Annihilation: Book 05 - Searcher (28 page)

BOOK: Annihilation: Book 05 - Searcher
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“I look forward to seeing them.”


Terlen, Teng-Gee, do we have your permission to harvest enough trees to make our weapons?”


The Two rulers looked at each other and Terlen said, “Take as many as you need. How are you going to get them to our weapon factories?”


Sprig said, “I think I can handle that.”


Matt tilted his head to the right and Sprig said, “We will place a teleportation device on each device that is used to build a weapon. The machine will be given the coordinates of the appropriate size stone trees on Cainth and once the current tree being processed is manufactured, it will form a field over a tree on their monitor and the field will move down the tree on Cainth only teleporting the size and shape out of the tree needed for the machine. At the other end of the fabricator will be another teleport device that will send it to whatever location we desire once it’s completed.”


Matt shook his head and whistled, “Sprig will you set that up?”


“No, Stem will. He’s actually far better with machines than I am.”


Al sent a thought to Matt, “Amen to that; that’s my pop.”


Matt smiled briefly and then said, “Sprig, are we going to have to use a reservoir to dip our Searcher Class ships?”


“I think I know a way to handle that, Prince Gardner.”


“How, Cassandra?”


“I will take the Kosiev to Glod and move her down to the surface of the planet and extend our hull and absorb as many trees as necessary to coat our ships. The Kosiev will heat the material inside the hull and then extend it into a small field surrounding the hull. The Searchers will fly through that field and come out coated with the surface already smoothed. When they exit the field the cold of space will instantly harden it.”


“Can you do that, Cassandra?”


“I’ve already asked the ship and it says that it knows the exact amount needed to complete the task. We can be ready any time the ships are.”


Tommy said, “You know that if these creatures have energy weapons they will destroy the coating on our ships.”


“They have not used them yet and I think they cannot even if they wanted; no energy weapon would fire through the material their ships are made of and nowhere on their surface have we seen any kind of mounts for that type of armament. As old as this race is, I believe they have become complacent and have not even considered that they are vulnerable. Our universe has two organic trees that are hard enough to penetrate their ships. I suspect that those trees are very rare. No, when we hit them they are going to be shocked. I’m hoping that we can hit them and kill them fast enough so that they won’t have time to communicate to the full invasion what to expect. I also think our screens will stop any energy beam they decide to use.”


Melanie said, “If you can knock out the mother ship quickly, none of the other ships can communicate or travel outside this universe to escape; they will be trapped here.”


Everyone looked at her. She saw them staring and said, “It’s obvious; when their ships enter our universe they only travel in those mother ships. I’m sure it requires tremendous energy to make the universal jump and the other ships are just not big enough to do it. I’ve also noticed that they communicate with their ships using short range telepathy. Did you notice that when the transport came to investigate Hugon that they had to leave to inform the mother ship.”


Anglo said, “They could have communicated and been told to return.”


“They didn’t have enough time to take sensor readings, communicate those readings, and wait until they were interpreted on the mother ship and then be told to return. No, if we knock out the mother ship then the smaller ships will be stranded. We should hit them when they are close to a planet so that the survivors can’t jump away.”


Danielle looked at Melanie and asked, “How did you see this?”


Melanie shrugged, “It’s obvious…..isn’t it?”


Danielle shook her head, “No, it isn’t. I believe that you, like I, have a way of seeing what is happening in situations.”


“She did see the connection with the shard and organic life when we had been missing it,” Matt said.


“You should pay attention to her observations then; I think you will find them valuable.


Matt looked at Melanie, “Count on it.”


“What are you going to do now, Matt,” Danielle asked?


“I’m going to send Aladdin and Wings with the Kosiev to be coated and while that’s being done, I am going with Director McAnn to Earth’s weapons labs to assist in developing the tools we need to defeat these invaders. Melanie is going to take charge of getting our ships coated. General Durk, will you get your warriors ready for coating and will you assist Melanie in setting up a roster for the Searchers to meet the Kosiev and receive their coatings?


“I will begin immediately.”


Teng-Gee stood, “I will get the reservoir ready within five days.”


Terlen said, “I will clear the forest on our northern continent to make sure no one is harmed when we begin harvesting the stone trees. You are actually helping my world in using them; they are a pain to try and clear for development.”


Tag rose from his chair, “Get to work; we have to get ready before the invaders come to the Hugon system.”


The Sensor Male looked at his readout, “First Fang, I’ve detected that strange wave again.”




“It appears to have just expanded and moved to all parts of this universe; I can detect it in all directions.”


The Ship’s Male thought about what he had just heard, “Does it affect us?”


“No, it seems to have no effect at all. It’s just present.”


“Is it a natural phenomenon?”


“I still don’t know. All I can do is read it on our sensors.”


“Perhaps the Crystal Creatures are using it to communicate?”


The Sensor Male raised two legs, “Perhaps, I certainly can’t determine that with my instruments. Are we going to investigate that missing planet?”


“Yes, but not until we feed two more times; I’m not going to have my children left hungry after the main family arrives. I may send some ships to take a closer look before I take the children.”


The Sensor Male vibrated his acceptance and once more thought the First Fang was truly wise. It was good to take care of one’s children.


Matt and Melanie stood talking with Robert McAnn. The Director of Earth’s Government, “Director, I communicated with William Rankdutie about the use of the Cainth stone tree and he promised me some prototypes quickly. Do you know if he has made any progress?”


“Your Grace, I think he has produced some for you to see however, the problem arises that it would be bad policy to start mass production of them without first testing them to see if they actually work in actual combat. We are going to have to produce millions of these new weapons to deal with the numbers of the invading forces and it would be disastrous if they were not effective. What do you want us to do?”


Matt thought a moment and Melanie spoke up and said, “Director, do you know if he has any working prototypes?”


“I’m sure he does.”


“I believe that before the invaders bring their entire force to the Hugon system then will send some ships to investigate first. Perhaps an ambush is in order to trial these new devices.”


Matt looked at Melanie, “Are you certain they will send ships first?”


Melanie thought a moment, “Yes; probably no more than one or two.” Matt stared at her and she said, “It only makes sense. Why would they delay killing billions to fly ten hours inside the system’s jump limit and then have to fly ten hours out; especially when they don’t see any life in the system. I suspect they believe that the planet must have had a natural disaster which destroyed it. Would you divert all your forces for that?”


Matt shrugged and then looked at Robert, “I am going to send two ships to Rank’s lab. I’ll also have twelve Red Warriors also come to be set up with what he has developed.”


“I will notify him, Your Grace.”


“Thank you, Director.”


Robert bowed and teleported back to Earth.




“Yes, Melanie.”


“Are you going to have Al and Fly girl armed with whatever weapons they’ve developed?”


“Why do you ask?”


“Because I assume you are going to want to watch this particular attack.”


“Am I that transparent?”


“Yeah, but I want to be there, too; so we need both ships armed in case we’re needed to support the ships actually carrying out our plan.”


“We will remain behind our red screens so we should be safe, however, I order you not to take part in the action without direct orders; is that clear?”


Melanie smiled, “Why absolutely, Your Grace.”


Matt chuckled and smiled, “Oh boy; make sure Fly Girl gets your armor coated on Glod while we’re on Earth.”


“I will.”

Chapter 15

ewly promoted Col. Brez sat in the landing bay on the Searcher class ship War’s End. The bay was only twenty yards long by 15 yards wide but it was enough room for twelve warriors to fit with all their armor. Six of the warriors were going to teleport out shortly to the Quilleron Sword after the planning session was complete. Brez looked at his men and said, “We have been given some prototypes to trial against the Eight Legs. The two ships we’re on will fly through the Hugon system if the invaders send ships to investigate this system. We will not be using our invisibility screen and should be easily seen by the invaders. We think that they won’t pass up the chance for a free meal and will also want to take a look at any ship in this system. Once they land on our hulls, four of us will teleport out to the surface of the ship surrounding the green ship. We believe that they will not penetrate the iron tree coating on the surface but we will not take any chances. The two remaining on board will move under the place where they land and be prepared to repel boarders if they breach the hull. The four on the outside will engage the boarders with the weapons we have been provided. We expect there to be eight Eight Legs on each ship so be prepared to handle at least two. We believe that they cannot penetrate our armor with its new coating; however, I don’t want any of you allowing them close enough to see if I’m right. Use your marble guns first. We need to determine if the balls of stone tree will penetrate the green armor they wear; any questions?”


“What happens if they breach the ship and take control?”


Brez hesitated and then said, “Teleport out and the ship will be destroyed.”


Juck raised one of his four arms, “Why have we been given these swords.”


“They are made from the heart of a stone tree’s trunk which is the hardest part of the tree and sharpened to match the finest blades in the Realm. We didn’t just want to leave you with only one weapon if it failed.”


Juck smiled, “I just like that they are the same size as my short swords.”


Brez shook his head, “Guns first, Juck; swords only if we are forced to it.”


Juck smiled, “Yes, Team Leader. I’ll just hold them in my extra hands.”


The Vrig Searcher stuck his head in the landing bay, “Just received word that the invaders are leaving the planet. If ships are coming they will probably be arriving at our jump limit within eight hours.”


Brez looked at the Vgrig Searcher and said, “Aye, Aye, Sir. We’ll be ready in four hours.”


The Vgrig smiled and returned Brez’s salute then left the landing bay. “You heard the Searcher, get your gear ready and those of you going to the other ship test your teleport systems to make sure you land on whatever section of the hull the invaders hit.”


Juck said, “Attention!” The eleven Red Warriors came to attention and saluted.


Brez stood, returned their salutes, and said, “Dismissed, go to your stations.”


Matt and Melanie were watching the feed being sent from the probe and Melanie said, “Two ships have accelerated past the mother ship and are moving toward the jump limit. All the others are reentering the mother ship. I think those will be coming here.”


“Boy, you’re good. Have you checked your armor?”


“I’m wearing it now. It’s not as shiny as before but I can live without the shine and polish.”


“I’ve seen that.”


“Oh, now you’re being cute. I have the hat on under my helmet.’


“I knew you would. Has Fly Girl gotten a feel for the guns on her hull?”


“Yeah, she was able to hit a barrel she teleported out from a distance of six miles. From the range we’re looking at in this action she could probably write her name on the Eight Legs with that gun.”


“I’ll take War’s End; you take the other. Remember, we can’t intervene too quickly; the Red Warriors must be given a chance to trial their weapons.”


“I know; I do fear we will lose some of them. Let’s hope I’m wrong.”

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