Angelique (12 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

BOOK: Angelique
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Bruce Vizier looked around the dining area, making sure that the patrons looked happy. He had some big shots in the place today and a few special lunch guests who made reservations on Monday. Pierre Williams joined him at the bar as he waited to greet the guests.

“So there was another small accident this morning. One of the pulleys gave on the mini crane they had, and a load of wood fell twenty feet from the lift and nearly injured a group of Boy Scouts who were volunteering. One kid skinned his knee good, and another banged his head. It was reported, so we put out a little feeder to the newspapers about this being one of a series of accidents. That should start the rumors about cutting corners and unsafe construction. Then we can call that friend of yours who is connected to the building inspector,” Pierre whispered then took a cocktail cherry and popped it into his mouth.

“Oh, and we spread the word that the Lafonts’ having been paying their bills to suppliers. That should hold up construction a bit,” Pierre added.

“That’s really good. The Lafonts have been getting a lot of jobs around this area. They also brought up a lot of good land. I had been trying to get their old man to sell certain key pieces of acreage for years, but the old coot wouldn’t budge. Now let’s see what happens when the Lafonts start losing their fine reputation.”

“Yeah with all that pressure on them they will definitely falter. There’s also the woman they’re interested in, too,” Pierre added.

“Sounds good, now tell me more about this woman the Lafonts were concerned over.”

“She’s a friend of their mother. She comes to town to buy beads and fabric from her. She must be some sort of seamstress or something. She was at a party at the Lafonts’ last night. I don’t think the sons knew her until recently, but they were all over her when she was injured on the site.”

“Got any pictures?” Vizier asked.

“I have a few,” he told him then pulled out his cell phone and looked for them. Just then some guests arrived, and Vizier began to excuse himself. Pierre stopped him.

“What is it? I have to greet these guests. That’s Tye Bouchet and Mike Malley. They are billionaires.”

“Well, you’re not going to believe this, but that woman they are with is the woman I told you about.”

Bruce’s eyes widened in shock. He wondered what she was doing with those men and who exactly she was. He slowly made his way toward them, and the closer he got, he saw just how lovely the young woman was.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Bouchet, Mr. Malley. I have your private table all set for you as requested,” Bruce greeted them and smiled as he absorbed the woman’s appearance.

She was a beauty, all right, and what a body on her. No wonder the Lafont men were interested in her.

“Hello, Bruce. It’s nice to see you again. We have some business to discuss, and we plan on taking our time. I hope that’s okay,” Mr. Bouchet asked.

“Why, of course. I did not book any other reservations for the veranda until five.”

“Good, that’s plenty of time,” he replied then placed his hand behind the woman’s back and led her toward the tables. By the shy facial expression of the lovely creature Bouchet and his partner Malley escorted, she looked nervous to Bruce.

He watched them as the hostess escorted them to the private table on the veranda. It overlooked the gardens and a small man-made pond.

Bruce turned toward Pierre as he headed to his office. “Find out who she is and her connection to the Lafonts. She may be the negotiating coin we’ve been looking for.”


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Angelique felt incredibly nervous sitting here talking to such distinguished businessmen. Although they dressed casually, they had an air about them that spewed sophistication and wealth. She was glad that she wore one of her fitted dresses that was both classy and stylish but not too dressy. It had taken her an hour to figure out what would be best to wear. She knew that the men were interested in Secret Pleasures, but she had decided to branch out into everyday women’s wear like the dress she was wearing. The delicately beaded bodice showed off a little more skin than she liked, but it was a lovely piece.

“So, Angelique. Is that dress you’re wearing one of your designs?” Tye Bouchet asked as he looked her over. His partner Mike Malley touched the material by her shoulder.

“This is nice. It’s soft and light. I like it,” Mike complimented.

“Yes. It’s one of my designs.”

“So your branching out or considering doing so?” Tye asked as the waiter placed their drinks on the table. Tye had ordered martinis. She wasn’t used to drinking the hard stuff, but he was insistent that she have at least one. After the first sip, she would be lucky if she could walk.

“I just love designing and creating styles for all body types.”

“What do you mean, body types?” Mike asked as he sipped his drink and watched her carefully. She pushed her hair behind her right ear and shyly looked at her lap as she spoke then back up at the men.

“Women sometimes feel that certain parts of their bodies aren’t sexy or beautiful but instead define who they are. My designs are made to fit. It’s like finding the perfect pair of jeans and having a seamstress personally make them for you and your figure. Instead of jeans, I design intimate wear.”

“Interesting, but how do you know how to create the right fit?” Tye asked.

“When someone is interested in placing an order and they go to my website, there is a chart that shows the person how to measure their body properly. If they still aren’t confident, then I send out special measuring tape. But usually the initial measuring works. Plus, they can e-mail any questions or concerns they have. Most of the time, the fits are perfect. I’ve never had a problem.”

“That seems like a lot to do to accommodate the customers,” Mike stated.

“Hence the term custom made, gentlemen. My designs are made to order so that all women feel sexy no matter where they feel their bodies may be lacking.”

Both men smiled. “And where did you come up with the idea of making lingerie?” Mike asked her.

She felt her cheeks warm and tried to act tough. These men sure did focus on her a lot.

“We’re talking about Secret Pleasures, not me. Now if it’s some chain of stores you’re looking to start and take away the personal touch I worked hard to establish, then I’m really not interested in what you have to say,” she told them firmly.

They looked at one another then back at Angelique.

“You could be making millions, doll,” Tye stated.

“I’m not sure that’s what I want. I’m afraid that my designs will lose that special touch. The clothes will fall apart or the material will be cheap and mass made. It’s not what Secret Pleasures is about.”

“That’s understandable. What if we can promise you that your designs will look like you hand made them yourself? The quality will not suffer in the wake of quantity,” Tye said.

“I would have to see it to believe it.”

“Then take a trip with us out to LA. We can show you around the factories we own. We can start working on your release designs and a huge opening.”

“Slow down, Tye. I’m not sure if this is really what I want. Plus, I was hoping to open up a place here in New Orleans. That way I can be with my family. No one even knows I have this business. I want to remain anonymous for now, and coming out the way you all are suggesting isn’t sitting well with me right now,” she stated as she covered her belly with her hands. She felt a bit nauseous.

Mike covered her hand and patted it.

“Millie said you didn’t want anyone to know about your business. Can we ask why?”

She was silent a moment then decided that she liked these men. They seemed sincere, and they really weren’t too pushy at all, just enthusiastic about new business.

“I have four sisters who are real protective of me. They find out that I’ve been making lingerie and selling it, they may be a bit taken aback is all. I’m not embarrassed by this, I just want to prove that I can be successful on my own. When I accomplish that, then I can tell them.”

“Well, I can understand that. I can relate to it as well. I had nothing growing up. I was real poor and living in the worst parts of LA. But I started working in a department store when I was eighteen and worked my way higher and higher up the ladder. I was able to save enough money to pay for community college where I got my business degree. Then I worked in the business office at that department store and learned the trade. The rest is history, Angelique. I, too, had a dream of accomplishing more in my life than my family. I was the first to graduate college and the first to get off of welfare,” Tye told her then closed his eyes and exhaled as if he had never shared his story before but chose to share it with her.

“I think we can help you to be successful while also maintaining that personal touch you’re so fond of securing. Let me explain a few ideas I have and see what you think,” Mike stated and then proceeded to talk to her about things she never even considered. These two men were amazing, and this was going to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

They talked for over an hour over lunch and dessert. By the end of hour two, they had made plans to meet again and discuss a visit to LA.

As they walked her out of the restaurant, Mike and Tye stopped to talk with the owner, Bruce Vizier. They introduced her, and boy, was he an attractive man.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss. I hope that your meal was satisfactory?” he asked.

“It was wonderful and more than satisfactory, sir,” she responded with Tye and Mike on either side of her. Bruce looked her over in a way that made her feel exposed. She took a step backward and closer to Tye and Mike. She felt the hand at her back and another on her shoulder.

“Please call me Bruce. You are welcome to come visit me anytime. What did you say your name was?” he asked, and she didn’t want to be rude although the guy kind of gave her the creeps.

“Angelique,” she responded.

“Ahhh, what a beautiful name. Angelique—”

He was hinting for a last name, and her gut clenched with concern.

“Just Angelique.”

“Beautiful and mysterious. Interesting,” he replied, looking her body over in a blatant and macho disregard of class.

“We should get going, dear. We have so much to do,” Tye said as he pressed his hand against her lower back and walked her out.

“That guy is such an arrogant asshole,” Mike said, sounding annoyed as they walked Angelique to her car. Mike had his hand at her lower back, and Tye was walking really close to her. When they walked around the corner to her car that she parked on the side street, the sheriff’s car was parked behind it. There stood Eloi watching them with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Panic struck her instantly, and she nearly tripped.

Mike and Tye grabbed her, and the sheriff tore off his sunglasses and began to stomp forward. Damn, did he look pissed off.

“There’s Eloi,” Tye said and gave a wave. Eloi still looked pissed off.

“Hey, Sheriff, how are you?” Mike asked as he reached his hand out to shake his.

“What are you two doing with my woman?” he asked, and both Tye and Mike remained close to Angelique as if suddenly protective of her. They looked at her in surprise then back at Eloi with amused expressions.

“We just had a business meeting with Angelique,” Tye said.

“A business meeting over what?” Eloi asked.

“Over none of your business, Eloi,” Angelique stated then turned to look at Mike and Tye. Both men looked concerned but not confrontational.

“I’m sorry about this. He is confused is all, and well, it doesn’t matter anyway. I’ll call you and we’ll set something up. Thank you for lunch,” she said then gave them each a kiss on the cheek. She could practically hear Eloi growling behind her.

“Hey, don’t get mad at us. We didn’t know you and Angelique were an item. Your mama never said anything,” Tye stated.

“Your woman is quite beautiful. You should keep her nearby you at all times,” Mike offered then waved good-bye as he and Tye left looking a bit amused.

Angelique felt her blood boiling. Why did Eloi have to be so overprotective all the time? She almost made it to her car when she felt the arm go around her waist snug below her breast line. It caused more cleavage and breast to show.

“Eloi!” she gasped as he moved his mouth against her neck and shoulder.

“You are looking real sexy in this outfit, Angel. Why are you with those men?” he asked then pressed his lips to her neck scattering kisses. She felt the goose bumps travel along her shoulders and straight to her nipples. His thumb brushed across the underside of her breast where he still held her firmly.

“It was just business, Eloi. Let me go,” she half protested.

He tightened his hold and pulled her back harder against his body. She felt his erection press to her spine.

“I want to know about this business you’re running. As a matter of fact, I want to know every damn thing about you. Starting with your last name and where you live.”

She tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t allow it.

“I asked you to respect my privacy. I have my reasons, Eloi.”

“I don’t like secrets, and I especially don’t like my woman keeping secrets from me either.”

“I promised that I would come today and volunteer at the site, didn’t I?”

Eloi took a deep breath then leaned his chin on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry, baby. I want to respect your privacy, but at the same time I want to know everything I can about you. Is that such a crime?” he asked then kissed her shoulder. He could feel her relax a little against him. She turned her head and held his gaze.

“It has to be like this for now. I came here today didn’t I? I said I would help out at the site.”

“There’s been a change of plans, and you’re coming with me now. Damn, you look so hot in this dress,
. I have never seen anything like it. You got my dick so hard I can barely move.”

She closed her eyes and gave in to the demanding hold he had and the warm breath against her ear as he whispered to her.

He slowly started walking her to his car.

“What about my car?” she asked.

“I got it covered, sugar.”

She turned to see Remy heading toward them. He appeared out of nowhere then kissed her on the lips while he trailed a finger down the bodice of her dress. “You look real sexy in that dress. It’s a shame it won’t be staying on much longer,” Remy said as he took her keys and got into her car. She felt her legs nearly go out from under her, but Eloi was there to assist her. Damn, these men were lethal, and it appeared that they had plans for her whether she was ready for this or not.

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