Anna's Heart (Wilderness Brides Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Anna's Heart (Wilderness Brides Book 2)
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“Daniel was getting restless after all the snow we’ve had this winter.” Aimee laughed. “So he mentioned the idea of coming to Jackson’s Hole to visit Alex and Evie Walker.” Her eyes darted to her husband and her smile widened. “All it took was a comment from our son-in-law, Chase, that Daniel was getting too old to make the trip, and his mind was made up.”

She stepped up to Daniel and hugged his arm. The old trapper scowled, but there was a definite twinkle and softness in his dark eyes when he returned his wife’s gaze.

“We are on our way home from the other side of the Teewinots. Alex and Evie send their greetings.”

“Well, next time tell that old coot Walker not ta be a stranger so long,” Harley chimed in. “Jes saw his son, Lucas, a few days ago. At least that boy ain’t shy about comin’ fer visits.”

Daniel nodded. “We passed Lucas on our way here. I told him to get home if he wanted to see his brother before he sets out for Boston.”

Harley’s eyes widened. “Boston? What does Joseph wanna go ta Boston fer?”

“He made a promise to an old chief of a band of Bannock that he’d find his granddaughter and bring her home.”

Harley shot Ethan a perplexed look, as if he was supposed to know what was going on. Ethan shrugged. Joseph Walker had been married to a Blackfoot woman and lived with the Bannock tribe for a time, but that wouldn’t explain why he’d go to Boston.

“I remember ole Alex Walker’s friend, that French trapper, Laurent an’ his Injun wife, got kilt by some low-down varmint. Met both of ‘em once, an’ their little gal. Thought she got kilt, too.” Harley’s eyes volleyed between Daniel and his wife. “Plum shame what happened to ‘em.”

“Everyone seems to think she’s dead, but Joseph is determined to find out for sure. He’ll be gone for most of the year,” Aimee said. Her eyes went to the new cabin nestled against several tall pines about fifty yards away. “Things have changed around here, I see.”

Harley laughed. “Ya don’t know the half of it.” He swept his hand to the cabin door. “Let’s go inside and I’ll get ya sommat ta drink, and we’ll all catch up on news.”

Ethan followed them into the cabin, bracing himself for the inevitable meeting with Anna Porter. He barely set foot across the threshold to see that the room was empty. Like Trevor had said, dried mud was smeared across the floor in front of the door, while the rest of the cabin was as neat and tidy as it had ever been.

He stepped fully into the room. Several pheasants lay on the table. The fire in the hearth burned low. Where was Miss Porter? Leaving the place less than spotless was not like her. Had he upset her enough with his callous outburst earlier that she’d clearly left in a hurry? Ethan raked his fingers through his hair and cursed under his breath.

Chapter Three

he cabin door
squeaked on its hinges. The loud sound screeched like a high-pitched violin and was drawn out as the door slowly opened. A thin ribbon of light entered the dark cabin, becoming wider the longer the hinges squeaked. Anna sniffled and wiped the back of her hand across her face. She braced her arm on the mattress of her bed and struggled to a sitting position.

“Anna?” Cora’s quiet voice called from the other side of the door. “Are you in here?”

Anna sat up fully on her bed, bringing her legs to the ground. Her time of solitude was apparently over. At least she’d had a few precious hours to herself, since there was little privacy in this small cabin. Her bunk stood against the wall next to the door while Caroline and Josie shared the small alcove partitioned off from the main room by a curtain they’d sewn and hung.

“I’m here, Cora,” she acknowledged, her voice raspy. Her time of solitude and feeling sorry for herself were over. Cora’s head peered around the cabin door, then she stepped fully into the room.

“Patrick told me the last time he’d seen you was at the men’s cabin, washing floors. He brought you a fresh bucket of water, but that was several hours ago.” She closed the door behind her, a frown on her face.

Anna swiped some hair away from her cheek and adjusted the kerchief on top of her head. She forced a smile.

“I was feeling poorly, so I thought I’d come in here and lie down for a few minutes. I must have fallen asleep.”

Anna smoothed down the front of her dress, avoiding eye contact with her friend. A twinge of guilt hit her at the untruth of her words. She may have been feeling poorly after her confrontation with Ethan Wilder, but not in the sense she’d implied. And, she’d definitely not been asleep. She’d simply needed to get away from everyone for a time and wallow in her misery alone.

Cora rushed up to the bed. The mattress groaned when she sat down beside her. The frown on her face had changed to a look of worry.

“Feeling poorly?” Her hand touched Anna’s forehead. “Have you been working too hard?” Cora’s eyes narrowed and she tilted her head while studying her. “You should have asked for help.”

Anna shook her head. She averted her eyes and glanced at her clasped hands in her lap. Blinking quickly, she forced away a new rush of tears. What on earth was going on with her? She wasn’t usually this weepy. Cora’s arm went around her shoulder.

“How long have you been feeling sick?” The concern in her voice was real.

Anna shook her head to avoid answering. “I’m sorry for pining the day away in here,” she stammered. “I should get supper ready for the men.” She moved to stand, but Cora’s hand on her shoulder stopped her.

“I don’t want you to worry about anything. Caroline and Josie have supper nearly finished. If you need to rest, I can bring you some food. I’m sure our visitors will understand if you don’t feel like meeting them until tomorrow.”

Anna lifted her head. She’d never avoided work a day in her life, even when she’d truly felt ill. Guilt nagged at her at the mention of visitors. She’d left the other cabin with a mess on the floor. The mud Patrick had tracked in still needed to be cleaned. She shook her head. It wasn’t really her home, or her cabin to worry about. The men certainly didn’t care, so why did it bother her so much?

“Anna?” Cora gave her a gentle nudge. “What can I get you? I could fetch Aimee Osborne, one of the guests. Wait until you meet her. You’ll really like her. She’s a healer, almost like a real doctor here in the wilderness. She’ll know what to do to make you feel better.”

Anna stiffened. She didn’t need a doctor. There was nothing wrong with her that medicine would cure. “A woman doctor?”

Cora smiled. “I believe so. She sure has Caroline’s attention. You know how fascinated she’s been with learning how to treat wounds, ever since Trevor saved Nathaniel’s life. Aimee’s the one who taught him.”

A quiet shudder passed through Anna. Nathaniel had nearly died from a gunshot wound on their way to the valley last summer. Neither she nor Cora had known what to do for him. If his brothers hadn’t come along, he would have bled to death. Trevor had sewn him up, and Caroline had been fascinated ever since, talking about wishing she had some books on medicine she could read. Trevor had taught her some of the things he knew about plants that had medicinal properties, as well as how to treat wounds from burns or simple cuts.

“I don’t need a doctor, Cora.” Anna raised her eyes to her friend. She had to tell her about what had been on her mind more frequently over the last few weeks, ever since the weather had warmed. It was time she left the valley. “I just needed some time alone to think about things.”

Cora studied her. A knowing look passed through her eyes. They’d been friends since they were little girls, and they knew each other well. Cora was aware that she hadn’t wanted to stay in the valley, and wanted to continue on to Oregon. The subject hadn’t come up all winter, but this might be a good time to finally bring it up.

Her encounter with Ethan Wilder earlier had left her more shaken up than she cared to think about. He was yet one more reason to leave. She’d made the best of the months she’d been here, even hoping to learn to like it here. Going to Oregon on her own was a daunting thought, but it had to be done.

She had to stand on her own and find that special place in the world where she’d truly feel at home. Cora had found that place in this valley, with a man by her side who loved her. Perhaps someday she might be ready to think about that again, too – a home, a good husband, and a family of her own. It wasn’t going to happen here in Harley’s Hole, though.

“What’s going through your mind?” Cora asked, almost hesitantly. “What happened that you left the other cabin earlier? Patrick was surprised that you had gone. He said you’d asked him to bring fresh water.”

Anna sat straighter. She inhaled a deep breath. She opened her mouth to speak when the door squeaked again. Caroline entered, followed by Josie. The youngest of the Hudson girls was dressed like the Wilder men, including a large hunting knife that hung from her hip. It had been a Christmas gift from Harley.

She wore her blonde hair in one long braid down her back, looking so much different than the timid young girl she’d been a year ago. Josie had definitely adjusted to living in the wilderness, even if she still didn’t talk to most of the men.

“There you are,” Caroline said with a bright smile on her face. “Supper is almost ready, and the men are getting restless. You know how they get when they aren’t fed.” Her eyes darted from her sister to Anna. “Mrs. Osborne is trying to hold them off until we return. Travis is complaining the loudest, but not even he wants to be in her bad graces, especially with her husband standing nearby with his rifle.” She giggled.

Josie let out an audible huff at the mention of Travis’ name. She mumbled something unappealing under her breath.

Caroline took a step closer, her eyes wide with excitement. “Ethan isn’t as sullen as usual.” She glanced over her shoulder, then leaned forward as if she were sharing a deep secret. “Trevor told me Ethan went to the creek to bathe and put on clean clothes and everything. Apparently the Osbornes are highly respected around here.”

Anna coughed. Her hand went to cover her mouth. When she darted a hasty look at Caroline, heat crept into her face. No doubt Ethan’s reason for bathing had nothing to do with their visitors. She clasped her cold hands against her cheeks, which grew hotter by the second.

“You didn’t feel warm a moment ago,” Cora remarked, a worried look on her face. “But you’re looking rather flushed now. Maybe we should get Aimee to take a look at you.”

Anna shook her head. She stood from the bed and walked across the room, keeping her back turned to the sisters.

“No, I’m fine. I feel fine,” she stammered. “It’s just a bit warm in here.” She wrapped her arm around her middle, staring at nothing in particular. How could she possibly go out and face Ethan Wilder after what she’d done? He’d never looked angrier than when he’d stood in front of her with dirty water running down his face.

It was time to tell Cora and the others that she had to leave. Ethan had never liked any of them here. He’d had no choice but to accept Cora and her sisters and brother, but it was different for her. Anna wasn’t related to them.

She couldn’t hold back the quiet sob that escaped her lips. She’d been part of the family for so long, it would be nearly impossible to say goodbye.

Gentle hands wrapped around her shoulders, then the three sisters surrounded her. Each one of them looked at her with worry.

Cora was the first to speak. “What is going on, Anna? You’re not acting yourself.”

“I did something horrible.” The words burst from Anna’s mouth. She buried her face in her hands, unable to control her sobbing.

“What happened?” Cora prodded.

Caroline touched her arm. “You’re incapable of doing something horrible.”

Anna peered at her. “I did. He’s never liked me before. He surely hates me now.”

“Did what?” Cora looked more confused than before. “And who do you think hates you?”

Anna inhaled a lungful of air. Her spine stiffened as she glanced from one sister to the other. “I . . . I threw a bucket of water I used to clean the floors at Ethan.” Her breath stuck in her throat.

Three pairs of eyes widened and stared at her.

“What did he do?” Caroline asked. “Even though whatever it is, no doubt he deserved it,” she added without waiting for an answer.

“He didn’t do anything,” Anna stammered. “By the time I saw him walk up to the cabin, I’d already tossed the water at him. It hit him right in the face.”

Cora coughed as if she was choking on something. “In the face?” she snorted. Her mouth opened, then widened until she laughed loudly. Caroline began to giggle, and even Josie joined them.

“Oh, how I wish I could have been there to see the look in his eyes,” Cora sputtered between fits of laughter, holding her side. Caroline wiped at the tears on her face, while Josie held a hand over her mouth to conceal her giggles.

“It wasn’t a pretty sight,” Anna retorted.

“I’m sure it wasn’t.” Cora barely got the words out.

“It’s not funny.” Anna glared at her friends. “He yelled at me, and for good reason. I tried to apologize, but he just became angrier. He’ll chase me off the minute I come near the cabin for sure.”

“No, he won’t,” Caroline said, apparently first to compose herself. She still wore a wide smile. “When Trevor and Travis find out, you’re going to be a hero.”

Anna grabbed Caroline’s hand, imploring her with her eyes. “Don’t you dare tell them what I did. If Ethan didn’t say anything, then I don’t want this getting out. It’ll only make things worse.”

Cora forced air through her nose. “I can’t keep this from Nathaniel. He’s going to get the truth out of me because every time I see Ethan for the rest of today, I won’t be able to stop smiling.”

“It’ll make things worse if you mock him about it.” Anna’s eyes went from Caroline to Cora.

Cora cleared her throat, then sobered. She tilted her head to study Anna’s face. “Why are you letting this bother you so much? You have to admit, it’s funny, especially because it’s Ethan. I always look for ways to get him to stop behaving like a cantankerous mule.”

“Dousing him in muddy water isn’t the way to do it,” Anna huffed.

Cora’s ensuing smile was infectious. Anna’s lips widened, eliciting another laugh from her friend.

“See, you think it’s funny, too.”

“It sure wasn’t funny at the time,” Anna conceded. For hours, she’d cried and fretted over what had happened. Cora and her sisters had immediately seen the humor in the situation. Why hadn’t she seen it, too? It was rather amusing, if only it had been anyone but Ethan. His dark and cold stare still haunted her.

“I thought for sure he was going to strangle me. He’s always been so disagreeable. I know he doesn’t like me underfoot inside his cabin, but this time he was more than livid.”

“Well, I’m sure you caught him off guard, and that’s something he’s not used to.”

Anna scoffed. “Whether he’s used to it or not, he was as rude as always. I did apologize. I certainly didn’t do it on purpose.” She looked from one sister to the next. She needed to explain to someone, since the person most affected would hear none of it. “The bucket was heavy, and I didn’t look up when I stepped outside to toss the dirty water into the yard. I didn’t see him walking up at that moment. He wanted none of my explanation.”

Cora’s hand was back around Anna’s shoulder. She shot a quick look at her sisters. “Why don’t you two go and get supper finished so that we don’t keep the men waiting much longer. Anna and I will be along shortly.”

Caroline exchanged a quick look with Josie, then both girls nodded and left the cabin. Clearly, they’d understood that their sister wanted to speak to Anna alone. Anna raised her brows. Why would Cora want her sisters out of earshot?

Cora took Anna’s hand and led her to one of the chairs around the small table in front of the hearth. She glanced toward the door before she spoke.

“I know it had to be difficult, facing Ethan when he’s mad,” she said, sitting opposite her at the table. “He can seem rather cold and unfeeling, but he truly isn’t like that.”

Anna stared at Cora across the table. She’d wait to hear what else her friend had to say before she disagreed with her. Every encounter with Ethan Wilder over the months had been anything but cordial. There wasn’t a polite bone in the man’s body.

“I’ve never told you this, because I didn’t think it was important,” Cora continued, “but maybe you should know. You are aware of what happened to Ethan’s parents, aren’t you?”

Anna nodded. “You and Nathaniel both told me. They were killed when they moved from Kentucky to settle along the Missouri. Harley found the four boys and raised them in the wilderness. You told me Nathaniel harbored a lot of guilt for not doing more to help defend his parents against the men who killed them.”

Cora reached across the table and wrapped her fingers around Anna’s hand. “Yes, but he’s come to realize that there was nothing he could have done. He was only a boy at the time, and so were the rest of the brothers.”

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