Angel's Redemption (16 page)

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Authors: Andi Anderson

Tags: #gay contemporary erotic romance

BOOK: Angel's Redemption
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"This is a nice place." Eli gave the wooden cabin a once-over.

"It really is. Shep loves it here." Jackson said. He wondered where the hell his friends were as he pulled under the carport and shut off the engine.

"I guess we're the first ones here?" Eli asked as he opened the door.

"Must be."

Jackson got out and Shep jumped out behind him and immediately started sniffing around for somewhere to mark his territory. Jackson closed the door and met Eli, who was standing at the back of the car and looking around at the lush forest surrounding the cabin. A warm breeze blew, and it felt good against Jackson's skin. In the distance, chirping birds could be heard, and the quiet serenity of being in the woods filled him.

Jackson glanced at his watch, noticing they were actually fifteen minutes later than they had planned to arrive. He frowned, pulled out his cell phone, and sighed with relief when he had a few bars. Jackson scrolled down his contacts until he saw Shiloh's name and number and pressed the call button.

Eli walked around the outside of the house, and Jackson grinned. He was glad to see that his lover seemed to be enchanted by the place.

The phone rang a couple of times, and Jackson started tapping his foot impatiently on the gravel. God, he hoped that something hadn't happened to his friends, or he'd somehow gotten confused about their plans.

"Hello?" Shiloh said in his lyrical way.

"Hey, Shiloh, it's Jackson."

"Hello, Jackson, have you made it to the cabin?"

"Um, we have, but the question is why aren't y'all here? Is everything all right?"

Shiloh chuckled. "Everything is fine. There was just a slight change of plans is all."

Slight change of plans? What the hell?

"What are you talking about, Shiloh? What change of plans?"

"Wellllll…" Shiloh practically sang over the phone. "Allen and I decided to go to Memphis for the weekend, and Josh and Nick are taking Daniel and one of his little friends to Magic Springs."

Are you fucking kidding me?

"Shiloh, is this some kind of joke?"

"Afraid not, Jackson. But since we're not going to use the cabin, we thought there was no reason for you and Elijah not to enjoy your weekend there."

It suddenly dawned on Jackson what his thoughtful friends had decided to do. Instead of spending time all together, they had changed their plans so he and Eli could have some secluded time alone. Jackson was floored by their thoughtful gesture and pleased that his friends went out of their way so he could spend quality time with his lover.

"Thank you, Shiloh, I don't know what to say."

"We all love you, Jackson, so there's nothing to say. The spare key is under the doormat, and the four wheeler key is hanging on a nail below the kitchen sink. I made sure the kitchen is nicely stocked, so you both should be able to spend a romantic weekend away together."

"I owe you one or possibly three, Shiloh."

Shiloh laughed. "You owe us nothing, dear friend. Now, I have to go because a very sexy Allen just hopped out of the shower, and the only thing better than a sexy Allen is a very wet, sexy Allen. Have fun!"

Jackson chuckled at Shiloh's antics and slid his phone into his back pocket. He opened the trunk and grabbed their suitcase and overnight bag.

Eli walked over and took the bag from him. "Where is everyone?"

Jackson shut the trunk and grinned at his lover. "They decided to let us have the cabin to ourselves for the weekend. Can you believe that?"

Eli's mouth gaped open. "Are you serious? Why would they do that?"

"Because they want us to have a long, romantic weekend together." Jack winked at him and started walking up the porch to the front door. He bent, lifted up the corner of the floor mat, and grabbed the silver key from under it.

"Wow, Jack! That's really nice of them. I can't believe they did that for us." Eli looked a little stunned.

Jackson nodded, unlocked the door, and opened it. "I can. They're good people and they've wanted me to get out of the miserable corner I had painted myself into. They know I'm happy with you and how much I love you, so they thought they would make this weekend special for us."

He followed Eli in, flicked the switch to turn on the overhead light, and gasped.

The house usually had a homey, lived-in feel to it, but apparently the very romantic Shiloh and Allen decided to spruce it up a little. It was decorated with gauzy, colorful scarfs that hung from the middle of the ceiling to each corner, and there were many colored, plush silk pillows that covered the floor, as well as unlit candles everywhere, transforming it into a romantic harem.

It was beautiful, and Jack was astounded by his friends' efforts to make this weekend a memorable one.

"Holy shit, Jack. This is gorgeous!" Eli exclaimed, setting the bag down and spinning around the room.

Jackson didn't know what in the hell his friends did with all of their living room furniture, but he wasn't going to look at a gift horse in the mouth. After this weekend, he owed his friends. Big time.

Shep came bounding in and immediately plopped onto one of the soft-looking pillows, panting from the exertion of marking his territory outside in at least a hundred places.

"They definitely thought of everything," Jack said. His heart fluttered both from the sweet gesture and from the prospect of being alone with Eli in this place for the whole weekend. Thanks to his friends, it was going to be a very interesting weekend indeed.

They walked down the hall into the master bedroom and put their suitcases away. While Eli washed up, Jackson let Shep out the back, so he could run around in the huge fenced-in backyard, and made sure he had plenty of water to keep him hydrated.

He had plans for Eli, and they didn't need an audience.

He walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. There was a large platter of fresh fruit neatly cut in bite-sized pieces and what looked like steaks marinating in a clear container. Deciding to save the steaks for later, he pulled out the platter and a bottle of ginger ale. He opened the bottle and hunted down two long-stemmed champagne glasses. He filled them and set the bottle back into the refrigerator to keep cool.

In the middle of the sea of colorful pillows, he set the platter on one particularly large, deep purple one. Jackson noticed the small radio, and set it on his favorite love song station. He hunted through the kitchen drawers, found a lighter, and lit all of the candles, giving the room a soft, romantic glow.

Jackson quickly undressed and folded his discarded clothes and set them in the corner out of the way. He ran his fingers through his hair, working through a particularly stubborn tangle. Once Jackson was satisfied that his hair was essentially tangle-free, he leaned back on the pillows and rolled to his side, hoping he was able to produce a half-way seductive pose.

His heart beat with anticipation and his cock stirred from excitement as he heard the bathroom door open and the sound of Eli's footsteps coming down the hallway.

As soon as Eli rounded the corner, Jackson immediately sat up and stared open-mouthed at his lover. Instead of the t-shirt and cargo shorts he wore before, he now had a large red, transparent scarf fastened around his hips in a loose knot. He could see Eli's long, gorgeous cock was already more than a little aroused under it. His lean, athletic form looked golden and practically glowed in the candle light. There were several gold, dangly bracelets that jingled on both of his wrists and a long gold chain hung around his stomach with heart charms hanging from them. In one hand, he had the small tube of lube they packed, and Jackson's heart stuttered with anticipation of using it.

Jackson's gaze travelled up Eli's body to his face, and met heavily kohled golden eyes. His full lips shone with clear gloss, and his reddish brown hair was combed away from his pretty face.

Eli was a vision of pure sexiness, and Jackson's groin tingled with arousal.

"How may I serve you, Master?" Eli's voice was soft, seductive.

Jackson forced himself to keep a stoic expression. "Come here, slave," he demanded in a firm voice.

Eli gave a slight nod and gracefully walked over to him, kneeling at his feet. He set the tube of lubricant down and looked over at him. Eli's gaze roamed over Jackson's naked form, and a small, appreciative smile formed on the corner of his shiny, kissable lips.

"Is there something you wish from me, Master?" Eli fluttered his beautiful eyes at him.

"Yes." He lay back against the soft pillows and gestured to the platter of fruit beside him. "I wish for you to feed me, slave."

"But, Master, how will I do that? I cannot reach the platter or your mouth from here." An innocent expression crossed his face, and Eli nibbled on his lower lip in confusion.

Jackson sighed. "Just this once, you can sit on my lap. Now, come slave, I am hungry and grow impatient from waiting for you to serve your Master."

Eli's nodded and gave him a sweet smile. "Yes, Master," he murmured. He crawled on his hands and knees over Jackson's body until they were momentarily face to face. Just when Jackson was about to grab his head and pull him down for a kiss, Eli sat up and straddled Jackson's hips. His cock nestled in-between the rounded globes of Eli's ass.

Eli's cock was now fully aroused and pushed against the silk of the scarf, slightly tenting it. Jackson fought the urge to touch it and to touch Eli, but when his lover brought a small cubed piece of pineapple toward his mouth, he parted his lips, took the juicy morsel from warm fingers, and began to chew on the sweet fruit.

They sat facing each other, gazes admiring and travelling over each other almost like warm caresses. He grabbed a slice of strawberry and brought it to his lover's shiny lips.

Eli's tongue slid out and delicately licked at Jackson's fingers instead of the fruit. Jackson tossed the fruit aside and pushed Eli back against the silky pillows. "I think you're trying to seduce me, slave." He practically growled, rubbing his erection against the crack of Eli's ass.

"I think you might be right, Master. I cannot resist you any longer. I want you to fuck me, Master… will you?" Eli panted almost breathlessly.

Jackson's groaned at Eli's colorful words, leaned down, and pressed his lips against Eli's slick, shiny ones. He opened his mouth and Eli's tongue immediately swept into his mouth, kissing him passionately. The sticky feel of Eli's gloss felt a little strange at first, but Jackson was soon swept up in their kiss and the seductive nature of his beautiful lover. Needing more, Jackson pulled away from Eli's drugging kiss and nibbled his way down his neck to his nipples. Eli's nipples were hard and his chest was flushed with desire. He sucked one of his nipples into his mouth and worshipped it with light nips and the brush of his tongue.

Eli restlessly moved his hips in slow circles, rubbing against Jackson's hardened cock. He reached down and slid his hand past the jingling chain on Eli's stomach to the silky feel of his cock through the diaphanous scarf and started rubbing the palm of his hand firmly against it.

Eli moaned and began to whimper when Jackson kissed down his stomach to the gorgeous cock he held. He leaned down and ran his tongue up the length of it, through the flimsy cloth, until he reached the leaking tip and slid his tongue around the head of it. He could taste the salty-sweet essence of Eli's pre-cum through the gauzy material as he teased the wet slit.

"Uh…" Eli moaned and began to run his fingers through Jackson's hair, guiding him closer to it as if he wanted him to take his cock fully into his mouth.

He looked up into passion–drugged, golden brown eyes and raised his eyebrow suggestively. "As lovely as I think your attire is, my dear slave, I'm afraid I have to rid you of this material. I want to taste you and suck you fully into my mouth, and it's hindering my wishes."

Eli bit his bottom lip and gave an almost frantic nod. Jackson quickly untied the loose knot and slowly opened the scarf, revealing the wealth of Eli's golden skin and glistening cock. He moaned at the gorgeous sight and took Eli's erection fully into his mouth. Eli moaned loudly as Jackson grabbed the base of Eli's cock and started to suck and slide his mouth over his shaft. The soft feel of Eli's public hair felt good against his hand as he started fondling his tight, heavy ball sac.

Jackson continued to worship Eli's cock, loving the feel and taste of it in his mouth. He was always fond of sucking cock, and Eli's hard, tasty shaft was one he couldn't resist.

"Jackson… please… I want you to make love to me."

Jackson released Eli's cock with a wet sound and looked up into his lover's beautiful face. Heavily lined eyes, looking more golden than brown in the soft light, gleamed down at him, and he was breathing in short, quiet pants.

Unable to deny his lover, he slid up Eli's body and pressed their mouths together in a passionate kiss. He felt Eli reach over and heard the popping sound of the tube of lubricant opening. Jackson's heart beat faster as Eli poured a liberal amount on his fingers.

Although they'd had sex several times, it was always Eli that made love to him. He had yet to be inside his lover, and his cock was practically aching from the prospect of it.

Jackson warmed the slick lubricant in his hands before he reached down and lightly circled Eli's small opening. Jackson gently pushed his finger into the heat of it, and began to slide his finger in Eli's tight entrance until he knew his lover was ready for another finger. He was soon working two fingers into him, gently making scissoring motions to open Eli up for him.

"Now, Jackson! I need you now."

He gave Eli's supple mouth a loving kiss and slicked his cock up with more lube. He settled between Eli's thighs, and his lover brought his long legs up to his chest, lifting his ass until Jackson's cock was lined up perfectly with his sexy little hole. Jackson slowly slid into Eli's body, relishing in the tight heat that embraced his cock. Eli grunted and pushed his body up until he was fully seated within his beautiful lover. Eli placed his legs on each side of Jackson's shoulders as he started to glide in and out of that firm, delicious heat.

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