Angels Blood (81 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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It seems to me that any being that can create such creatures such as the orcs would not be interested in seeing a being like Lord Vincent released into this world.  He would be a foe vastly more powerful than any being seen in this world since its creation.” There were nods all round, they could see the logic of his reasoning. Luthein went on. 

It does make sense that the one thing such a creature and its minions would avoid is seeing the release of Lord Vincent.  But I just had a thought.  The goal may not be to release him, but maybe to destroy him. I shall explain.  It is quite possible that the Lord’s presence even in his trapped state may be stopping the being from having free reign in this world and if that is true then yes it would focus on doing away with him.” They all considered his hypothesis. Wollfen wondered if such a thing was possible. 

How does one destroy an agent of the gods? Why would any being of the spirit world want to upset the balance?”

It was then that an old memory came to Wollfen. 

Wait, I just thought of something.  At the beginning of the war I found myself under attack by an unknown presence.  It proved to be quite powerful but somehow inexperienced and I was able to drive it off very effectively.  Since then I have not sensed its presence and quite frankly had totally forgotten about it.” Luthein questioned Wollfen. 

What did you sense of its essence? Was it of good or evil?” Wollfen thought back to that time so long ago.  Was it only eight months or a little longer? 

I do remember that what struck me was the fact that it did not have either nature.  It was not of good but it wasn’t of evil either. It was a nothingness almost. It is very hard to explain. It seeks destruction to an ultimate level, an obliteration I guess is the best way to put it.”

Luthein was an elder of the elven race and also considered its wisest counsel.  Now he understood more of what was going on. 

What you speak of Aerassis is something outside the scope of existence, good and evil are part of the greater whole and are necessary for the development of the spiritual to higher levels of enlightenment.  But what you speak of is the total destruction of all that, it is the elimination of any chance for spirituality to grow. It is the destruction of everything including the afterlife, leaving nothing but a void, nothingness absolute.”

They all took stock of what Luthein was saying.  He hadn’t said much but it spoke volumes on their existence, why worlds existed and the ramifications of the loss of it all. They turned to Wollfen when he spoke next,

Then our greatest and most important goal in all of this, beyond the consideration of the saving of some souls, beyond the right of nations to exist.  We as this group here must focus on that one point. If anything in this world is to have any chance to continue on at all. That I say, is the destruction of this entity that has revealed its existence, for if it gains ascendancy here, then all our labors, all our hopes, our dreams, our desires, all that we hold precious will be as nothing. It will be the greatest destruction of all.”

It was a very somber moment. Wollfen’s words fell heavily on their ears and they realized that right now the future of the entire world may rest on what decisions they made. Finally the King spoke,

This has proven to be a very fruitful talk even if what we have heard is something that we find in some ways unimaginable. We all here understand what we face now even if we don’t know how to fight it.  But fight we must for the future of all depends on it. With that in mind, right now I believe it is best to retire for the evening and give serious thought to all that will need to be done.  In the morning we can confer some more.”

They all nodded and paid their respects to each other and left.

Madeira walked beside Wollfen considering the ramifications of their discussion.  It occurred to her that they would have to come up with some sort of united effort to deal with what was gathering.  That meant elves and humans cooperating, much more than what she had seen to date.

Wollfen?” He looked and nodded for her to go on, “If this being is in this world right now, what could Lord Vincent be possibly be doing to hold it back?”

Wollfen sighed, he had been thinking about that great unknown all along.  He really was having trouble coming to grips with forces of which he had no idea. 

I really can’t say. Whatever magical or spiritual forces are in play at the moment I have not been able to detect or become aware of them. Maybe now that I know something is there it will be a bit easier to find, but I cannot feel anything out there, it is a total puzzle.”

They entered their room designated to them by an aide and Wollfen walked over to a window. Sitting on the ledge, he looked out over the canopy of trees and contemplated just how serious things really were.  The issues that had come to light in that short meeting proved to be far larger in the scheme of things than the war. Madeira came over and sat on the other side in the same window frame.  She placed a foot beside Wollfen’s thigh and he held it. Giving her foot a squeeze he looked to her now. 

You know I never did ask you how you have been going these last couple of months?”She smiled.

Oh aside from the situation changing regarding the politics and power struggles of the clique, I would have to say that I have found a new calm within me. Iris has noticed too but I haven’t revealed as yet the full extent of my new knowledge.  It is still too soon, but I think she suspects that I am no longer so devout.  That’s not such a bad thing really.  She was always a bit of a rebel and I think she will handle the changes to come a lot easier than I did.” Wollfen gave her foot a shake. 

That’s not answering my question and you know it, tell me, are you happy Madeira?”   She smiled at him again,

Yes, I have been happier these last few months than ever before in my life.  I really do feel like I belong to something of substance now. I feel it at my core. I didn’t know what it was to feel that until it happened.” She watched his reaction and he smiled a little.  “I know you probably don’t want to hear this part though.  Now that I have been here with you the last couple of days, I have been happier still.”

He looked at her but didn’t give any of his feelings away. She leaned forward close to his face and looked deep into his eyes then gave him a warm soft kiss.  He didn’t resist but didn’t encourage it either.

You are a very attractive woman Madeira but I am dedicated to one person and that is Dark as you know. I am sorry.” She continued to look at him and then finally replied. 

That’s okay, I think I’m still working out how things work too.  It is not my intention to try and steal you. Is it okay to hug?”

Wollfen nodded and she snuggled in against him.  She felt a whole lot better in his arms and it felt safe. He gave her a squeeze but already his mind wandered to other things, so much of what was discussed affected every plan he had.

King Elyssur looked to his Queen the following morning at breakfast.

Do you suppose Aerassis is affected by his past in dealing with Drexus? After all it has been over a hundred years.” Queen Elaterriel couldn't say for sure,

He is human and it can be said that their emotions are far more extreme than anything we are used to, but at the same time he is far older than any elf. We have known him all our lives, he has been the one constant never changing.” She hesitated in thought, “I am sorry my dear but after careful thought I cannot say.”

The King nodded.  He would have to ask the man directly.  They needed to know how he would react when it came to facing Drexus.  They couldn’t afford to have him hesitate when it became necessary to kill her outright.

The King had decided that Drexus would still have to be dealt with the same as before and with Aerassis being the most capable magic user of them all he would be a necessary part of their plan.

As he thought of these things, he saw Madeira and Wollfen would be returning soon from addressing the troops below.  Wollfen was down there informing the commanding officer of what to expect and who to contact in Kassandrea.

Wollfen finished talking to the officer and turned away after saluting. Madeira fell in beside him as they moved off. Wollfen was feeling a big load lift from his shoulders and he realized all of a sudden that the stress of Kassandrea’s dire situation had been weighing him down greatly without him being aware of it.

The knowledge that the Elven army was vastly superior to anything else that could be put on the field by any others was a great comfort.  Wollfen felt that the Isogorreans would be in for a nasty surprise in five weeks.  Things would not go their way at all now. He turned to Madeira and looked into her eyes. 

I just sent out an army that will help devastate the Isogorrean army at Kassandrea.  There will be heavy casualties in that battle. I am wondering how that makes you feel?” Madeira didn’t hesitate in her reply. 

I must admit that I don’t like the idea of so many of my people dying, but I keep reminding myself that there are many more that would suffer at the hands of them.  I am aware of what will happen to the population of Kassandrea should they be taken. Also as you have informed me, intelligence has come to light that my King has every intention of prosecuting the war in every corner of the Kingdom. I cannot condone that.”

Wollfen was glad that Madeira could see the bigger picture.  Soon she would be heading back to Isogorr with him to help deal with Drexus and she would need to step into the power vacuum that would be left.  There was sure to be more bloodshed in the short term as the King of Isogorr tried to fight for ascendancy within his own country.  The two of them found themselves back in the main hall and could see the King and Queen with their entourage sitting down to breakfast.      

Good morning my King and Queen.” They acknowledged Wollfen’s greeting as he rose from bowing. 

Tell me Wollfen how are preparations for the army contingent going?” 

Very well.  They are moving off now.  Commander Amdur will do a good job I’m sure.” King Elyssur bowed his head a little at the compliment to his army.

Whatever it takes it shall be done. You ate earlier?” Wollfen nodded. “Very well we shall get right down to business. Luthein has made some discoveries in the archives that could prove of interest.” He turned to Luthein who took the opportunity to speak up. 

My proteges' and I have made a number of discoveries in relation to the verse you gave us.  We may have worked out what the waterless flow may mean. It seems there are lava tubes deep below the lands around Kassandrea and we strongly believe that this relates to those.”

That would make sense. I can think of no other natural formation that would take a flow of liquid but not water.  Were you able to establish where the staircase is in relation to that?”

Not at present, but I think it will be safe to say that if and when we find a lava tube below the city of Kassandrea that there are probably markings divulging the location of the staircase.  Hence the remark regarding the Dragon’s bite though there will not be a sky to see so that still puzzles.”

If it is a lava tube it will probably not be easy to find.  Being a natural formation, we can only hope that local knowledge of the area will help there.  It might be worthwhile returning to the library in Kassandrea and searching again now that we know what to look for.  That will have to come after the siege is lifted though.”

Wollfen looked around to see if anyone disagreed with his understanding of the situation but they were all in agreement. Madeira coughed a little at this point.  For the last day she had kept a quiet counsel while these people had discussed and made decisions that would affect all. The King turned to her. 

You may speak Madeira, we are all in this together.” Madeira thought for a moment and then looked at them. 

This war we are having is just as important as dealing with the entity that we have identified as being our greatest peril.” They all looked at her but didn’t have a response. Wollfen leaned to her. 

Go on, we are very interested to hear your position on this.”

Right now many of my sorc compatriots are working towards one goal and that is the destruction of Kassandrea or at least its overthrow.  We seem to forget that they are looking to release Lord Vincent and I was under the impression that would be a good thing? Are we not focusing on a similar goal?”  Wollfen grunted a little. 

She is right, we have been confusing some of the issues here. We have every intent of combating the siege of the Isogorrean army without considering fully what it is we are trying to achieve.  There might not need to be a major battle if, through Madeira, we can come to an agreement with the Isogorrean army to let the sorcs into Kassandrea.  We are talking about tens of thousands of lives here and many of them elven too.” King Elyssur nodded.

Yes we are discussing many little points without looking at the big picture.  It is good you have reminded us of that Madeira.  So what is the situation as it stands? What are our goals and what are their consequences?” Luthein spoke up at this opportunity. 

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