various projects in the
pipeline. One might involve a TV series in the States –
that's all I can really say about it at the moment.' Just
before she became pregnant she'd auditioned for amajor
new TV series set in LA and they were desperate to have
her. But the pregnancy had put paid to that. And
anyway, at the moment she didn't feel up to going to a
strange place and doing something new. It was taking
everything she had to hold it together.

'Well, that sounds very exciting. Good luck with it all,
Angel! Give it up for Angel Summer, everyone!'

Thank God that was over.

'Darling, you were wonderful!' exclaimed Jez, her
hairdresser and one of her closest friends, as she walked
wearily back into the dressing room. He was thirty
pretending to be twenty-four, flamboyant, camp,
wickedly bitchy, obsessed with his looks but incredibly
warm-hearted to his friends. Angel adored him and
they'd been working together practically from the
moment she became a glamour girl. 'So where do you
want to go now?' he continued.

Angel looked at her friend blankly. All she wanted to
do was go home, crawl into bed and sleep. The old Angel
would have been up for hitting the town, having a few
drinks and a laugh. But that fun-loving, happy girl was
someone the new Angel didn't recognise any more.

'Oh, Jez, I'm sorry but Cal's back for a couple of days
and I really want to see him.'

'Of course! I bet you're dying to see him. . .
and the rest
Jez said salaciously, winking at her. And Angel forced
herself to smile, not wanting him to see that there was
anything wrong. Not only was she depressed, Cal was
being worryingly distant with her and had been for
months now. However, Jez saw right through the fake
smile and said, 'Is everything all right between you guys?'

Angel was about to lie that of course everything was
fine but found herself saying sadly, 'I don't know, Jez,
he's been really off hand with me lately.'

'Well, it can't be easy when you're living apart. And he
still doesn't know whether he's been selected for the
England team, does he?' Jez said sympathetically. The
World Cup was just over two months away and Cal was
desperate to be picked. He'd missed out on the last
tournament, and if he wasn't selected now the chances
were that he would be too old for the next one.

'I know, but every time I try and discuss it with him, it's
like he shuts down.'

'That's Cal, isn't it? He can be the most emotionally
expressive man I know – apart from me, of course! Or he
can be Ice Man,' Jez replied.

And Angel wanted to add that her state of mind hadn't
helped things, but didn't. Instead she changed the
subject. 'Where's Gemma?' she asked wondering where
her best friend and make-up artist had got to.

'You just missed her. She waited until the interview
was over and then said she felt so ill she had to go home.'

'Is she okay? I didn't realise there was anything wrong
with her,' Angel replied, instantly concerned for her

Jez sighed, 'Period pain.'

'Oh,' Angel said quietly. That was not good news.
Gemma, who was married to Angel's brother Tony, had
been trying for a baby for the last year without success.
The doctors didn't appear to be taking her concern
about not becoming pregnant seriously as she was only
twenty-three. But Gemma was convinced that there was
something wrong – her ownmumhad suffered a number
of miscarriages – and was becoming more and more
anxious and obsessed.

'I'll call her later,' Angel added, gathering her things
together and wondering if her friend would want to hear
from her. She and Gemma had been close since primary
school and had always been there for each other. But
since Angel had had Honey there had been a sense of
distance between them. Angel didn't feel able to confide
in Gemma about how low she felt, believing that her
friend wouldn't be able to understand how she could be
unhappy when she had everything Gemma longed for.

Jez kissed her goodbye and Angel walked slowly back
through the long corridors of the TV studio and outside
to where her car was waiting. She felt as if her body was
made of lead; she could barely put her legs one in front
of the other. As soon as he saw her Tel, her driver, got out
of the blacked out Mercedes and opened the door for

'Thanks,' she said gratefully, collapsing on to the back
seat and wrapping a pale pink pashmina round her
shoulders. It was the end of April and the evenings were
still cool.

'Radio or CD?' asked Tel.

'I don't mind, you choose,' Angel replied, unable to
make even that simple choice. This was what she was like
about everything at the moment. Thankfully Tel sensed
her mood and just put music on quietly as he expertly
negotiated the London traffic.

Angel looked out through the black-tinted glass as they
drove through Shepherds Bush. It was just after six in
the evening and everyone she saw – the officer workers
heading off for a quick drink, the lovers walking slowly
with arms draped round each other, the mother pushing
a buggy with a toddler – looked as if they had a purpose,
as if they knew their place in the world, knew who they
were. Only Angel felt completely lost.

I don't know who I am anymore,
she thought bleakly.
What's happening to me?

An hour and a half later Tel pulled up in her driveway.
Thanking him, she got out of the car and walked towards
the house. She and Cal had bought it a year ago and Angel
loved it. It was a beautiful Georgian mansion in a small
village ten miles outside Brighton. The house was set in
over twenty acres of grounds, with stables for her horses,
two fields, a pool and a beautiful landscaped garden.

The downstairs lights were still on, she noticed, and
instantly felt a knot of tension tighten in her stomach. She
had hoped that Cal would already be asleep in bed when
she got back as he was exhausted by his intensive training
regime. She wanted to avoid any difficult conversations.
She knew that he was bound to press her about when she
was moving to Italy. She sighed and opened the front

Cal was in the living room, stretched out on the sofa,
drinking beer and listening to music. He instantly leaped
up when he saw her and came to embrace her.

'How did it go?'

'It was all right, I think,' she replied, shrugging her
shoulders dismissively.

'I'm sure you were great,' he said supportively. 'You'll
have to tape it for me when it's on.' He seemed much
warmer with her than he had been last time they met;
maybe he'd resolved what was tormenting him?

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