Angels and Hunters (Stoker Sisters 2)

BOOK: Angels and Hunters (Stoker Sisters 2)
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Angels and Hunters


The Stoker Sisters:  Book 2






kailin gow






Almost 20 years ago, I visited Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania. I was nineteen and a young journalist. I was familiar with the story of Dracula, made famous by Bram Stoker, but I was also curious about the Dracula who ruled this land. The people of Transylvania took me in for a short stay and showed me a side of Dracula, quite unlike the one portrayed by Stoker. He was a Dracula who loved deeply, especially of humanity. He loved his wife and family deeply, but most importantly, he loved his country above all else.

They specifically mentioned he was not a “Strigoi”, which in Romanian folklore was an evil undead. The people saw him not as a monster, but as a ruler, a brilliant military strategist, and a man with great passion.  They told me he was not the monster Bram Stoker depicted in the novel
, but a great man, whose military feats were legendary.

The Stoker Sisters
, in the vein of Bram Stoker’s Victorian world, is a fictionalized series incorporating the world of Jane Austen, the true view of Dracula by the Romanians, and popular contemporary vampire mythology.

The world of
The Stoker Sisters
is not black and white, but one where vampires, like humans, are faced with choices and allegiances. They have a choice to be good or bad, saintly or evil. Last of all, vampires may be monsters, but they may also be the most humane of all creatures.




Kailin Gow





Angels and Hunters


The Stoker Sisters:  Book 2






kailin gow




Angels and Hunters:  Book 2 of The Stoker Sisters Series

Published by THE EDGE

THE EDGE is an imprint of Sparklesoup LLC

Copyright © 2011 Kailin Gow


All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or  mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

For information, please contact:


THE EDGE at Sparklesoup

P.O. Box 60834

Irvine, CA 92602

First Edition.

Printed in the United States of America.










he air smelled stagnant with the stench of death and decay. Not even the salty ocean air can wash away the pungent odor of copper and ash. Blood hung in the air like a crimson curtain heavily fragrant with the scent of life flowing away. Human blood. The scent was everywhere. Sadie could taste it in the air, and although she felt the hunger gnaw her at the pit of her stomach, she held back. She was tempted to feed on these humans, but she held herself to a higher standard. These were not the kind of humans she would allow herself to gorge on, to act like an uncontrollable beast with. These were Keegan’s men. She at least owed him that small bit of decency. She would fight them to fend them off, but she would not indulge the dark side of her nature with them. As the battle between mortal hunters, good vampires and Strigois came to an end and the chaos of it all ceased, Sadie gazed into the darkness as she sought Alexis. She knew her sister to be strong and capable, but the sheer number of hunters they’d had to fight off had been more challenging than anything they’d ever faced before.

The hunters had been aggressive and the Strigois’ presence had added to the fury. But for all their determination, most of the hunters had fallen.

With heavy chagrin and a deep sense of loss, Sadie took in the many men lying about, a few moaning and groaning from wounds that would no doubt take their lives shortly; most not moving at all. Despite Keegan’s forceful leadership, his hunters had not been able to withstand the powerful enemies they’d faced.

Sadie wanted to retch at the sight of so many mangled and mutilated bodies. Blood stained the grass and soaked the soil beneath each man, leaving the air with the stagnate scent of drying blood.

Only hours earlier this had been a pleasant and lovely park; a place to come picnic with children, laugh and play in the joyful rays of the sun and breath in the fresh, fragrant air. Trees rose high and majestic, offering shade to those who scorned the sun, while flowering shrubs exploded with an array of colorful blooms that sliced through the green fields of grass. It was the perfect place to bring a Frisbee, ball and mitt or even a football.

It was the perfect place to come to life. This was where people came to feel alive and commune with nature, taking in the sun on lazy Sundays or taking a reprieve from a hard day of work.

In a matter of hours it had been transformed into a dismal and pathetically bloody scene, one filled with death and the woeful cries of the dying.

Sadie thought of Alexis’ pleasure in it all. She’d always known Alexis to have a hard and dark side. Never one to play the nice girl, Alexis was forever prepared to prove herself and the questionable powers within her.

As she’d attacked and killed one hunter after another, the satisfaction in her eyes and the hunger in her smirk had made it painfully clear to Sadie that her sister was already well on her way to becoming a Strigoi, vampires who had succumbed to the evilness of their nature, vampires who had no regard for humans nor the vampires who cared for humans.

She could very well be with the worst Strigoi of all, Skars, at this very moment. The thought was too much to bear. It pained her to see Alexis slip so willingly to the other side. Her aversion to remain a good vampire grew with each passing day, and there was little Sadie could do to help her.

Killing mortals was something she’d always avoided at all cost, never draining one’s blood to the point of death. She’d prided herself as being among the good vampires, and she’d strived to keep Alexis good as well. Born of the same blood, she often wondered how two sisters could be so vastly different.

If Strigois were so shunned and undesirable, how could her sister gravitate so willingly towards them. Having witnessed Alexis kill for the pleasure of it, enjoying each spurt of blood, each cry of pain, made Sadie realize just how hopelessly gone she was. How could she ever save her now?

And Keegan. Had he survived the bloody battle? Her heart ached at the thought that he could be hurt. Despite what he was, despite what she was, they had fallen in love. He had even denied it at first, but when he had the advantage of staking her, he could not bring himself to do it. That was how Sadie could tell Keegan still had feelings for her. That was before the battle, before all of Keegan’s men stretched out wounded or dead in the park before her.

Tears blurred her vision as she walked past the dead, fearful of finding Keegan among them. Everything had happened so fast. So many bodies had thrown themselves at each other, clashing with fists, knives and swords. It had been difficult discerning good from bad as everyone came together in a blood soaked dance.

She’d quickly lost track of him and now dared hope to find him alive.

Peering through the dark night, she clung to the hope of spotting his tall, powerful frame as well as the strong, but feminine form of her sister.







he turned to the voice of her sister, hiding the immense relief she felt.

“The wimps have all scampered away,” Alexis said as she casually shoved her hands into her pockets, her gaze still scanning her surroundings. “I think I even saw Skars disappear into the night on the wings of a bat.”

Sadie frowned at her sister’s light take of the evenings events. “Very funny.”

“And I bet you thought I’d flown off with him,” Alexis challenged.

“I haven’t really gotten the chance to see where you’ve gone off to or how,” she lied. “As you can see, the carnage here is reprehensible. How could it all come to this?”

Alexis glanced around and shrugged. Sadie wanted to comment on her complete lack of empathy, but Alexis suddenly stiffened and threw back her shoulders as she craned her neck, her nostrils attentive to the shift of the wind. “Got that?”

“Yeah,” Sadie said, immediately tensing as she prepared for another battle. Fatigue clung to her and she dreaded the thought of starting the battle up again. But the scent of an approaching vampire was strong and undeniable.

“There’s something…” Alexis paused as she concentrated on the scent. She, too, had taken on a stance intended on another battle.

“Different,” Sadie finished.

In the bat of an eye, a black figure, indescribable in form, moved from one fallen mortal to the other. Despite her enhanced vampire vision, Sadie could make out little more than a vague figure. While it took her a moment to decide what her next move should be, Alexis had already fallen to the four paws of a wolf and was avidly chasing the shifting shadow.

Sadie, choosing to remain on two legs, took up chase as well. For a while it seemed the illusive figure would forever outrun them, but when it turned back to see a befallen mortal, Sadie rushed it, taking it by surprise by pushing it to the ground.

With a firm hold, she turned the vampire to face her.

Her lips parted in disbelief as she took in the identity of this new vampire. Her brain was slow in processing the confusing information that simply didn’t make sense. Memories from the past flashed before her, but she was reluctant to believe her past had caught up with her.

“Delilah?” Sadie whispered. The name remained on her lips for a moment as the reality set in. Each syllable had felt odd and strange on her tongue. She released her hold on her childhood tutor and simply stared. “What are you…?”

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