Angelic Pathways

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Authors: Chantel Lysette

Tags: #Angel, #angelic communication, #Spirituality, #intuition, #Angels, #archangel, #spirt guides

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About the Author

Chantel Lysette (Michigan) is an angel intuitive who has read for hundreds of clients and is the creator and host of “The Angel Gallery,” a lecture/reading series. She is also a double certified Master of Usui Reiki, a form of intuitive energy healing. Lysette has appeared on
Coast to Coast AM
with George Noory,
Darkness Radio
with David Schrader, and other popular radio programs. Visit her online at

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Copyright Information

Angelic Pathways: An Angel Medium’s Guide to Navigating Our Human Experience
© 2013 by Chantel Lysette.

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For Jake




Chapter Oone
: The “Gift” of Intuition

This chapter explores Chantel’s background and experience with connecting to the Realm of Spirit and engaging the archangels.

Chapter Two
: Angels All Around Us

Chapter 2 offers an intimate look at the archangels as well as a detailed account of the human soul’s existence in the Realm of Spirit and how each soul begins its journey to the human world.

Chapter Three
: Welcome to the Human Experience—Enjoy Your Stay!

Chapter 3 presents detailed accounts of real-life interactions with the archangels and how life lessons are utilized to facilitate the growth and evolution of the soul while existing in the human world.

Chapter Four
: Returning Home

Chapter 4 covers the death process and a soul’s journey back to the Realm of Spirit.

Chapter Five
: Continuing the Journey

This chapter is a candid update on Chantel’s painful journey out of the dire life circumstances mentioned throughout the book and the beginning of life anew.

Appendix A
: Jake’s Story

This account—channeled directly from Chantel’s spirit guide Jake—is the story of a young man suddenly cut off from life and his rocky journey back to Heaven.

Appendix B
: Gabriel’s Story: The Unseen Passion of the Christ

So who is Jesus and what really happened when he chose to partake in a human reality?

Appendix C
: The Archangels

Here is a list of the archangels mentioned throughout this book, along with their history, heavenly tasks, icons, and associations.



















I thank God and his heavenly archangels for putting up with me and my stubborn ways. I could not have made it this far without them.

My deepest gratitude goes to Llewellyn Publications and my cherished readers for their continued support.


While convalescing after having a stroke in 2004, I found myself at the lowest point of my life. I had lost my house, my car, and my savings. I had lost everything I owned. And to seemingly make me a new poster child for the book of Job, friends and what little family I had walked out of my life right when I needed them most.

Paralyzed and penniless, I had no one.

Months before the stroke, I had left a job of seven years. It was a stressful daily grind that had landed me in the hospital twice with a life-threatening condition. But because I was young (not yet thirty), I thought I would bounce back.

I was wrong. My health was on a steady decline, and when I wound up in the hospital in need of emergency surgery—only to have my employer show up with work and my laptop for me to complete projects in bed—I knew something had to change. What that change would be, I hadn’t a clue.

After countless hours of prayer, Gabriel came to me and instructed me to simply leave the job. While that seemed to be the logical thing to do, being as it was slowly killing me, it wasn’t practical. I owned my house and had car and college loans to pay off. Sure, I had my savings, but that would have lasted me only six months if I were unemployed—and provided I didn’t run into another crisis.

After much internal struggle, I finally surrendered and left my job in search of less stressful employment. It was then when Gabriel and I began to lock horns. He insisted I not look for work, while I insisted that it was the smart, proactive thing to do.

Who is Gabriel? Well, he’s an archangel. And yes, I mean
Archangel Gabriel—angel of the Annunciation and messenger of messengers. As an intuitive and angel medium, I’ve been actively engaging the benevolent Hosts of Heaven for nearly twenty years. When I first encountered them, I thought what any sane person would think:
Oh God, I’m losing my mind
. But the angels have proven they are very real and very tangible not simply by bestowing upon me wisdom and insight, but by the accuracy of the information they have provided. One might say that an accurate prediction here and there could be a coincidence, but when I began to connect with the angels, I was seeing signs and miracles nearly every day of my life. That might make one think that I was welcoming and accepting of their divine presence or that I was ecstatic to have been chosen to deliver their messages.

That notion couldn’t be further from the truth.

To this day, I still play tug of war with the angels whenever they bring to me a nugget of wisdom or a vision of the future. There is still a part of me that continues to test the validity of our intercommunication, not because I don’t believe in them, but because I’m human and must filter their messages through my own thoughts, feelings, and personal desires.

As you’ll soon read, accepting the angels into my life was one of the most difficult transitions I had to endure. Correction: I’m still going through that transition, but I would be remiss to deny how much I’ve grown spiritually over the years with the careful, compassionate nurturing of the archangels. I’m almost ashamed of what I’ve put them through in the process. Almost.

But, angels are angels for a reason. They can take a beating from us humans and not even blink. They’re used to being emotional punching bags for us, and Heaven knows they have been for me. But in my defense, to get me where they wanted me as a medium whose focus is more on helping others to connect to the divine than offering predictions, the angels had to break me down and rebuild me. They had to bring my life as I knew it to an end and then force me to start anew.

I’ve said it many times in my lectures, consultations, and books, and I’ll say it again:
I’m not a fortuneteller!
I’m not the type of medium who will stand in a packed auditorium and tell you that your Aunt Phyllis said hello, nor do I have winning lottery numbers or know if or when you’ll launch your dream career. My job is to connect you to your angels and spirit guides so you can learn directly from them that which will help you to grow and mature spiritually. One could say that my job is to make my own job obsolete, being as my purpose is not to hold someone’s hand and guide them through life with a prediction every week, but to train others to connect to their own guides so my presence isn’t even required.

There’s no need for a middleman when it comes to paving your path into the future. Firstly, the future is already set. Secondly, the archangels are already available to you and ready to connect in order to guide you along that path.

Everyone has the capacity to connect to the divine, but everyone’s gift is different. More importantly, the experiences that help you to hone your gifts will be countless and varying, and so it is for you that I have written this book. I seek to share with you more than information on the gifts of intuition, the angels, Heaven, what occurs before we’re born, and what transpires when we die. I want to share with you my own personal experiences so that they serve as examples of each and every facet of spirituality covered in this book. Woven in between these pages is the story of a spirit on a human journey from Heaven and back as guided by the hands of God, the hands of fate.

As I’ve expressed in my previous books, I cannot be emphatic enough when I say that our connection to the divine is a connection we all should strive to develop and nurture. Such a connection helps us to navigate life and understand the purpose and meaning in everything. I would never tell you or anyone, however, that making the connection will make your life easier. On the contrary, the more spiritual growth you experience, the tougher the challenges you’ll face. But in turn, those challenges will facilitate even more spiritual growth. Sometimes it’s easy for me to say that, but there have been times—as you will read throughout this book—when I’ve had very human moments and wanted nothing to do with the angels or spiritual growth, for oftentimes growth brings change, and change isn’t always comfortable.

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