Read Angels In Red Online

Authors: Adelle Laudan

Angels In Red (27 page)

BOOK: Angels In Red
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Sometimes when they came together it was soft and sensual, but tonight, he handled her with insatiable hunger. He kissed her greedily, a kiss she was sure to leave her feeling long after tonight.

“God, I’ve missed you.”

Jenna sensed growing need for release, his manhood hard against her inner thigh. “Please, Jack. I need you inside”

“Are you sure? What about you? It will be over quickly.”

The corner of her mouth lifted and she winked playfully. “What’s the matter old man, you not up to going around the bases more than once?”

A groan escaped his parted lips. He kissed her deeply and positioned himself above her.
“Hang on, babe...”




Chapter Twenty-Eight


“Jack? Jack?”

Jenna ran downstairs. She’d awakened totally naked and all alone. If it wasn’t for her body still buzzing from their lovemaking, she’d think she’d dreamt it all.

Edna scurried out from the kitchen. “Ms. Jenna, it’s okay. Jack is having coffee with Charles on the deck. You go ahead and join them. I’ll bring some out to you.”

“Thank God.” She let out a rush of breath then chuckled at herself for such a dramatic display of emotions.

Her friend shook her head. “Kids,” she mumbled on her way back to the kitchen.

True to Edna’s word, Jack sat outside beside Charles, seemingly deep in conversation. She stood back and smiled. The two men she loved most in the world were at ease, as if they’d known each other for years. 

I’m a very lucky woman.

She checked her housecoat to make sure she was fully covered before opening the door and joining them. “Good morning.” She stooped to kiss Charles’ cheek and then Jack’s mouth. “This is a wonderful, albeit unexpected, way to start the day.”

“Good morning.  I trust you slept well.” Charles grinned.

She flushed and shifted her gaze to Jack. “Better than I have in weeks.”

Edna appeared with fresh coffee and a platter of breakfast snacks. Jenna took a blueberry muffin and tore off a piece of the top, promptly popping it in her mouth. “Mmm, I’m starving.”

Jack gave her a knowing, lopsided grin, and the heat returned to her face.
I must be a brilliant shade of red by now.

“I can’t tell you how surprised I was to see you here. Who’s watching the dogs?” she asked.

“The same two students who watched them last time I was here. Unfortunately, they have to get back to school this afternoon for an exam.”

The blueberries soured in her mouth, and she forced them down, placing the piece in her hand back on the plate. “You have to leave so soon?” She heard the tremor in her voice and forced herself to remain calm.

His brow creased. “I know. I wish I didn’t have to. Is your sister okay?”

“Angel took the news of having a sister a little harder than we expected.” Charles picked a bran muffin from the platter.

“Yes, but I’m meeting with her and the resident psychologist in the coming days to try and smooth things over.” Jenna battled with how much of the story she should reveal. She wanted to tell him about Daniel and Howard, but knew, like Charles, he’d want to pay them both a visit, too.

Since Jack’s time here was so short, no good could come of telling him everything. No, she needed to find something more concrete than her word against Daniel’s before bringing Jack into the picture.

She stood and slipped onto his lap. “I know this is taking much longer than expected but—”

He put a finger to her lips. “I understand. As long as you’re okay, take all the time you need.”

Her heart swelled with love for this man, who never ceased to amaze her with his selflessness.

“Thank you. I’m so glad you get it. I really think, in the end, I’ll have a relationship with my sister. The cat is out of the bag now, per se. It’s just up to her to set the pace.”

“Hopefully, after a couple of sessions with the doc, she’ll come around.” He rubbed her back. “Maybe you could bring her out to the cabin for a visit. I’ve seen how good she is with those horses, so I’m sure she’ll love the dogs.”

Jenna chuckled lightly. “Yes, I’m sure she would. Only problem with that is she’ll want to take them all home.”

“They must be getting big,” said Charles.

“Yes, and full of mischief.” Jack shook his head. “I swear the one is an escape artist. I’ve had to go search for him a few times now. I still have no idea how he’s getting out.”

Hearing him talk about the dogs made her even more homesick than she’d been before. “I can’t wait to see them.”

“Hey.” He captured moisture on her eyelashes with the tip of his finger. “No tears, okay? It’s going to be hard enough leaving you.”

Jenna nodded and took a deep breath. “Yes, okay. How long do you have?”

Jack stood with her in his arms. “Long enough.”

Charles cleared his throat gruffly and feigned interest in something on the opposite side of the deck.

She giggled. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Charles couldn’t be happier about Jack’s timely surprise. It was just what the doctor ordered. He hadn’t seen that sparkle in Jenna’s eyes for far too long.

It also gave him a chance to carry out his little excursion without any questions.

He hadn’t been able to get Ms. Amaro off of his mind, so he phoned the ranch to invite her to lunch. When the receptionist realized who he was, she told him it was Twyla’s day off
It took a little sweet talking to get a home phone number from her.

Charles gathered his courage to give her a call, which went out the window when she picked up the phone and said hello. He’d managed to stutter the invitation, of which she surprisingly accepted. He’d chosen the Mustang convertible because it was a two-seater, and the promise of a nice day might sway Twyla into going for a drive with him.

She didn’t seem to be the type of gal who’d be very comfortable at some posh, high-end restaurant, so he phoned ahead to one of his favorite waterfront places. It didn’t require a reservation, but he wanted to be assured of a table with a view.

Twyla lived just within the city limits, half the distance to the ranch, in a small, tidy bungalow with potted flowers and stark-white shutters. Before he put the car in park, she appeared in the doorway, even more beautiful than before with her dark hair falling in waves to her shoulders and a pretty, printed dress belted to accentuate a tiny waist.

He quickly checked his image in the mirror and laughed.
It’s as good as it gets, ol’ man.

Charles.” She smiled on her way to meet him.

His pulse raced getting out of his car to greet her. He stooped to kiss her cheek before considering it might be too forward.

Twyla’s cheeks stained a light pink, and she lowered her lashes.

“I’m sorry,” he stammered.

“It’s okay. Don’t be sorry. I am not used to such a gentleman.” She smiled, flashing pretty white teeth.

“You look very nice, Twyla.”

“Gracie. It is good not to wear my uniform.” She tittered, accepting the crook of his arm as he walked her to the passenger side.

“Che bella macchina.” She looked up and down the length of it. “A ‘69 Mustang?”

“Yes, it is.” He nodded, surprised and impressed, and opened the door, admiring a set of very sexy legs before closing it.

Easy does it, boy. You don’t want to scare her away by drooling all over her.

He rolled back his shoulders and got in behind the wheel.

“So, where do you take me?” She tucked her hair behind a very kissable earlobe.

Down boy.

He coughed out the side of his mouth. “I thought we’d go to a great little place on the water. They serve the best fish in these parts.”

“Perfetto.” She put thumb and middle finger to her mouth in a kiss of sorts.

Charles beamed. “Okay then.”

The short distance to the restaurant was pleasant. He learned her father collected miniature cars, which is how she knew about Mustangs.  She’d moved here from a small town in Italy, barely speaking a word of English.

“Is there a reason you chose to live here of all places?”

“It is long story, my plans… e`caduto. How you say, fell apart. Diane, she give me a job at ranch and teach me the language.” She lowered her face. “Many times, not so good.”

“I’d say she is a
very good

“Gracie. I still have problem with some words to musica on the radio.”

He chuckled lightly. “Even I have trouble with today’s teenager

The restaurant was fairly busy, but as promised, a table had been reserved on the deck overlooking the water.

Twyla smiled as she took in the view. “This is amazing. Thank you for taking me here.”

Charles held out her chair. “The pleasure is mine.”

“Good evening. My name is Denise and I’ll be your server.” Their server smiled a genuine smile. “Would you care for a glass of wine before dinner?”

“Lady’s choice.” He smiled at the waitress and then at Twyla, offering a small wink.

“Vino bianco…er, I mean white wine, not too dry,” his date suggested shyly.

“Perfect. As you probably already know, Ontario is known for delicious ice wines.”

“Yes, I’m a fan of them,” Charles added.

“We have a light white, Chardonnay from the Colio Estate Wines on the Northern shore of Lake Erie.” Her brow rose in question.

“Yes, that is good.” Twyla nodded slightly before bowing her head.

He hadn’t realized just how shy she was until now. He’d thought it was just him that made her uneasy.

Charles gazed out the picturesque landscape of Lake Superior. The night lights had just begun awakening the shoreline. “It sure is pretty out there.”

She responded with the slightest of smiles and a dip to her chin.

Denise’s return couldn’t have been timed better. He chortled at the label of the bottle she held out to them. ‘Girl’s Night Out’ flanked a graphic of a little black dress.

“Don’t let the label fool you. I know you’ll both enjoy this one.” As proper etiquette dictated, she poured a splash in Charles’ glass and took a step back in waiting.

He chuckled lightly as he swirled the wine, and took a sip. His eyes closed briefly. “Mm…perfecto!” He tried to imitate how Twyla did earlier.

She giggled behind her napkin.

The waitress beamed at his approval and proceeded to fill both glasses. She waited again for Twyla to taste the ice wine.

His date put the same two fingers to her far too sexy mouth and kissed them, taking them away with flourish. “D
, grazie.”

I could get used to her talking Italian to me.

The faint stirring of arousal made him squirm in his chair.

“If I could take your order, I’ll leave you to enjoy your Chardonnay.”

A brief discussion of the menu ensued, ending with him and Twyla agreeing to Denise’s suggestion of a seafood platter to share.

Thank you
.” She took their menus and left them alone.

Charles took a healthy swallow before steering the conversation to Angel and the ranch. “So, if you’ve been at the ranch for five years, you must know Jenna’s sister, Angel, fairly well?”

“Oh yes. She is a good woman. Angel ask to help in kitchen many times.”

“Jenna is really looking forward to having a relationship with her. Daniel has set up a few sessions with the shrink at the ranch.”

At the mention of Daniel, her body grew rigid and she avoided further inquiry by gazing out the window.

How can I bring up the topic without making her feel like she’s being pumped for information?

“Angel seems really attached to him. Are all of the residents so taken by the guy?”

Her gaze dropped to her lap, and she shrugged. “
Non lo so
. I mean, I think this is true.”

BOOK: Angels In Red
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