Another Chance (20 page)

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Authors: Janet Cooper

BOOK: Another Chance
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              * * * *

Wolf stared through the glass, hoping to see
Sarah step out from behind the tree's protection and reviewed his current situation. His obligations allowed little time for anything except protecting his people and seeking revenge for his family. Still, he owed the Stones for bringing necessary food to his plantation. He faced the older man when a solution occurred to him. "I will take her to Chester. From there, she can board a ship to carry her to Philadelphia. The journey will add a day and a half to my trip, but I will make the time."

Benjamin shook his head
. "With the war, there may not be a boat available. Will thou remain until one comes? If thou leaves her, she will come back here. Thou knoweth she is stubborn enough to travel alone."

Annoyed at hearing the truth, Wolf clenched his fists
. "She is your responsibility," he reminded the older man.

Eyeing him curious
ly, the older man replied, "Do not thy traditions require that if thou saves a life, thou has an obligation for it?"

"Yes, but," Wolf said, defending his position, but beginning to feel trapped
. "I cannot manage any more days."

"I understand," said the Quaker in an agreeable tone
. "If I felt stronger, I would take her. Since that is not possible, she must go with thee to Long Meadow Plantation."

do I make her stay? Tie her? Guard her? Spy on her?" Wolf, who seldom lost his control, had done just that. In fact, he had barely been in control. The situation did not please him.

"Thou must do whatever is necessary," Benjamin said simply, as he folded his hands over his chest

His regard for his elders, hammered into him years before, sealed his mouth
. Wolf nodded, but he refused to change the expression on his face showing his displeasure.

"In the wooden chest in her room, thou will find clothes
. Pack what thou believeth she will need."

Wolf knew the look on his face conveyed his reluctance to do as Benjamin bid

Sarah will never agree to leave, so she will not collect her clothes." Benjamin looked at him. "Unless thou wishes to take her without any change of costume?" The older man's quiet evaluations and well-thought out plans stymied Wolf's additional objections.

He stalked to the doorway
. "I will do as you suggest, but I like it not."

"Nor do I," said
Sarah's father. "Nor do I."


              * * * *

Having walked around the yard,
Sarah reached the barn and stared at the open door. Wolf's horse stood in the closest stall. The image of his owner sprang to mind. Her heart twisted painfully. Her desire for Wolf overwhelmed her.

She reached out, tentatively, and patted the chestnut's long, slender nose
. He bobbed his head. She shrank back.

"He will not hurt you

whirled around.

Wolf drew near
then skirted to the opposite side of the stall. "Hello, boy." He caressed the spirited stallion, who whinnied his pleasure. "Shall I hold him for you?"

. I will watch from here," she replied, taking a step backward.

"Are you afraid?"

"A little," she stated honestly.

"Do all horses frighten you?" he prodded

"One threw me," she said
. "I climbed back on," she added in defense of herself.

"Did you continue riding?"

She shook her head. "No. I had no need and I didn’t want to fall again."

"Sometimes there are no roads or paths large enough for a wagon or a cart," he said

right." He had caught her off guard, for she was thinking about cars. "What is his name?" she asked.

Amen apush

"What does that mean in English?"

He continued running his strong, tanned hand up and down the massive head. "
Amen apush
is a mythical hero of the Lenape."

She took a step toward the horse and gingerly touched the tip of his nose
. The stallion's nose nuzzled the side of her hand, and she forced herself not to flinch.

"He likes you," Wolf said

"I think I like him,"
Sarah said, laughing nervously.

Catching sight of the bedroll, her heart dropped
. "Thee art leaving?"

"I must return to my people
." He eased the bridle over the horse's ears.

"My father and I will miss thee
." Sarah truly regretted his impending departure.

"Benjamin Stone is a good man," Wolf said, throwing on the blanket and saddle

"Yes, he is," she stated with conviction

"He cares very much for you
." Wolf tightened the cinch and attached the large rolled-up blanket to the straps behind the saddle.

"I know, and I treasure him
." Saying the words, Sarah acknowledged that although she had known him for only a short time, her affection for Benjamin ran strong and deep.

After leading the horse from the barn, Silver Wolf allowed the reins to hang loose
. Sarah followed and closed the double doors leading to the barn.

Finding her here had surprised Wolf and saved him from searching for her
. He stood beside
Amen apush
, seeking the words to persuade Sarah to come with him. "Your father worries about you," he began.

"I can take care of myself
." A sharp defensiveness edged her words.

He eyed her
. "One against four or five is not favorable odds."

"They will not catch me unprepared again," she retorted

"It is difficult to always be on guard," he responded

"I will ask my father and Mistress Westcoat to help," she said
. Annoyance showed in her voice.

"Benjamin Stone follows the Quaker's beliefs
. Is Mistress Westcoat also of that persuasion?"

. Yes. Oh, I do not know. If her son and husband are fighting, she must not be one. She will help," Sarah said with conviction, and hoped she was right.

Wolf gave her a quizzical
"Can she handle a rifle? Shoot a bow? Throw a knife?" he persisted.

"How do I know?"
Sarah exasperation showed.

"Your father believes you will be safer away from here," Wolf said, trying again

"As I told thee and him, my place is here
." She planted her hands on her hips and stared defiantly.

"Then I have no choice
." Wolf mounted. With one swift move, he reached down and lifted Sarah. He placed her before him.

"What are you doing?"

As he quickly bound her hands with a soft cloth, he wondered if times of stress made Sarah forgot her thees and thys, and if so why? Pushing this thought aside, he responded, jokingly, "Taking a white captive?"

"Let me down!"  Her fury scorched him

"Since I am unable to journey to Philadelphia, your father asked me to take you to my
home." He gathered the reins in the same hand that he placed over Sarah's strapped wrists and held them firmly against her body. His other arm encased her waist like a vise, trying to keep her as immobile as possible. He guided his well-trained horse with his knees.

She struggled to dismount, but he tightened his grip
. "Your father asked me to take you to Long Meadow. We do this for your safety." He nudged his horse forward.

"Let me down," she demanded

Wolf responded by setting his stallion to a gallop, wanting to separate her from the tavern as quickly as possible
. His action caused Sarah to cease struggling. Wolf remembered her comment about falling off a horse. If her accident made her afraid to move, his task might be easier.

"Why do you help him?" she asked, looking ahead, her back ramrod straight and tense

"My people and I owe him a debt of honor
. We will always aid Benjamin Stone if we can. Also, he reminded me of the Lenape custom."

"I am not Lenape," she retorted

"But I am

"What custom?" she questioned, stealing a quick glance, before facing forward

"Curious?" he asked, with amusement


Her words sounded reluctant, and he wished he might see her face

"When a Lenape saves a life, he becomes responsible for that person

"I release you from that bond," she declared, holding her shoulders higher

"You cannot," he said

"Why not?" she persisted

Wolf caught a glimpse of the surprise showing on her face, as she twisted her head slightly
. "Only repaying in kind erases the debt."

"What? Me rescue you?
That is ridiculous," Sarah scoffed.

"Perhaps trusting and believing in honor is ridiculous to a white
. A Lenape cannot live if he forsakes his word."

"You deliberately misunderstood me
. Whites have honor," she said, defensively.

"Not much," he retorted

"If you do not free me, I will jump

"You will get hurt

glanced at the ground, considered their speed, and decided he might be right.

Benjamin had acted from concern, she acknowledged
. Wolf had responded to his request. She was not angry with them for trying to protect her, but neither did they realize the difficulty they had caused her. Nor could she tell them. They would never understand. Trying to change stubborn males' minds was another impossible task.

"We must return
. I have no clothes," she countered.

"They are packed in the bedroll," he informed her quietly

Daring a glance around him, she asked, "In that small blanket? All of my dresses are in that tiny rolled up bundle?"

"I saw no need to take all the chest contained. Instead, I chose a few items."

After another quick look,
Sarah shook her head at the meager size. "What did thee bring?"

He noticed she had switched from 'you' to 'thee'
Did the change suggest she was calming? That had happened before,
he remembered. Her body's movements had also stilled. However, her face showed little change. "You will see when you unwrap them," he replied.

"If I do not have the proper clothes, I cannot stay," she said haughtily
. He knew that she was using any defense she could think of to force him to return her to the inn.

"Lenape women have two or three outfits
. They make do. So will you."

Instead of a hasty look, she stared at him rebelliously
. "I will run away."

He sighed
. "Foolish woman. How will you find your way?"

"I will follow the stars
." Sarah faced ahead.

"You can do this?"

"I took a course and learned how," she replied with pride.

"A course?" he asked

She reddened
. "Lessons."

"Even many Lenape women cannot read the stars
. You have a valuable talent. If you use it to return, you not only disobey your father but place yourself in danger."

"That is my problem
." She lifted her chin.

. Yet because of the love Benjamin Stone bears you, your reaction is selfish."

risked another quick glance. Wolf's face revealed little.

"By placing your life in danger, you will cause him pain
and possibly put him in jeopardy."

His words rang true
. Yet by leaving the tavern she might have left her gateway to the 21
Century. A feeling of sorrow and confusion filled her whole being. She didn’t know where she belonged. Wolf and Benjamin tied her to the 18th century but what about those she had left in her previous life?


              * * * *

They rode for many miles with
Sarah's body pressed against Wolf's.
The English saddle made riding in front of him far more comfortable than with a western one
, she thought. Even so, the slope of the saddle along with the sheer force of gravity forced her rear to press firmly against his crotch.

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