Angelic Sight (13 page)

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Authors: Jana Downs

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Angelic Sight
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Axis grabbed Erik by the shoulders and hauled him backward and out of Levi, who winced at the sudden emptiness of the action. It was only momentary, though. Marius stepped behind him and slicked his rod with the oil that Erik had used before tossing the bottle to Jade.  Brax tensed as Jade circled his hole with a finger before pushing it inside. Levi chose that moment to suck harder on the tip of his cock, and Brax gasped at the combined sensations. The three hundred sixty degrees of feeling was always the best part of being mated.
“I love you, angel,” Marius said, shoving his body inside Levi’s.  The nephilim screamed around Brax’s dick, and the Elite groaned in answering pleasure. There was nothing like Levi’s cries of pleasure.  The little nephilim was a screamer, and he was hot as hell.
Jade removed his fingers and pressed the head of his erection into  Brax. Brax let his head fall back and his mind be carried away as he was sucked and fucked in unison. It was worth bypassing the massage that Erik had planned. At the rate they were going, they were going to have to give the nephilim rubdowns after the hard use they were getting.
Levi was bouncing on Marius’s cock, and the movement forced his head down on Brax farther than normal. The sensation made
Brax’s eyes roll.
Hell yes
. “Levi, good.” It was the most articulate thing that Brax could manage to say. Words of love were poised on his tongue, but he wasn’t sure if it was too soon to speak them yet.  They seemed so heavy in the moment of levity.
The nephilim’s big green eyes met his, and Brax saw understanding there. Even if he didn’t say it for another hundred years, Levi knew. He reached out and cupped the other man’s cheek in thanks. The nephilim accepted everything they were, and Brax couldn’t ask for more.
His mind blanked as Jade’s fucking grew in intensity, stealing his thoughts and replacing it with baser urges. He twisted his head and was rewarded with Jade’s kiss. He savored the taste. When they’d been guarding over their mates from afar, it had been the most intense
bit of suffering he’d ever experienced. Axis had decided that they  should wait to join, but the urges, the need to be with his mates, had  overwhelmed everything else. The animal inside him made a satisfied  sound. He was happier now that he could touch his men freely.
“Jade,” he rumbled, “love…”
“Yeah, love you, too, Brax. So much,” the other angel groaned.  Brax came undone at the guttural words. He couldn’t help it. He  shouted as he came apart, emptying his pleasure into Levi’s willing  mouth as his ass milked Jade.
He panted in the aftermath, unable to catch his breath as Jade raced toward his own pinnacle. Apparently, “I love you” is the most erotic thing I’ve ever heard, Brax thought a little sheepishly. He looked down at Levi, who winked as he continued sucking his softening cock. It wasn’t unbearably sensitive just yet, but it was getting there. A sudden sense of urgency forced Brax’s mouth open.
“Love you, angel,” Brax whispered. “I love you, Marius.” Levi’s eyes widened, and he made a little cry of surprise as he came. Brax grinned.
It’s the most erotic thing he’s ever heard, too
* * * *
Erik gasped as Axis dragged him over to the sitting chair near their bed and pulled him down on his lap with his front facing Keer and his legs tucked on either side of Axis’s hips.
“Was I a bitch when I let you spank me, Erik?” Axis asked, popping Erik’s ass hard enough that the sound and heat of the strike made Erik groan.
“No,” Erik murmured. He wanted this so badly that he was shaking. Axis had made his point when he’d bent over and let Erik slap his ass before ramming his cock inside it. He’d grown up thinking men who yielded to another man were somehow weak.  Being with his lovers had definitely taught him otherwise.
“Whatever we do together is perfect. Say it.” Axis growled,  smacking him again. Erik wasn’t sure if he wanted to say it, or if he  wanted to get another one of those hard caresses. Axis’s hand fell  again, and Erik yelped.
God, yes!
“Stubborn.” Then the blows fell in a  steady succession until Erik wasn’t sure what sensation was stronger,  pain or pleasure. Axis’s hands kneaded the flesh he’d just smacked.
The nephilim hissed. “Axis.”
“Say it, hellcat. Say it and I’ll fuck you,” Axis said. The  temptation was too much with that incentive.
“Whatever we do together is perfect,” Erik admitted. He turned  his head and looked into Axis’s eyes. “Can you spank me while you  fuck me?”
Axis’s emerald eyes flared for a brief second before deep satisfaction filled them. “Done.” He looked past Erik to Keer. “Gag him, Keer.”
“No problem, Commander,” Keer rumbled. Erik eyed the firm  swell of Keer’s dick.
Delicious “gag.”
He opened his mouth as Keer  offered him the thick plum head, and he sucked it into the back of his  throat. The nephilim moaned at the taste of hot-blooded male on his  tongue. Behind him, Axis positioned his cock and slowly pressed it  inside Erik’s willing body.
Erik let his eyes slide shut in absolute bliss. Yielding to his lovers,  not always fighting the delicious submission he loved, was turning out  to be much more fulfilling than he’d imagined it to be.
They show me  things about myself I’d never experience otherwise
. He couldn’t bring  himself to regret a single second of his existence. Running from the  hunters and all the rest that followed was all right, because at the end  of the day, he’d gotten the one thing he’d really wanted, men who  understood his needs and let him be independent at the same time.
Axis’s thick length shuttled in and out of his passageway, forcing  Erik’s mind higher into the cloud of desire. “More,” he begged as  Axis popped his ass in time with his thrusts. He never wanted it to  end, never wanted anything but the feel of Axis hammering away
inside of him and the sounds of his bonded experiencing the same  level of pleasure as he was.
“On my command,” Axis said. A low growl built in the back of  Erik’s throat as he was thrown onto another precipice of pleasure.  “Now!”
Erik groaned as he came undone. Every nerve in his body fired at once, and he was pretty sure his brain exploded as his ass and mouth were filled with the sticky proof of his lovers’ pleasure. Keer growled out something indiscernible, and Axis mumbled his agreement. Erik, for his part, couldn’t move an inch.
Chapter Seven
Keer was up first for once. He padded around the house, getting things in order and brewing a very large pot of coffee for when Levi woke up. His mind was a million miles away, already going through tactical procedures and planning the day with the accommodations necessary to keep everyone safe. Axis had taken the longest shift last night, so Keer thought letting him sleep and working through the details would ease their commander’s mind.
“Morning,” Erik rumbled as he came into the kitchen in nothing  but a pair of pumpkin pajama pants. No doubt they were a gift from  Levi.
Keer motioned to the coffeemaker. “Grab a cup. What woke you?”
“The phone. Madigan is dropping off his friends in about an hour, so I figured it was time to get everyone going. After the first cup of joe of course,” Erik said, getting a mug out of the cabinet.
Keer nodded and opened the fridge. There was some fruit left in the vegetable drawers that he could cut up for a breakfast platter. It wasn’t the huge meal that everyone would want, but it would sustain them until they ate lunch later.
“You want me to make some toast?” Erik asked.
“That would be helpful,” Keer said. He admired his lover as he  finished making his cup and took his first sip of the day. “Are you all  right from last night? We weren’t too rough?”
Erik laughed, the sound joyous. “You both were perfect. Besides,  it’s only proper payback considering I spanked and fucked the  commander of the Elites.”
Keer couldn’t help but be amused by that, too. “Yes. You’re right.  That was terribly naughty of you. I completely approve.”
Erik snorted. “Only because you benefit from either scenario.”
Keer just grinned. He got out the cutting board and proceeded to slice and arrange a fruit tray for the rest of their lovers. He left enough room on the platter for the buttered toast they would be making, but three-fourths of the platter was piled high with strawberries, kiwis, cantaloupe, apple slices, and pears. Levi would love it. His favorite breakfast was fruit, toast, and yogurt. Keer tapped his chin thoughtfully.
I wonder if we still have yogurt
“I thought we’d be able to go the library and check out some books on the Oracle and the Keepers. Since this is a sanctuary state, there should be a special section, right?” Erik asked.
Keer put the last bit of kiwis on the platter. “That’s a great idea.  We’ll run it by the rest of the guys when they wake. Maybe we can scrounge up enough money to get a small charm for Levi to wear.”
Erik looked surprised. “What? You’re not going to insist on me having one as well?” He looked consummately amused by the thought.
“I believe in your ability to take care or at least stay out of the way, love. I would be happier if you could get a charm to protect against demons as well, but I think if I have to choose one or the other, Levi’s need for the charm is greater,” Keer said.
Erik smiled. “That actually makes me feel better. When I’m trained up, some of y’all might actually let me contribute.”
“There will come a day when you contribute greatly, Erik. You’ll be a warrior yet.” Keer had no problem telling Erik that. The nephilim was already displaying the attributes, and he needed the encouragement so he wouldn’t feel like he wasn’t going to be on equal playing fields with the rest of the Elites one day.
A thump from upstairs signaled Marius’s usual shuffle toward the restrooms. Keer made a mental note to move the dresser farther over
so that he wouldn’t trip over it every morning for the rest of their
lives. He swallowed realizing what was to come. There would be war  soon. Life might be shorter than he’d originally planned on. The  possibility left him chilled.
“Hurry and put the toast on, Erik. The boys are getting up,” Keer  said, dragging himself out of his morbid contemplations. “I’ll make  Levi’s coffee and set the table.” The one thing they enjoyed was their  morning breakfast ritual. They weren’t big on meals and tended to  snack more than dine, but breakfast was the only time they all sat  down together for the most part.
“Will do, Keer,” Erik said, circling the island to get to the  breadbox. Of course the nephilim couldn’t resist running his fingers  down Keer’s wings on the way past. He shuddered. Erik had a fetish  for their wings and touched them at any given opportunity.
“Brat,” Keer groaned as the nephilim caressed the joint where  they were most sensitive. “Make the toast.”
Erik laughed.
* * * *
“So this is Becka, Daniella, and Christian,” Madigan said,  pointing to each of his friends in turn. They’d just finished breakfast  and dressed when the large group of angels and their nephilim had  rang the doorbell. The three humans that accompanied them looked  downright exhausted and more than a little unnerved by the situation.  With the exception of one of the girls. She seemed to be both  exhausted but cocky at the same time.
“Hi,” Becka said, tossing her shoulder-length hair over her  shoulder. Keer imagined that she was the toughest cookie out of the  bunch given her firm handshake and saucy wink. “So all you lovelies  are going to be running us around town today?”
Keer actually took a step back at her flirtation, unsure how to take  it. Levi and Erik just laughed, and Axis looked a bit amused.
“Afraid not, Becks,” Madigan said, looking embarrassed.  “They’re going to be showing you around, but they’re all taken.” He  waved at the lot of them. “They’re all together.”
“Oh for heaven’s sake,” Becka said with an exaggerated sigh. “Is  everyone in this town involved in a relationship with boatload of  men? Where can I get my set?”
“Rebecka!” Christian hissed, looking appalled. “That isn’t polite.”
“I was just wondering. Jeez, Chris, calm down. They know I’m  teasing.”
Axis interrupted. “We’ll take care of them, Madigan. We’ll be  going to the occult shop and to the library. Nothing tremendously  invigorating, but we’ll get to see the sights a bit in the meantime.”
Keer wondered why the commander had yet to mention the  demon that had come for Levi. It was probably because he didn’t  want to alarm the humans or heap more troubles on the nephilim but  still…They were their allies, and it only made sense to Keer that they  should share the information.

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