Anita's Menage

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Authors: Vee Michaels

Tags: #Erotica, #romantic, #sexy, #workplace fling, #contemporary romance

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Anita's Menage

Vee Michaels

Anita's Menage

Copyright 2011

By Books to Go Now

For information on the cover illustration and design, contact [email protected]

First eBook Edition –May 2011

Printed in the United States of America

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Anita's Ménage

After manning the YouDoIt Software booth at the conference for five days, Anita's feet, stuffed into a pair of stilettos, had blisters and the balls felt as if glass were embedded in them. She leaned on the counter to take the pressure off as she watched her co-worker, Jason, chat with a straggling conference attendee. Ten years younger than her and a competitive body builder, Jason's muscles rippled with every movement. A full-blooded Italian, his dark hair, dark eyes, and inky lashes, gave him an exotic air.

Anita sighed.

It had been over a year since she had been with a man. As the only woman on the four-person, marketing team, her fantasies had been running on overdrive: especially when the other three were Jason, Paul, and Armando. To make matters worse, the batteries in her trusty companion had died that morning leaving her in an unsatisfied state.

Someone touched her shoulder, and Anita jumped.

“Daydreaming again?” Paul, the oldest member of the crew, asked.

Over a foot taller than her, Paul had broad shoulders and wore a crew cut, a habit seemingly held over from his military career. His imposing personality and body called for someone to tame it. She'd dreamt of turning him to mush, but in her imagination was where that needed to stay. His aftershave, something expensive, reminded Anita of a walk in the woods. His closeness had her rattled. Luckily, they'd be flying home the following afternoon.

Anita stepped back sending a shard of pain through one foot. “Glad it's the last day of the conference. How are you holding up?” Anita asked.

“Ready to head home. Hey, a couple of us are going to my room for a beer tonight. You're welcome to come along. Room 3215.”

With her imagination running amuck, Anita had avoided work get-togethers all week. But having spent the last four nights alone in her hotel room, she wanted something different. Reminding herself they were co-workers and professionals, she said, “Thanks. I'll consider it.”

Paul squeezed her shoulder. “You should relax, you're tense.” He moved behind her and kneaded her thick muscles. Anita wanted to lean into him, to have those hands roam her body. Instead, she sat stiffly. When he hit a knot, she winced. “Hit a sore spot. Sorry.”

“Feels good. Sort of.” Not comfortable with the thoughts his touch provoked, she edged out of his reach then straightened a pile of brochures on the counter.

Anita glanced toward Jason as he reached out and shook the conference attendee's hand. Of all the men, she was closest to Jason, and Anita decided if he planned to go for a beer, she would go too.

Jason turned and caught her watching. He raised his eyebrows then smiled.

“Armando and I are heading to my room,” Paul told Jason. “You're welcome to join us.”

“Let me enter this info in my iPhone and I'll be right up.”

“See you in a few.” Armando gave Jason a two-finger salute then looked at Anita. Half African-American, half Asian, Armando had a caramel complexion, curly black hair pulled into a ponytail, almond-shaped eyes, and full lips. “You planning to come?”

When their eyes met, a vision of him making love to her skittered across her mental theater. Planning to come indeed, Anita mentally slapped herself for the thought, she really needed to get out. With her crotch tingling, she hoped her thoughts weren't playing out on her face. Maybe going to Paul's wasn't such a good idea. “I'm not sure.” After Paul and Armando left, Anita gathered her purse.

“I bet your feet are killing you,” Jason said.

Anita exhaled then inspected her four-inch, patent leather, black pumps and wished she were less vain. “How'd you know?”

“I've got three sisters.” He pointed at her shoes. “They call those ‘FTDs'”


“Female-torture devices. They say they were invented by a sadist.”

“Yeah, well. They may be right, but if you were five foot one, you'd wear them too.”

Jason's eyes crinkled. “Nah. I'd go for platforms. You want to go up to Paul's together?”

She wanted to all right, which was exactly why she shouldn't go. “Maybe.”

“If you go, I'll give you a foot rub,” Jason bribed.

The thought of his strong hands on her sensitive feet, of him rubbing the ache out of them, had her body humming. She looked at him askew. “Don't you have a girlfriend?”

“No. Besides, it's a foot rub, not a marriage proposal. I give them to my sisters all the time.”

“Do you now?” Anita asked skeptically.

He looked affronted. “My mom too, even though she doesn't wear heels.”

“Aren't you the sensitive guy.”

“You know it. And a pro at foot rubs.”

While her mind warned not to give in to temptation, her feet begged for attention. Her feet won. “Honestly, right about now I'd give you my paycheck for a good foot massage.”

Jason flashed her a perfect smile. “It's on the house.”

Anita couldn't resist. Walking side-by-side, they weaved between booths. When they reached the lobby, her heels clicked on the marble.

“You can take those off and walk barefoot; I won't tell anyone,” Jason said.

“I'll be all right, but you're sweet.”

“You want a piggy-back ride?”

The thought of their bodies pressed together sent her imagination spinning. She didn't trust herself to keep her hands off Jason's chest. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

Unlike her small hotel room, Paul's suite had a full living space complete with a couch, two chairs, and a bar. Paul sat on one of the stools at the bar while Armando lazed on the couch. The television, on a sport's channel, was muted. As Anita helped herself to a beer from the refrigerator, Paul and Armando carried on a conversation about baseball.

Sitting in a chair that separated her from the men, Anita tugged off her stilettos then stretched out and crossed her feet at the ankles. A few minutes later, Jason pushed an ottoman toward her. When it was close, he straddled it then reached for one of her feet.

“You really mean to massage my feet?” she asked.

He winked and smiled in response.

“Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint you,” she teased then let him prop the foot between his legs. Soothing heat radiated from his crotch warming her.

Cupping the top of her foot with his palms, he gently separated her toes then kneaded them. Pleasure and pain danced in exquisite harmony. Anita closed her eyes and dropped her head onto the back of the chair. “You have magical hands.” His thumbs glided over her aching arch and Anita jerked when he hit a sore spot.

Noticing the room had grown quiet; Anita opened her eyes and found the men watching her. “What?” she asked.

Armando, with his kind, open face, tilted his head. “You just sounded happy. It was nice.”

Anita squirmed. What had she done? Moaned?

“Settle down. You're fine,” Jason instructed then tossed–”It's just my golden touch,”–over his shoulder.

When Paul and Armando started their conversation again, Anita sucked in a breath. Exhausted, she let Jason's fingers soothe her. Half asleep, her mind wandered.

“I'll do your shoulders,” Anita heard Paul say from behind. The comment snapped her out of her revelry.

“No...ooh...” His large hands, both firm and gentle, worked her taut muscles while his aftershave tickled her senses. Having four strong male hands on her body, whether innocent or not, made her aroused. Rein it in, she admonished. “Oh my,” she said on a sigh that caused Paul to chuckle. “Okay,” Anita acquiesced, “but I don't deserve this. I mean none of you are getting massages.”

“None of us look like you,” Jason said, “but if you insist, Paul, honey, you want a foot rub?”

“In your dreams,” Paul shot back.

“You two behave,” Anita said. Wondering what Armando thought, she glanced his way. He appeared engrossed in a magazine. Letting out a nervous breath, she decided to enjoy the moment.

Jason eased the other foot onto the ottoman. When his hands roamed further up her ankle then they had previously, her thinking muddled.

“You have knots in your calves.”

“I know, OUCH!” Anita flinched when he pressed one.


“It hurts so good,” Anita gave him a weary smile then closed her eyes and sank back into the chair.

“Ever think of wearing comfortable shoes?” Jason asked.

Anita sighed. “I know I should.”

Paul's hands moved to the nape of her neck. Her hair had been done in a French twist and when he pulled the hair clip out, her blonde locks tumbled free. Running his fingers through her hair, Paul massaged her scalp. His fingers felt electric, and the strength of her lust pummeled her resolve to keep things neutral.

Jason switched to the other calf.

“Who knew the two of you had such talents?” Anita asked.

Then Jason's hand snaked up her leg and grazed the back of her knee. Tingles traveled up warming her core. Anita, with her eyes still shut, cocked an eyebrow at him, but said nothing. Her instincts told her to stop them, but her body begged for more. Compromising, she decided to let them continue a few minutes before ending the pampering.

Paul traced the side of her face to the sensitive skin on her neck. His fingertips, dancing lightly, dipped beneath the line of her blouse. The touch, tender for a man so big, gave her goose bumps.

“Okay,” Anita drawled. “That's enough. I feel better.” Paul's hands retreated. Laboring to pull herself from her pleasure-induced trance, she felt something warm brush the skin above her knee. “Ooh.” A moan escaped as a thrill spiraled through her. On their own, her legs inched apart.

She should stop what was happening, but her mutinous mind, after having fantasized about having multiple men, shut down her vocal cords.

“Anita,” Jason's thick voice intoned. “You're not wearing panties.”

Anita held her breath. She'd never imagined the men would discover her secret. Now that they had, she worried they were disgusted. Jason's hand inched up her thigh, and Anita heard her own sharp intake of breath.

“You are one beautiful woman,” he said.

Drunk with lust, Anita's mind warred with her body for control. She should stop this thing before it went too far. Then Jason's hands were on her thighs gently urging them apart. This was the turning point. She had to decide whether or not to stop it. Wanting to enjoy the moment that would never happen again, Anita let go of her internal voice and gave into carnal lust. She was overdue. Dropping her head back, she inched her legs wider.

Jason's lips, hot and wet, kissed her sensitive inner thighs while his hands edged her skirt higher. Paul nibbled her neck and Anita tilted her head to the side giving him better access. When someone lightly tweaked her erect nipple through her blouse, the pleasurable sensation turned her body on fire. The ménage she'd fantasized about was happening!

When her mind interceded, Anita shut it up by pretending she was dreaming. She knew if she opened her eyes, the reality of the situation would necessitate stopping.

Writhing with pleasure, she reached back and touched Paul's face. Then her hand slid into his short hair and she cupped the back of his head and pulled his mouth to hers. They kissed long and deep while Jason kissed further up her leg.

Then someone fumbled with the buttons on her blouse. Inch by inch, her white, lace bra was exposed. Between her breasts, fingers worked the front clasp. It gave way and her breasts sprung free, sensitive, and pleading for attention. Then Jason's tongue touched her clitoris. The intensity was so strong that Anita arched upward bashing his mouth.

Jason chuckled as Paul deposited hot kisses down her cheek, over her throat then headed toward her breasts.

Squirming with lust, Anita guided Paul toward one of her nipples. When he took one in his mouth, Anita moaned. Her orgasm was building at record speed as she gyrated between the two men. When she felt the touch of something warm and wet on her cheek, she instinctively turned toward it. She licked fiery silk before gripping the penis at the base and guiding it to her mouth. It proved too much and Anita's body bucked into a fierce orgasm that left her shaking. Before she'd completely regained control, Jason's hips pressed on her inner thighs pushing her legs wider.

Anita splayed her legs, giving herself to him. Then Jason entered her slowly. It was like liquid heat scratching an itch, and she was instantly on the verge of another orgasm, she begged, “Faster. Harder. Please.”

“Let's take our time,” Jason said.

She had to have more. Trembling with lust and fatigue, she leaned forward then grabbed Jason's ass and pulled him into her. Anita cried out with pleasure as Jason filled her then she wrapped her legs around him to keep him from pulling too far out. As Jason moved in and out, another orgasm wracked her body. She was recovering her breath when a hot mouth covered hers. Armando's she guessed because of the full lips. Jason drove into her as she slid her hand around the back of Armando's neck and deepened their kiss.

Then more hands were on her and someone squeezed her breasts. Sweeping one hand out, she hit someone's hip. Given the size, she surmised it was Paul. She slid her hand to his penis. It was as wide, hard, and hot as her fantasies. Continuing to kiss Armando while Jason pumped into her, she slid her hand up and down Paul's length.

Jason groaned then shuddered. He stayed between her legs heaving for a several seconds before pulling out.

“May I have a go?” Armando asked into her mouth.

“Yes,” she breathed out the word.

Armando kissed her a few more times then stepped between her legs. He entered her quickly. He pumped faster and harder then Jason had, and Anita's body responded by spiraling toward another orgasm. Anita felt the tip of a penis press against one of her nipples. She arched her back trying to increase the pressure. Paul accommodated her by cupping her breast as he flitted the head of his penis across one nipple then the other. The combination proved too much, and Anita crashed into another orgasm that cascaded into Armando's coming as well.

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