Angel's Curse (13 page)

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Authors: Melanie Tomlin

Tags: #angel series, #angel battle, #angels and demons, #angels and vampires, #archangels, #dark fantasy series, #earth angel, #evil, #hell, #hybrid, #satan, #the pit, #vampires and werewolves

BOOK: Angel's Curse
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“Yes. Not many of our guests send messages via carrier pigeon.”

I laughed out loud and quickly clapped a hand over my mouth.
I love you Danny, you crazy fool.

“He has a strange sense of humour,” I replied, smiling. “He likes to keep people on their toes.”

“Indeed, madam.”

“How long am I booked in for?” I asked.

“Indefinitely, madam. It seems Mr Malakh was very taken with the penthouse suite on your last stay and organised to purchase it outright from the owners of the hotel. Rumour has it he paid a substantial figure for the room, plus he paid for ten years housekeeping in advance.”

I leaned on the desk conspiratorially and whispered, “What sort of figure are we talking about?”

He looked to either side of the desk making sure no one was eavesdropping and whispered, “Eight figures I heard, including the housekeeping.”

I stood up straight and tapped my fingers on the counter. “Yep, that’s my husband all right. Can I have the card to access my room, please?”

“Certainly, madam. There’s also a letter for you.” He handed me the card and a sealed envelope.

I turned to leave, but stopped. Looking back over my shoulder I asked, “How do you know I’m Mrs Malakh?”

“Mr Malakh’s note was quite clear, madam. You would be a woman of great beauty and bearing, if slightly underdressed,
an angel in mortal form
I think his words were.”

I grinned. Even to the end Danny was singing my praises —
I wish you were here.

“Thank you,” I said.

“A moment, madam. Do you need help with your bags?” He clicked his fingers and a bellboy appeared.

I sighed and looked back apologetic. “I’m afraid the airline lost my baggage. I’m going to have to spend a significant amount of time over the next few days replacing my wardrobe.”

I walked towards the elevator clutching the envelope to my chest. It had to be a message from Danny. Who else could it be from?

When no one else boarded the elevator with me, as soon as the doors closed I transported myself directly into the penthouse suite. It was exactly as I remembered, and when I walked into the bathroom I heard, in my mind, Danny saying,
that’s certainly some big bath

“It is, isn’t it,” I murmured. “
I miss you so much, Danny.

I sat in the bath fully clothed and cried until my eyes were red and raw, and my throat sore from all the sobbing noises I made. They echoed around the bathroom — chilling and haunting noises. I couldn’t reach the towel, from where I was, to wipe my face.

I wish the towel would miraculously appear,
I thought,
like Danny could do.

I looked down at my hands and the most marvellous thing had happened — a towel was there. I looked around the room, expecting to see Danny standing in the corner, smiling at me. He wasn’t there and I was left to wonder how the towel had come to be in my hands.

I’ll always be with you,
he had said.

Maybe this was his way of telling me he was still here with me. Maybe he was my guardian angel now. I held the towel to my cheek and smiled.

I called out, “I love you, Danny,” and hoped he could hear me.

I dried my face on the towel and climbed out of the bath. Next to the hand basin was a box of tissues. I pulled out four and blew my nose thoroughly.

I went back into the main living area and sat on the couch. I turned the envelope I’d been given over and over in my hand. I didn’t know if the writing on the front was Danny’s or not. I’d never seen him write anything before. I tore one side of the envelope to open it.

The letter contained in the envelope was folded in three. I opened the bottom third, then the top third, to reveal the whole letter. It was written in the most elegant and beautiful script.

My dearest Helena,

If you are reading this I am dead, and am thankful you found the courage, strength and love to take my life as I undoubtedly asked of you. Please do not punish yourself. I am at peace now.

I told you once a safe place was waiting if needed and you have asked or wished to be in a safe place. This blind spot is unlike the other two I had encountered. The use of our talents cannot be detected outside of the building and our scents are somehow cloaked. You could run into a demon and not know it, if their form was disguised, and they would not know you for who you are, unless you had met outside of the hotel — highly unlikely.

In here you can talk freely about anything or anyone and not fear summoning them. You are safe here.

The four digit combination I chose for the room safe is based on a date you do not like, one that is easy for you to remember, but you’d desperately like to change if you could. You will find all that you need to help you start life afresh in the safe.

If I could have my time again I would change nothing, for to make a change in my past would mean that my future would be different, and more than likely even the slightest change would result in my not having met you, a shining light in dark times.

I have lived more in the past ten months than in my long, long years, and believe me, I’ve lived a long time by mortal standards. If I could have given you a child, I would have — some small part of me to live on and be with you, a comfort in what I imagine is a painful time for you. Have faith Helena. The pain will pass even though you will not forget. The memories of our time together will never fade, for you are no longer mortal. I hope in time you will be able to look back on our time together without feeling pain or remorse, knowing you enriched my life, and find contentment with that.

With all my love, from this life into the next,

Danizriel (Danny)

PS I’m glad you figured out what name to use, Mrs Malakh.

I crumpled up the letter and threw it as far away from me as possible, and as soon as I had done so was down on my hands and knees looking for it. When I found it I smoothed it out and held it to my chest, crying again.

Oh, Danny, come back, please,
” I cried out.

I sat on the floor for hours, reading the letter over and over, tracing the elegant script with my fingers — my name, his name. In my mind I’d convinced myself there was some hidden message I’d missed. There was more to this than a simple goodbye.

The safe.

I placed the letter carefully on the coffee table, rueful of the fact it was creased — wishing the wrinkles would vanish — and headed towards the safe in the bedroom.

I hadn’t been in the bedroom since the last time we were here. For a moment I thought I saw the two of us lying naked under the sheets, me in Danny’s arms, talking happily. I blinked and the image was gone.

The safe had one of those keypad combination locks. The date would either be one-one-oh-nine or oh-nine-one-one, depending on which calendar angels used. I tried the first and heard a click. I opened the door. Inside was another envelope containing ten thousand dollars, a passport for Helena Malakh, a birth certificate, an assortment of credit cards, a platinum wedding ring — its band plain and simple and inside the words
Helena, my love
— and a handwritten note. The note said,

Some things to help you in your new life.

The cards have no limits and are automatically paid out each month, so you need not worry about money. If you lose one or they’re stolen contact the number on the back of this note and it will be taken care of. Travel the world and live a little — there are many wonders to see!

Love Danny

PS I would have married you if I could.

Danny wanted me to get on with life, to go on without him,
as if I could.
Okay, so I could, but there was a festering hole where my heart had been ripped out. In its place hate was growing, like a noxious weed, to suffocate everything around it. Maybe that’s why there was such an ache, because my heart
been ripped out!

The wedding band was probably a final token of his love for me. I’d wear it proudly as if we had been married. I didn’t care that it meant men would probably not approach me. In fact it would be better if they didn’t. What fascination could mortal love possibly hold for me now?

I slipped the ring on my finger — it fit perfectly — closed the safe, stuffed everything else back into the envelope and took it back with me into the living area, to sit back on the couch. I poured the contents of the envelope onto the table to take a closer look at everything. A credit card slid along the table to land on Danny’s crumpled letter. When I retrieved it I noticed the paper was smooth, not a trace of a wrinkle or crease, not even where Danny had folded it in three.

“Danny,” I called out, looking around the room, “are you here with me?”

In my head I heard him answer,

“Danny, are you invisible?”


“Do you still love me, after what I did to you?” I whispered.


“I’m tired, Danny.” I felt weary to the core. “I need some sleep. Will you come with me?”


I went back to the bedroom, pulled back the covers on his side of the bed and lay the pillow vertically in the bed before pulling the covers over them. I stripped off my clothes and climbed into bed, cuddling the pillows and rubbing one, where his chest would have been, had he been lying next to me.

“I love you, Danny.”

I closed my eyes and went to sleep …

I love you too.

I opened my eyes and he was lying next to me, as he always was.

“I missed you,” I said.

I missed you too.

I leaned over and kissed his lips. They were warm and soft. I couldn’t help but cry. I knew I was dreaming, but I didn’t want to wake up.

Don’t cry. I’ll always be with you.

“Only in my dreams?”

No. Awake or asleep, I’ll always be with you. I’m a part of you now. I could not give you a child, but I can give you me.

“I don’t understand.”

The blood, Helena, it’s always to do with the blood. Look inwards and you will seek what you find.

“You’re going to leave me, aren’t you?”

No, I’ll always be with you.

The Danny of my dreams pulled me to him and kissed me, and we became one. I lay in his arms willing the dream to continue, not knowing how long I’d been asleep, when my eyes became heavy and I slept within the dream. I struggled to open my eyes within the dream.

“No,” I murmured, “don’t let me sleep.”

If I slept within my dream I wouldn’t be able to see Danny, and I so desperately wanted to hang onto him for as long as possible. I’d stay in the dream forever if it meant being with him.

I heard, somewhere in my head, a persistent ringing noise. It stopped for a few moments then started again —
ring, ring

ring, ring

ring, ring

“Go away,” I called out and rolled over.

I lifted my head.
I was awake and the phone next to the bed was ringing.

” I yelled.

I picked up the phone and threw it across the room. It hit the wall, making a small hole, and fell to the floor, broken into a number of pieces.
stopped it ringing!

I sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands and rocked back and forth.

“No,” I moaned, “I

There was a loud knock on the door followed by, “Mrs Malakh, are you in there?”

I quickly rushed to the bathroom, wet my hair under the tap —
man that water is cold
— and wrapped a towel around my body.

“Just a minute!” I yelled out.

I took a deep breath and walked to the door. I left the chain on as I opened it, so that whoever it was wouldn’t be able to get in.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“I’m sorry to bother you, madam,” it was the man from the desk I’d spoken to earlier in the day, “it’s just the housekeeping staff haven’t been able to get in to service your room. After a couple of days they started to worry, knowing you were in here. Is everything all right?”

“A couple of days?”

“Yes, madam. Two and a half days to be exact.”

“My goodness,” I laughed, slightly jittery, “I’ve been asleep that long? That’s the worst jet lag I’ve ever had.”

“Quite, madam,” he replied. “Can I let the staff know your room will be available for servicing sometime today?”

“Ah, yes. Can they give me a couple of hours? I was just taking a shower when I heard you.”

“Certainly, madam. I’ll tell them to call in after midday. I’m sorry to have disturbed you, but please, feel free to call the front desk if there’s anything you need, or we can do for you.”

“Thank you so much, um … sorry, I don’t know your name.”

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