Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter #16 - Blood Noir (23 page)

Read Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter #16 - Blood Noir Online

Authors: Laurell K. Hamilton

Tags: #Romance, #Horror, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Occult, #American Science Fiction And Fantasy, #Fiction - Fantasy, #Fantasy - Dark, #Horror Fiction, #Love Stories, #Vampires, #Blake, #Anita (Fictitious character), #Romance - Paranormal, #Fantasy - Contemporary, #Fathers and Sons, #Werewolves

BOOK: Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter #16 - Blood Noir
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When the case was secure and we’d shaken hands with Bethann, we all turned around and went for the elevators. The reporters were screaming at us, “What did you put in the safe?” We had some of them shouting “Keith,” but some were actually shouting the right name. “Jason, Jason, have you talked to Jean-Claude?” “Anita, is he better in bed than the vampires?” We ignored all questions. The earlier disastrous impromptu news conference had taught us our lesson. The press was a danger neither of us knew how to handle, not at this level. It was like being really good at peewee football and suddenly realizing you were up against pros. We were out of our league, and now we knew it. Most of the uniformed guards stayed in the lobby, probably to wrangle the press so that other guests had a chance of walking through the lobby without being brained by a boom mic. Shad and Rowe took up posts near the door, with us behind them. I looked at the line of their suits and knew where everyone’s gun was, and that Shad was carrying something extra in his pocket, and Rowe had something on his ankle. I was betting the ankle was a small gun, but the pocket could have been a lot of things, just not a gun.
Not a gun
opened up a wealth of possibilities. Jason leaned over and whispered, “I would accuse you of checking them out, but you’re looking for weapons, aren’t you?”

I just nodded.

He hugged me one-armed and gave an excited sound, almost a laugh, but not. His eyes were bright with anticipation.

I whispered, “How many of these girls are old girlfriends?”

“All of them.”

“How many are old lovers?”

He grinned. “Most of them.”


He hugged me tighter. “I’ll be good, I promise.”

“You’re always good, Jason,” I said out loud, “but will you behave?”

He gave me a look, and the look was enough. He’d try, but no, the honest answer, was no. I sighed and settled back against the wall as the elevator came to a stop. We had, of course, gone all the way to the top. The rich and powerful always seem to prefer the tops of buildings. Hasn’t anyone ever explained to them that higher just means you have farther to fall?

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the elevator first. Rowe stayed with us. I’d had enough bodyguards of my own not to argue. When Shadwell was certain it was safe, he’d let us know. He stepped to one side with a nod and Rowe motioned us forward.

That was the most serious bodyguarding they’d done, and it made me nervous. Were there threats on Keith Summerland’s life? If so, Jason and he looked enough alike that it could be a serious problem. Maybe there was more than one reason that we suddenly had guards. Shit. One of the doors in the hallway had Peterson standing sort of at attention by it. Chuck was talking low and urgently to him. So this was where the two of them had vanished to. Chuck turned, and gave Jason a look. It was neither friendly nor unfriendly, but it wasn’t a good look. It was more as if he were trying to see Jason, see what he was made of, and what it meant. I didn’t like the look. It meant Chuck was thinking too hard about Jason. We were leaving this town in a day. That look was too serious for
in twenty-four hours we’re gone
. Chuck smoothed his suit jacket where it had bunched over his gun, and said, over his shoulder, as he moved past us for the elevator, “It’s your ball until I get back, Peterson.”

“You aren’t technically my superior, Ralston.”

So Chuck did have a last name after all. Peterson didn’t sound very happy with him by any name.

Chuck walked past us like we weren’t there. The uniformed guard was holding the doors of the elevator open as if he’d been ordered to. “If you don’t like it, Peterson, call the governor, see who he thinks is in charge tonight.”

Peterson’s face closed down, fighting for blankness, but his hands flexed, and I knew pissed when I saw it. What had been happening between the two of them while we’d been in Shadwell and Rowe’s tender care? Something was up; question was, what? It was none of my business; I kept repeating that in my head like a mantra. Jason had gotten me to promise that I would not mess with Chuck, but God, he made it hard not to yank his chain.

I was good. I let Chuck get on the elevator. Let the doors close, and said not a word. Jason squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek.

“What was that for?” I asked.

“For being good. I don’t know why, but Chuck seems to make you want to pick at him.”

“You, too, Mr. Kiss-Me-in-the-Parking-Garage.”

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Jason actually looked embarrassed, which I didn’t get to see often. I treasured it for the rare gift it was, and we were left facing Peterson. Him I didn’t want to mess with; he seemed sort of harassed. Or maybe he’d been nice at the hospital and it cut him more slack than Chuck. Shadwell and Rowe were still with us like good bodyguards. Until Shadwell had gone all serious getting out of the elevator, I’d begun to suspect they were guarding us to make sure we didn’t do anything embarrassing to the Summerlands as much as they were guarding us from the press. But the exit from the elevator had been too real. I could leave Chuck alone, but I needed to know what was up from someone.

“You have about a half hour until the…entertainment arrives.” He said
like it hurt.

“Are you kicking us out then?” I asked.

He shook his head. “I just assumed that Mr. Schuyler would be more comfortable leaving then, but no, I don’t have any orders for when you leave the party, or if.” Again, his voice said he didn’t like it.

Jason said, “I’m sorry if our coming to the party is a problem.”

Peterson looked surprised, but recovered himself. “I think you mean that. You may look like Keith, but you don’t sound like him.”

Shadwell and Rowe stiffened beside me, as if they weren’t used to Peterson being quite that honest.

Jason gave him a bright smile. “That’s one of the nicest things anyone’s ever said to me.”

Not true and I knew it, but it made Peterson smile, and I think that was what Jason wanted. Jason liked everyone to be happy if he could manage it.

The door opened behind us, and a flock of blond women who all looked like Jason’s sisters should have looked swarmed over him, squealing happy cries of “Jason, Jason!” They pulled him into the room, and he went, laughing.

I was left in the hallway with the bodyguards. Peterson looked at me. It was a wondering-whatI’d-do look. Was he worried I’d be jealous? Was that part of why he hadn’t wanted us here?

Rowe stifled a laugh that he tried to turn into a cough.

Shadwell said, in a dry voice, “You really should get something for that cough.”

I smiled at them all. “It’s okay, guys. I’m not going to go all jealous because Jason is flirting and they’re flirting back. I’m cool.”

“No woman is that cool,” Shadwell said.

I smiled and shook my head. “Jason flirts like he breathes. Both will stop only when he’s dead.”

Shadwell said, “You are not his girlfriend, or this would bother you.”

I gave him full eye contact as I said, “He’ll flirt with them, Shadwell, but he’ll be fucking

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His pale eyes flinched, and his face went sort of grim. “You trying to shock me?”

“No, Shadwell, I’m trying to make you understand that if there’s a problem tonight it won’t be me.”

Peterson said, “Enough. I don’t know what is happening with the two of you, but I do not need it tonight. Is that clear, Shadwell?”

Shadwell gave one clear nod.

“Good.” Peterson looked at me. “Ms…. Marshal Blake, do you have an objection to Shadwell and Rowe being inside the room with you for at least the beginning of the party?”

“Okay, that’s it, the civvies are inside the room, with more guards, I assume?”

Peterson just nodded.

“Shadwell and Rowe stayed on our side of the hotel room door. They did a serious exit from the elevator up here. They had a shitload of uniforms downstairs when I insisted on putting my carry-on in the hotel safe. I thought that was to keep the press at bay, but something’s happened. What is it?”

“You may not be a civilian, Marshal Blake, but you aren’t one of us. We can’t—”

“Is the threat against all the Summerlands, just the kids, or is it Keith specifically?”

Rowe and Shadwell exchanged glances. Peterson fought not to look at them, and to keep my eye contact. He had to work at it.

“We are not at liberty to discuss—”

“Don’t give me that bullshit, Peterson. You were at the hospital today. I do not want to go to his family and say we got their only son killed because he was mistaken for a Summerland boy. Not to mention that I would”—I waved my hand in the air, trying to think how to say it—“it would leave this big hole in my life to lose Jason. So we aren’t going to lose him, are we?” I glared at all three of them.

“We are doing our best,” Peterson said.

“What has changed in just the last few hours?”

“I cannot share the information, you don’t have clearance.”

“How much danger is Jason in?” I asked.

“You know it’s not him.”

“But he could be hurt by accident,” I said.

Peterson made an exasperated sound low in his throat. “Yes, he looks enough like both the boys to be in danger.”

“In danger of death, or kidnapping, or what?” I asked.

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This time they exchanged a flurry of looks, including Peterson. Shadwell said, “She isn’t cleared for this.”

“I will have to clear it with my superiors, but I’ll try to get permission to fill you in on some of it,” Peterson said. “Go to the party, enjoy yourselves, stay longer than thirty minutes; maybe by the time the party is over I can tell you more.”

“They’ll never go for that,” Shadwell said.

“Until they give you
job, Shadwell,
will run this operation the way
see fit. Is that clear?”

“Very, sir,” Shadwell said, and managed that great neutral military voice, where you can say
all day long while inside you’re thinking
You motherfucker

“Then do your job. Ralston will be back to check on things later.”

“Ralston, sir?” Shadwell said.

Peterson nodded. “Yes, Ralston.”

“Why is Chuck in charge of the party?” I asked.

“Ask the governor,” Peterson said. He leaned back and opened the door for me. He was going to see me safely inside the room before he left, apparently. I didn’t argue, just let Rowe go into the room first, then me, then Shadwell. Shouldn’t they have done that for Jason? Oh, wait, he’d been safe behind the wall of beautiful blond women. Now that’s body armor. file://L:\Azures L_Disc Shared Dowloads\EBooks\Anita Blake Series 1-17\(Book16] - Bl... 10/18/2009


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almost identical to ours except for the décor. It was all white and golden-tan, much cleaner lines, less fuss than our room. It was much airier and through the windows which were still open to the night I saw a balcony railing. The two groups of sofas and chairs were empty. There were presents on the glass dining table still in their sparkling wrappers. Apparently it was a combination bachelorette party and bridal shower. Either that or they’d changed the rules for bachelorette parties and now you got presents.

Where were Jason and the girls? Then I heard a giggle. It came from around the corner where, if it had been our room, the bedroom lay. Of course, it did.

Shad stopped me with a hand motion. I hadn’t even realized I’d made a movement forward. He called out, “Price, Sanchez?”

A man came around the corner. He was the first non-WASP that I’d seen in this town. Well, unless you counted Jason’s dad and his sisters. They, at least, weren’t blond. But Sanchez was nicely dark; other than skin tone he looked like all the other guards. They all had this stamped-out-of-thesame-mill feel to them. Rowe was the closest to his own person, but everyone else smelled of a system that trained large groups of men to fight other large groups of men. They came out of the military straight into another kind of unit, which had not helped them lose their cohesiveness. He talked as he moved in front of the minibar to stand beside us. “They wanted to show the man the wedding dresses,” Sanchez said.

I looked at Shad. “May I?”

He nodded.

I stepped forward and offered a hand to Sanchez. He looked a little startled, but he gave me a good handshake. He had small hands for his size, or at least for the shoulders that were straining his suit. It looked like he’d hit the gym a lot recently, and hadn’t bought the next size up suit. It made his gun show very stark at his hip under the jacket.

Rowe said, “Sanchez, you gotta get a bigger jacket, man. Your gun shows bad.”

Sanchez shrugged the big shoulders, though he was only about five foot six, the shortest guard I’d seen among Peterson’s people. Maybe that’s why he’d hit the gym so hard; compensation. His eyes were so brown they were almost black, darker even than my own. He flicked the eyes to Rowe with a frown, then said, “Not in front of—”

“The mark,” I said, “the job, what do you call the people you babysit?”

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He gave me a speculative look out of those very dark eyes. “You’re from out of town.” He made it a statement.

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