Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings (27 page)

BOOK: Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings
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“Let me know when you’re certain.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

• • •

Cynthia and Lydia were walking back to the dorm from class when Cynthia suddenly stopped and her eyes went wide. Lydia said, “What?”

Cynthia turned to Lydia and hugged her tightly, “He’s ok. He’s ok.”

Lydia hugged Cynthia and felt her joy. She so longed to have that kind of attachment with someone. She smiled and said, “I knew he would be.” Cynthia looked at her, with her puzzlement obvious. “When we were ten years old I once asked AG if he was going to marry this girl he had chosen. He didn’t answer but he smiled. He will come back, Cyn. And he’ll be coming for you.”

Cynthia’s tears were immediate and Lydia led her to the dorm.

• • •

AG and Jerry sat in Lt. Colonel Green’s bunker at the firebase as Colonel Jensen told them about the firestorm back at headquarters they had precipitated. Brian listened in and knew he was losing his two best officers. “Why didn’t you call in air support and bomb that escaping division?”

“The only way to protect my men was to allow them to leave peacefully, Sir.”

“You would have probably gotten away with it but you called in medivac choppers to move your wounded. You wouldn’t have done that if they still had anti-aircraft capability.”

AG looked at Jerry and then turned back to Jensen and shrugged, “It was a risk I had to take, Sir.”

“You should have called in air support.”

“Then I would have been violating my promise and I would be no better than the enemy we’re fighting, Sir.”

Brian said, “What’s going to happen now, Colonel?”

“Oh, there’s a lot more working against you than the botched call for air support. It seems South Vietnam Intel is now calling for us to discipline you for the Van Boa execution.” The three officers stared at Jensen and waited. Jensen said, “The Old Man knows what you did here and has decided that the Army needs the two of you too much to lose you to political maneuvers. He’s decided to promote both of you to the rank of Lt. Colonel and send you back to the States to start advanced studies.”

AG furrowed his brow and said, “Advanced studies?”

“Officers above the rank of Major are often taken out of active duty to attend college classes to better prepare them for their careers. It gives them a better balance of information to make important decisions.”

“What colleges take part in this program?”

“All of them. Most of them are not aware of the students being in the military. However, the student must qualify with their SAT scores and grades to normally attend the college they choose.”

Jerry looked at Jensen and said, “I’d like to go to MIT.”

Do you have the grades and appropriate scores?”

“I do.”

Jensen looked at AG, “What about you?”

“Harvard is my choice.”

“Same question?”

“I believe I do.”

“We’ll collect your transcripts and let you know. We’ll also submit them to other universities in the event you aren’t able to go to your first choice.”

Brian looked at Jensen, “What happens in the meantime?”

“They will continue here in their commands until we can place them. We’ll hold off South Vietnam Intel until they have left for the States and then it will be a moot point.”

Brian looked at AG, “Who should replace the two of you?”

“Charles Weston should take my battalion.” AG looked at Jerry and said, “I believe Captain Bingham should replace Jerry.”

Jensen frowned at AG but Jerry said, “I concur; Captain Bingham is ready to handle the troops and he’s earned their respect for the bravery he’s exhibited.”

Jensen tilted his head, “Are you sure about Bingham?”

“He commanded my battalion while I was with the Ghosts, Sir. He did an outstanding job.”

Jensen turned to Brian and he nodded. Jensen shrugged and said, “I’ll process the promotions immediately. I don’t expect this to take long.”

Jensen stood and AG and Jerry saluted. He returned their salute and left the bunker. Brian slowly shook his head, “You know we won’t be as effective.”

“No, but you’ll be better than any other regiment in South Vietnam. Just listen to them like you did us and the men will be safer for it.” AG paused and said, “May I request a meeting of the men just before we leave.”

Brian smiled and said, “They’ll demand it. I’ll keep you updated on what’s happening.” They saluted and left the bunker.


“I’ve always been interested in electronics. I do believe that future wars will be fought with weapons that require no human operator. That’s the future of combat. Besides, Harvard?”

“My girlfriend goes there. I miss her a lot. Where’s your girl?”

“Get real. How can anyone maintain a relationship ten thousand miles away?”

AG smiled, “It’s possible with the right one, Jerry.”

Jerry laughed, “Yeah, right. I’ve got to meet this girl.” Jerry paused and said, “Isn’t Harvard in Boston?”

“Actually Cambridge but it’s right across the river from Boston.”

“Is that the friend you want me to help?”

No, but just be patient and I’ll explain when we arrive.”

“Fair enough; we should talk with Charlie and Bingham.”

“Your bunker or mine?”

“Let’s use mine. We usually use yours.”

“Lead the way.”

• • •

Two weeks later, Lt. Col. Green assembled the Regiment. He stood at a podium and said over the speakers, “At ease.” The men placed their feet shoulder width apart and placed their hands behind their backs. Brian looked out at the Warriors and said, “I have news to share with you and I wanted to be the one to tell you.” He paused and saw many of the men were growing nervous. “Majors Gardner and Dodd have been promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel and will be leaving our Regiment. Captain Charles Weston has been promoted to Major and will replace Col. Gardner. Captain Edward Bingham has been promoted to Major and will replace Col. Dodd.” Brian watched the men closely and saw that their nervousness was dissipating. Once again Gardner had made good decisions. “Majors, take command of your battalions.”

AG turned and said simultaneously with Jerry, “Battalion, Atennnshun.”

Charlie moved out of ranks and came to attention in front of AG, saluted, and said, “Sir, I relieve you.”

AG returned his salute and said, “Your father is proud of you, Charlie. Take care of my men.”

Charlie smiled, “You know I will, Sir.”

AG and Jerry did an about face and moved next to Col. Green. Brian said, “At ease! Col. Gardner wishes to say a few words.”

AG went up to the podium and stared out at the brothers he had fought with for more than two years. He said, “I am honored to have served our country fighting with you. You are the finest soldiers in this army and I know you will continue to make me proud.” The silence was pervasive. AG then said, “I am going to ask you to do one thing for me; as a favor. I want all of you to stay in contact with Majors Weston and Bingham from this moment forward. Always know how to contact them. If you move, let them know. If you change your telephone number, notify them. I also want you to make sure a member of your family knows to continue this even if something happens to you. Will you promise to do this for me?”

“Yes Sir,” rang out in the night.

AG stared at them and they all knew that expression he wore, “There will come a time in the future where you will be asked to assemble at a location and you should bring your families with you. You will have a very short time to arrive so drop everything and come.” AG intently stared at them and they saw his sense of urgency. “I am responsible for your safety. Do not question the reason; drop everything and come. I’m counting on you to follow my last order. Do you understand?”


“You are Warriors. Raise your families with the principles that guide us. Remember, you can always count on each other.”

AG stepped away from the podium and Colonel Green said, “Regiment…”

Charlie and Edward echoed him… “Dismissed.”

The men rushed forward to wish AG and Jerry farewell. None of them questioned the reason for AG’s request but they all knew they were going to follow it. They knew the White Demon was never wrong and saw things they couldn’t.

• • •

Jerry sat on the Huey with AG and said, “What was that about?”

AG looked at Jerry, “Another war is coming, Jerry. We have to be ready when it arrives.”

“I hope you’re more open as to what you mean.”

“I will tell you at the appropriate time. That will be years from now. However, I am going to need you most of all.”

Jerry stared at AG and stuck out his hand, “I’m your man.”

AG shook it and said, “Yes, you are.”

• • •

Cynthia looked at Emily and said, “You’re gorgeous. This dress is just beautiful.”

Emily smiled and looked at Lydia, “Are you going to the dance?” Lydia shook her head. “You should be going. You can’t continue to wait for Mr. Perfect.”

Lydia sighed, “You’re probably right, but I can’t tell you how ill I am around most of the men here.”

Emily smiled and said, “Have you heard from that man of yours?”

“No, he said he was going to be caught up in some problems with command and that he would write later.”

“I wish the two of you were going with me.”

Lydia laughed, “Silly, you’re going with James.”

“You know what I mean.”

There was a knock on the door and Emily went and answered it, “Yes, she’s here.” Emily turned around and said, “Some guy wants to see you, Cyn.”

Cynthia furrowed her brow and went to the door and found AG standing there with a dozen roses. Cynthia squealed and rushed forward knocking the roses from his hand as she wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him hard. Emily looked at Lydia and saw her smiling. Emily nodded toward the door and Lydia smiled and nodded.

“I’ve missed you, too, Cyn.”

“Oh my love, my life is back.”

Cynthia held on tight and AG smiled over her shoulder, “Hello, Lydia. It’s really good to see you again.”

Lydia rushed forward and hugged AG with Cynthia. Emily could see that both of them really loved the man at the door. She also had to admit that he was quite striking. Those green eyes were amazing. AG leaned back and said, “I understand there is a dance tomorrow night.” Cynthia nodded. “Well, I want you to go with me.” AG looked over Cynthia’s shoulder and said, “And Lydia.”


“I have a friend with me and I’d like you to go with him. I don’t want to leave him alone in a strange city. Will you do that for me?”

Lydia smiled softly, “You know I will.”

“Why are you here?”

“You’re looking at Harvard’s newest freshman. I’m going to be tied up until tomorrow night with all the administrative details, but I’ll be here to pick you up around seven. Is that alright?”

Cynthia said, “Let me go with you.”

Lydia said, “I don’t have anything to wear.”

Cynthia jerked her head around, “Me either.”

Emily said, “It’s time to power shop.”

Cynthia held on to AG and felt his heart beating faster. “I don’t want to let you go.”

AG looked into her eyes and said, “That will never happen again, my love. You need to go shopping.”

Cynthia turned around, “AG, this is Emily. I’ve written about her.”

AG smiled and Emily was overwhelmed with the sense of presence the young man possessed, “It’s good to finally meet you. Thank you so much for being such a good friend to Cynthia.”

“I’m the one that was fortunate to have found her.”

“I think it was good fortune for both of you. Now I’ve got to get out of here. I’m not supposed to be in your room.” Cynthia kissed him hard again and let him leave.

Emily looked at Lydia, “I’m surprised you agreed to go out with his friend.”

“I’m doing it for AG. The friend won’t be around so I won’t have to hurt his feelings by having to tell him I’m not interested. This way we all get to go to the dance.”

Cynthia was in heaven. He was going to be going to Harvard. Life was wonderful. Then Emily said something that snatched her back to reality, “How are you going to dress tomorrow night?”

Lydia suddenly looked at Cyn and said, “She’s right. What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to be as beautiful as I can possibly be for my chosen. I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”

Lydia smiled, “Wellllll…you could delay the shock.”


Lydia told her and she laughed out loud.

• • •

Huang sat on the military transport flying back to China. General Phang was promised to be punished by General Sheng but he suspected that was just a farce. Zheng had requested that Huang be replaced with another and now he was leaving Vietnam. The Premier was furious that they had attempted to kill his representative and there was going to be a period of readjustment. However, they both needed each other so Huang didn’t think anything was going to happen to change the tactics being used by the sadistic leaders in the north.

He looked out the window at the rugged terrain below and thought back to all that he had witnessed in the fight for the hill. The Demon said he was going to have the opportunity to stop his leaders from attacking his domain and incurring the Demon’s wrath. He worried about that but decided to put it out of his mind. His family was waiting on him and it was going to be good to get home. There was a small anxiety in the far recess of his mind and that anxiety remained with him for the rest of his life.

Chapter Nineteen

ynthia and Lydia walked out into the dorm’s lobby and found AG waiting for them. This was the first time Cynthia had seen AG in a suit and tie and she was stunned at how handsome he was. He had matured and his good looks had become great. Lydia said, “Where’s your friend?”

“He’s outside waiting. He’s still amazed by normal life in America. He wanted to watch the people passing by.” Lydia shrugged and AG said, “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

Jerry was sitting on a bench feeding some squirrels nuts he had brought with him in the car. The squirrels were usually quite nervous around humans but Lydia saw that two of them were sitting on his shoulder taking nuts directly from his hand. AG said, “Jerry, this is Lydia. She will be your date tonight.”

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