Anna (Book 2, The Redemption Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Anna (Book 2, The Redemption Series)
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“Oh,” she says with a nod of her head, “he’s good.”

I laugh because I totally agree with her.

“Yes, he’s very good,” I tell her. “I just hope I can make him realize how wonderful a man he truly is.”



The next morning I wake to a soft knock on my door.

I rise up on my elbows and say drowsily, “Come in.”

Lucas opens the door
, and Luna bounds in ahead of him, jumping up on my bed and immediately pouncing on Vala like she wants to play. It makes me laugh because Vala looks clueless as to what to do with the pup.

She thinks you’re a real dog,” I tell Vala.

Luna goes to the back of Vala and vigorously begins to sniff her backside.

Vala instantly stands up with a yelp and promptly jumps down to the floor.

Well,” Vala says in a huff, “she is certainly going to have to learn her boundaries where certain parts of my anatomy are concerned.”

I giggle as Luna
pads over to me and lays flat on her back so I can rub her belly.

I hope you’re hungry,” I hear Malcolm say as he walks in through my open door. He’s carrying a wooden tray with a plate and a full glass of milk on it. I sit up and prop a pillow behind my back as Malcolm sets the tray over my lap. Beautifully arranged on a white plate are three fluffy pancakes in the shape of hearts. Slices of strawberries surround the pancakes outlining them and a heart made out of whipped cream sits in the middle of the top pancake. I smile.

That’s what I wanted to see,” Malcolm says, leaning down and kissing me lightly on the lips. “How are you feeling this morning?”

I’m ok,” I tell him. “Let’s see how I feel after I eat.”

Take your time,” Malcolm tells me. “We’re not in any rush.”

I pick up the fork and knife as Lucas scramble
s onto my bed and Vala cautiously returns, keeping a wary eye on the frisky Luna.

Do you think it’s odd nothing’s happened yet?” I ask Malcolm.

I know he understands what I’m really asking by the frown that appears on his face.

“I say we don’t worry about it until we have to. They'll make themselves known eventually.”

I wouldn’t be worried about it if it wasn't for my papa,” I reply as I pour some syrup onto the pancakes from a small glass dispenser.

We still have feelers out to see if we can find him on our own,” Malcolm says, but I can tell from the tone of his voice that he isn’t holding out much hope that we’ll be able to find my papa by ourselves.

Hey, Anna,” Lucas says, “do you think you could teach me how to fight with a sword today?”

She might not feel like it today, Lucas,” Malcolm warns.

I tell you what,” I say to Lucas. “Let me finish my breakfast, and I’ll show you some of the basics. How does that sound?”

Lucas’ face lights up with excitement.

“Sounds great, Anna,” he says, but I can see some of his happiness diminish.

What’s wrong?” I ask him.

I feel really funny calling you Anna. Can I just start calling you mommy now?”

I look up at Malcolm. Malcolm looks down at me and winks with a small grin on his face.

I look back at Lucas and cover one of his little hands with one of mine.

Yes,” I tell him. “You can start calling me mommy now.”

The cheerfulness returns to Lucas’ face which makes me smile.

“I need to go back downstairs and speak with Brutus about something,” Malcolm tells us. “I’ll be back up as soon as I’m through.”

Malcolm leans down and kisses me again before leaving the room.

“So, when are you and dad getting married?” Lucas asks me point blank after Malcolm is gone.

I chew on the pancake I just put in my mouth slowly to give me time to think of a reply.

After I swallow, I say, “Well, as soon as your father asks me, I would imagine we’ll have the wedding not long after.”

Ohhhh, you guys are still courting,” Lucas says knowingly. “How long do you think that will take?”

I giggle.
“Why? Are you in a hurry for us to get married?”

Yes,” Lucas says, not even making an attempt to hide his true desires.

The honesty of children can be very refreshing.

“I just think your dad wants to take things a little slow,” I tell Lucas. “And I think it’s sweet of him to want to romance me first.”

I saw Millie sewing your wedding dress,” Lucas tells me.

You did?” I ask, surprised to hear this news. “When?”

While we were in Cirrus,” he says. “I guess she’ll have to start all over since we can’t go back there yet.”

Could you tell how far along she was in making it?”

Lucas shrugs his shoulders.
“It looked almost done to me.”

I consider this
new information before asking, “Do you know where she put it?”

It’s in that big walk in closet next to your bedroom. She left it there before we went to the desert to meet you and the other Watchers.”

Thank you, Lucas.”

For what?” Lucas asks, looking confused.

For letting me know my wedding dress is almost done.”

But how are you gonna get it?”

Let me worry about that,” I tell him.

After I get through eating my breakfast, I ask Lucas to leave so I can get dressed.

Once he’s out of the room, I quickly put on some of the clothes Millie bought me.

What are you planning, Anna?” Vala asks me, knowing I’m up to something.

I have to go get my dress,” I tell her. “You heard Lucas. Millie was almost finished with it.”

You can’t go to Cirrus!” Vala shouts.

Shhh,” I tell her. “I’ll just phase up there and phase right back. I won’t even be gone long enough for you to miss me.”

It’s dangerous, Anna,” Vala cautions. “At least take me with you for protection.”

I won’t be gone long enough for you to protect me from anything,” I say in exasperation.

But, Anna...”

Listen, I'll go up and be back before you can count to twenty,” I promise her.

If you're not, I'm telling Malcolm where you've gone,” she warns.

Ok, but you won't have to. I'll be right back!”

I phase straight
into my walk in closet in Cirrus, which is as big as my bedroom.

The dress isn't hard to find because it's laid out on the table in the middle of the room.

It’s a gorgeous white one shoulder gown with a twisted bodice and full flowing skirt. It was simple, classic and beautiful in its design, unlike the monstrosity of a dress I had to wear to my wedding to Levi.

The moment
I reach out to pick it up I feel the sharp point of a blade being stabbed into my left shoulder.

Hello, wife,” I hear Levi say close behind me, “I think we need to have a little chat.”

Chapter 19

Levi twists the blade until it scrapes against bone
, causing me to fall to my knees in agony, but I don’t let out a cry. I won’t give him the satisfaction.

Having fun in your little lovers’ hideaway with Malcolm?” Levi asks me, bending down as he holds the hilt of the dagger in place. “I wouldn’t get too comfortable if I were you, my little dove. Paradise can’t last forever.”

I grab a handful of Levi’s hair and push back on his head as hard as I can. He goes flying into a set of drawers on the wall behind me. I reach up and pull the silver dagger out of
my shoulder and keep hold of it. I’m getting really tired of him using it on me.

I stand up and turn to face him.

I immediately see the after effects of Lucifer trapping a soul in a dying body. Auggie's skin was always pale, but Levi looks white as a sheet. There are black and blue bruises on his face that no amount of makeup could ever cover up. The irises of his eyes are turning white making me wonder if he can actually see me at all.

What are you staring at?” Levi asks irritably, standing to his feet.

I’m not sure,” I tell him, almost feeling sorry for him. Almost.

What? No clever jest come to mind about my state of decay?”

If you want me to say that I think you deserve what you got, then yes, I think you deserve it. You were going to kill Lucas even after we gave you what you wanted.”

Not everything I wanted,” Levi says. “But I suppose having a child with you isn't really a possibility anymore considering my present state. This body is dead. I can’t exactly enjoy the pleasure of yours any longer. I suppose you and Malcolm have consummated your relationship by now anyway.”

I hesitate but then say,
“That’s really none of your business.”

Levi stares at me then
doubles over in laughter. “You mean to tell me Malcolm hasn’t sealed the deal with you yet? What did you do to him?”

I didn’t do anything to him,” I say, feeling offended by not only his tone but by the question itself.

Well, you must have done something. I’ve never known Malcolm to pass up a free piece of ass before. Are you playing hard to get, my little dove? Or have you decided to keep true to our wedding vows?”

Our wedding was a sham and you know it, Levi. The only reason I went through with it was to legally become empress.”

Levi looks at the dress still lying on the table
behind me. Before I know what he’s doing, his lightning whip appears in his right hand, and he slashes it towards the table. The dress disintegrates on impact only leaving behind the outline of its beauty in a pile of black ash.

I don’t think you’ll be needing a new wedding dress anytime soon, do you, wife? Wouldn’t that mean killing me first? Or have you forgotten that I still have Andre?”

I stare at the
remnants of the beautiful dress Millie made for me and feel my eyes tear up. Everything Levi touches becomes ruined, and the reminder that he still holds my papa against his will only makes matters worse.

No,” I answer. “I haven’t forgotten about my father. In fact, he’s the only thing keeping you alive right now.”

You know what I can’t believe?” Levi says incredulously. “I can’t believe your real father hid for all these years and then suddenly decides to show back up just when I have everything I need set into place. As far as I knew, he hadn’t stepped one foot out of Hell since your mother died.”

Why?” I ask, looking back at Levi. I was told Lucifer hadn’t been seen since my mother’s death, but the fact that he remained in Hell all that time was never mentioned to me.

How should I know?” Levi says, like I've just asked an insignificant question. “It’s not exactly like we’re bosom buddies. I just figured he gave up on living after Amalie died.”

That’s quite enough, Levi,” I hear Lucifer say.

I look to the doorway connecting my closet and bedroom to see Lucifer standing
in the opening.

Why don’t you be a good little emperor and go back to your palace to play.”

Levi looks at Lucifer in disgust but doesn’t try to argue with him. He simply phases away.

“Why are you here?” Lucifer asks me, looking perplexed by my presence.

I came to get something.”

What could be so important that you would risk coming here to get it?”

Millie made me a wedding dress,” I tell him.

Lucifer’s eyes
find the still smoldering ashes on the table behind me, but he doesn’t say anything about it.

You should go back to Malcolm’s home, Anna. You’ll be safe there. In fact, feel free to phase anywhere you want in the down-world. None of the princes will bother you if you stay down there.”

Are you ordering me not to come back to Cirrus?”

I’m advising you to stay down-world. Enjoy your life, Anna. It can be a good one if you forget about the fool’s errand my father has sent you on. Just let things go and no one will get hurt.”

Is that a threat?”

No,” Lucifer says shaking his head, “this is my way of trying to give you an easier life than the one my father wants you to have. Simply walk away from His mission Anna or people will get hurt.”

That sounds oddly like a threat to me,” I hear Malcolm say from my bedroom.

I phase in there and find him standing by my bed. When he looks at me, his eyes
immediately land on the wound on my shoulder.

He phases to me
to get a closer look at it.

Did he do this to you?” Malcolm asks, a hard edge to his voice.

No. It was Levi.”

Do you have a healing wand here?”

I nod.
“There should be one in the bathroom.”

Malcolm doesn’t hesitate. He walks to my bathroom and returns a few seconds later with the black healing wand in his right hand. I unbutton the shirt I’m wearing to give him easier access to the stab wound. I look up at Malcolm’s face and notice his jaw muscles tighten
in anger as he passes the device over my injury, healing it instantly.

I swear to God I’m going to kill that bastard one day,” Malcolm grits out between his clinched teeth.

Not if I get to him first,” I say.

At least you can actually kill him,” Malcolm concedes. “I could only hurt him...badly.”

Malcolm lets his hand with the healing wand in it fall to his side after
the wound is mended. He then turns his attention to Lucifer who has remained silent during our interaction.

Long time, no see Lucifer,” Malcolm says. “I thought you had fallen into a deep, black hole somewhere. It’s disappointing to see that I was wrong.”

As witty as ever, Malcolm,” Lucifer says with a tight grin. “I can’t quite comprehend what my daughter sees in a Neanderthal like you.”

She sees someone who loves her without question,” Malcolm tells him. “Too bad you can’t say the same.”

You know I told her she could find someone better than you. Surely, you can’t disagree with that considering the fact that I know all of your deepest and darkest secrets.”

I have nothing to hide from Anna,” Malcolm tells Lucifer. “So you can tell her whatever you want.”

Lucifer studies Malcolm like he’s trying to silently judge just how much Malcolm truly does
care about me.

If you love her,” Lucifer says, “keep her down-world. You’ve got power down there. You can both have a good life. Stop her from trying to retrieve the seals.”

So you can unleash them one day?” Malcolm asks suspiciously. “You recall I’ve seen firsthand what they can do when they're broken open. I’ll stop you from doing that here in the Origin. Whatever Anna needs me to do to help her get them all back, I'll do it.”

If you love her,” Lucifer says forcefully, “I mean
love her. You will stop her from retrieving them!”

Why? So she doesn’t have to kill you?” Malcolm challenges. “Are you saying all this just to save your own skin, Lucifer? Are you that scared of dying? I never thought you would openly show what a coward you actually are.”

Lucifer scowls at Malcolm.
“Unfortunately, you're just as foolish as I always thought you were, Malcolm. If you don’t listen to what I’m telling you, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

Malcolm takes my hand.
“I think it’s time we went back home.”

Lucifer looks at me. Beneath his scowl, I can see true concern for my welfare. But why? Was Malcolm right and Lucifer was simply trying to prevent me from killing him in the end or was there something else going on that he wasn’t telling us about.

“Stay down there this time,” Lucifer says to me just before he phases away.

Malcolm phases
us back to his bedroom in New Orleans. I lay the silver dagger in my hand down on the nightstand just before Malcolm pulls me into his arms.

What were you thinking?” He asks me in a mixture of exasperation and worry. “No dress is worth you risking your life for.”

It was my wedding dress,” I tell him, thinking this should be answer enough.

We can buy you a thousand wedding dresses,” Malcolm says, hugging me even tighter. “But you’re irreplaceable, Anna.”

I’m sorry I made you worry. I thought I could go get it and be back before you even knew I was gone.”

I’m just glad Vala came and told me where you went. She was sick with worry over you not returning when you said you would.”

I pull back from Malcolm.
“I should go apologize to her. I should probably apologize to Millie too since what I did made Levi destroy the dress she made me.”

I begin to pull away but keep hold of one of Malcolm’s hands as I turn towards the door to the room.

“Hey,” Malcolm says, squeezing my hand and tugging on it to make me look back at him. “We’ll get you another dress. It’s not the end of the world.”

I know. It’s just that Levi always seems to find a way to ruin things. It’s getting really old and tiresome.”

He’ll get what he deserves in the end,” Malcolm assures me.

He looked like he was already suffering,” I say, remembering how Levi looked in Auggie’s decaying corpse.

Good,” Malcolm says without an ounce of compassion for the prince of Hell. “Lucifer actually did us a favor for once.”

Why do you think he was so adamant that I stay here in the down-world?”

Malcolm shrugs.
“Who knows? The only thing I can tell you is that the reason benefits him in some way. Lucifer never does anything unless it helps his latest agenda. As soon as we figure that out, we’ll understand why he wants you to stay down here.”

It’s just that…” I falter because I’m not sure how to explain what I feel.

What is it that you’re thinking?” Malcolm asks gently, obviously seeing that I’m having trouble voicing my thoughts.

I get the feeling he’s trying to protect me from something,” I say.

Lucifer’s only ever been worried about protecting himself and his own interest,” Malcolm says in disgust. “If you try to get in the way of those things, he’ll cut you down as quickly as he can.”

But he wasn’t like that with my mother, right?”

I can see the reluctance on Malcolm’s face as he admits,
“No. He was different with Amalie.”

Then maybe he’s being different with me too, Malcolm. I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt for now until we learn something that makes us think otherwise.”

Give Lucifer the benefit of the doubt?” Malcolm asks like this is a concept beyond his comprehension. “Only for you would I even attempt such a feat.”

Come on,” I say, gently pulling on his hand. “Let’s go tell the others what happened.”

We find Millie, Lucas, Vala, and Luna down in the kitchen. I tell Millie about the dress, but she doesn’t seem too bothered by it.

I can make you a new one in a jiffy,” she tells me. “Don’t you worry about a thing, my sweet.”

Yeah,” Lucas say, as he sits at the table eating a cookie, “now all we need is for
to pop the question.”

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